Falling For You In Cape May

Von PagesInBetween

322K 14.6K 565

Different worlds, Different circumstances, Fate brought them together, But will they remain there? Mehr

Author's Note


7.7K 352 21
Von PagesInBetween


My shirt is drenched with sweat.  I woke up at seven in the morning and decided to go for a run.  Walking around the neighborhood for last four days has gotten  me more familiarized with the streets and the area. 

I looked at my Garmin watch and realized that I have been running for an hour and have put in 16 miles.  Wow!  I didn't even thought that I can run that far.  It's is just so nice to run in this kind of weather -  mind free of anything negative and just enjoying this free time that I have. 

I am now on the southern part of the beach. I slowed down a little and admired the view. 

I am running on the edge of the beach.  Seagulls are squawking and flying above me.  The sun has completely risen but patches of clouds in the sky has given the morning a cooler breeze.  I passed by an older couple who is walking hand in hand and another runner, running in a decent speed.  When I saw the the Willow Mansion across the street coming to view, I started walking to slow down my heart rate. 

I never enjoyed this much freedom before. 

I am just a regular person here, no security on guard 24/7, no schedules that I need to follow, no media that bombards me with questions and no fans that would want photos every now and then. 

I sighed and sat down on the sand, thinking of  what if. 

What if I am not an actor? 

What am I doing right now?

What life am I living? 

Am I in the Philippines or will I be somewhere else? 

Would I be sitting here too thinking of what if?

"Totoy come back here!"  A yelling from the distance interrupted my reverie.

I lift my hand up to my eyes to shade it.  I see a small brown dog running my way and a woman running trying to catch it.

I scoop the dog up as soon as it reaches me, to prevent it from running any further.

"Totoy don't do that again!  You scared the heck out of me!"  She said, as she put both her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. 

I smiled, it's the lady with the kissable lips. She is wearing a long white flowing dress that shows off her bare shoulders and a wide brim straw hat.

"Thankyou.  Thank you for getting him.  I was so afraid he was going to run towards the street. His leash broke."  She said, showing me a broken leash.

"No worries."  I smiled, repeating the words she uttered when I was the one thanking her.

"Thank you again."  She looked at me and smiled.  And then she looked at me again, eyebrows squinching.

Oh no!  Did she recognize me?

"Wait,  aren't you the guy who asked me for directions the other day?"  She asked. 

I breathe a sigh of relief. 

So that's what she knows of me. 

Thank God!

"Yes, I am that guy.  Thank you.  If not for you, I probably am still looking for that house." I said, trying very hard to have a light conversation with kissable lips.

"Ha haha.  You are funny!"  She laughed.  I like the way she laughs, there's like a tiny snort at the end of the laugh that isn't recognizable but if you listen closely you'll hear it. 

Stop it Alden!

Are you analyzing a stranger's laugh now?

I look at the dog I am holding now and scratched it's ears.

"I think he likes you,"  she said, reaching out to scratch his ear too, "he's never used to people."

"I am just a dog lover.  He probably felt it.  What's his name?"  I asked.

"His name is Totoy. It's like Toto, the dog from the Wizard of Oz, only his is with a Y on the end. I know it's a weird name."  She replied.

Totoy,  but when she said it, it sounded like Tow-toyee, oh that cute accent always gets me.

"Wait,Totoy?  That's a Filipino word meaning little boy."  I blurted. 

Shit! Why did I say that?

"Oh! You know the meaning?  Are you Filipino?" She asked.

Shit!  Shit! Shit!  She may recognize me now.

"I am."  I replied.  Oh well.

"I wouldn't peg you for one.  You look more Korean-American."

"I am actually, a Filipino-American.  My grandfather is white."

"Oh, okay."

"But why did you name your dog Totoy?  Are you a Filipino too?"

"It's my mom.  Growing up, we had this neighbor and they had a little boy,  every time she see's the boy, she'll call him Totoy.  And about my descent,  Hmm, how will I say it, my dad's Brazilian-Italian and then my mom is Spanish-Filipino, so I guess I am a mutt!"  She kidded.

Oh why am I so mesmerized by her beauty. There is something in her face that is so attractive.

"That's why you don't look so Filipino too."

"Really? I thought my flat nose is a dead giveaway!"  She laughed. 

