Supernatural (And Other Fando...

Por JaxForensics

236K 3.9K 1.2K

MATURE CONTENT Requests currently [Closed] Supernatural smut along with other fandoms such as Sherlock, SPN... Más

Request Information
Dean and Sam- Friends with Benefits
Chuck- Protected
Dean- Unaware
Fuck It
✔Castiel- Overtime✔
Lucifer-Royal Pain In The Ass (fluff)
Moriarty-Russian Roulette
✔John-Anger Makes It All Better✔
Moriarty-Little Bird (fluff)
Dean x Jaiden- Now?
✔Crowley- Bones✔
Casifer- Part One
Casifer-part two
✔13✔ Sam and Dean- 13
Dean- Dumb struck
Crowley centric
#8 Benny- You Smell Sweet
Writer's Block
Moriarty- Boom Goes the Heart
Authors note
Rick Sanchez- Visit
#23- Not in Public! (Part 1)
#23 Not in Public! (part 2)
Lucifer- Even The Devil Needs Love
DeanMon Drabble
Lucifer Drabble
Leviathan!Cas Drabble
Michael Drabble
Negan- Daddy's Little Problem (Part 1)
Negan- Daddy's Little Problem Part2
Negan- Daddy's Little Problem(3)
Negan- Daddy's Little Problem(4)
Daddy's Little Problem Part 5
No Pairing Yet- Lost
Lost- Part 2
Lost Part 3
Utterly Insane (Part 1)
Utterly Insane Part 2
Character Design
Short Temper- Sam x Reader
Christmas Drabble Dean x reader
Christmas Drabbles- Dean x reader
Christmas Drabble- Sherlock x reader
Hey there, gotta talk about something important
Up In Smoke- Crowley x Male Reader
A One Time Thing- John Winchester x Reader
Well, It's Not Love- Negan x Reader
Christmas Drabble- Big, Bright, Shiny Baby (Dean)
Christmas Drabble- Sam-Mas Tree (Dean)
Christmas Drabble- Two Left Feet (Sam Winchester)
Hidden Treasure -Negan
Christmas Drabble- Adam x Reader: Oops
Back For A Little While
Hidden Treasure- Negan x Reader


11.2K 178 86
Por JaxForensics

Requested by, @Yoshi2004

You had been with your brothers for years, since Adam had died they were the only family you had. They always worried about you, not letting you go on hunts. But no matter what, they always brought you with so you could bum around in the motel or do some research. But for once, they were letting you come. As you had watched them hurry into an old warehouse to flush out some vamps you waited out side. Watching from behind a dumpster you dipped Your knife in the dead man's blood as you heard the doors slam open.

Peeking around the corner you saw about five vamps rush out the door. You took out a gun and loaded the special ammunition you had created, dead man's blood inside. You turned around and shot away at the monsters, wait, only three. You comprehended to late to use the information, rushing forth you had decapitated them and sighed. Before you could relax you felt two pairs of hands grip your shoulders and drag you down.

They picked you up and started running, you squirmed and kicked and hit to no avail. You could see Sam and Dean fighting their way from the nest to get to you. Heads hitting the ground, blood spurting, the works. Dean stopped and aimed the colt, he hit the one holding your waist and your head hit the ground. You pulled the extra knife from your jeans and sliced at the vamps tendons. The ligament snapped and the thing dropped you and staggered in pain.

Dean killed it while Sammy picked you up off the ground, "so, when's the next hunt?"

Dean huffed in rage, "never"

You smirked, you knew you'd proven your self and happily relaxed. Sam dropped you in the back seat and took shotgun, Dean obviously drove back to the motel. You walked in bloody and battered to the room, immediately you took a shower to get rid of the stench. You dried off and switched to a long over sized shirt for sleeping in, when you wandered back out you saw some one else. He gave you chills just looking at him.

"Dean, you are not my first priority"

"We're dealing with monsters and Crowley at the same time!"

You felt awkward just standing in the back of the room watching them all. But Dean had noticed you staring and sighed, "hey (Y/N)" you stepped forwards hesitantly. "Uh, hi" you said bluntly, the man was tallish a little shorter than dean. He just gave off some sort of power, like he radiated it. He turned to face you, "hello, my name is castiel" castiel awkwardly put out his hand for you to shake. And you did, it was amazingly soft, when you didn't let go Dean cleared his throat.

"Well, any ways, thanks for coming cas"

His hand dropped away and you tried to hide your blush, "I will be on my way" you watched as castiel walked towards the doors and disappeared with a flutter. "What the hell is he"


Sam chuckled, "what was with those sex eyes (Y/N)"

You gave him your best bitch face and grabbed a book before flopping onto one of the beds. You read for awhile before falling asleep, when you opened your eyes again you were covered by a blanket. laid out on the back seat of the impala. The engines purr close to a lullaby at this point, "where to now?". The boys anxiously glanced at each other, "we'll tell you later, get some more sleep" Sam smiled back at you.

