You're My Happiness (Sasuke U...

By Thanatos_0307

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The wonderful continuation of Kamina and Sasuke's love. Will Sasuke be able to forget about revenge for his d... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Bonus Chapter

Chapter Twenty

1.5K 35 2
By Thanatos_0307

A/N: I didn't want to keep you guys waiting so two chapters in one day. First of all, before you read this chapter and complain to me afterwards, I would just like to say that this chapter made me sad too. But what I did was for a good reason... You'll see in the epilogue which I will hopefully be able to finish before exams.

P.S. You guys have been awesome readers and I can't believe this is about to end... Enjoy, you guys! I hope I made you cry! If not then I'm about to.

Chapter Twenty


I know he's in there. I can feel his chakra along with two other people. Inside the hideout, it feels oddly more intimidating than what I had first thought. Probably because Karin, Jugo and Suigetsu are no longer here. Sasuke just left them back at the Summit to care for themselves.

I sense Sasuke, Obito and Zetsu inside the room to my right and I immediately stop walking. My hands stay on top the doorknob but it won't turn it for some reason. Maybe I'm just scared of what I'll see behind this door. Maybe I'm scared that I'll still see that same Sasuke I saw back at the Summit.

'Go inside'

I'm kind of scared, Yakumitsu.

'That's normal to be scared. But you have to face what you're scared of'

I know that, Yaku... It's just that the thought of seeing Sasuke like that again is too much for me.

'Yes... But you can't keep running away forever'

I sigh... Yakumitsu does have a point... With shaking hands, I slowly turn the knob and open the door.

The first thing that I see is Sasuke sitting on a bed. Zetsu and Obito stand close to him, looking like they've just finishes cleaning and healing his injuries.

"So nice of you to join us, traitor" Obito greets disdainfully, hands clenching around the cleaning towel he's holding.

I sigh, closing the door behind me. "I need to talk to Sasuke" I say firmly, keeping my gaze hard and firm.

Obito snorts. "The question is, does he want to talk to you?" he inquires.

My eyes land on Sasuke but he merely sends me a glare before turning his head away. His rejection was like a slap in the face but I held my ground.

"Well, seems like he doesn't want to talk to you either. So I suggest you get out and we'll talk later instead" he says threateningly making me growl.

"You don't intimidate me, asshole" I sneer.

Obito growls, forcefully throwing the towel he was holding and stomping towards me. Zetsu stops him however, calming him down with words I wasn't able to catch.

Obito reluctantly turns around to tend to Sasuke once again. I huff out a breath of irritation before attempting once again.

"Sasuke, can I please talk to you?" I ask gently, opting for a different approach.

He ignores me, glaring at a wall as Zetsu heals the wounds on his back. Obito stays silent, staring at what Zetsu was doing.

My annoyance increases when Sasuke still doesn't acknowledge me after three minutes. Deciding that being nice wasn't going to work, I decide on focusing a large ball of wind on my palm. With great ease, I throw the ball of wind towards Sasuke, sending him flying towards the wall.

He growls, pushing himself off the wall and stalking towards me. "What's your problem?!" he shouts in my face.

I smirk in triumph. "Got your attention, huh?" I mock.

A scowl forms on his face. "I have no business with you. Get lost" he says, turning his back to me and walking away.

I sigh, feeling exhausted in every way possible. "Please, Sasuke... Just one minute... Please listen to me" I plead, not being able to keep the desperation from my voice.

Sasuke stops, turning to face me before sighing and motioning for Obito and Zetsu to leave the room. Obito groans but obeys nonetheless. He attempts to bump my shoulder on his way out but I skillfully take a step away before he could do so. Once I hear the door shut close, I take a deep breath before slowly walking towards Sasuke.

He sits on the bed, awaiting what I have to say. I'm thankful he was avoiding eye contact because it would just make everything harder if he looked at me.

"I know you're mad at me for siding with the Kages and Naruto. But you have to understand my motives" I started.

"You've thrown your lot in with them. What's the explanation for that?" he grunts.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair in frustration... "You attacked the Summit and almost killed everyone in there just to get to Danzo, what's the explanation for that?" I spat.

He snaps his furious eyes towards me. "I wanted to avenge Itachi!" he reasoned.

"By killing innocent people just to get to one guilty person?" I ask in disbelief.

He stood up and glared down at me. "My clan was full of innocent people! And The Leaf killed all of them!" he argued.

"That was Madara's fault!" I exclaim.

"No, it was their fault that my clan died!" he shouts.

"It was Madara's fault that the village shunned the Uchiha in the first place!" I shout back.

"You know what?! Clearly, you've sided with The Leaf! So what are you still doing here?!" he asks in frustration.

"I'm here for you! I'm here because I'm worried about the way you acted a while ago!" I say.

"You're worried about me and yet you chose to defend those lowlifes instead of standing by my side?!" he asks.

"That was because you kept on killing innocent people who had nothing to do with your clan's massacre! I get that you wanted to kill Danzo, I let you do just that! But killing the other Kages, killing innocent samurai and ninja?! I would have sided with you if you chose to kill everyone involved with the Uchiha Clan Massacre! But no, you just killed every other innocent person out there because you are so blinded with you want for revenge!" I exclaim.

