Magcon Imagines and Preferenc...

By LilBnE12345

5K 207 33

The title pretty much explains it... More

S.M// Paradise
Where you met
N.G// Forever
His name for you in his phone
His name in your phone
J.G// Pregnant
He loves it when...
How you guys cuddle
M.E// Watching
Imagine for @aaroncarpenter98
T.C//I Never Forgot
C.R//I hate you, I love you
M.E//Victoria's Secret
A.C// Negative
A.C// Negative (part 2)
not an update but...
A.C// imagine for @aaronsbxbe
A.C// part 2 for @aaronsbxbe
M.E//Sick Days
S.M// Guitar Lessons
J.G// "i love you!"
J.J// drunk texts
H.G// not the same
C.D//Some Things Never Change

C.D// Insomnia

180 6 1
By LilBnE12345

Ok so idk how long you can go without sleeping, and I have no idea about insomnia besides the fact that you can't sleep, so whatever number I decide on, don't say 'THATS NOT POSSIBLE' because it's just an imagine.

*Your POV*

'53 nights that're sleepless.'

'Wait, no no. 53 sleepless nights.'

I thought as my alarm went off. Why do I even have one? I haven't slept in months. Hours, and hours go by as I pace around the room, talk to myself, scream and cry at the wall in anger because all I want to do is fucking sleep. Hell, I even see things. I should be in a mental hospital.

I slowly lift the covers off of myself, and drag myself to the bathroom. I look at all the different sleeping medications I tried spread out on the counter that don't seem to work. Some are open, some are spilled. Whatever. I turn on the shower and do my usual morning routine.

I went to the kitchen in my small apartment to make coffee. I listened to the coffee slowly pour into the cup.

"Hey Babygirl," I heard, causing me to jump and frantically turn around.

"Oh, sorry Cam. I didn't even hear you come in," I said, as he pecked me on the lips. We stood in silence until he finally broke it.

"Your coffee is overflowing," he chuckled. I turned the keurig off and cleaned off the counter. "So, how was your night?"

"You know the answer Cameron..."

"So it hasn't gotten any better has it?" I shook my head and looked down. "I can't take this anymore. You're coming to me and Nash's place. I'm worried about you."

"Don't be. I'm fine really." I saw a shadow at the corner of my eye move quickly causing me to turn around and look, obviously though, there was nothing there.

"See this is why I'm worried. You see and hear things. You're going to get hurt. How long has it been since you slept?"

"53 days," I said quietly. He looked down and grabbed my hands and locked our fingers.

"Let's go pack you a bag, ok?" He smiled and led me to my room. He got out my duffel bag out of my closet. I kind of zoned out and stared at the wall.

"Ready?" He said as he zipped my bag up.

"Yup," I answered popping the 'p'.

He led me to his car and we drove to their place. When we arrived, Gilinsky, Johnson, Nash, Matthew, and Hayes were there. Oh great. Not that I don't love them all, I hate them seeing me like this even though they knew.

"Y/N!" They all said in unison. I smiled and hugged them all.

"I'm going to put my stuff in your room ok?" Cameron asked. I nodded and followed him. "I think the guys are actually staying the night. If that's ok."

"It's your house I don't care."

"Ok. Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine," I said and plastered a fake smile on my face. Him and I both knew it was. "Do you think I could just stay up here for a little bit?" I asked.

"Of course," he said and kissed my forehead before leaving the room. I laid down on his big, comfortable, bed. Waiting for the nice silence to be taken by the obnoxious voices and shadows.

*a few hours later*

Cameron came in at about 12:30 and fell asleep with me in his arms. It was so quiet, but I could hear everything it felt like. Honestly, I was kind of hungry. I didn't go down to eat dinner.

I wiggled out of Cameron's grip, and tiptoed downstairs.

'Y/n.' I heard. Oh no. Please not this.

'Y/N' it said, stretching my name out. I looked around and saw a shadow at the corner of my eye, causing me to quickly turn around. I saw the shadows across the room.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed, and through a glass full of water across the room at it. I backed up into the wall and slid down, hugging my knees. I started sobbing. Why did I have to be like this?

I heard the boys rushing downstairs to see what was going on.

"Y/N are you ok?" Matt said coming to my side to comfort me.

"I can't do this anymore!" I cried. I felt someone carry me up. Obviously it was Cameron. "I'm sorry Cameron," I whispered into his chest.

"You don't need to be sorry. I get it," he cooed in my ear. He laid me down on the bed. "I know it's probably no use in saying 'try to go to sleep', but we're going to get through this together. Ok?"

"Ok,' I smiled.

He kissed my temple. "I love you," he whispered.

"Love you too."

Sorry.. This was planned out better in my head tbh. Sorry if you don't like it. Please don't hate, I know nothing about insomnia.

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