Room 206 - Luke Hemmings

By up_brendons_ass

66.1K 2K 445

"Lastly, I would like to introduce our new English professor for years 11 and 12," she said. "Professor Hemmi... More

Room 206
not an update sorry!!
still not an update :((
im not dead
i'm honestly trash
sorry for not updating :((


874 32 5
By up_brendons_ass

Before I even knew it, the final quarter of the school year was flying right by me and time seemed to slip away right between my fingers. Luke and I kept up our relationship that we had, acting like a couple but never actually making anything official. Graduation was coming up so quickly and I was worrying more and more that things were going to end once I graduated. For once, graduation was something I wasn't looking forward to. I'd been wanting to graduate for 2 years and now that I was right under my nose, I wanted anything but that.

I pushed my worry aside as much as I could and tried to ignore it and enjoy the last bit of time I had with the girls. I cherished every second I got with them and every laugh we shared, knowing things would change so drastically for all of us when we graduated.

My parents would send me letters in the mail every month or so to see how I'm doing and keep me up to date on things back home, like they had been ever since they sent me to school here. So when I was handed an envelope at dinner one night I wasn't expecting anything special. Eleanor was speaking to me as I held it in my hands without looking at it, but I stopped when I realized the envelope was not in the same usual shape that came from my parents.

My first thought was that maybe they decided to change things up and send an envelope in a different shape, but that didn't make any sense because they'd been sending envelopes with that same shape for 6 years now, why would they change it now? I looked down at the envelope in my hands and realized it was from BPP University, the college I'd been hoping to get accepted into all year.

"Oh my god," I said, rudely interrupting Eleanor but she stopped talking and scooted closer to me as soon as she realized what was in my hands.

"Well open it!" She hit my arm and I took a deep breath as I used my finger to tear under the envelope, and also by now had caught the attention of Alex, who was sitting with us that day, and Eileen and Blair sitting on the other side of the table.

"Is it from BPP?" Eileen asked and I nodded.

I carefully opened the letter and held it in my hands, reading quickly. I let my face fall as I turned and looked up at my friends.

"Oh no," Blair said quietly.

"I got accepted!" I quickly turned it back around on them and they all practically screamed in excitement and hugged me, telling me how happy and proud they were for me, even Alex.

"Wow, Daisy that's so amazing!" Eleanor said. "I always knew you could do it!"

Throughout the remainder of our dinner, my problem with where I stood with Luke was the least of my worries. I enjoyed my food and my dessert especially, unable to stop smiling at the wonderful news I'd finally received. I texted my parents both to let them know I'd been accepted and they sent back excited and proud replies just like all my friends.

As I walked back to our room with the girls, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Luke, and we just so happened to be standing right outside his classroom since it was on the way back to our rooms.

"I'll catch up," I said to Eleanor and he took my arm and I stepped into his classroom with him, he shut and locked the door.

"What was all that excitement about at the table?" He asked, confusion in his voice.

"I got accepted into BPP!" I couldn't help but smile as I shared the news and his face also broke into a huge grin.

"Really?! Oh my god, Daisy that's wonderful!" He scooped me into a big hug and lifted me off the ground, spinning me around a few times. "I'm so proud of you! I always knew you could do it!"

"Even when I was being a pain in the ass at the beginning of the year?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yes," he kept smiling and took my face in his big hands, leaning forward and kissing me.

"And even when I hated you and you hated me?"

"I never hated you," he said. "Sometimes you'd piss me off and I'd want to fuck the shit out of you but I never hated you. And I refuse to believe that you ever hated me."

His words set off a heat between my legs but I pushed it aside knowing we couldn't do anything right at that moment. "Okay, I wished death upon you a couple times but I never hated you."

Luke chuckled and kissed me again, and I kissed back passionately, feeling like I hadn't gotten enough chances to actually kiss him lately. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kept him close to me while his hands moved from my face to my waist, our kiss getting more heated. Our lips worked together as he backed me into one of the desks next to me and lifted me onto it, his hands moving back to my neck and my face and never breaking our kiss. He began slowing down a little, which was probably a good thing because if he hadn't I would have wanted to fuck him right then and there.

"If I don't get back to my room pretty soon Eleanor is going to think we're in here fucking or something," I said as he leaned his forehead against mine, leaning down to give me one last kiss on my lips.

"Yeah, you should definitely get back to your room and get some sleep," he smiled and pulled away. "Stellar students always sleep well the night before."

I smiled at his compliment, wondering how I'd gotten so lucky to end up with him. I never would have thought we'd be here at the beginning of the year. And although we weren't official, something told me there was a commitment between us that wasn't going to end after I graduated.

"I'll see you tomorrow in class, Daisy," he said as I stood and hugged him once more, pulling away and he pressed a kiss to my forehead. I smiled at him before leaving the room, walking back towards my own room to meet with the girls again.

I knew everything was going to be alright.


A/N: I meant to update yesterday but got distracted finishing a smut for my tumblr I've been working on for a while (my tumblr is fifty-shades-of-chey if you want to follow me, I write and reblog smuts for 5sos, Shawn Mendes, 1D and probably eventually Melanie Martinez bc I'm gay as hell)

Hope everyone is doing well! I saw 5sos in concert the other night and it was so amazing omg Luke is so hot in person kill me

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