"You have no idea what you're talking about! They are all enjoying their lives back in The Leaf Village at the cost of Itachi's suffering! I can hear them! They're all laughing, having fun, enjoying themselves without even knowing what my brother went through just fo-"

"I'm not laughing, Sasuke! Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi-sensei, they aren't enjoying and they aren't laughing! They are miserable! They've been miserable for the past three years ever since you decided to just up and leave the village! Why can't you see that not the whole world is against you?! Naruto came all the way to The Land of Iron to ask the Raikage to give you pardon! He believes in you and he stands by you even when the world stands against you! Me and Naruto, we have always been here for you!" I scream at the top of my lungs, feeling tears form at the corner of my eyes.

"I don't care about you or about Naruto!" he exclaims.

And at that moment, my heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. I shouldn't have been surprised, seeing as he has been treating me less these past few weeks... But to have him verbally state that he doesn't care about me anymore just makes it clear...... It just intensifies the pain a lot more... The hurt, the betrayal felt like a ton of bricks on my chest.

A tear slides down my cheek but I wipe it away before Sasuke can see it.

"Naruto is willing to put his life on the line... just so he can take away all that hate in your heart... A lot of people care about you and you just... throw that away...... What would make you go back to Konoha?" I ask quietly, head hung low as I forced my tears back.

".... Like I said... Bring my Itachi back... Bring my family back... And then I'll come back, and then I'll stop" he says through gritted teeth.

"If you just try, we can make you happy, Sasuke" I say.

"I don't need that, okay?! I need to avenge my clan, everything else doesn't matter!" he exclaims.

'Kamina... I think it's better to leave him alone for now'

I shake my head... Okay...

I turn around, walking towards the door. With my hand on the knob, I stop for a moment.

"If that is what you wish, Sasuke...... I hope it will make you happy" I say with finality as I open the door and close it behind me.

I wipe the tears from my eyes, staring at the floor for a moment before finally regaining my focus and sprinting out of the hideout.

'Where are you going?'

The forest trees greet me as I leap away at full speed to the direction of home. I'm going back to Konoha.

'What about Sasuke? I thought you loved him'

That's the main reason why I'm going back.


The village gates welcome me a few hours later. Standing in front of the tall gates of Konoha makes me feel safe once again through all this madness. Walking farther towards the gate, I see Izumo and Kotetsu on their usual post.

A small smile graces my lips when I see Izumo using his arms for a pillow with Kotetsu's face nestled into his back. I approach their desk and knock loudly on the wood causing the both of them to sit up quickly thus causing their heads to bang against each other.

"Ow, Kotetsu! Stop sleeping on the job!" Izumo grunts, rubbing his forehead.

"You were the one sleeping on the job, Izumo!" Kotetsu argues.

I chuckle lightly. "More like you were both sleeping on the job" I state.

They freeze, slowly turning their heads to face me before they both suddenly smile widely it looked like it hurt.

"Kamina! You're back!" they say in unison.

"Yeah" I shrug "I've got some important business to do so I best be off"

"Yeah, sure! Just sign your name here and we'll let you through" Izumo says, offering me a clipboard while Kotetsu hands me a pen.

As I sign my name onto the parchment, I suddenly remember what happened to Lady Tsunade.

"By the way, do you guys know where Lady Tsunade is?" I ask, handing Izumo back the clipboard.

"Yeah. She's still unconscious from the fight with Pain. She's with Sakura and Shizune in the Medic Tents" he says.

I nod, heading straight for that direction. I don't exactly know where it is but maybe I can find someone who does. Walking through the village was relaxing yet it felt kind of different. Maybe because the buildings look so new and some weren't even painted yet. What doesn't surprise me, though, were the villagers helping one another to care pillars of wood, paint buildings and to care supplies. Konoha would always be full of people like this... If only Sasuke was able to see that.

My eyes light up when I see that the old barbecue house was still up and running. It kind of reminded me of Team Ten and how they would always go to this barbecue joint...... It kind of makes me miss Asuma-sensei...

I continue to walk down the streets of Konoha, feeling more like I'm taking a walk down memory lane. The faces of the Hokages still stand tall and mighty which makes me smile. It feels like there are a lot of things you can't destroy in this village; the hope, the faith, the pride and The Will of Fire.


I stop in my tracks turning to the source of the call. I could almost feel my eyes lighting up when I see the familiar faces to my right.

"You guys!" I exclaim, sprinting towards them and engulfing Shikamaru in a tight hug.

"You're here" he says into my hair...

"I'm here" I say into his neck, smiling at the feeling of warmth that spreads throughout my whole body and soul.

I pull away from him only for another pair of arms to lift embrace me tightly.

"You little sneaker!" Kiba exclaims, smiling cheekily at me as he ruffles my hair after our embrace.

"Arf, arf, arf!" Akamaru barks, practically begging for my attention.

A genuine chuckle escapes my lips as I bend down to ruffle his fur. "I missed you too, boy" I say which rewards me with another happy set of barks.

"Kamina-san! You are back! How is that possible?!" Lee asks, as cheerful as ever, with a fist up in the air.

"Yeah. When Naruto and the others came back, they told us about what went down at the Summit. I'm surprised you're back so soon" Neji says, arms crossed above his chest.

