Life after Marriage

By Simply_Kailee

10.6K 384 134

**Sequel to Falling Back in Love** **A Haleb Story** About three years ago, Caleb and Hanna got married. Afte... More

Three Years Later...
Silent Treatment
Fruit Farm.
Birthday Party
News and Arguments.
Hangovers and Regrets
Temporary Happiness.
Step By Step.
Surprises and An Envelope.
The Letter.
Another Letter.
Meetings and Cravings.
Court Day.
Court Day Continuation
And Then There Were Six...

More Problems.

436 16 5
By Simply_Kailee

Caleb's POV.

"But I don't want you to go daddy. Can't you stay?" Drew asks me as he clings to my leg.

"I'm sorry but I can't. I have to go back to work. But I'll see you on Thursday, okay?" I tell him, picking him up and holding him.

"Okay, but I missed you!" Drew cries out, burying his face on my shoulder.

"I know, I missed you too. But, I promise we'll be back at home very soon. But for now I need to go. I'm sorry. I love you and I will see you on Thursday." I tell him, kissing his head, making him look up at me.

"I love you too." Drew says, kissing my cheek and wrapping his arms around my neck, giving me a hug. I soon feel something wet soaking through my shirt. I then hear Drew crying, making my heart break even more.

"Shh, don't cry. I'm only going to be gone for a day and then I'll see you okay? No need to cry." I tell him, trying to reassure him. Drew continues to cry, holding me tighter.

At that moment, Hanna walks into the room, setting her purse down on the bed. Man does she look miserable. Her makeup is smeared, her hair in a ponytail with strands out of the rubber band. Dry tears stain her cheeks, making her eyes red and puffy. But she still looks beautiful.

"Oh baby. What's wrong?" Hanna asks, coming up to us and goes behind me, looking at Drew's face.

"I-I don't want daddy to l-leave." Drew says, continuing his crying after.

"Aw, well, daddy has to go back to work my love." Hanna tells him, stroking his head.

"I-I don't want him too!" Drew shouts on my shoulder.

I hear Hanna give him a kiss, continuing on stroking his head.

"How about you go home with daddy so that you can see daddy more, okay?" Hanna suggests, making my heart leap and hope fulfill me.

"Okay!" Drew says instantly, making him cheer up.

"Okay, now tell daddy to put you down so that you can go tell your siblings." Hanna tells Drew, making me put Drew down on the ground. Drew runs out of the room as soon as he is put down.

"Thank you." I tell Hanna, turning around to face her.

"Mhm. It's not fair that they only get to see you every other day." Hanna replies, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, I missed them.... I also miss you." I tell her cautiously. I don't want to rush her into talking about anything if she is not ready.

"I know. To be honest, I miss you too. That's why I was thinking about going back home with you and the kids?" Hanna says, awaiting for my approval.

"Yeah, definitely. I would like that a lot." I tell her, my heart being filled with even more hope.

"Okay, I'll begin to pack all of our stuff. You can take the kids home." Hanna says, giving me a small smile.

"Okay." I say before beginning to walk out of the room.

"Caleb wait!" Hanna says, making me turn around.

Hanna runs to me and wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly. When I finally realize what is happening, I quickly wrap my arms around her neck, resting my chin on her head.

"I really missed you Caleb." Hanna tells me.

"I really missed you too Han." I reply back to her.

"I love you." Hanna says, kissing my covered chest.

"I love you too. I'll see you later." I tell her, kissing her forehead.

She pulls away from me and quickly wipes away a tear that slipped from her eye.

I give her one last smile before turning around and walking away. I walk into the kitchen to see Drew and Casey playing with Eric and Landon, Emily's twin boys. Emily is holding Corey in her arms, playing with him.

"Hi Corey." I greet Corey, taking him from Emily's arms.

"So, did you and Han talk it out?" Emily asks me, checking the brownies that she put in the oven.

"No, but she's coming back home. Then we'll talk about it." I tell Emily.

"Well, that's a step towards something, right?" Emily says.

"Yeah, it is. I just hope she'll forgive me." I tell Emily.

"Maybe." Emily says, shrugging her shoulders.

Emily closes the oven door and walks past me, out of the kitchen.

I follow her, sensing something wrong.

"Is there something wrong Em?" I ask her, still carrying Corey.

"No, it doesn't matter." She replies to me, entering her bedroom.

"Come on Em, tell me." I say, trying to help her out.

"I just think that Han shouldn't go back home. At least not to you." She tells me, turning around and facing me.

"Excuse me?" I ask her, shocked at what she just said.

"Look, I like you Caleb and you're an awesome person and friend. But what you did to Hanna is unacceptable. Cheating on her is not okay, even if you were drunk. I just think that she shouldn't forgive you for it." Emily tells me, crossing her arms.

"Oh, okay then. I guess we all have our own opinions. Thank you for taking care of my kids for the week. I'll see you later." I tell her, walking out of her room and back into the kitchen.

"Ready kids?" I ask them, wanting to just get out of here.

