Player Player

By LandonAmeezy

177K 5K 910

Austin Mahone. Your normal bad boy, with a twist. Katie Lyons. Your normal innocent girl, with a problem. Wha... More

Player Player
Chapter 2- Nothing Out of the Ordinary
Chapter 3- Fuck and Forget
Chapter 4- What's With the New Kid?
Chapter 5- Shouldn't Have Trusted the New Kid
Chapter 6- Things Happen People Change
Chapter 7- Yeah, and I Like It
Chapter 8- It Was Supposed to Be a Fun Night
Chapter 9- I'll Help You Make It Normal
Chapter 10- You're Embarrassed of Me
Chapter 11- You'll Never Want to Again
Chapter 12- You Did This to Me
Chapter 13- I'm Addicted
Chapter 14- So Much For That
Chapter 15- It Was a Mistake
Chapter 16- Suffer In Silence
Chapter 17- Just Let Me Have You
Chapter 18- He's Typing
Chapter 19- It's... Ours
Chapter 20- I Do Love You
Chapter 21- I'll Be With Him Soon
Chapter 22- Anywhere But With Me
Chapter 23- I Hate Good Days
Chapter 24- Keep This Flame Burning
Chapter 25- Step One, Completed
Chapter 26- Get My Girl
Chapter 27 - Didn't Mean It Like This
Author's Note **please read**

Chapter 1- Always In the Way

9.5K 215 13
By LandonAmeezy

As I walk into class, I hear everyone talking to their friends and laughing. I sit in the back of the classroom and pull out my notebook. The first day of school is always the worst for me. Everyone is always reuniting with their friends and talking about what theuy did over the summer while I just sit there all alone and pray that I'll get through the day without crying.

I've always been the girl that was alone. It's not that people don't like me.... Well, maybe it is. I honestly don't know why they don't like me though. I'm not one of those weird kids who reads sci-fi books in every single class and eats an egg salad sandwich for lunch everyday, or one of those girls who wear all black everything, like black lipstick and even goes to the extremee of dying their hair black.

Nope, I'm Katie Lyons. The girl who is a senior in highschool with no friends. The girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. The girl who is 5'3 and gets straight A's. The girl who is misunderstood because nobody will give me a chance. That's who I am.

"Austin! What's up bro?!" This kid, Robert, yells to Austin who is now walking into class, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Hey man." Austin and Robert do their bro handshake and Austin sits down in a seat. Right next to me.

Austin is the biggest player in school. He's so conceited. Yes, he has a right to be, because he's one of the hottest guys in school, but he shouldn't act like it. There's another super hot guy in our school. His name is David, he and Austin are both super sexy. The only difference is, David is nice. He doesn't act like he's perfect, which he is. Anyways, Austin. He's so hot. I don't have a crush on him, I'm just physically attracted to him. Which I need to not be because he's also a complete asshole. We've gone to school together since sophomore year. He made that year a living hell for me. He's probably the main reason I am the way I am, which is quiet and reserved. Before sophomore year, I used to have lots of friends. You could actually say that I was popular. But he screwed it all up.

The bell ringing snaps me out of my thoughts and our teacher walks into the room.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over and see none other than Austin. "Hey," he flashes me a smile, "can I borrow a pencil?" I just give him the one I had in my hands. "Thanks. I'll give it back to you at the end of class."

Why is he being nice right now? He seems like the kind of guy to be and asshole even when he's asking for a pencil. Not to mention that he's asking me. The girl he said all those awful things to and made feel so bad. I want to rip the pencil out of his hands and tell him to go find someone else to get one from, but I don't want anything that he's touched.

"Keep it." I snap.

"Thanks. You're the best." He winks at me and I roll my eyes. Is he trying to hit on me?


Is the only thing that comes to mind.


4th period drags on until finally, the lunch bell rings. I quickly gather up my things and pack them into my backpack, trying to avoid being pushed around while making my way to my locker. Unfortunately, that doesn't work. People seem to be going out of their way to bump me. As what looks to be a sophomore bumps into me, he quickly says "Sorry!" and continues on his way. I smile at the fact that he didn't do it on purpose, because it seems like everyone else is doing it on purpose. I look down at the ground for a second and the next thing I know, I'm knocking down someone else's stuff.

