Hood Redemption

By dream_outlouddd

280K 14.9K 3.5K

Hood Redemption More

Can We Be Real?
To My Young Ladies on the DreamTeam
Social Media
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Eight
Hood Redeemed
DreamTeam, Babies
Hood Redeemed
Love Bugs

Twenty Seven

7.2K 425 104
By dream_outlouddd

So y'all know this past weekend was lit because it's Labor Day Weekend and if you follow me on Snap you know my ass was working. The chapter was done but still needed to be edited when the entire thing deleted. However I did have to shout my girl ElizaMonay__ out for her birthday!

Dream team wish our girly a happy birthday 😘😘😘

85 comments for next update

Imani's POV

"King'Brandon." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Don't be what-ing me." I said laying in bed.

We'd spent majority of the day laying under one another. We went out to get food and set up Pee a room here but after we came back to his place to enjoy each other

"My bad Mani." He said and I smirked.

I must have really been throwing it back last night.

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked and he pulled hisself up onto the bed and laid over me kissing me.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"Nope." I smiled and he kissed me again.

"We been lazy all day babe."

"I know B." I sighed. "You got work tonight?"

"Yeah I got to work tonight." He said and we grew silent.

"Does all your family?" I asked.

"My pops step in sometimes, it's just me and the guys mostly."

"How does your mom feel?"

"She don't like it but she don't speak on it. She just told my dad if anything happened to me he better die before I do."

"Well you're not gonna die." I said.

"Nope. I got way too much to live for right here in this bed with me." He missed me again.

"You're so sweet to me." I said and he put his hand on my jaw.

"You deserve it and more."

I sighed and sat up. "Brandon."


"I got something to tell you." I said.

"What is it."

"You got to promise you not gonna be mad."

As soon as I completed the sentence his phone rung and I sighed.

"Shoot baby I got to go. We talk later though." He said looking down at it.

"Alright." I said and he kissed me again before leaving out.

"Love you bye!" He shouted and I sighed putting my head back.

I sat in the bed for a second and then I called my mom.

"Ma." I said.

"I haven't heard or seen you in more than twenty four hours and you say 'Ma'?" She questioned.

"I'm sorry." I said and she sucked her teeth.

"What the hell was so important that you didn't speak to your own mother on Sunday!" She asked me.

"I met Brandon's family yesterday." I explained.

"I see, and how was that?"

"A lot." I sighed.

"How does his mom feel about you?"

"She likes me. His father does too."

"Good, does that mean the two of you are an official item?"

"Yes ma." I said.

"Are you excited?"

"Excited?" I laughed. "For what?"

"Well are you happy?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm happy. He makes me happy."

"So what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'm just scared."

"Scared of?" She asked. 

"I don't know. Falling for him." I said.

"Stop being scared." She said. "Let yourself live a little. Let yourself love that man because we know you do." She said.

"It's different ma."

"Well then make it un-different."

"How?" I laughed.

"I don't know. You ain't telling me what's different."

"A lot. We come from totally different places. He loves so quick and I'm afraid."

"You can't let fear ruin your life. He loves you, and I'm sure you could tell with everything that he does. "Let that man love on you good."

"I'll try."

"Just do it." She said and I sighed.

"You're right."

"I know, now I got to go. Your father wants you to take me out on a date."

"Well isn't that cute." I said.

"Yeah." she sighed content. "Since the party we've gotten better. It's like we're learning to love and live better again."

"What you mean?"

"Baby people change and as long as your father and I've been together we've both changed a bunch. It's a good thing. Growth and maturity. You never stop learning who you're with." She explained.

"Alright Mommy." I said and we hung up.

The thought of an ever changing man scared me a little. Brandon could be in a phase where he loves me and thinks I'm the best thing in the world and then could turn around and be done with me. I'm not ready for that uncertainty.

I pulled my hair towards the back of my head and gathered my things together.

I sent a text to my sister telling her to meet me at the spot. I had to check out work. It would make me feel better. I grabbed Pea up and we left the house.