I smile. "Yeah... It's hard to explain but... I'm here to fix things" I say, earning a suspicious look from Neji.

"How are you going to do just that?" Choji asks, munching on some chips as per usual.

I press my lips together, not wanting to tell them what I plan to do. "Just trust me on it" is all I say.

Everyone except for Neji gives me a head tilt of confusion. The brunette Hyuga squints his eyes at me, obviously suspicious of me which makes me nervous a little. I don't want them to know about the plan until it's already done.

"Anyway, do you guys know where Lady Tsunade is?" I ask.

"Yeah, she's in the Medic Tents with Sakura and Shizune. Still unconscious, though" Shikamaru says.

I nod. "Do you guys mind leading me to her?" I inquire.

"Yeah, sure. I was on my way there anyway to get some files to Shizune" Shikamaru says.

I raise an eyebrow at them. "By the way, did you guys have a guys' night out of something?" I ask.

Kiba grins lopsidedly, sitting comfortably on Akamaru's back. "Yeah, you could say that" he says.

With a hand on my hip, I chuckle. "Then where are the other boys? It's just you, Shika, Neji, Lee and Choji. Where's Shino, Naruto and Sai?" I ask.

"Well, Naruto's busy with Kakashi-sensei" Shikamaru says.

"I heard Shino went on mission with his dad" Kiba says.

"I saw Sai a while ago. He said he has some important errands to run for someone named Yamato" Neji says.

"Oh... Okay... Well, can you take me to Lady Tsunade now, Nii-san?" I ask.

He nods, waving a lazy goodbye to the others as he walks ahead of me. I smile at the rest of them, giving a small salute as they turn to leave.

"Catch 'ya later, Kamina!" Kiba exclaims and Akamaru lets out a joyful bark before they both sprint away with Choji and Lee following with a much slower pace.

As Neji passes by me, his voice comes out as a thick whisper. "What are you planning?" he asks so lowly it makes my hair stand on end.

I gulp. "I told you to just trust me" I say.

"I do trust you. I know you wouldn't do anything that will harm innocent people... But I know you'd do anything to save your friends and that worries me. You tend to be recklessly brave" he says.

I smirk, just wanting to give Neji one last big hug. "Being recklessly brave can end up saving tons of people" I say.

His eyes flicker over to me before he gives me one of his rare genuine smiles. "Just be careful, Kamina... A lot of people care about you" he says, walking away to catch up to Lee.

A huge weight is felt on my chest from what he said... I know a lot of people care about me... And it just makes everything harder.

"Hey, you coming?" Shika calls over to me, snapping me out of my daze.

I flash my brother a smile, running up to him and easily catching up. We walk at a slow pace towards the Medic Tents which gives me enough time to think my plan through.

'It inspires me how much you're willing to lose for your friends'

Well... They're my world, Yakumitsu...

'I can see that'

I'm sure you do...... Hey, Yaku... Do you mind explaining to me what you know about what's about to come down?

'Ah, sharp memory as always, Kamina'

Important details never leave my mind... I need to know what's going to happen. It might help me make my decision more clearly.

'Yes, very well...... As you may have noticed, the Akatsuki have been capturing Tailed Beasts for the past few years'

Yes... But why?

'You see; many people have believed that there are only Nine Tailed Beasts. But they are wrong'

My eyes widen... What are you talking about, Yaku?

'Have you ever thought about where the power of all the Nine Tailed Beasts came from?'

Wait... Are you saying there was actually a source of their powers?

'Yes. The Ten Tails'

T-Ten Tails?!

'Yes. This happened long after Kaguya's spirit was sent to the moon. An ancient beast called the Juubi wrecked chaos around the world. The Sage of Six Paths, one of Kaguya's sons, was able to defeat the Juubi. I don't know much of the story. All I know is that he managed to separate the Juubi's power into nine several parts thus creating the Nine Tailed Beasts'

All the information comes to me like a flood. And suddenly, everything all makes sense!

So you're saying that the Akatsuki have been capturing The Tailed Beasts because they're planning on reviving the Juubi?

'Most likely'

But... But then what were you saying about me being an assurance that they're plan will work?

'The one who defeated the Ten Tails was The Sage of Six Paths. His mother was Kaguya Otsutsuki and her chakra resides inside of me. Obito needs you to ensure that whatever his plan works. If he does manage to revive the Juubi, there's no assurance that he can control it. You're the assurance that he needs'

Me? But how?

'By using us, he will undoubtedly be able to control the Juubi's full power'

So... So I really am an important tool in this war?

'Yes...... Since I've shared this information with you, do you mind telling me what this plan of yours is?'

You're inside my head, Yaku. Surely you'd know.

'Yes but you've created a wall of chakra on the part of your mind where that plan resides'

You could easily destroy that wall. You still have Kaguya's chakra, remember?

'True. But I figured that you'd have a valid reason for not yet telling me'

... Yes, I do... I just need you to trust me in this, Yakumitsu...

'I do, with all my heart'


I jump from surprise, eyes landing on a confused looking Shikamaru. He had his brows raised in a combination of concern and confusion.

"What?" I ask dumbly.

"I've been talking to you for the past six minutes and you just keep staring at the floor" he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh... Sorry, nii-san" I say sheepishly.

