The Different//Supernatural F...

By SarahBeans

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[Unedited] Have you ever heard of a Nephilim? Half angel and half human. Well, in Jamie's case, things were a... More

~ Chapter 1
~ Chapter 2
~ Chapter 3
~ Chapter 4
~ Chapter 5
~ Chapter 6
~ Chapter 7
~ Chapter 8
~ Chapter 9
~ Chapter 10
~ Chapter 11
~ Chapter 12
~ Chapter 13
~ Chapter 14
~ Chapter 15
~ Chapter 16
~ Chapter 17
~ Chapter 18
~ Chapter 19
~ Chapter 20
~ Chapter 21
~ Chapter 22
~ Chapter 23
~ Chapter 24
~ Chapter 25
~ Chapter 26
~ Chapter 27
~ Chapter 28
~ Chapter 30
~ Chapter 31
~ Chapter 32
~ Chapter 33
~ Chapter 34
~ Chapter 35
~ Chapter 36
~ Chapter 37
~ Chapter 38
~ Chapter 39
~ Chapter 40
~ Chapter 41
~ Chapter 42
~ Chapter 43
~ Epilogue part 1
~ Epilogue part 2
~ Authors Note!
A Christmas Special

~ Chapter 29

46 3 6
By SarahBeans

Hello amazing people. I hope you're all doing well. 

Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy. (-;

In the corner of your eye Dean had the syringe raised up and the vampire was on the floor which relieved you slightly. There was no point in killing him because you needed to find the nest. There was something more to it. The moment the bleeding started to subside, you pulled the cloth from it slowly to see there was more than just gunshot wound. "Dammit." you mumbled.

Danica lifted her head slowly to meet your gaze. "What?" she questioned. You were unresponsive while you examined the extra wound beside the bullet hole. Her shoulder had a few puncture marks and you knew exactly what happened. "Nothing." you answered uneasy. "Do you have a first aid anywhere?" The best thing to do was to get her mind off things while you tried to figure out a way to get her fixed up. She pointed to indicate where it was and Dean scattered off towards the bathroom to get it.

Dean got back within minutes with a box labelled 'First Aid'; he placed upon the table and hurried over to help you lift Danica.

He carried her bridal style and placed her on the nearest empty chair around the breakfast table as she let out a groan in agony. To you the chair wasn't the best place, all you wanted was for her to be comfortable but it was the first thing that came to mind.

Quickly you went around the kitchen to find a few things that may help with the pain. "See if there's any whiskey and a cloth to bite down on." he mentioned. This didn't sound good; it was horrible to see someone go through with that. The last time you got a shot while working a case with your father, it ended in way too many glasses of whiskey and you passing out a few times from the unbearable pain.

There was a half drunken whiskey bottle that caught your eye, you grabbed it and rushed over to get a cloth as Dean had said. "This is not looking good, Jamie." Dean said worried. Without a word, unable to even process what had just been said.

All you focused on was Danica and saving her life. The sweat from her forehead became visible as you placed the cloth inside her mouth and you glanced over at the whiskey then to Dean a little bewildered at why he wanted you to get it, if she doesn't even have the strength to drink it. "Why do we need the whiskey?" you questioned.

"The whiskey is for us." he answered with a smirk. At the point you had no time to send him back the smile that you had received but worry about getting the bullet out of her.

The hole was big enough to fit your finger inside but there was no use in stretching the wound so you looked into the box to find a pair of tweezers or something to push the bullet out. There was nothing but a pair of disposable gloves that caught your eyes, instantly you grabbed it without a second thought and placed them on.

"Dean, I need you to keep pressure on the wound so she doesn't bleed out while I try remove the bullet." you added in an anxious tone. Thankfully he didn't question and did what you had requested him to do when he walked over with the cloth in his hand.

You pulled another chair closer to get ready to remove it; in a joking manner Dean offered Danica and surprisingly not expecting her to have grabbed it straight from his hands anxiously.

Quickly she drank the whiskey to try block out the pain that caused her distress which just made you hesitate on doing it without hurting her. "Just do it." she muffled fretful. There's was no hesitation as you stuck your finger into the open wound to try and dig for the bullet that was launched into her skin.

Time went by as you tried your best to get a grip on the bullet; it took longer than you had planned due to the constant breaks that were taken to give her time to breathe without her passing out. Suddenly your vision went blurry, it became harder to see what you were doing but finally you had a grip on the bullet.

A sigh of relief left your lips when you pulled the bullet out and a gasp of air left Danica's as if she held her breathe. "We did it." you said pleased. Dean helped you place the thread through the needle to stitch her up. Relief washed over you when you noticed there was not lots damage done, well besides the bullet wound.

Expecting a smile from Dean but instead the look of terror upon his face. "What?" you questioned. He handed you a sheet of gauze unresponsive at your actions and it just made you worried about what actually happened.

