You're everything I never wan...

By nightxxoo

15.3K 311 25

After running away from home and being kidnapped, Avalon finds herself being sold to Aiden, Prince of the Wer... More

You're everything I never wanted
Honey I always win
Video games and bestfriends
Taking out the trash
She's no one's whore
Stupid is as stupid does
Avalon shares a secret
She always gets her man
Here goes nothing
King Darius
Broken hearts and fathers
Avalon stands up for herself
I'm sorry
the end

Avalon lays it down

902 22 1
By nightxxoo

Chapter 6

Chapter song: I won't say I'm in love: Hercules

Avalon lays it down

*Avalon POV*

Hearing a knock at the door, I spring off the bed and walk over to the door. I open it to find Cass on the other side, tears streaming down her face.

“Cass, what’s wrong?” I ask with concern, as I grab her hand and bring her into the room.

She breaks down and sobs, putting her hands over her face. Pulling her close, I hold her as she mumbles into my shoulder. I don’t catch more than a few words like, “whore”, “love”, “stupid” and other things of that nature. It takes me a few minutes to calm her down, and lead her to the bed.

“Cass, can you tell me what happened now?” I ask gently, not wanting to push her too much.

She nods and grabs a pillow off my bed, hugging it to her chest.

“It’s about Desmond,” she starts hesitantly.

I nod but say nothing.

“About three weeks ago, Desmond called me into his office because he said he wanted to talk to me. When I got there he kissed me and well…we kinda got carried away.” She pauses when I widen my eyes.

“I’m not pregnant.” She says in a rush.

I make an “O” with my mouth and motion for her to go on.

“Anyway the next couple days we kept our…relationship secret but soon after he started having doubts and broke it off. Although, I was upset, I agreed that we should stop seeing each other and went back to only being the maid. Everything has been normal, although there have been some…intense moments, we have been pretending nothing happened. Then today he called me into his office, cornered me and told me that he wanted me. When I asked what happened to the whole “there shouldn’t be an us thing” he told me he just changed his mind.” I winch and she nods at me.

Tears well up in her eyes, but she blinks them away, “When he said that, I just…I just got so angry! It made me feel kinda cheap, like he doesn’t want to be seen with me or even pretend that we have something, but when he decides he wants to pay attention to me, I should come running.”

She furiously wipes tears from her cheeks, “I think…I think that I’m…that I’m...” she seems to choke on the words.

“You’re in love with him.” I say gently and she nods and bursts into a fresh batch of tears.

Pulling her close, I stroke her hair as she sobs on my shoulder, “What’s so bad about loving him?”

She sniffs and laughs humorlessly, “Well one he is King of the Werewolves, and I’m not royalty or even a werewolf, I’m just a healer. Two, he still hasn’t gotten over his first wife’s death. Third, look at me I’m no beauty. I’m average and cute at best, I mean you should have seen Aiden’s mother, she was beautiful, honest, and everyone loved her, she was perfect and I’m just me. Lastly, he just wants me, he doesn’t need me, at least not the way I need him.”

Her sigh is deep and full of pain and regret. I shake my head and look at her, “Cass, you’re beautiful and kind. You’re always smiling and helping others, not once have I seen you look down on anyone. You’re determined and smart, and everyone loves being in your presence because you always seem to bring a smile to their faces. I wish I was more like you; you have this aura that some people would kill for. Your blue eyes are always sparkling and kind, anyone would be lucky to have you, especially Desmond.”

She smiles at me, “Thank you so much.”

I smile back, “There is no reason to thank me, I’m just glad that I can call you my friend.”

She hugs me, “I’m glad we are friends too,”

“I think you should tell Desmond what you told me, about how what he said makes you feel, and that you’re in love with him.” I watch her stand.

She smiles at me, “I’ll think about it, anyway, I have to get back to work.”

She opens the door and runs into Aiden, whose hand is raised to knock on my door, “Umm hey,” he nervously scratches the back of his neck, looking from Cass to me.

Cass mumbles something and quickly rushes past Aiden and out the room.

“Was Cass crying?” he asks, watching her rush down the hall and out of sight.

I shrug and sit on my bed, watching him closely. He seems extremely nervous and lingers at the door.

“Umm may I come in?” he asks, clearing his throat.

I nod and watch as he walks into the room, coming to stand before me.

There is an awkward silence, before he clears his throat again.

“I wanted to come and apologize for the whole Candy incident.” He says in a strained voice.

I raise an eyebrow, “You mean Cameron?”

He rolls his eyes, “You know who I’m talking about.”

I snort, “Yeah, I’m sure you’re very sorry,”

He glares at me, “What the hell is that suppose to mean?”

I stand and glare right back at him, “I mean you are a selfish, egotistical, play boy, who gets everything you want and expects people to cater to you because you’re Prince. You start feeling a little guilty, so to ease your mind you decide to come over here and apologize, but it doesn’t work like that and I’ll tell you why.”

I walk up closer to him and poke him in the chest, hard, “You can apologize all you want but at the end of the day, you’ll still be a play boy, you’ll still use women, you’ll still need their attention and you’ll still feel sorry for yourself. I refuse to accept your apology because I’m not gonna be like everyone else. I won’t let you get away with disrespecting me, or let you scare me away with a little flirting and a bad attitude. You’ve met your match in me, Aiden Wolfe.”

I smile at the shocked look on his face. Things are going to get interesting.

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