He taps his foot, signaling that he was analyzing me. "Is something bothering you, sister?" he asks.

I shake my head, flashing him a smile. "Nope" I answer.

He sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I've been noticing different things about you" he states.

My throat dries and I feel like I'm about to be caught red handed. "Really?" I ask, trying to keep my voice stable.

He shifts on his other foot and nods. "Yeah. Let's start with the fact that you look so tired... Like you've been... I don't know, defeated?... And there's the issue about you coming here to 'fix things'. I don't know but it kind of made me uneasy when you said you came here to 'fix things' and just reply with 'just trust me' when we ask how. And I'm not blind. I noticed Neji whispering something to you before we left" he says.

I was physically nervous but on the inside, I was proud of him. He will always be smart and be able to catch tiny details. Carefully, I take a small breath before putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Listen, nii-san... Whatever I'm planning, you have to trust me that it's for the greater good" I said.

"I know that. Everything you've done has always been for the greater good... It just worries me" he admits.

I nod. "I know... It's normal for you to worry about me... You're my nii-san, remember? But you have to trust me... Trust that what I'm about to do can save tons of lives" I say.

He exhales sharply, eyeing me for a long moment before he smiles lazily. "I guess I kind of have no choice, huh?" he chuckles, planting a brotherly kiss on my forehead.

"Just be careful" he says.

I force the lump in my throat down. "I will" I say.

He smiles one last time before we continue our way to the first part of my plan; Lady Tsunade.


When I first lift the curtain of the tent to enter, the first thing I hear is the sound of glass shattering on the floor. This immediately makes me look up only for me to see Sakura gaping at me with a pile of broken glass at her feet.

"Kamina?" she asks quietly.

I smirk, putting a hand behind my neck. "Geez, Sakura, you'd think that being a medic ninja you'd be more careful with glass containing medicinal herbs" I joke.

But alas, my pink-haired teammate doesn't have a good sense of humor and stays frozen like a statue. I roll my eyes, snapping my fingers in front of her wide emerald eyes. And suddenly, she snaps out of it.

"Kamina!" she squeaks, embracing me tightly and almost choking me.

She pulls away only to hold me at arm's length. "Y-you're here! In the Leaf Village!" she says joyously.

I smile. "Yup... But Sakura, I need to see Lady Tsunade" I say slowly so it makes a point.

The twinkly in Sakura's emerald orbs disappears and she lowers her arms down at her sides. "Lady Tsunade is unconscious, Kamina" she informs me sadly.

I nod. "I know that. I'm here to wake her up" I say.

And just like that, the twinkle comes back and she smiles like a kid on Christmas. "Really?! Can you do that?! I mean, I've been working for months on waking her up but maybe yo-"

"Just let her see Lady Tsunade, Sakura. Man, you girls have to make everything so troublesome" Shikamaru steps in.

I almost chuckle when Sakura grows an anime vein and raises her fist at Shikamaru. "I was getting to that, Nara! Don't be so impatient! What are you doing here anyway?!" she asks loudly, surprising me with how everyone in the large tent can survive her voice. They're probably used to it by now.

Shikamaru rubs his ears before sighing and taking out some papers from his flask jacket to show it to Sakura. "I came to give these to Shizune. Mind telling me where she is?" he asks.

Sakura points towards the exit. "She's in the other tent" she says.

Shikamaru nods and waves at me. "See you later" he says before trudging out the tent and into the next one.

"That brother of yours is so lazy" Sakura huffs.

I chuckle. "You've known him ever since your Academy days. You should have gotten used to it by now" I say.

"Yeah but it gets annoying sometimes" she jokes and I chuckle.

"So... Lady Tsunade?" I remind her.

"Oh yeah! She in the third curtain to your right! I'll just get some people to clean this up" she says, referring to the glass of herbs she just dropped.

I nod, following her instructions and sweeping away the third curtain to my right. Sure enough, there lay Lady Tsunade. I sit beside her, observing her for a couple of moments.

It was quite odd for me to see her like that. She's usually so strong and unbreakable. But right now that she's unconscious from the intense amount of chakra she used, she actually looked vulnerable. It makes me ache for her. I mean, yes, she can be a great pain in the neck most of the time but she's still my mentor and I happen to care about all of my mentors.

I run my hands through her formerly luscious blonde locks.

"You'll be okay, Lady Tsunade" I say, placing my hands above her head.

'Are you sure you know what you're doing?'

Yes... But I'm going to need some of your help to pull this off.

'With pleasure, Kamina. Just tell me when you need me'

Thank you, Yakumitsu. It's much appreciated.

I flow my chakra onto her system, replenishing her whole body with new chakra. Usually, Lady Tsunade stores her chakra on the mark on her forehead so that's where I'm focusing my chakra on. It takes a large amount of chakra to get her network to work again so that's what I'm going to need Yakumitsu for.

Now, Yakumitsu. Give me some of your chakra.

'Very well'

The surge of my chakra intensifies and I slowly feel Lady Tsunade's chakra network starting to activate again. A few moments of transferring mine and Yaku's chakra into her system, her whole chakra network was finally working again.

Okay, Yaku, that's enough... Thank you...