Brandon decided on giving me his car, but I just had Naomi pick me up.

"This the last trip you going on until after you give birth." I said.

"Yeah, I'm getting too big for this shit." She said and I nodded. I sat in the seat with my head held back until we got to my house.

I took a shower, and got dressed for work grabbing up a duffle bag from under my bed and I left out with my rollers in my head and a fresh beat. It's usually how I left the house to cover my tracks in case the Feds were watching.

I got into my car and my sister and I went down to the strip club. I kept checking my surroundings just in case things got a little sticky and Brandon still had Anthony following me.

I sighed getting a call from Brandon

"Where you at?" He asked.

"I left out to spend some sister time with Naomi."

"You coming back our you need space?" He asked me

"Things with her and Dre are a little stale. I can't leave her. Tomorrow B." I said. I hate lying to him.

"Alright baby. Call me when you get home I love you."

"Okay, Good Night." I said and we hung up.

I sighed as we pulled into the strip club. I hate coming through here. It's one of the many spots we work out of and hook things up as. We always use someone else, and tonight we are dealing with big people.

I sat at the bar in the back, while Naomi went upstairs pretending to be enjoying the strippers with her man. We all watched as everything went down.

I sat at the bar taking a drink down and then going to disappear away into the back. My good friend, Desire works here.


"I should be saying that to you." I said.


"Yeah." I smirked. "Been keeping my god baby away from me and I haven't seen you."

"Whatever, we coming over soon. Working, paying bills and taking care of baby girl isn't easy at all."

"I know Ella is a bit of a handful. How was your dance?"

"Good, good spenders tonight." She counted while smirking. "But I got to go and get re dressed. I need to get my baby from the sitter."

"Alright, well I'm gonna be hiding back here." I told her and she nodded.

Desire, or Gabriella is a really amazing friend. She's been supporting me since Highschool days so I trust her with my secret.

"Bye love." I said and she left out.

I changed into my dancing outfit and took the floor. I went upstairs to where the drop was being done to make sure all things went as planned. I didn't want to nor did I need for this to fall apart.

I went upstairs and began to hang around, the usual stuff I do. I wasn't dancing for anyone, mostly taking orders and getting drinks.

The man we were negotiating with was stalky with a mustache and a short cut.

"I need drinks." He said and I nodded.

"Okay and what you need?" I asked him with a slight smile.

"Whatever you gonna drink with me and I'm hoping that's Hennessy." He said and I went downstairs adding it to his tab.

Once I came back up, I sat his bottles down and he didn't bother to stop his conversation while I was around him. I could be any random bitch working for someone and he's talking about his shit all out loud. He continued and the man who sat across as the translator told him exactly what we wanted.

"Thank you baby." He said rubbing on my leg and I slapped his hands.

"You don't touch. You look."

"Ain't none of these bitches in here looking like you."

" I don't care. Keep your damn hands to yourself" I said and walked away.   I went to the balcony signaling Naomi that I wanted this meeting to be wrapped up and she nodded discreetly going downstairs a few minutes later.

I wasn't feeling this connect and I didn't want him in on my shit regardless of what he thought I was he should have treated me with respect.

He walked over to me pressing himself up against my backside and I turned around.

"What the fuck?" I asked.

"I'm just tryna get a lil bit." He said feeling me up and he got to my knife.

"If you touch me again, I'll make sure I use it. Back the fuck up." I said.

He laughed and grabbed me up by my neck a little.

"I heard y'all the hoes that like it rough." He said and I pushed him away. The next thing I knew he was on the floor knocked out.

"My nigga! Heat! Over a bitch?" He groaned as Curtis stomped on his stomach.

"Curtis stop." I said and he looked up at me.

"Let's fucking go." He said and I looked over making sure Dre saw me. He sat back and nodded to me.

"You better have a bomb ass explanation for this shit." He said.

"Do not tell your brother." I said to him immediately.

"What the fuck? What's this shit Imani?" He asked me

"Don't yell please." I said.

"King would fucking strangle you if he saw you like this." He said to me and I sighed.

