Past and Present (IU and EXO...

By XxLilzCxX

4.4K 221 43

SLOW UPDATES SORRY As Lee Jieun stumble upon her great grandmother's watch necklace, she suddenly had the pow... More

C 2: THE PAST?!?
C 3: Exo
C 4: Me?
C 5: Tonight?
C 6: Sleepover!!
C 7: Performance
C 8: I'm Back!!
C 9: Amusement Park Pt. 1
C 10: Amusement Park Pt. 2
C 11: Like Us
C 12: Big Day
C 13: Big Day Pt.2
C 14: Moving back?
C 15: Feelings
C 16: Warnings
C 17: Her
C 18: Future
C 19: Kiss
C 20: A Second Beginning

C 1: Watch Necklace

560 19 4
By XxLilzCxX


"Hey honey! It's been forever since you last visited!" My mom said while letting me inside the house. "Yeah! I know it been 3 years since I last saw you and dad! You still look great!" "Oh honey what do you mean by great? I aged a lot during those three years! But look at you! You are still gorgeous!"

"Thank you omma but the reason why I visited was to get some of my belongings I left here." "They must be in the attic, why wont you check later and have dinner with me and your dad huh?" "I would love to! Speaking of dad where is he?" I said looking around the house.

"Your dad is at work sweetie, but don't worry he'll come back in a couple of hours" She said while entering the kitchen. As she was cooking some food for dinner, I decided to look around the house. Wow...still looks the same, hmm I remember running around the house while my dad was chasing me pretending to be a monster. Good times, good times. I went to the hallway and went inside my room I used to sleep at. Wow so empty now, I remember having H.O.T and G.O.D posters hanging on my wall when I was little, but now the walls were just plain white and dull.

"Jieun-ah! Your dad is here! He came earlier than expected." My mom said. I went out of my room and saw my dad standing in the middle of the living room. "A-appa!" I cried and ran to hug him. "I missed you so much gijibeya!" He said while caressing my hair. "Nado appa...nado." "Aishh stop being so emotional and lets eat dinner already!" My mom said looking pissed. "Aigoo~ arraseo arraseo" My dad said while breaking the hug and make way into the kitchen as I follow him.

"Woow!! Omma you didn't have to make this much food!" I said while looking at the table full of deliciousness. "Wae?? Nae aegi (My baby) should eat well." My mom said giving me a bowl of rice. "Sit down and eat gijibe. Make sure to eat a lot!!" My dad says while motioning me to sit. "Ne appa~~"

"So...Jieun-ah do you have a boyfriend?" My mom asks me. I stopped eating...I mean I know she wants me to have a boyfriend but my job is important to me right now. "No not yet..." "Aigoo you need to hurry up and get a boyfriend so you can get married and have kids. I want to have grandchildren."

"Mianhe omma but right now my job is important to me...this job is my dream job and I achieved it. If I want to have a boyfriend then I will find one but right now, I'm focused on my job." "That's right yeobo if she wants a boyfriend then she will take care of it herself" my dad said siding with me. "Aigoo arraseo" she said and continue to eat. Daebak...I can't believe I stood up against my mom, if my dad wasn't here then she would've beaten my ass already.

Once we were done eating I decided to go look for my belongings in the attic. "Be careful up there, there's a lot of bugs up there you know." my dad says while holding the latter so I won't fall on my butt. "Gwenchana appa I'm not scared of them anymore."

"Wow my little girl is not scared anymore" "Well I'm not so little anymore" I said as I made it to the top. "Okay appa I'm up here now thanks for holding the latter" "No problem call me when you're coming back down okay" "Okay" I said as I watch him leave. Now lets get searching.

Now the thing that I left behind was actually a necklace, it had my initials on it LJE. The necklace was very special to me because my grandma gave it to me.

While my family was dealing with money problems my parents was always out of the house at their workplace to clear our debt, and while that was happening my grandma was the only one to take care of me. She would cook food for me, do my clothes for me, she would do anything for me just so I can be happy. I remember at the hospital where she was lying down on the bed diagnosed with cancer.


"Halmeoni are you going to leave me?" I said while holding her hands and crying. "Aigoo don't worry aemi ah I won't go anywhere trust me." She said while looking at me.

"Then why are you here? Your supposed to be at home with me, omma, and appa having fun." "It's just that grandma is a little weak and decided to rest here. Here's a gift for you so you won't feel sad" she said while handing me a necklace.

"What's this?" I said with full curiosity. "I made this necklace just for you. I made it so you won't forget about me" "How can I forget about you? You're the best grandma ever that anyone can have!!" "Aigoo thank you aemi ah. Now let me have a nap okay?" "Okay..." I got up and pulled the blanket up to her neck so she can be warm. After that I went to the couch and decided to also take a nap.