"Yeah!" Casey and Corey reply, cleaning up their mess of toys and saying goodbye to the twins. I also say bye to the twins, hugging them.

While the kids go and tell Emily thank you, I walk out of the house and unlock my car. I place Corey in his car seat and buckle him up, closing the door once I was done. The two kids come running out of the house, closing the door behind them. I open the door again and pick up Casey, putting her in her car seat and kissing her head. I buckle her up and pick up Drew, putting him in his car seat and buckling him up. I kiss his head and close the car door, opening my door and getting in.

I start the car and begin to drive home.

Halfway home, I remember my original plans for the day. I make a sudden turn, looking in my rear view mirror and at the kids. I see all of them sleeping in their car seat, light snores coming out of Drew's mouth.

I smiled at the sight of them. I love them so damn much. I looked back at the road and turned into the driveway. I look back at the kids and see them still sleeping. I park my car and get out, shutting the door gently and as quietly as possible. I walk to the front door and knock on the door. I take a deep breath and wait for her to open the door.

The door opens and there she stands, wearing a bright yellow bra with a bright yellow thong.

"Caleb! What a surprise." She says, surprised at first but her surprise face soon turns into a flirtatious smirk.

"Kayla." I greet her as nicely as possible.

"What can I do for you?" She asks me, dragging her finger down my chest.

"I need my phone. I left it here." I tell her, swatting her hand away.

"You can come inside, maybe look for it?" Kayla suggests, her smirk only growing bigger. She opens the door wider.

I roll my eyes and walk inside. I look around the house, not remembering where I put my phone.

"Since you're here, maybe we can have a little fun?" Kayla suggests, biting her lip annoyingly.

"Listen, my kids are in the car sleeping. I need to get home to my wife that I love very much. So, if you could just tell me where my phone is so I can get home, that would be great." I tell her honestly.

"Your wife? You mean that ugly ass bitch that came with you to the fruit farm?" Kayla asks, her eyes narrowing at me. Her eyes are filled with anger and annoyance.

"My wife is actually beautiful, she's the most gorgeous person in this entire universe. And she's not a bitch. Actually, I think you're talking about yourself. The ugly ass bitch from the fruit farm is actually you. So, my phone please?" I tell her, holding my hand out for her to give me my phone.

Kayla stares at me with her mouth wide open from her jaw dropping at what I said. She soon closes her mouth and her eyes are filled with rage. She stomps up the stairs, returning a minute later with my cell phone in her hand. She stomps down the last stair and holds out my phone. I go to take it but she pulls her hand away before I can get my fingers on it.

"Let's just give it a shot." She suggests to me.

"Give what a shot?" I ask her.

"Us. You can get a divorce and leave the kids. We can be together and-" Kayla begins to say, getting me pissed off.

"You're kidding right? Don't you get it? I don't like you nor do I even want to be anywhere near you. I love my wife, more than anything. Same with my kids. I can't even imagine my life without them. So, no. I won't leave my family. I'm leaving and I never want to see your face ever again." I tell her, grabbing my phone from her hands and walking to the front door.

"I'll arrest your ass!" Kayla yells at me, making me stop walking.

"That's right! I can say that you raped me or molested me or something!" She yells at me, making me turn around.

"What?" I whisper, shocked that she would even say something like that.

"You heard me. You raped a 16 year old girl that just so happens to be me." She tells me, a smirk making its way on her face.

"You wouldn't." I state to her.

"Oh I would. And I will. That is unless you leave your family and come to me with a smile on your face." She tells me, taking a step towards me.

"No, you can't say that. They wouldn't believe you. You don't have any evidence that says I raped you. You were willingly throwing yourself at me. " I say to her, shaking my head.

"Oh, but you don't have any evidence that shows me throwing myself at you. Now, who do you think they'll believe? An innocent 16 year old that has been crying and accusing you of raping her or you?" She asks me, a devious smirk on her face.

I just stood there, shocked at what she is telling me. I could feel my blood boiling. I clenched my hands that were made into fists, trying my best to control my anger. My jaw clenched shut, my breathing becoming faster.

"You shouldn't be joking around with this. Raping is a serious matter. It happens to so many innocent people. This isn't something to just joke around with!" I tell her.

"Like I give a crap. Look, it's your choice. I'll give you a few days to think about it. When you made up your mind, just give me a call. My number is in your phone. I'll see you later baby." She says, kissing me on my cheek and walking to what I assume is the kitchen.

I storm out of her house, slamming her door shut behind me. I get into my car, closing the door as gently as possible in my rage.

I put my car into reverse and reverse out of her driveway and begin to drive home with rage wanting to spill out of me.

Authors Note:

Hey! What did you guys think of this chapter? Comment and let me know!

Also, I just want to put a quick little note. Please, please don't joke around with serious matter.  Raping and molesting does happen in the real world. It happens to so many innocent people. It's not something that should be joked around with. It's a serious matter.  So please do not joke around with any serious matter! So many people deal with things like that and it's honestly so sad. 😔. If you or anyone you know is going through something like that, please call this hotline: 1-800-656-4673

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