Where Do Broken Hearts Go (Ni...

By sarahkiley

14.4K 640 513

"These songs are deep." He spun me around once before bringing me close to his chest, our faces barley touch... More

.twenty one.
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.thirty one.
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.thirty four.
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.thirty eight.
.thirty nine.
.fourty. (Part One)
.fourty. (Part two)
.fourty one.
Authors Note
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.twenty four.

272 15 8
By sarahkiley

Violet as Teala Dunn

Just a little chapter on how school life was:)

|Sarah's P.O.V.|


School didn't seem to bother me at all. I wasn't that person who absolutely dreaded being there, but I wasn't all into it either. The only part I liked was seeing my best friend, Violet and my boyfriend, Chad.

It's nice seeing my other friends also, but when Niall Horan is also best friends with them, then it's hard. I hate going over by Chad and his close friends because Niall always says something nasty towards me and I end up walking away. Later, Chad gets pissed at me, but he soon gets over it because he realizes 'I'm so much better than Niall.' I know that sounds really bad, but I love Chad. He makes me happy, even though he has a lot of flaws.

In a way, I feel like we are dating out of popularity. Sadly, I will admit that  I'm popular. I'm not one of the bad popular's, like Ava, but I'm liked by most people. I guess Chad and I dating was just meant to be and we make it work.

He's honestly a dream boyfriend. He has the cute hair, baby blue eyes, muscles upon muscles, amazing at football(soccer), dresses really nice, smells amazing and is really great with his words.

Obviously, he's the type to break a girls heart, but he swears I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him. I believe him because he tells me this everyday and I'm the longest girlfriend he has ever had. I'm changing him for the better, but when he's around Niall... That's a complete other Chad.

Chad gets cocky and ignores everything I say when it's the three of us or a group of people with Niall in it. He is a completely different person and it drives me crazy. I've confronted him once about it, but that didn't end up so well. I have learned to keep my mouth shut.

Slamming my locker door, I turn to face my best friend who was still gathering books for the next class. The teachers were hard on us so we always had to rush.

"Violet, if you don't hurry up, Mrs. Camber is going to chew our asses out," This was the first year that Violet and I had every single class together. It's incredibly nice because I can always turn behind me, to face her when an inside joke appears.

Sophomore  year, second year of high school has been pretty great so far. Chad and I made it through the summer and surprisingly he has been acting completely normal to me in school. The family game nights have stopped due to Niall's soccer schedule and my sister and I's Volleyball season. I find it nice because it's four less hours I have to spend with Niall Horan. My sister on the other hand, hates not being able to see Niall because of conflicting schedules. She blames it on me, even though I have no say in when our games are.

Niall has also been strangely less cocky and nasty to me this year. I get that we have only been in school for a month, but it's still been nice and less stressful.

"Calm yourself," Violet says while slamming her  locker. "Let's go bitch!" She smirks at me while flipping her dark brown hair behind her shoulder. I can't help but laugh at her sass and stroll along beside her.

We were complete opposites, but then again we were the same.

Violet is skinny, she is so tiny that I could fit her in my pocket. She's also gorgeous, almost too gorgeous which made me envy her. Her dark skin made her stand out in our pale school. She was the girl from America, everyone wanted to be her friend, but she chose me. Violet picked me out of all people to be her best friend back in fourth grade. She has the perfect lips, perfect eyes, and perfect hair.

Everyone wants to be her friend and all the guys want to get in her pants.

She's basically the prettiest girl in school that doesn't have a boyfriend. Why doesn't Violet have a boyfriend? Well, Violet is the type of girl to only have flings. She likes the thrill of having a crush and flirting back and forth with hot guys from different schools. Violet isn't the type to be tied down because if she was, she'd be cheating on her boy toy.

That's how we are different...

I want commitment, she just wants the make out sessions, causal touch me there, I touch you there and recently,


She beat me to it and I'm not jealous. It's quite obvious that I'm going to lose mine to Chad. He wants to do it and in the back of my mind, I know I want too also. It will be special, unlike Violet who just got it over with. I love her though, she's my hoe.

Walking into Mrs. Cambers Chemistry's class as the bell rang, Violet and I found our normal seats. Myself next to a guy named Dean and Violet next to Niall Horan. She got lucky didn't she?

Violet didn't care for Niall because of everything he does to me. She isn't afraid to bitch him out, but I've caught her flirting with him a couple times. Thank gosh my sister never sees because if she did, it would be my fault.

'Sarah! Why the fuck is your little, sluty friend flirting with my guy? You are a fucking  skank for letting her do that. Go kill yourself!'

I can hear her now...

She's just a lovely person.

"Alright class, we are going to finish your labs today. After two sets of partners finish, combined your groups and discuss your results. Remember! Goggles!" Mrs. Cambers loud voice echoed throughout the lab as she gave us the instructions for today. She wasn't a bitchy type of teacher, but if you were late, you were marked tardy and questioned multiple times in front of the class why you were. I guess she wasn't so bad, but she isn't my favorite.

After hearing the instructions, I grab my pair of goggles and place them ontop of my head. Dean does the same thing, we were basically done, but if we didn't have our goggles in sight Mrs. Camber would call us out.

"Okay, well yesterday we basically did all our testing so now we just got to write the conclusion, right?" I asked Dean. Usually I did most of the talking because Dean was on the shyer side. He was the type of guy in your class that liked everyone even if you were a bitch or an asshole. But he didn't have to worry about that because everyone liked Dean, even all of Chad's group.