Danica had consumed the rest of whiskey in bottle; she had broken out in cold sweats from the pain that she experienced. She tempted to stand but immediately sat down again uneasy. The main thing that worried you was the fact she got bitten but to be cautious you placed an extra piece of gauze over it mainly to keep it hidden.

Dean carried her bridal style to the sofa and placed her on slowly as you placed the blanket that hung over the sofa upon her worn out body. "Looks like she'll be okay." you said relieved.

Dean pulled you aside and led you into another room for privacy. "What's going on, Dean?" you queried. He took a few steps towards you, just inches from your face and he looked at you straight in the eye anxiously.

"Your eyes... They started to glow. It was a dim, greyish colour." he whispered. Your heart started to beat at the thought knowing it would be much harder to control your actions especially if you couldn't control when your eyes glowed anymore. There was a crash and a bang that emerged through the house.

It snapped you from your thoughts as you both shot your gaze in one direction. Dean hurried off in the opposite direction and you ran off to see if Danica was okay. When you reached her, everything was okay and instantly you ran off towards the direction Dean went in.

The moment you had reached him, he was crouched on the ground with the destroyed piece of rope in one hand and his machete in the other. "Great. What are we suppose to do now?" you questioned as you threw your hands up. Dean quickly stood up at your presence and walked passed you with a smile.

"Dean?" He immediately came back in with the laptop opened. He placed it onto the table and a map immediately popped up with a glowing - red dot. "Bingo." He said with triumph. He smiled at you before showing you the screen where the red dot was, and relief washed over you when you realised what Dean had decided to do. He slipped his phone into the Vamps pocket while he was out cold. "Come on, let's get going." he said pleased with himself.

The moment you had turned around, Danica was standing with her body against the wall for support and a worried look. "I'm going too." she said uneasy. You and Dean knew it wasn't a good idea but it would be better if she came.

"Fine, but you're staying in the car." Dean snapped. He immediately hurried off to get packed while you helped Danica into the car as she was still weak from the wound. Without wasting any more time you got into the passengers seat and Dean started the car.


Within minutes the car stopped by the speed Dean was going at, the night skies had surrounded you and it was not long till morning arose. Dean parked the car out of sight but still in close distance of the house. You and Dean exited the car simultaneously when you noticed Danica was passed out in the back seat.

"This all seems too easy." you said uncertain while Dean was busy in the trunk of the car. Something seemed wrong about all of it, normally you had to put up a fight to try and get even that far. He stopped and looked up at your worried eyes while you scanned around to what seemed to be an isolated place. By the no response from Dean, you went back to placing the holster around your waist for your machete.

It wouldn't buckle around your waist even though it was the simplest thing to get done. Suddenly you felt a firm hand placed upon your waist, your gaze was met by a pair of green eyes and within seconds you heard the click of the holster.

"Stay close and be careful. We get the kid and go." he said while tightening the straps around your waist so that it was able to sit comfortably. He seemed more uneasy than he usually was which worried you especially by the way his eyes fixated on yours anxiously. "Her names Gracie and what about the hunter?" you mentioned.

He left your gaze and went back to searching through the trunk. All these short answers were starting to annoy you especially when he acted that way.

There was no point in arguing and knowing he had a lot on his plate right now. His brother didn't give a damn if he lived or died and he has the Mark of Cain which could be doing who knows what? In instinct you moved towards him, your body was just inches from his and you waited patiently for him to catch the hint that you were throwing. "Are you okay?" you asked concerned. He lifted his head and handed you the machete.

"Yeah... Let's just get this over with." he answered. He shut the boot closed immediately with the duffel bag thrown over his shoulder. He placed his free hand upon your face, there was a gentle pull as you moved closer and pecked your lips lightly. He then scanned around cautiously. "We shouldn't be out here too long. Let's get moving before the Cullen's start noticing." he quipped.

Without waiting any longer you both headed towards the large building, it looked like a house that was surrounded with many bushes with a beautiful garden. It didn't seem like the usual place for Vampires to be located.

Something seemed off about this all and the more you thought about it, it just made you apprehensive about what was about to happen next. The only way to get into the house was to enter the next available open window since all the doors you had tried were locked and there was no point in making your presence obvious.

After walking around, there was an open window on the side of house. "Give me a boost." you said. Dean lifted you by the waist and quickly you clutched onto the window frame to pull yourself up. You looked out the window to meet Dean's eyes. "Keep going. I'll find another way in. Be careful." he whispered before taking off. Although you didn't like the idea of splitting up, you obeyed his command and made your way through the brightly lit hallway.

One step slowly in front of each other, pacing each step that you took as your eyes scanned around cautiously. Silence answered you but not for long when you heard distant whimpers of an infant.

The more steps you took, the louder the cries had gotten. In instinct your felt your hands immediately clasp the machete that rested in the holster. Have you ever had that feeling that someone was following you? The sound of heavy breathing caught your attention from behind as you felt the floor creak beneath your feet.