~~2 hours later~~

"DOCTOR!! HURRY SHE IS HAVING A CARDIAC ARREST!!" one of the nurses say. "HURRY BRING A DEFIBRILLATOR AND PUT IT TO 200" "NE" the doctor said. As that was happening I was slowly waking up because of all the shouting that was happening. "What is going on?" I said to myself. As I was fully awake I see a doctors and nurses surrounded by my grandma's bed. WAIT!! As I fully understanded what happen I quickly jumped off the couch and ran to my grandma.

"HALMEONI HALMEONI!!!" I say crying and shouting from the top of my lungs. "STAND BACK WHILE WE PUT THE DEFIBRILLATOR ON HER" The doctor said. "SHOCK!!" The doctor said while putting the defibrillator on her chest. "300!!" and the nurse turned the knob to 300. As that was happening I was on my knees begging to God to please save halmeoni.

"SHOCK!!" "PALLI 400!!" He said. "Seongsengnim!! THATS TOO HIGH!" "YAH JUST DO IT!!" "PLEASE SEONGSENGNIM SAVE HER!! PLEASE!!" "SHOCK!!" *Beeeepppp* "W-we lost her seonsengnim..." "BWO?!? ANIYA SHE IS STILL ALIVE PLEASE HALMEONI PLEASE WAKE UP!!" "M-mianhe we did everything we can do...sorry" "Time of death 13:46 PM"

Time of death. Time of death. Time of death. It keeps on echoing in my head.

~~Flashback Ends~~

As I remembered what happen to my grandma, I was kneeling down crying in front of the boxes that was stored up here. I wiped my tears off my cheek and decided to start looking for my necklace. "Whew...let's see, now where can my precious necklace be" I said while moving these big boxes around.

As I was moving a box, I tripped over something making all the things scatter on the floor. "OWW! Shit! That hurts like a bitch!" "JIEUN-AH ARE YOU OKAY??" I hear my dad yelling from below. "Ne appa! I'm okay just a little scratch!" "OKAY BE CAREFUL" He says and walks off. As I got up and brush off the dust on my body, I see something shining in the distance.

It must be my necklace! I ran up to it and pick it up, once I figured out what it was my smile turned into a frown. "What's this?" I said looking at it up and down. There was a clock or a watch attached to the bottom of the chain. "Ahh it's a watch necklace, still looks good but the glass is pretty broken."

I was inspecting the watch necklace still, the patterns on the back were so pretty and the fading gold color still looked pretty. It was a keeper. I decided to hold on to it while looking for my necklace.

"HERE IT IS!! Still looks good too!" I found my necklace in another box and looked at it while admiring how good it still looks. I'm surprised there are no scratches on it.

I put my necklace on and headed down with the watch necklace still in my hand. As I reached back down onto the floor I closed the hatch to the attic and put the latter away. I make way into the living room and see my dad sitting on the couch having some tea while watching T.V. "Oh you're done already?" My dad asks me. "Yeah I already found what I wanted" "Yah gijibe! You should've told me you were coming down you could have fall on your butt!"

"Gwenchana appa, I made it down safe!" "Aigoo but what did you find and whats in your hand?" "Ahh I found my necklace that grandma gave back then and this?" I said holding up the watch necklace "I found it while looking for my necklace, I liked it so I decided to take it with me, do you know who it belongs to?" "No I don't but probably your mom does. YEOBO!! Come here for a second!" "I'm coming!!" My mom says as she gets out of her room.

"I'm here what do you need?" My mom asks. "Uhh well Jieun found a watch necklace when she was in the attic, do you know who it belongs to?" I handed her the watch necklace so she can inspect it. "Wow....I have't seen this for years! I can't believe we still had it!" My mom says looking amazed. "Waeyo omma?"

"This watch necklace was your great grandma's! She given this to me when I was a kid! Wow it still looks pretty." " you mind if I can have this?" "Of course you can! Actually, your great grandmother said to give this to one I cherish the most when I grow up and that person is you! So yes you may have it!" "Thank you omma! I will cherish this for a long long time!"

I decided to leave my parents house and go back to my condo. I took a warm long bath and changed into some pajamas. As I was done with everything I decided to look at the watch necklace again.

I was turning the clock back and forth looking at the patterns slowly once again. "Hmm these patterns for my new costume might look good." Yup, I was deciding to make a new dress with these patterns.

After looking at it some more I take my small hand and decided to turn the little knob that control the arrows. After turning the knob back and forth nothing happened. "What was I even expecting? The damn thing is broken!" Just then the arrows started turning like crazy. "Bwoya...what's happening?!?"

I threw the watch necklace down on the floor and next thing you know a stream of blue light zoomed out of the watch! "WHAT IS HAPPENING!!"


New Story!!! You like it so far?? I know it's boring but don't worry it will get better! Anyways please let me know your thoughts on the first chapter and see you in the next one ^3^~~

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