'You're welcome'

The chakra flow decreases a little due to Yakumitsu stopping the flow of his chakra. Using my left hand to transfer my chakra into her system, I lift my right hand and surround it with lightning.

'What are you doing?'

I'm going to try to jolt her awake.

When my palm is fully engulfed in lightning, I take a deep breath slowly in and out. And then in one sharp movement, I bring my palm down on Lady Tsunade's chest.

I am pushed back when Lady Tsunade suddenly sits up in a speed of light. She looks around frantically before her eyes land on me.

"Kamina?" she asks, brows furrowed in confusion.

The total happiness I feel makes me wrap my arms around her neck and smile into her hair.

"You're okay, Lady Tsunade" I murmur.

It takes a few moments before Lady Tsunade sighs in relaxation and hugs me back gently. "I'm glad that you are okay as well, Kamina... Thank you for waking me up... although in such an irritating way" she adds flatly.

I chuckle and pull away to give her a cheeky smirk. "Just be thankful that you're awake, Lady Tsunade" I say and she laugh good-naturedly.

Suddenly, Shizune and Sakura barge into the room and they immediately burst into tears when they see the now awake Hokage. Before Lady Tsunade can react, they immediately tackle her into a hug.

I smile down at the scene, deciding on leaving them be for now. I walk out of the tent and stare up at the setting sun far off the distance. There was only one more thing to do now before I go.

I bite my thumb, slamming down onto the floor. Nine shadows appear through the smoke and it was none other than my cats.

"Good afternoon, everyone" I greet.

They all take a look around and smirk.

"Green grass, bright sky, fresh air... We're in Konoha, aren't we?" Chiharu asks.

I nod. "You are correct, milady" I say cheekily.

"Nice to be in a peaceful place" Raiden muses, taking in a large puff of fresh air and exhaling slowly.

"I take it that you summoned all of us for a reason" Mari says, flicking her tail up to my nose and making me sneeze.

"Yes, I did" I said, holding my nose and sending the smirking Mari a glare.

"Well, what is it?" Leiko asks, lying down on the grass and staring up at me upside-down.

I ruffle her stomach before I turn serious once again. "Okay... This is serious guys. I'm going to make you do some things and I don't want you guys to ask any questions. Just do what I tell you, alright?" I ask.

They all faced me with confused looks but they nodded anyway. I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and held it carefully in my hands.

"Raiden, Toshiko, Hiroshi, Hiyuna, Kasumi, Natsumi and Mari, I want the seven of you to retrieve these bodies from the cemetery" I instruct, handing Mari the piece of paper.

She takes it in her mouth before laying it down on the floor to read over what's written on it. Her fuschia eyes widen and she stares up at me in shock.

"Kamina, these are-"

"I know... Just do it, Mari... And be sure to take the bodies to my old apartment by midnight. Toshiko knows where my apartment is, he'll lead you there" I say, handing my apartment key to Toshiko.

"Now, Leiko and Chiharu" I say.

"Yeah?" Chiharu asks, ears flopping down on her head.

I smiled. "I want the two of you to gather Team Seven up. They should be all at Ichiraku's by 9:00. You have two hours to go and get them" I say.

"Hai!" they reply in unison.

"Now go!" I exclaim and they all obediently leap towards their task.

I stare off into the distance, at the setting sun on an orange backdrop. Slowly, I take my time to walk to Ichiraku's. I stroll through the village, admiring and memorizing it just as it is. I memorize every stall, every store, every person that I pass. I take my time to etch the faces of the Hokages onto my head. And when I was done strolling through the village, I walked towards the mountain that shows the overall view of the village. Sitting on the rocky edge, I stare at the whole village down before me.

Every inch of the village was something worth dying for. This was the village that saved my life. This was the village that allowed me to have a better life than what I was given... This village is my home. Everything in this village is my home; the faces of the Hokages on the mountain, the houses lighting up the village, the streets filled with festivities, the people crowding around it and the Will of Fire it represents.

I can't lose my home. But I can't lose that one person that feels like home either. I don't want to lose the Leaf and I don't want to lose Sasuke. I love the village and I love Sasuke.

So I'm willing to do everything to save the both of them.


"Hey!" I immediately greet when I enter Ichiraku's and see all of Team Seven seated down.

"Hey, sis!" Naruto greets, immediately engulfing into a hug.

I hug him back as well, much tighter and longer. I was savoring his essence; I was remembering how it felt to be in his arms. I pull away but only to remember how blue his eyes were and how happy he always looked.

I smile. "Looking good, nii-san" I say gently.

He grins. "When have I not?" he says cheekily making me chuckle.

I sit beside him on a stool and smile at Sakura, Captain Yamato and Sai to my right. On my left is Naruto and Kakashi-sensei.

"What would you have?" the old man asks and I remember his voice in my head.

"We'll have what Naruto usually orders" I state and the old man smiles brightly and nods before disappearing to take our orders.

"So, what did you gather all of us here for?" Kakashi-sensei asks, reading his book as per usual.

I shrug, smiling brightly at my sensei and forcing back the lump that starts to form in my throat. "Nothing special. I just wanted to hang out with my team" I say.

"That's very sweet of you, Kamina" Sakura smiles, hugging me with one arm.

