Frozen Heart [A Gruvia Fanfic...

By StarSamaWritesStuff

16.8K 765 169

It was so dark. I was thinking about my guild, wait, what was the name of my guild? What was a guild again? I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The End!

Chapter 3

815 29 14
By StarSamaWritesStuff

Hey guys! Enjoying so far? What do you think about them living together? Comment what you think!

{Juvia's POV}

     He just... WE WERE GOING TO LIVE TOGETHER!!! Should I have been scared or happy? I was too out of it to think right now. I was blushing a lot. I could feel my face burning up!

     He then walked over to a table and sat me down on it. I had no idea how I didn't pass out already from being with Gray alone so long. What was wrong with me?! Or maybe what wasn't wrong with me...

     Gray looked at me, inspecting me with a sweet face. I never knew he could be so sweet. Usually he was just... annoyed. Annoyed and angry. This Gray... was different. It was a soft side of him I had never seen before.

     "Juvia your face is really red. Are you okay?" he asked.

     No! I was blushing! I tried to stop blushing but it only resulted in me blushing even more. He put his hand on my forehead, as if checking my temperature to see if I was sick. His cold hand felt good on my burning skin. I calmed down a little. Then I thought about the dream again... I felt a tears run down my face.

     "Was the dream really that bad?" he asked.

     I didn't say anything. He did his Ice Make magic and made a beautiful glistening hancherchief. He then wiped my tears away with it.

     "There you go, all better," he said.

     My nose was still pink, but I had stopped crying and my eyes weren't red.

     "Thank you..." I said.

     He smiled.

     "No problem, just don't tell Natsu about this, okay?" he said.

     I giggled.

     "Juvia doesn't want to tell anyone about this. Can we just keep the nightmare thing between us?" I asked.

     He smiled even brighter.

     "Sure," he replied.

     Then we heard some giggling from behind Mira's workplace.

     "That better not be what I think it is," Gray said annoyed.

     What did he think it was? He walked over to the counter and when he did, Mira popped up from behind it.

     "Mira...", Gray said annoyed.

     "Gray," Mira said giggling, "Juvia."

     "Hello Mira!" I said smiling.

     Did she hear anything about the nightmares!?

     "Mira, when did you get here?" Gray asked.

     "Just now. You guys having some alone time? Should I leave you two?" Mira giggled.

     Ah! Mira and her shipping! What gives!?

     "No that's fine!" Gray and I said at the same time. We looked at each other.

     "THEY'RE SO PERFECT TOGETHER!!" Mira mumbled to herself.

     "We heard that!" Gray and I said at the same time again.

     Mira just giggled to herself. If I told her I was going to live with Gray, she would have a heart attack! And what was I going to tell Lucy?!

     Ever since Lucy and Natsu started dating, Lucy and I became best friends! We were already good friends before, but now that she wasn't my love rival I wouldn't have to worry about her getting with Gray, so we could be friends! She was going to go insane when she found out about my future living situation. I decided not to tell anyone, just to let them find out on their own.

     "The others are going to be here soon so you guys can act all cuddly until then! Hee hee!" Mira squeaked before she walked off.

     "Ughhhh," Gray grunted looking annoyed.

     I was only blushing slightly. He walked up to me.

     "Sorry about that," Gray said, acting sweet again.

     "It's fine," I said.

     "Want some breakfast?" Gray asked.

     "Sure!" I replied.

     "What would you like?" he asked.

     "Um, surprise Juvia?" I asked.

     "Ok," he said with a smile before walking off. Mira had returned now.

     He was ordering the food when more people walked in. There was the Laxus squad, then Cona, then Gajeel and Levi, then Erza, then Bisca and her husband with their kid, followed by Lissana and Elfman who walked in right before Gray came back with two bowls of soup.

     "Here is your breakfast," Gray said before setting one of the soup bowls in front of me.

     "Oooh what is it?" I asked as Gray sat beside me.

     "It's Mira's special soup of the day, it has a herb in it which supposedly increases the capacity of a mage's magic lacrima," he explained.

     We then began eating. Before anyone noticed his soft side, Gray put on his annoyed face again. Soon after, Natsu and Lucy walked in. They sat down across Gray and I as usual.

     "Morning!" Natsu said.

     "Good Morning!" Lucy said.

     "Morning," Gray and I said at the same time.

     "Did you guys just speak at the same time?" Natsu asked curiously.

     "Whaaaat? Noooo, when did we do that?" Gray and I said at the same time again.

     Mira popped up from behind us.

     "They've been doing it all morning," Mira giggled.

     Mira disappeared.

     "Aww that's so cute!" Lucy said.

     "Quiet now Lucy," Natsu said.

     "BUT THEY'RE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!!" she mumbled.

     "I know, I know, but we can't do anything," he told her.

     "I know..." she said.

     "We can hear you!" Gray and I said at the same time again.

     "You know who else is perfect together?" Natsu said.

     "Us," Lucy said dreamily.

     "Us," Natsu replied before kissing her deeply.

     I started to blush.

     "Seriously guys? Really? Okay, I have lost my appetite," Gray said.

     "Hm?" they said after they finally stopped kissing.

     "Ugh, nothing," Gray said annoyed.

     The couple sat down. Natsu slung his arm over Lucy.

     "So Juvia," Lucy began, "Why weren't you at work these past couple days?"

     "Uhhh, ummm-ummm... Juvia was ummm," I stuttered.

     I felt Gray's hand under the table reach toward mine. I took his hand and squeezed it tightly while he stroked the top of my hand with his thumb. A small gesture that meant more than words could say.

     "Juvia caught a cold. She was really sick and was afraid of being near anyone she might give it to," Gray said.

     Phew. That was close. I would have to thank Gray later.

     "Aw you poor thing! Why didn't you call me so I could make you some of my special 'get better soup'?!" Lucy asked.

     "Juvia d-didn't want to trouble you," I lied.

     "Next time you are sick, you have to call me. Okay?" Lucy said.

     "Okay, Juvia promises!" I promised.

     We continued to eat and Natsu and Lucy ordered the same dish as Gray and I were eating.

     "So," Natsu began, with his mouth full of soup,"you guys wanna go on another quest together?"

     "Sure," Gray and I said at the same time again.

     Natsu and Lucy laughed. Then they went off to pick a quest. Gray and I just ate in silence, occasionally glancing at each other.
     When Natsu and Lucy came back, they had a quest in hand. Lucy started to read.

     "Extremely dangerous gang of thieves have been destroying our village, please come and deal with them! Reward is 300,000 jewel! How about it?!" Lucy read aloud.

     "That's a great deal!" I exclaimed.

     "When do we leave?" Gray asked.

     "Now," Natsu said eagerly.

     We got up and we started to leave...

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! Don't worry there is a lot more action and drama coming! See ya then!

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