Her Savior (Book Two Of The B...

By JovinaN

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Aria Nightingale is a girl with a monster in her closet. A monster that threatened the only thing she had lef... More

Trigger Warning
1-A Night's Silence
2-The Meeting
4-Caught in the Act
8-Aria's Tears
9-The Prettiest Blush
10-Violence, Anger, & A Puppy
11-The Storm
12-Seal It with A Kiss
14-Protect Them
15-Flowers and Scalpels
17-The Big Bad Wolf
18-The Plan
19-Thank You
24-Quality Time
28-This is


825 44 2
By JovinaN



      Aria heard the consistent beeping as she came back to consciousness. The smell of rubbing alcohol filled the air and it wasn't a comforting scent to her senses and her nose scrunched as she finally gained the energy to open her eyes. It was difficult, but she was able to do it, only to close them at the harsh lights above her. She knew where she was. The hospital. She remembered everything that happened, the sound of her clothes tearing to pieces was something she didn't think she could forget. The pain in her back registered then and she groaned as the once dull throb became incessant and excruciating.

      "Aria." She heard the ragged whisper, and her eyes flew open, meeting a pair of familiar emerald green ones. He was still in his dance suit, but it was bloodied. Her blood, Aria was certain. His hair looked like he'd run his hands through it a few too many times and if the bags under his eyes were anything to go by, she was certain he hadn't had an ounce of rest yet. She felt a smile tug at her lips as she reached out to touch his cheek only to cry out at the pain in her back. Xepher's eyes widened in worry as he pressed a button to her side. The sound of a door opening echoed in the otherwise silent room and Aria could see a nurse come beside Xepher. She was a sweet looking older lady with chocolate skin and matching eyes. Her face looked worried as she spoke.

      "Are you okay sweetie? In pain?" Aria nodded, the movement causing more pain. The nurse nodded then fidgeted with the bags beside her that hooked into her arm. She then took out a syringe and added something to the bag. Aria's pain was slowly receding with each passing moment.

       "This is a pain killer, it'll make you a little drowsy, but you should still be able to keep a clear head. There are some police-men that have been waiting for you to wake up, they'd like to speak with you." Aria nodded and the nurse left then. With the pain dulled, Aria reached out to Xepher now, this time reaching his face and cupped his cheek. His eyes held pure despair and Aria couldn't stand to see that.

      "Hi." She said with a soft smile. Xepher closed his eyes then, his body heaving out a sigh as he pushed his face into her hand, his own coming up to grab it. He turned it and kissed her palm, causing a warm feeling to rush through her.

        "Hi there, beautiful." He whispered, his voice sounding exhausted. His eyes looked haunted.

      "What's wrong? They got him, right?" The look on his face filled Aria with fear.

      "H-he got away." Xepher let out defeatedly. Aria's body reacted instantly, and she shot up in her bed, gritting her teeth through the pain. That's when she noticed them. Everyone. Even Grace and Mr. Laine, were in the room, watching her with wide eyes. Her friends all charged towards her, their hands gentle as they tried to get her to lay back down.

      "Aria, what are you doing, you need to lay down!" Raven scolded. Aria struggled against them, even as she felt the bandages on her back stretching. She didn't care. She needed to get up and out of here. If Daniel was out there, that meant her mother wasn't safe!

       "No! My mom, he's going to hurt her! He's going to hurt all of you! I have to get out of here!" She cried out, tears blurring her vision.

      "Aria." The stern voice made her freeze, and she looked over to where Mr. Laine stood to her right. He looked tired too. They all did. How long had they gone without proper rest because of her?

      "The police have already notified your mother. She is heading here already and has been advised not to go back to the house. A police escort will be at the airport for her when her flight lands." At hearing those words, Aria's exhausted body slouched and with her friends help, she laid back down.

      "Thank goodness." She sighed. Just then the door opened once more, and a Spanish woman walked in with a nurse in tow. When she looked at Aria she smiled gently, and Aria's friends moved to the side.