You tried, honestly you did. But that angel, his blue eyes slight stubble and scruffy hair. You couldn't stop thinking about him and you hated it, you finally sat up and made grabby hands at Sam. "Laptop book, something" he handed you back the laptop and you searched for the name 'castiel' not much came up. There was a few fan fictions about some books called supernatural though.

"Hey boys, what do you think about wincest" you smirked as they both seized up. "Give that to me. Now!" Sam turned over and climbed the seat to reach for the computer. He ripped it from your hands but you got the battery pack from it. "Your not using anything til you get this" he frowned and sighed. "Jerk"



You laughed and looked around, it was flat every where, lots of farms and cattle. The car slowed down when it neared a little town, a sign welcomed you in, 'welcome to winger' (on my way there now). It was small, a lot of forest on the left, stores on the right, houses clustered ahead. Typical small town, but of course something had to be wrong for you to be here. You stopped by an old home about to be demolished, you glanced at your suitcase and pulled out some pants you could shrug on quick.

You grabbed your bags and some stuff from the trunk, you carried most of what you needed in before your brothers could grab much else. Once you picked a room for base of operations you set the salt and guns down before searching for a place to crash later. Sam hooked up some wifi and Dean started to ward the house. Glancing to the wall you could see out side of a window.

"So, what are we here for?"

Sam kept searching through the internet, "uh, couple murders, no trace as to why but they seem to be mainly female and around seventeen"

You smiled and looked to both of your brothers, Dean's brows furrowed "no! You are not going to be bait!"

"See ya boys!" You bolted out the door to the drive way slinging a small hand gun down your pocket. Sprinting to the small wooded area you had seen earlier, It was quiet other than the rare car or kid running past. The peace was amazing, after so many crowded city's it was a relief to be out the hustle and bustle. You looked around at the place, so much trash every where.

It enraged you to see what little wild life these people had left thrown to waste every time. You picked around and cleaned up, the place looked better after awhile, it had gotten dark and still no one had appeared. Watching the sun set before heading back to the abandoned house in the shadows. You felt like some one was staring at you, like the back of your head was on fire.

You hurried up and closed the door as soon as you made it into the house. You could hear Dean yelling down, "still afraid of the dark?" You glared up. How dare he, you tiredly stumbled up the stairs. "Have we got running water?" Sam shook his head and you groaned. As you were about to plop down a scream pierced the night air. "Of course" you grabbed a gun and bolted after your brothers.

Never a relaxing moment you tried to open the door but it was locked or stuck. They left you here, alone. "God damn it Dean" you muttered, of course they would. Looking for another way out around the house you had found a window on the second floor. It was stiff but you managed to pull it open and slide through it. The drop wasn't to far but you were pretty sure you twisted your ankle.

You limped towards a scuffling sound around the corner, you could see Dean pinned against a street light and Sam lying unconsciously to the side. He was starting wake but five more demons showed up from behind the brush. You sucked in a breath watching, you could call more hunters, you should call more hunters. But even being injured you barged into the fight and shot off rounds into the demons chest.

Dean wrestled free and joined the fight one of the demons tried to kill Sammy in his state of vulnerability. You lunged forward to get in the way only to be slashed and punched by the powerful demon. You landed on top of your brother to protect him, you felt your self being dragged off but your sight was blurry. You heard a painful scream as Dean plunged the demons blade into the hell spawn.

Sam woke up beneath you and stared at you concerned, you smiled down. "Hey" Dean pulled you off Sam,"are you stupid!?"

"No I just saved your asses"

You glanced down at your chest which had been sliced open. "We can chat later, your bleeding out" Sam put your other arm around him and your brothers walked you back to the house. Once you got back they laid you on one of the sleeping bags, Sam grabbed a towel and Dean got the first aid stuff. You pulled off your shirt while Sam applied pressure to the wound. It was deep, broken or fractured ribs was a definite.

Oh it hurt bad, you were about to close your eyes. "Wake up (Y/N)" you glanced up at Dean who worriedly pulled out a needle to stitch you up with. "Easy for you to say" you grunted. Sam cleaned the blood around your wound so Dean could stitch it together. After the stitches were done you laid on the sleeping bag. You felt weak and sick from losing all that blood.

Dean and Sam sat in the far corner speaking anxiously. "Dean, I'm cold" you muttered, your brother covered you with a blanket. You felt to tired to even move, and even if you did the pain from your ribs would stop you. So you just laid there, finally falling asleep you drifted off.

When you opened your eyes everything was blinding white, you could see a man standing above you. Your eyes squeezed shut before you tried to open them again. You tried to sit up only to be pushed down, "where am I".

The man smirked down at you. "a little place called heaven"

"Feels like hell"

You tried to get up again but this time the slash in your stomach stopped you. He stepped forwards, "hold on there love, let me fix that" his accent sounded British. He extended his had and placed two fingers on your forehead. A burning sensation coursed through your body and pooled at your wound.