Dean fit in anywhere.

"Yeah, um, here is our data," Dean handed me a sheet that had all our results on it. Both of us looking it over, I grabbed my notebook and began writing a conclusion that we'd both turn in. As I wrote it, he'd tell me to add some more information here and there. We really worked good together and I'm glad I got stuck with him.

Finishing off the conclusion, I smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"Done!" I said a little too loudly that everyone could here, but nobody stopped to look at me. Except for Violet and Niall.... Who were also done.

"Great Ms. O'Riley, now you and Dean go back by Violet and Niall and compare your results." As she said this, my heart fell because I knew Niall would be judging me the whole time and calling me stupid. Violet on the other hand would punch him, but she isn't allowed to do that anymore or else she'll get a suspension.

Great, just what I needed to finish off my day.

Turing around, I first saw Violet smiling because we got to go together, but the next thing I saw was Niall smirking at me.

When does the bell ring?

Slumping my way over there, I could tell Dean could feel the tension. He even knew that Niall was a dick to me. Dean didn't say anything though, only grabbed my notebook and sat down across from Niall as I sat across from Violet.

"Well, well, well, turns out you are pretty fast O'Riley," Niall with the first insult, of course. I didn't say anything, only rolled my eyes and looked over at Violet who was glaring at her partner.

It staid quiet for a bit till Dean broke the silence between the four of us.

"Okay, well here is our results," I looked over at Dean who was showing Niall our data and conclusion. I couldn't help but watch intensely as Niall laughed at our paper. What the hell is his problem?

"Sarah wrote the conclusion, didn't she?" Niall handed the notebook over to Violet. She yanked it away from him as she read it normally.

"Yeah I did? Why is that such a big deal?" I asked snotty like. I wasn't afraid to be a bitch back to him.

"Niall what's even the big deal? This is basically what we wrote?" Violet added in as she handed me her results and I read them Myself.

"I don't know, Whatever Sarah does I like to make fun of," he chuckles and runs a hand through his messy, fake blonde hair. I hate when he does that, it bothers me for some odd reason.

"You don't have to say it. We all know you like making fun of me," This time I said it a little more defensive and handed the notebook over to Dean who began reading their results.

"Obviously, you are so easy to make fun of!" Niall laughs, his crooked teeth showing a little too much.

Grunting in angry, I looked at Violet, ready to discuss.

"Well, we basically had the same thing so this experiment was good. If we had to do it again, we should be able to get the same results." I was ready to get this class over with so I could go home with Chad and watch some TV. Volleyball practice wasn't tonight for some reason, but I wasn't going to complain about that. Football practice wasn't running today either so both of us could spend some alone time together.

"You don't know that. We could of just got lucky and the next time we test it they could be totally off!" And suddenly a glass went flying to the ground and my legs started to instantly burn.



Scrubbing and scrubbing the chemical off my skin took about an half an hour. The bell ended up ringing, but Niall had to stay with me as I cleaned the chemical off my legs. He didn't say too much... Only a sorry when it happened and then gave an explanation to the teacher that he was talking with his hands and the glass when flying.

Which was true, I don't think Niall would intentionally throw chemicals at me.

I could barely feel my legs from the constant scrubbing. The burning feeling stopped, but the area was still itchy and irritated.

Mrs. Camber was in the other room as I sat down by the chemical shower and Niall stood watching me.

"Are you okay now?" He finally asked me, but I didn't say anything back because I found it pathetic that he wasn't sincerely sorry about what he did. I understand that it was an accident, but still.

Niall let out a deep sigh and stalked his way over by me. I didn't look up though, I was pissed that my night was ruined.

"Sarah, I'm sorry, I really am sorry. I hope you know it was an accident and I didn't mean to spill chemicals on you," My head almost snapped up at the sudden change of style in tone Niall had towards me.

He really sounded sincerely sorry.

"Thanks," I said back. I looked up to see him making a confused face.

"For what?"

"For not throwing the chemicals at my face," this time I giggled and he laughed along with me. What the hell is happening? How are Niall and I bonding over a chemical incident?

"Trust me, I'm not that much of a dick," he stated while taking a seat next to me. We weren't side by side, but we weren't far away from each other.

"Ehh," I spoke letting out a chuckle. He didn't say anything, only smiled.

"You know, I'm not going to be as nice tomorrow as I am right now," I knew he wouldn't be, but for some reason my heart fell at the thought. I liked this Niall.

Trying to put on my best, ' I don't care' face I set down the wash cloth.

"I figured." As those last words left my mouth, Mrs. Cambers came in and looked down at my legs.

"Feel better?" She asked and I nodded. Niall got up, as if he was let off the hook and was ready to go. I didn't mind though, my sister was probably going to chew his ass out for not meeting her on time. Then when she finds out what happens, she'll probably be pissed at Niall  for not spilling the chemicals on my face.

God, she's such a bitch.

"Well, Mr. Horan you can leave, and Sarah, if the burning comes back continue to use soap... If it doesn't stop, then go to the emergency room," She laughed, obviously knowing this chemical wouldn't do that much damage, but she was only taking precaution.

Smiling, I took my feet out and slipped on my tennis shoes. Before I could even look if Niall was still there, he was gone.

-Authors Note-

Updates: eating a good ass cookie from subway

And the other days I had this fake baby for health and my setting was on hard. I killed myself.

Her name was Tana after Tana Mongeau.

Anyways, thanks for reading and please vote and comment if you liked this chapter! It means so much if you do:)

Have a great day/night!


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