      "Ms. Nightingale, I'm glad to see you're awake, my name is Dr. Garcia and I have been assigned to your case. I wanted to discuss some things with you." She looked to her friends. "May I speak with her in private for a moment please?" They nodded and reluctantly left the room. Xepher hesitated at the door and looked to Aria.

      "I'll be right outside." Aria nodded as the door closed with a soft click. She then turned to the doctor whose face turned grim.

      "Ms. Nightingale, how much do you remember?" She asked.

     "Almost everything." She said flatly. The doctor nodded. Aria looked down, gripping the blankets in her fists tightly and asked the question that she needed to know the most.

      "Did he..." she trailed off and the doctor shook her head. Aria let out a soft, breathy chuckle.

      "Thank goodness."

     "You have some minor bruising and a mild concussion, but the worse is your back." Her voice trailed off as she spoke and Aria nodded, remembering the feeling of the cold metal blade in her back.

      "What did he do?" Aria asked, looking back at the doctor whose eyes were saddened.

     "H-he carved his name, into your back." She said. Aria felt fury inside her as the doctor spoke. That monster!

     "However, once it is healed, we can provide a procedure that will allow us to rid his name, though you will have extensive scar tissue." She said, knowingly. Aria nodded.

      "If you saw my back and arms, then you know that more scars aren't an issue. I just want his name erased."

     "Of course." She said as she proceeded to do a few tests then situated her so that she could sit up without too much pressure on her back. Before her and the nurse left Dr. Garcia rested a hand gently on her shoulder. She looked her in the eyes.

     "I want you to know, that you are very brave for the things you've done and gone through. I pray, they catch him and put him away for everything he's done to you."

     "Thank you." Aria replied and then they were gone. Seconds later, everyone flooded back into the room. Kenzy and Grace ran over to her bedside as everyone else rounded the bed, Xepher to her left, grasping her hand in his, soothing her.

      "How are you feeling sweetie?" Raven asked.

      "Well, these painkillers are really doing a great job." She said with a chuckle, feeling better now that she knew Daniel hadn't gotten what he'd been trying to take after all. A few moments of silence passed by when Aria took in a deep breath.

      "I'm sorry guys." She said and everyone's eyes widened.

      "For what?" Jax asked, surprised.

      "I know listening to all of that must have been difficult. It was just, it was the only thing that I could come up with. I'm sorry." She muttered, looking down.

       "Are you kidding me?" Everyone looked up at the angry voice. Marco's eyes looked furious and Aria couldn't understand why. It seemed no one else could either.

      "You're really going to apologize for that? Aria, what you went through, what you had to deal with, and how hard you fought in silence for so long and you're apologizing for us to have to have heard a fraction of what you've gone through?! It was the least we could do as your friends. I would do it again, I have no regrets. I'm sorry that we couldn't catch the bastard. I'm sorry that we couldn't have done more. I'm sorry that you're in so much pain. I don't want to hear a single utterance of apologies coming from you. Do you understand?" Everyone was shocked into silence. Marco was not a talker. Not by a long shot, and this outburst was so out of character that Aria felt laughter bubble inside her, then it escaped. It was her turn to be stared at like she had two heads.

      "Thank you." She said, wiping a joyful tear from her eye. "Thank you so much."

      Xepher was staring at her with an array of emotions in his mind. He was furious that Daniel got away. He was exhausted from lack of sleep. He was saddened that his girl was in pain and laying on this stupid hospital bed. He was happy that she was smiling and laughing. Most of all, he felt an overwhelming surge of pride, adoration, and-damn if he was going to lie to himself-love for her. She was so strong, so brave, and had been through so much suffering but was such a sweet soul. Without even realizing it, and within such a small span of time, she had wound her way into his heart and knocked him off his feet. He loved her, with everything he had, and as he looked at her smiling face, even with the bruises around her neck, and the cuts on her face, she was the epitome of beautiful. Involuntarily, his hand squeezed hers and she looked at him, a smile on her face.