There goes that laugh again.

"But your lips compensates the nose."  I mumbled. I couldn't stop staring at her lips.

"What did you say?"  She asked, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Oh nothing, I was asking, if you live here." 

"Well, no and yes."  

I looked at her a little confused.

"No, I don't live here, but yes, I guess  I am, because I own Victoria's Inn." She explained.

The wind is making her dress flutter, and making it to wrap around her body too.

"So you own the nice inn beside the house I am renting."

"Now I remember, you asked for the directions for the Willow Mansion."


"Well I guess I will be seeing you quite often, for I know the Willow Mansion is a six-month lease the least."

"You're right, Willow Mansion is going to be my home for the next six months."  Her eyes are really pretty and her lips.  I want to kiss those lips.

"Alright, see you around."  She said, taking Totoy from me.

"Se –See you."  I replied, caught off-guard.

And then it hit me.

Shit!  I didn't ask for her name.

Stupid! Stupid!  Stupid Alden!


Why can't I take my mind off her?

She's been on my mind constantly and I keep on looking at the inn, hoping I'll catch a glimpse of her.  I didn't see her the whole afternoon,  but I can hear Totoy barking from time to time. 

I am sitting outside the deck, enjoying a bottle of ice cold hard lemonade.  This drink is now my favorite.  I'm never really into alcoholic drinks because there's really no way or chance for me to drink anyway, but when I saw this Mike's hard lemonade, I was curious because I never heard of such a thing and bought it, now I enjoy drinking it.  I am waiting for the grill to heat up a little, it's grilled chicken breast tonight.

The sun is beginning to set, it is falling behind the horizon painting the sky shades of crimson  and pink.  I grab my phone from the table and snap a picture.  If I am back home, I know I wouldn't be able to admire this kind of beauty.   I thank God, that I am able to do this right now and I can, without worrying of not earning a paycheck.

The sound of a panting dog caught my attention. 

"Totoy! Anong ginagawa mo dito?"  I asked petting his head. 

"Tumakas ka ano?"  He whimpered, I scoop him up and put him on the seat beside me.  He is such an adorable dog like his owner. His curly brown fur is so soft to touch. One can tell that he is well take cared of. He is probably in the groomers every week.

He put his head on my thigh and settled himself there.

"Alam ba ng maganda mong amo na andito ka?"  I asked.

"So you think I am pretty?" 

Oh shit!

I glanced up and saw kissable lips standing by the perimeter fence.

God! She is so beautiful.  She changed into a top that is showing off her shoulders and a skinny denim jeans. 

"No, I don't think you're pretty."

"So I am not?"  She said raising her right eyebrows at me.

"Nope, you're not pretty.  I think you are beautiful."

She blushed at my comment.  I can see her neck turning red.  So, she's not comfortable receiving praises.

"Yeah right."

"Hey, come in."  I said, standing up, trying to find a way for her to get in, "I think there is an opening here."

"Oh  no, please,  I don't want to intrude. I'm just trying to find that runaway who is sitting so comfortably with you."
Totoy is lounging on the outdoor chair and totally ignoring us.

"Not intruding at all.   Come on in."  I finally found the gate in between the fences and opened it for kissable lips.

She look at me, hesitant to come in. I gestured for her again to come in  and finally she did.  I lead her to the deck where Totoy is sitting.

"Hey you traitor!  Why did you run away?"  Totoy glanced at her and moved over to the pillow, settling himself there.

"Ha haha, he just totally ignored you."  I teased her. She sat on the one-sitter lounge, regret filling me. Why didn't I lead her to sit on the other side, so I can sit next to her.

"I think he found a man to bond with."

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"What are you drinking?" She eyed the bottle on the table, lifting it to look closer.

"Mike's hard lemonade."

"I never had that.  I know of it but never tried." She gathered her hair together and put it up in a messy bun, giving me a full view of her long neck and shoulders.

"Here try it."  I opened a bottle and gave one to her.

I look at her as she place the mouth of the bottle to her lips and her lips puckered as she try to  to drink the lemonade. 

I swallowed, hard. 

I shake my head to bring me back to now.

What those lips does to me.

"How was it?"  I asked, looking away, trying to find something to do,  while waiting for her to answer me.