"Will you watch where you're going?!" I look up to see none other than my ex boyfriend, Jake.

"Sorry..." I mumble, biting my lip and looking down.

Jake is another huge reason that I am the way I am. We were together for all of 8th and 9th grade, and then as soon as I started to be less available he cheated on me and broke up with me because he said I was worthless and that nobody likes me. He ruined me too.

"Is that all you can say is sorry?!" Jake yells in my face.

"It was just your books, Jake. Calm down." I say, surprised that I actually stood up for myself.

"Don't talk to me like that, you bitch! You're always in the way! Always were, and still are!"

"Shut up and pick up your damn books, Jake."

Jake raises his hand and prepares to hit me. I squeeze my eyes shut and turn my face, waiting for the impact, but it never comes. Instead, I head something slam against the lockers. I open my eyes and see Austin with his hands against Jake.

"Were you going to hit her?!" He yells. Jake doesn't say anything. He just looks at Austin with his eyes wide. "Answer me, dammit!" Austin yells in his face.

"N-no.. I wasn't going to hit her." Jake says, just above a whisper.

"Didn't fucking look like that." Austin growls.

Jake looks at me, his eyes desperate. "Tell him I wasn't going to hit you!" He yells to me.

I shake my head. "I can't do that."


"Because I know that's exactly what you planned on doing." I spit.

Austin turns to Jake and punches him in the nose. I gasp.

"Don't EVER even think about touching ANY girl like that. EVER. Got it?" Jake covers his nose and nods frantically. "Go away now." Austin jerks his head to the side, telling Jake to go that way. Jake does as he's told and runs that way. Austin turns to me and walks over to me. "You alright?"

I nod slightly. "Yeah.. Thank you."

He shrugs. "No problem." Austin sticks his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth between his heels and toes. "So, um. Do you want to like, sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

My breath catches in my throat. Did Austin Mahone really just ask me to sit with him at lunch? Why would he even ask that? Does he not remember all the shit he put me through and all the things he said to me?

"No." I say, surprising myself again.


"No." I repeat.

"Did you just say no to me? Nobody ever says no to me."

I scoff. "I guess there's a first for everything." I start to walk past him but he grabs my wrist and pulls me to face him. He grabs my other wrist too and squeezes, hard. "Ow, Austin! You're hurting me!"

He doesn't loosen his grip though. I want to cry for someone to come save me, but the hallways are empty and everyone is at lunch by now.

"After what I just did for you," he growls, "you say NO to me?"

"Exactly." I say. "Now let go! This hurts!"

"Good." He sneers. "Nobody can hurt you... Except me."

"What?" I say, confused.

"Watch your back, Katie. You're too fine to not be taken care of." He smirks, squeezing harder.

"Ow! Austin let go!" I yell, trying to pull away.

"HEY! Asshole, let go of her!" I look over and see David walking towards us.

"This is none of your business." Austin says to him. "You don't even know what's going on."

David shrugs and continues to walk towards us. "Maybe I don't, but I know that you're hurting her. SOOOO.... I'm gonna have to ask you to let go of her wrists." He gets even closer. Austin still doesn't relase, he only squeezes harder, making me wince and tear fall down my cheek. David notices and does the job himself. He pries Austin's hands off of my wrists and pulls me into his side.

"Thank you." I say to him, looking down at my wrists that are already bruised.

"Don't mention it. Do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch today?"

I look Austin in the eyes then turn my attention to David. "Yeah. I would love that."

~*Austin's P.O.V.*~

Oooh, a challenge. Good, I like that.

(*Hey! So, first chapter! Oh gosh I'm so excited for this. I hope you are too! Please vote and comment telling me what you think!! Don't forget to follow me on twitter: @Ameezys_Baby.
Okay, I hope it was good! Byeee!!*)

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