"Yes, very" Captain Yamato and Sai smile.

I nod, pressing my lips together. This is my team. This is my family.

"Order up!"

"Alright, I'm starving!"

"You just ate ramen before Kamina arrived, Naruto"

"Hahaha. Kakashi-sensei's right! You're such a pig, Naruto!"

"Since pigs are usually pink, does that make you a pig as well, Sakura?"

"What'd you say, Sai?!"

"Ahahaha. Don't mind him, Sakura, he was only joking!"

"Yeah right, Captain Yamato!"

I let out a wholehearted laugh, digging into the steaming cup of ramen as I take in the faces of my family; Kakashi-sensei with his face buried deep within his book, Naruto stuffing his whiskered face with ramen, Sakura glaring daggers at a smiling and content Sai and Captain Yamato with a sweatdrop on the side of his head.

My team... My family... The people who became my shoulder to lean on when everything felt too heavy to carry. The people who saved me, showed me great memories and taught me great lessons.

Just a few more moments...

Let us be like this for a few more moments...

Let me remember them for a few more moments...


Midnight struck and the fantasy ended. My time was up and I had to say goodbye. I hugged Naruto one last time, savoring all that he is. I hugged Kakashi-sensei once more, remembering how fatherly he has always been. I hugged Sakura again, memorizing all that she has been. I hugged Sai, chuckling and etching his essence into my brain. I hugged Captain Yamato, recollecting all that he was to me.

I watched my team walk away that night and I felt a great weight lifted from my chest.

At least I got to spend one last moment with them.

I walk to my apartment in the dark night. And when I finally reach my old home, the first place I go to is the roof.

The place where it all started. The place where Sasuke and I first talked. This is the place where my true happiness was born; the place where all my nightmares were fought away.

I take all the time I need to feel the tiles of the roof and to memorize this place just as it is. This is what I want heaven to look like, a peaceful rooftop with the view of the stars. And everyone I ever loved will be with me, sitting on this rooftop and being nothing but peaceful forevermore.

I take in a deep breath, savoring the smell of Konoha one last time.

"Goodbye, Leaf Village" I murmur silently before throwing my body into the window of my apartment.

Sure enough, inside were all of my cats. Two bodies wrapped in linen were on my apartment floor and I knew who those were.

"Thank you" I say, surrounding the bodies with wind and levitating them towards my room.

"Now that we've done what you said, do you mind telling us what you're planning to do?" Mari asks, eyes squinting at me.

I smile, kneeling down and motioning for all of my cats to come closer. All of my nine feline friends surround me and I decide to put my hand first on Mari's head.

"By now you all probably know what has been going on" I start, putting my other hand on Natsumi's head.

"Sasuke is so hell-bent on revenge and he wants to destroy Konoha... You all know how much both Sasuke and Konoha saved me... And I don't want to have to choose between the two of them...... A few hours ago, something else went down at the Five Kage Summit... Sasuke... I finally understand what he wanted all these years... He wanted a family... He wanted his old life back..." I say

This time, I land my hands on Hiroshi and Hiyuna. "I know that deep inside, he tried so hard to accept Konoha as his new family... But with learning what happened to Itachi, I guess it got harder for him to do that. I understand how he feels now... I understand now why it's so hard for him to let go of it all" I add, shifting my hands to Leiko and Toshiko.

"Before I came here, I went to him... And I asked him what it would take for him to come back home" I state, putting my hands now on Raiden and Kasumi.

"And he said the same thing... His family, that was all he wanted, that was all he really needed" I say.

I finally reached my youngest cat, my sweet little Chiharu. Both of my hands gently land on her cheeks.

"So I've made the decision of saving both Sasuke and Konoha" I say.

Chiharu's lavender eyes widen in realization and she gasps... "No... No..." she says disbelievingly, shaking her head as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Are you saying... So that's why you asked us to get those bodies!" Leiko shouts, tears pricking her beautiful red eyes.

"How long have you been planning this?!" Mari asks like she has been betrayed.

"Were you even planning on telling us?" Toshiko asks with the same tone of voice.

"How could you make a decision like this without even consulting us about it?!" Natsumi shouts, tears falling down her luscious red fur.

I sigh, engulfing all my nine cats into a big hug, savoring the feeling of all of them.

"I made this decision to save lives... I know it's hard for all of you to accept my decision... But know that it's for the better" I say quietly.

Raiden pulls away, golden eyes filled with rage. "How is it for the better if the cost is your life?!" he asks angrily.

I smile, hugging and remembering my big bad Raiden just how he is. "To sacrifice one for the life of many" I say.

Kasumi sniffs from beside Natsumi. "Are you really going to do this?" she asks sadly and I nod, hugging all of them once again.

"I love all of you so much. You guys are the reason I've lasted this long... Don't let anyone tell you different" I murmur into their shaking fur.

I pull away, smiling through my tears at all of my cats. They felt more than just pets. They were like my shield and my armor, the reason I'm alive and ready to fight for those I love. I will remember them in the afterlife, that's for sure.

Slowly, I stand to my feet and walk towards my room. My heart beats fast with every step I take but I know it will all be worth it in the end. I guess I finally understand now what my parents meant. Sometimes you have to hurt the people you love so they can be happy with someone else. Love is risking one's happiness for another's happiness. And love is returning the light that was given to you even if you are left with nothing but darkness once again.