I need to do something to make myself occupied, otherwise I will just stare at her the whole time and imagine.

"It's pretty good actually, refreshing even." She replied taking another sip.

"Hey, do you have dinner plans?"   I blurted.

What is wrong with me? I am not normally this forward, in fact I am always guarded especially to people I am not familiar with. But with kissable lips, I am just so comfortable.

"None, why?"

"I was about to put some chicken breasts on the grill.  Do you want to share it with me?"

"Oh no, I don't want to impose.  I just came over to get that sleeping dog."  She mused, feeling a little bit awkward with my invitation.

"You know, I am inviting you so, you are not imposing.  Please, I could use some company, and besides, you said you don't have plans." I smirked at her, giving her a glimpse of my dimpled cheek. It works all the time.

"You know, if there is one thing my mom taught me, it is, never talk to strangers.  So maybe we can start by introducing ourselves.  Hi I am Maine, and you are?"  She said extending her hand to me.

"Oh yes, I am Ald- Alvin.  My name is Alvin," I stammered, shaking her hand.

Wow!  That was close.  I almost told her my name.  One Google search of my name and my identity will be revealed.

"Alvin? Are you sure, you sounded uncertain." She raised her eyebrows again, her lips twitching.

"Yes, my name is Alvin. Hi, it's nice to meet you Maine." I said, still holding her hand. 

Not only her lips kissable, but she has the softest hands.  Two of my weaknesses.

"Uhmm,  Alvin, can I take my hand back?"

"Oh yes, yes!  Sorry."  What is wrong with me?  I feel like a thirteen year old who is being  introduced to his crush. 

"So,  if we are having dinner, I want to share something too.  Do we have dessert?"

"That I don't have.  Sorry."

"Oh don't worry about it, I can always get something in the inn.  I think we have cheesecake and chocolate cake." 

"Can we have a slice of both?  To share?"

"So you have a sweet tooth.  Sure.  I'll go get.  Why don't you start the chicken?"

I followed her walk down the pebbled pathway and admire her beautiful back.  I've seen so many beautiful woman in the eight years of my showbiz career and I have never been this attracted to one before. Everything about her is just damn attractive.

What is it with this woman? 

She attracts me like a magnet. 

And I just couldn't resist her.

I shook my head to clear my mind off her, and started grilling the chicken.

She came back a few minutes later with a platter of slices of cake on one hand and a bag on the other.

"Here."  She said, giving me the platter.  "We can put that inside the fridge first until we are ready to eat." 

"I got some fixings of a salad too, and some bread."  She continued.

She is so damn irresistible and she's not even doing anything.

"Well,I guess our dinner spread is complete."

I removed the chicken breasts from the grill and placed it on a plate. Maine is in the kitchen, tossing the salad and  was warming up the bread in the oven. 

I am looking at her buzzing in my kitchen and a sudden feeling of peace and contentment overwhelmed me. 

She can be a very good  partner in life. 

Okay, Alden, chill, she is just in there tossing some salad. 

You just met her. 

You are way above yourself, thinking of her as a partner.

"Hey, Alvin! Do you have some salt and pepper shakers?" She said, yelling from the kitchen.

"Huh?" I need to get used to this name. "I don't know!  I am just renting here remember?"  I laughed, "just check all the cabinets or  it's probably on the dining table."   I went inside to help her look for it. I stood directly directly behind her to look inside one of the cabinets above her.

"Never mind, I found it." 

As she turns around, she was caught off balanced to find me behind her, surprised. I immediately grabbed her so she will not fall.

Her whole body is so soft. 

Our faces were just inches apart and it took every ounce of my willpower not to kiss her.

"Oops, sorry!  I didn't see you there."  She look so flushed.

"The chicken is ready.  Let's eat?"

"Yes, let's"


"You know what,  for someone who doesn't cook, your chicken is good."  Maine complimented. She shifted on her seat and leaned her head on the backrest of the wicker chair. We set the dinner on the deck so we can enjoy the cool summer night.

"Thank you. I just followed the instruction on the seasoning mix. Ha ha ha." I said.  I enjoy cooking now. Well just the easy to follow recipes.

I look at her, and she smiled. I couldn't help but feel a little flutter in my heart.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"  She asked.