      The sound of the door opening once more cut there moment off and everyone turned to see a very flustered and puffy eyed Cadence Nightingale.

      "Aria!" She ran into the room and everyone back away, except for Xepher. She came to the other side of the bed, tears running freely down her face. Without a moment's hesitation she wrapped her arms around Aria's neck and pulled her into a gentle hug. The doctor must have briefed her on her condition because she was careful not to touch her back. Aria hugged her back with one arm, the other still holding onto Xepher's. Cadence was sobbing into her daughter's neck.

      "Hi mom." She said and Cadence gasped, pulling back to look at her.

      "Aria, you spoke! Oh dear, I haven't heard you call me that in so long!" She cried out as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Aria petted her mother's hair out of her face gently. It almost felt like she was the mother, not Cadence. A knock sounded behind them and they looked over to see two police officers standing in the open doorway.

      "Hello, Ms. Nightingale, may we come in?" Aria nodded.

       "Yes, please." She looked at everyone then. "Guys, you look exhausted, please go home and get some rest." Everyone shook their head, even Grace and his father.

      "No, we aren't leaving yet." Kenzy said.

      "Please guys, I know you're worried, but you're worrying me with how you look. Please?" She begged and everyone sighed, agreeing reluctantly.

      "Fine, but we'll be back soon!" Raven said. Aria smiled.

      "I'm counting on it." With that, everyone took turns giving her a hug and kiss on the head and left. Xepher didn't move.

      "Xepher?" She asked and he shook his head.

      "I can't. Not yet. I-I need to be with you for a bit longer. Please?" He begged. He just wasn't ready to let her go yet. He felt if he left now, something would happen. He just didn't have to constitution to leave just yet.

       "Are you sure? You'll hear everything. I-I don't want you to hate me or be disgusted by me once everything is out." She said, her eyes dropping to the bed covers. Xepher leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

       "I could never feel either of those things towards you Baby Girl. Ever." She looked back up to him and smiled sadly then, nodding her head. The officers approached the bed and stood at the end.

       "Nice to meet you Ms. Nightingale." The first officer spoke, a light-skinned bald man with a clean shaven face. His dark eyes were serious, but soft as he spoke. The second one had caramel skin with clean cut black hair and a neatly trimmed Go-T. His eyes were grayish green and held compassion. They both had sad smiles on their faces. Aria leaned forward the best she could and held out her hand.

       "Nice to meet you." She said and they both looked surprised by her respectful actions, shaking her hand. The first officer straightened, and both pulled out a notepad.

       "My name if Officer Grady and this is my partner Officer Shayne." The gray-green eyed officer said. "We were assigned to your case and just wanted to get a report from you about what has happened with this Daniel Cane." Aria nodded.

       "You may want to take a seat, because this is going to take a while." She replied and her mother sucked in a harsh breath as she tried to choke back a sob. Both the officers did so, Xepher sat in the chair he'd been in the entire time and Aria's mother found another stool, dragging it over to the other side of Aria's bed. Aria's hand tightened around Xepher's as she took in a deep breath and Xepher watched as she steeled herself before she spoke.

      "As you know, Daniel Cane is my stepfather, and he has been doing this since my eleventh birthday."

       "Oh dear God." Her mother whispered beside her.

       "He only came when my mom was gone at work. When it first started, he came into my room and sat on my bed. It wasn't unusual but this time, h-he grabbed my face and kissed me. Like a lover did. It made me sick. I knew, even at that age, that what he was doing was wrong, so I tried to get away from him. But he was a grown man, and I was just a little girl. He was so much stronger than I was, and then he-he touched me..." Xepher felt sick as she re-lived everything he did to her.

      "He would cut me, my back mostly, to make sure no one saw it. If I struggled, he would cut my arms. By the end of the first time, I was crying when he paused in the doorway and looked back at me. I still remember the words he said to me 'Oh, and Sweetheart? Tell anyone about this and I will kill everyone you love. And I'll start with your dear Mommy.' I couldn't let him hurt you Mom." Aria turned to her mother, who had tears falling from her face like a fountain.