Because that's love. You sacrifice all that you have for the person that sacrificed all that he had for you. You risk, you give and you take. But most importantly, you are happy when they are happy.

I take out a scroll and slide a bleeding thumb across it. Itachi's corpse appears beside the two other corpses and I take a deep breath before I finally start.

I hope this will fix everything. I hope this will make him happy... His happiness was all I've ever wanted. My friends' happiness was all I've ever wanted.

I take out a larger scroll and lay it above the three corpses. I allow three drops of my blood to land on the writings on the scroll and I take a step back just as the writing turn a bright blue color.

'You're really doing this huh?'

Yes, Yakumitsu...... I'm sorry...

'There's no need to apologize, Kamina... Besides, I do kind of miss my Master Toneri... Maybe the afterlife will reward me with a chance to be with him again'

I inhale and exhale slowly, making sure that I remember every single person I love before I end this.

I lift my hands up, performing hand signs for the first and last time in my life. With each hand sign I make, a memory of each person I love flashes my mind, a memory of each person I'm dying for.

Ai-sama and our fight several years ago.

Killer Bee and our rap battles before.

Darui and our black lightning sparring matches.

Shizune when she keeps helping me wake Lady Tsunade up.

Lady Tsunade when she taught me how to heal faster.

Gaara and how I managed to help him in his Shukaku form.

Temari when she saved mine and Shika's lives at the Sasuke Retrieval Mission.

Kankuro and his excitement for the puppet I gave him.

Guy-sensei acting all weird in the Chunin Exams.

Neji when I asked for his name in the Chunin Exams and he was playing hard.

Tenten when we all hung out at Tsunade-sama's ceremony.

Lee when he first confessed his love for me at the Chunin Exams.

Kurenai-sensei on my birthday and she gave me a cute teddy bear.

Kiba when he got all frisky during the Chunin Exam's first test.

Shino when he comforted me when Sasuke left the village.

Hinata with all her cute little giggles whenever she's around me.

Asuma-sensei and our first sparring match.

Shikamaru and our shogi battles and when he treats me like a little sister.

Ino with her always hugging me when I return.

Choji and me eating together happily.

Itachi... Oh, Itachi when he gave me that bracelet and when he defended me through my times of struggle.

And Team Seven... How beautiful the memories are with them.

When I first met Naruto at the Academy.

When I first bumped into Sasuke.

Kakashi when we met him for the first time and an eraser fell on his head.

All of us introducing each other for the first time.

The bell test.

That day we fought Zabuza.

The day we learned how to climb a tree.

That time we defeated Zabuza and Haku.

When we entered the Chunin Exams together.

The moment I helped Naruto during the first part of the exam.

The way we all worked together in the Forest of Death.

When we all fought against Shukaku.

When we fought against Itachi and Kisame.

When Sasuke left.

Sasuke's Retrieval Mission.

When I left the village.

When we met again at Asuma's funeral.

A few moments ago at Ichiraku Ramen...... That was the moment I'll remember forever.

And as for Sasuke...

When I first bumped into him.

When I first talked to him.

When I first kissed him.

When he left me and I cried over him.

When he came back and I felt safe...

When the world was against us again.

I'm dying for all of them. Because I want them to be happy and because I love each and every one of them...

Maybe death isn't so bad. I'll get to see my parents again, I'll get to see The Sound Four, The Akatsuki, Zabuza, Haku, and Asuma-sensei.

I'll miss being alive. I'll miss being able to feel my friends hug me whenever I feel like it... ... Oh and Hiruki! I never found out who he really was.

I honestly can't believe I won't be there for when Naruto becomes Hokage. But I know he'll make it, I'm sure of it... And whatever happens in the future, I hope the odds are in Konoha's favor.

With all that has happened, I finally understand everything. It took me this long to understand what my parents meant.

But I'm happy with my choices.

"Are you ready, Yakumitsu?" I ask, performing the last hand sign.

'... Ready'

Mixing my chakra with Yaku's, I release my jutsu with the last sign. The last thing I see is a bright blue glow before my soul finally leaves my body.

I love you, Sasuke Uchiha.







Three weeks ever since Kamina left and never returned. Her absence takes a massive impact on me but I couldn't let it show. Madara was furious at Kamina, seeing as she's managed to steal Itachi's corpse so now Itachi's eyes can't be transplanted into me.

I walk around the hideout, feeling oddly lonely without her. She would usually be preparing lunch by now, serving up the table with her heavenly food. It's been three weeks since I last saw her and I've been regretting everything I've said. The anger and betrayal of seeing her siding with the others had made me say such hurtful things.

But I know she'll come back. She will.

Suddenly, a familiar grey blur appears to my right making me halt. I smile, seeing Chiharu sitting obediently on the floor.

"Hi. Chiharu" I greet.

If she's here, then maybe Kamina's back as well.

Her lavender eyes that always twinkled were dull and lifeless now and it makes me take a step back.

"Sasuke" she calls out flatly "There's something you need to know"


I leap through the trees in excitement, I couldn't care less whether Madara would be furious or not. All I cared about was reaching my destination as soon as possible. The familiar gates of Konoha come into view but I just sprint past it and into the familiar old village I used to call home.