"Nothing,  you are really beautiful."  I am amazed at how forward I can be with her and not feel embarrassed.

"It's just a face."  She said, lowering her eyes.

"Hey, did I say something wrong?" 

"No, you're good.  So, Alvin, what is your story?"  She asked, looking at me straight in the eyes. 

I hate to lie to her, but I still don't trust her enough, to tell me who I am.  Although, she will not probably care about my popularity.  She doesn't even know who I am.

"Wait, don't answer my question yet.  Why don't we just play twenty questions? But instead of twenty, let's do ten each, we will ask alternately. I go first."  She said excitedly. She shifted on her seat again and turned to face me.

She's so cute. I just want to wrap her in my arms and cuddle with her all night. Hmm, I wonder what that will be like.

"I haven't played that before.  So we just ask questions, anything under the sun?"

"Yes. That's it."

"And we are going to answer each question?"

"Yes, as honestly as possible."

"Okay, let's do it!"

"I go first."

"What was the last book you read?"  She asked. 

So it's this kind of questions then. 

Good, it's not as personal as I thought.

"I can't even remember." I replied, because it's not even a book I read, but a script.  "but I do read devotional books daily." 

She nodded and smiled.  "That's good."

"Okay,my turn.  Do you have a boyfriend, a husband, a partner?" She looked at me, caught off guard by my straightforward question.

"That fast huh?  Straight to the point."

"Come on, answer." I teased. 

"Nope,  no to everything.  Oh wait, is Totoy considered?"  She is laughing that cute laugh again. 

I think the hard lemonade is having an effect on her now. 

I am on my third and she's on her second.  She's a lightweight.


"What about you?  Girlfriend, wife, partner?"

"Nope, no to everything too." I smiled at her. If I play my cards right, I may have everything before I leave Cape May. Wishful thinking Alden, wishful thinking.

"Okay, now we get that out of the way." 

"My turn, what type of music do you listen to?"

"It really depends on my mood.  I do have a lot of playlists on my tablet and iPhone.  Like if you're going to ask me the last song I played on my phone was..."  she took her phone from the table and look at her app "it is, 'To Whom It May Concern by, The Civil Wars'.  And don't ask me what the lyrics was, because its kinda pathetic."  She replied, not proud of the song she just listened to.

She does this cute little things with her face that makes her so adorable.

"Why, what was the song about?" 

"I told you not to ask, it's embarrassing!"  She is covering her face with the paper napkin.

Stop being so cute Maine.

I need to look that song up, 'To Whom It May Concern by The Civil Wars'. If it's on her playlist, she must listen to it quite often, but was embarrassed by the lyrics? I find that interesting.

"Are you into social media?  I mean do you have accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter?"

Alright,  this type of question is the one I am really avoiding because one click then she'll find out who I am.

"No,  no social media account.  I think it's a waste of time.  How about you?"

"I do, I have accounts in all social media.  That's how I reach my clients."

"You mean for your inn?"

"Oh no, I just inherited the inn one week ago.  I was a Director for Sales and Creatives for one of the big advertising agency in New York, until I quit two days ago."

Wow, an Executive in New York at such an early age. She must be really smart. Now my hopes just came crashing down. How will she even like someone like me? A college dropout, there is nothing I can offer to her. It's just popularity and nothing that she can be proud of. I shrugged and let out a disappointed sigh. "But why did you quit?"

"Because the new COO is being a complete jerk towards me.  My secretary told me that he is just into me and because I am not into him, he is giving me a hard time.  That's why he is always trying to get my attention by being an asshole.  I landed a 3-milllion dollar account last week and still it's not enough!  He is just really giving me a hard time."  She fumed.

I clenched my fist.  I want to punch that COO on the face.  I hope he didn't harassed her or made a move towards her.

"Wait, he didn't harassed or made a pass on you right?" 

Why am I mad and jealous at the same time?

"Pft! Oh please, if he did that, his nose will bleed and will not be able to produce babies because I will punch him on the face and knee him on his groin!"

Yes!  That's my girl. 

"Hah! Good for you!" I said, punching the air.

Wait, did I just say 'my girl'? I don't know but for some reason, she is giving me different kinds of emotions, but it has the same effect on me.  I find it so adorable. 

This hard lemonade is giving me different feels.  

I need to stop drinking this.


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