      "That's why you became mute?" Her mother asked, her heart wrenching sobs making her body tremble. Aria nodded as she turned back to the officers. Xepher felt a sick sense of pride as her face stayed steady, not a single tear in her eyes. She was so strong.

       "It escalated slowly. First it was maybe once a month, then a couple times, until it became any chance he could."

       "Did you ever fight back?" Officer Shayne asked. Aria smiled bitterly.

       "Yes, so many times. Each time, he would hurt me worse. A broken arm when I was twelve. A bruised rib when I was sixteen. Sometimes he would strangle me until I blacked out." The officer nodded in understanding and Xepher noticed that they were both tense, their eyes furious. He wondered how often they heard this kind of thing and kept their rage in check. He was enraged. He wanted to hunt down this monster and put him in the dirt where he belonged.

       "I knew he would cross the line when I turned eighteen. He'd told me. He-he thinks that we are soulmates and that he has been kind to have waited. He thought that we would run away together. That one day I would understand. I never will. I tried to think of a way to get a witness, maybe recording him, or something! But the laws would dismiss video or audio that the other person wasn't aware of. So, the only thing I could think of was..."

      "Having people hear it through that phone call." Officer Grady finished for her. She nodded.

      "We were worried that if just teenagers said something that maybe no one would believe us, so we had to have adults hear it. Raven's mother and Xepher's father listened, will that be enough?" She asked. Officer Shayne nodded.

        "Yes, Aria, that is more than enough. You did a very brave thing facing him. With everyone's statements and testimony, and the doctor's reports, what he did to your back, everything will help to put him away where he needs to be, once we catch him." The officers stood then.

        "Is my mother going to be safe? And my friends? He threatened them too." Xepher wanted to face palm himself. Here Aria was, sitting in the hospital bed, barely able to move, and she was worried for everyone else's sake. She truly was an angel.

      "Of course, we will have to officers outside your door while you recover, and two will be assigned to your mother while she stays with the Laines', your friends have waived any need for protection." Aria nodded, a small smile on her lips.

      "We have an active warrant out for Daniel's arrest, his face and name are all over the media as well. We will catch him. Until then, rest Aria, and be proud. You are a very strong young woman." Officer Grady said.

      "Thank you." She said and then they left. Aria turned to her mother then.

       "Please don't be mad mom, it was the only thing I could do to keep you safe." Cadence smiled as she tried to wipe away her tears.

      "How could I be mad at you Aria? My baby, you went through so much, just to keep me safe. That's my job." She sobbed more and Aria ran a hand through her hair, soothing her. She then turned to Xepher.

      "Thank you for staying, please, go home and get some rest." Xepher started to shake his head but Aria's free hand cupped his cheek, the touch causing his stomach to flip.

      "Please. For me?" Xepher nodded, though he didn't want to leave, he knew he needed to. He stood then, gripping her hand tightly in his.

       "Okay, but I will be back soon. Okay?" She nodded.

       "Okay." With that, he leaned down and kissed her forehead, then turned and left the room, though everything in him protested the action.

       When Xepher turned after closing the door he froze, coming face to face with his mom. She stood there, her eyes slightly red, still in her work clothes.

      "Mom, what are you doing here?" He asked.

      "Your dad told me what happened, I came to make sure you and her were okay." Xepher felt his body deflate then, the past twenty-four hours finally taking its toll on him. His mother opened her arms then, and he caved, wrapping his arms around her tightly. She patted his back caringly and the dam broke then. The tears he'd been holding in for those hours finally pouring over.

       "She was in so much pain Mom. He carved his name into her back. And she's worried about everyone else. God, Mom I almost lost her!" She hugged him tighter and Xepher felt her body tremble.

       "I know baby, but she's alive. She's here, and she's strong. Everything will be okay." Her voice shook, then broke and they stood there crying while holding each other.

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