A drop of sweat ran down your forehead, without notice you had pulled the machete from the holster and it glided through the air until it stopped once it had collided with the neck of woman. Her head landed upon the hard wooden floor with a thud. You didn't take the time to bother with the corpse of the vampire but continue on trying to find where the cries came from.

Gently you placed your ear against the door when suddenly you felt someone grab onto your loose hair and pull you back. Your head was slammed against the wall as the impact just about knocked the wind out of you. The vamps sharp teeth had become visible while he hissed at you aggressively.

"You silly little bitch." he snarled. His warm breathe upon your face smelt of fresh blood. Your eyes were now fixated on your machete that now lay upon the floor beside you, quickly you rolled over and scrambled towards your weapon that laid there isolated. You soon relaxed when you were just inches from it when you felt a strong grip around your ankle that restricted you. Your fingers were just about touching the handle of the machete, it flickered over it just enough to pull it a little closer.

Finally you had it in your grip and you swung it across aiming for the arm preventing your movement. There was just the scream of pure agony when you noticed your aim was good enough to distract while you beheaded him with one hard swing.

"Who's the little bitch now? Bitch." you said while kicking the head out of your path.

The noise that now plagued had alerted the rest of the vampires as the door of the room swung open. A large figure moved into site with a nasty grin upon his face. He looked at you as if you were his next meal for the night. "You got to be kidding me." you breathed heavily.

He smirked and his hands formed a fist. At that point you knew you wouldn't make it out of there without a scratch. The look of horror struck his face and with a blink of an eye his head slowly slid from his neck. A smirk form the older Winchester who stood behind the large built vamp caught your attention.

He must have gotten through the window in the room. You followed him inside of the now cleared bedroom where the cheerful smile of a toddler was, it was Gracie who had tears that pooled her eyes. She stood fearful in her crib with her arms out as her fists fluttered open and closed wanting comforting. "I will go scope out the place one more time to see if I can find the hunter while you get her out of here." he mentioned. Without hesitation you took Gracie form the crib. She looked so grown up as if you hadn't seen her in years.

There was nothing left in your pathway but two beheaded bodies you had met on the way down. It was huge, spiral staircase and incredible lighting that lit up the place. Dean led the way down while you anxiously scanned your surroundings for any scares. Dean opened the front door and you rushed out to get Gracie to safety. You heart started to the beat the closer you got just thankful to have gotten her out okay.

The sun was just about rising and before you knew it, you were surrounded by pink skies. Suddenly you felt your body being lifted from the ground and she was taken from your arms as you were weakened by the grip. The only thing you cared about was Gracie, the grip was oppressive and it became harder to breathe as your vision went blurry. His sharp nails sunk into your neck, puncturing the skin slowly. The sun was rising but not fast enough even though that wouldn't stop them.

"Stop." you gasped. He enjoyed your struggle by the smile upon his face. "And what are you going to do about it?" he questioned. From the anger building up, the strength did too. You fought the urge to pass out and your heart started to beat quicker than expected. He must have felt the sudden raise in your heart rate which gave you the opportunity and quickly you placed both hands upon the hand that clasped around your neck.

It began to get easier the moment you started pulling his hand from your neck. He released and you dropped to the ground, landing directly onto your feet but your now weakened body instantly fell like a puppet. All you wanted to do was close your eyes but there were others you had to think about.

"Hey! Asswipe." A familiar voice shouted. His view soon shot to the voice that came from behind him and relief washed over you when you watched him slowly fall to the ground. It was the last thing you had seen before darkness consumed you completely....

When you started to come to, you were met by, what seemed to be four anxious expression looking down at you. "Jamie?" Dean called out but it all seemed distant. "How many fingers am I holding up?" he asked while waving them in your face.

"Well it doesn't help waving them around." another voice snapped. Your eyes were soon blinded by the bright sun that shined down upon you. When realisation hit you, you shot up from your daze and scanned around worried. "Where's Gracie?" you questioned. Dean placed his hands firmly onto your shoulder as he examined your dispersed eyes. "She's okay." he said reassuring as his eyes trailed off to the Impala.

He lifted you up to your feet, the ground as if it began to move beneath you as well as the area around you but you landed in two protective arms. A smile emerged onto your face. "Thanks." He returned the smile before walking towards the Impala, sensing Danica's urge to tell me something. She walked over with a relieved look.

She looked way better which helped with the worrying but you could see she was hiding the pain well. "Hey, I was thinking... Why don't you stay? You could move in which would help me a lot and I see the way you look at Gracie. Come on, you deserve some happiness too." She said in a pleading tone. It would be a dream come true to have that kind of life especially with Gracie who you adored.

All you could do was gaze over to the man who stood with his arms rested comfortably upon the roof of his baby, and his protective, green eyes meeting yours. Part of you wanted to stay but the other part couldn't leave Dean. "I think I've found my happiness." you said without breaking the gaze from Dean.

It looks like Jamie has her mind set. What do you think about Jamie and Dean? Will it be serious?

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