"I know, I just need time to tell him by myself." I said to him.

"I won't say shit to him about it but you got a few hours to get to him and if you don't tell him what's going on, I'll tell him because I plan on killing that nigga who was touching you and I can't without an explanation."

I nodded actually fearing him. He looked at me one more time before getting in his car.

"I'm following you home. Let's go." He said and I nodded.

I got in my car, texting Desiree to get my shit from in the locker room and to meet me at my house.

I drove to my house and then Curtis drove off. I went upstairs to be met by Brandon opening my front door.

"Fuck." I groaned and he looked at me confused.

"What the fuck?" He asked pulling me inside of the house.

"Brandon." I said

"Where you coming from?"'he asked me looking me up and down

"The club." I said.

"You went to the club dressed like this? What the fuck?" He asked. "And what you doing in the club? Wasn't you with Naomi?" He asked and I sighed.

"B, can we stop. I just got in the house." I explained.

"No, we not. I'm getting calls from people telling me shit. What club were you at Mani?"

I looked away from him and he tugged on my chin lightly.

"Where were you?"

"I was at the Lounge on Crawley." I said.

"That's a fucking strip club. You went there dressed like this? You dancing?" He asked me.

"No Brandon I-"

"So what the fuck happened?" He asked me.

"Don't curse at me please." I said. I wasn't used to him drilling me like this and I had to figure out what exactly it was I was gonna tell him.

I was saved by a knock at the door and he looked at me, before opening the door himself.

"Hey Girl, I brung your bag as soon as I-" Desiree stopped noticing Brandon in the door and she gave the bag over and left.

"So you dancing." He said to me pacing back and forth. "What the fuck Imani?"

"I wasn't dancing." I said.

"So what the fuck!" He yelled. "You obviously doing something like it. Bottle service?" He asked and I nodded.

"It's not like that though. Brandon I have something I have to tell you." I said my heart beating out of my chest.

"No, I'm not right now. I can't." He said and walked towards the door. "When you can be honest with a nigga that's when you can talk to me." He said and he slammed my door making the painting on the wall shake.

I sighed feeling numb. Now what the fuck do I do?

Brandon's POV

I would have given her money to do whatever she wanted and this what she decides to do?

"Yo B! I found some shit." One of the computer techs told me.

"About what?"

"The person that nobody seems to know." He said, he was always very discreet.

"What you find?" I asked

"Come see me."'he said and we hung up.

I went down to where I knew he'd be and it was security everywhere.

"I saw this guy, while I was at the club with Curt. Looked like they were doing a transaction. It looked like he didn't know what to do and it was a woman. Sending signals." He said. "So, I grabbed up the boy and got information on him. From that information I gathered a few possible names in city so after doing that, I got the names of every person who came in that club tonight. The woman signaling- Naomi Walker." He said. "She's behind everything. All the money you been missing out on. Connects that turned into trash its because of her and possibly her boyfriend Andre." He said putting the other picture down.

"No." I shook my head. "No fucking way." I said knowing for damn sure Imani wasn't tied up in this.

"I got the boy to confess. I got Steel and Whisper on their ways over to pick they asses up." He said.

"She's pregnant."

"And how the fuck you know that?" He asked.

"Her sister is my girl." I told him and he looked at me for a moment and shook his head.

"You got to be fucking kidding me."

"I'm not, listen cancel them. I don't want them at her house she got a kid and a baby on the way. Imani would know something."

"You crazy? We just caught the nigga we been searching for for a year. She taking money and food from us!"

"From me. Y'all eating and everybody good." I said. "Listen to what the fuck I said. Tell them to stand down." I told him and he sighed.

He dialed Steels line and told him to drop it before hanging up. I walked out the office but before I did I shot a little past his head. "Don't fucking question me ever again. I'm running shit and nobody else." I told him and he nodded.

I hopped in my car heading back towards Imani's place.

She tried to convince me that I was too smart to be selling drugs. I was wasting my time, I just refuse to believe she would disobey my trust. 


Shit hitting the fan.

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