A deeper voice rang out farther away, "Is she going to make it?" It sounded like Dean. "I don't know what got her but with all those hexes I wouldn't let her out of your sight"


Sam stepped forwards, "What ever blade that demon used on you had all sorts of curses on it"

"Just fucking great, last time I save your ass"

You tried to get up off the bed but again you were shoved back down. "Stop trying to get up"

"I'm hungry dickbag, give me food or I'm getting it"

The man who had healed you rolled his eyes, he had the same energy radiating off him. "Feisty one huh boys?"

"Shut it Balthazar" Dean growled

You managed to get off the bed before they could push you down again. Bad, bad, very bad idea, as soon as your foot touched the polished floor it felt like fire coursed through your veins. You screamed out in pain. "what kind of hex is this shit!!" Balthazar and Sam pulled you off the floor.

"No idea love, but it's best you don't move"

"You groaned, your an angel right? Just do your thing and get rid of the hexes"

"Not enough juice, sorry"

Sam smirked. "what about castiel"

You glared, "I swear to-"

A flutter of wings signaled the angels arrival, "I am needed?"

Being in the same room. Not being able to move or do anything, god. "(Y/N) over here decided to get herself cursed, multiple times"

"Screw you Sammy"

"Oh, here, hold still" He placed two fingers on your head just as Balthazar had. You didn't feel anything other than awkward silence and your face heating up. His brows furrowed when he retrieved his hand. "Thanks?"

You got off the bed again and strolled to the only door in the room, "bye". You stepped out into a warehouse and your brothers followed. "What was that about" Sam smiled at you. "Don't make me slap you"

"I'm going to tell him"

"Don't you dare!"

Sam motioned castiel over from the warehouse door, the angel strolled over. As Sam was about to speak you jumped on his back and covered his mouth. "Ride like the wind bullseye!!" Sam grabbed at your hands trying to let out a jumble couple words through your fingers. Dean rolled his eyes at how you were acting, castiel did that squinty-eye-thing and you felt your face heat up.

"To the bunker we go?"

Every one got in the impala, but cas took your spot. You sat on the other side of the car as the awkwardest road trip had begun. After a long long long time you made it to the bunker Dean went to for a drink and Sam soon followed. But not before telling castiel to go visit you in Your room and trap you both in it.


"Catch you later"

You pounded on the door. Great, stuck in a room with your crush, "are you- (Y/N) why are you over heating"
Of course Sam would do this the little shit, this is awkward, I hope castiel doesn't get the wrong idea. "What? No I'm fine castiel"

"But your face is flushed, is it a fever?"

"No I'm fi-"

The angel pressed his wrist to your forehead and felt your face heat up even more. He didnt realize how close he was to you, please don't stop castiel. His eyes widened, shit, he can read thoughts. "Um, i-" he cut you off by pressing his lips to yours, it felt like sparks were flying around the room. "What is this, feeling. When ever I'm around you my heart rate speeds up"

"I honestly have no idea, but I like it"

You pulled him over for another kiss, fingers tangling in each other's hair, he pulled away. "Dean explained how humans show affection, am I doing it right?" You chuckled. "Go with what feels right" he pushed you down to the bed and laid his hands on either side of your head. You watched him as he thought of what to do next, the angel leaned down to kiss you again but he trailed them down your torso instead.

He stopped at your jeans before glancing up for your allowance. You nodded and he tugged down your pants and underwear, he ran a finger through your wet folds. The simple touch made you shiver, he licked the finger and dropped his coat and shirt on the ground. The angel kissed your inner thighs and around your hot mound. He spread your folds and held them back with his thumbs. The angel plunged his tounge into your entrance.

You bit your lip at the pleasure, he licked and sucked at your juices until he had you moaning. You pushed him backwards on the bed and pulled his own pants off along with his boxers. His hard erection slapped against his pelvis, you leaned down and licked his length. He shuddered under you, he ripped off your remaining clothes. You engulfed his hard on in your mouth. Bobbing your head speedily, he groaned and wrapped his hands in your hair.

He made your head bob even faster, your eyes watered and you felt the angel twitching on your tounge. He came down your throat, his warm sweet seed sticking to your lips. He pulled you up farther so that you were above his sly, you eased him into your entrance. Impaling your self on his length, his hips started pushing upwards. His hands were on your hips, you gripped his shoulders and started to bounce.

It felt amazing, his fingers dug into your skin and he started to hold you down on himself and just thrust into you. Like he couldn't get enough, he became needy thrusting harder and faster. Your moans quickly became screams of pleasure. "C-cast-tiel" it must have sent him over the edge because he held your hips down and came for a second time. His seed coating the inside of you, he flipped you over again and ate you out, tasting himself in your juices.

You had both been exhausted and ended up falling asleep, in the morning Dean came to check on you. He smirked at you laying your head on the angels chest sleeping peacefully.

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