My feet immediately lead me to the Uchiha Compund and my heart stops when I see that the yellow caution tapes on its entrance has been removed. I run inside, passing by familiar houses with the Uchiha crest until I see my own house in the far distance.

My heart beats faster when a tall and familiar figure walks down from the stairs of my house and I immediately walk faster until I'm sure that it's him.

I stop just right in front of him, panting and breathless from all the running I've just done. He stares at me with the same eyes as mine although his was calm as they always were while mine were filled with shock and wonder.

"I... Itachi..." I breathed.

He nods his head, staring off into the distance with hands on shoved into his pocket. He was wearing a black sweater with the Uchiha crest at the back, the one he used to wear before Shisui died.

"Sasuke" he greets nonchalantly.

I hear more footsteps approaching and my eyes shift towards the door of my old house. My breath is caught in my throat and my eyes prick with tears when I see the both of them standing atop the staircase, one with a frown and the other with a smile.

"Mother... Father..." I murmured.

Mother is the first to jump down and engulf me into a tight embrace. I freeze, remembering this feeling like it happened long ago. And when it all finally clicks, I hug her back with the same tightness.

"Mother" I say into her hair.

"Sasuke... You've grown so much!" she gushes, holding me at arm's length and smiling down at me through her tears.

Creaking noises are heard as my father slowly stalks down the stairs. His usual frown is now replaced with an unusual smile and he surprisingly engulfs me in a hug.

"Sasuke" he says and I feel the tears coming back again.

Mother motions for Itachi to join the embrace and he sighs before smiling at me and joining the warmth.

I don't know how.

I don't know why.

But my family is here and that's all I've ever wanted.




"Sasuke! Come on!" Itachi whines.

I smirk devilishly, turning my head to the side to see that he was still leaping from tree to tree in an attempt to catch me.

"I know you can run faster than that, Itachi" I say in triumph, holding up the bag full of herbs to tease him.

My brother rolls his eyes at me and huffs. "I was supposed to bring those to Mother. I was the one who found them first anyway!" he argues.

I shrug, shoving the bag into the pocket of my jeans. "Finders keepers, losers weepers" I say.

"You didn't find it! You stole it when I was taking a drink from the river, you sneaky brat!" he shouts, anime vein throbbing on his forehead.

"Well, unless you can steal it back, I'm afraid I'm the one who's going to give it to Mother" I grinned.

A deep sigh emits from my older brother and I can sense him increasing his speed. "You asked for this, Sasuke" I hear him say.

"Ask for wha-oof!"

My face suddenly impacts something hard making me dizzy for a few seconds. I lift my head, scowling when I see that I've forcefully collided with Itachi's Susano'o. From behind the red shield, I see Itachi smirking in triumph while holding up the bag of herbs.

"See you back at the house" he says with pride before disappearing into a flock of crows.

The Susano'o slowly disappears and I sigh, sprinting at a much slower pace towards my house. As I pass through the village, I notice the stares that keep being thrown my way.

I know I'm a wanted criminal... But it kind of confuses me as to why Lady Tsunade just let me off the hook yesterday when a bunch of ANBU brought me in. She said all my crimes were paid for anyway so I was free to live a normal life again with my family.

Not only that seems weird but during my two weeks back here in Konoha, Naruto hasn't visited me even once. That was weird considering he was obsessed on trying to get me back home a few weeks ago.

And there's the question of how my family suddenly came back to life......

But I try not to think about that too much. I've been enjoying my two weeks spent with my family...... Although, something's missing... Yes, it's fun hanging around my family again but...... I don't feel... complete... Which is weird because having my family back was all I've ever asked for.

I don't know... I just feel a void somewhere inside of me like...... like I'm missing out on something...

It takes me a few minutes of walking before I finally realize what it was...

Kamina! I haven't seen her for a long time! Almost a month! I should probably introduce her to my parents! But where is she? Maybe Itachi knows...

I enter the Uchiha Coumpound and head straight for my house. Entering the door, I scowl when I see a smirking Itachi seated comfortably on the couch reading some weird book I don't know. Father is seated on the other couch, face buried into a newspaper of some sort.

I take my shoes off and enter the living room, instantly smelling something good from the kitchen which means that Itachi already gave Mother the herbs she needed to cook.

"You could have waited for me, you know" I huffed, sitting beside Itachi and lying down comfortably on the couch.

"And let you steal the herbs again?" he mocks, flipping the next page of his weird book.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever...... Hey, I have a question" I say.

He lowers his book a little, looking at me with his left brow raised. "And that is?" he asks.

"Do you have any idea where Kamina is? I haven't seen her for a month. I'm starting to get worried, considering we had a fight before she disappeared" I ask.

This catches my Father's attention because I hear the shifting of newspaper from behind me. Itachi seems frozen for a few seconds before he returns his eyes to the book he was reading.

"I see... So that's why" he mutters.

"That's why what?" I ask, inching closer and surprising Itachi that I'd managed to hear what he said.

"Nothing, Sasuke... I don't know where she is" he says slightly coldly which makes me tilt my head in confusion...

Something was weird here and I'm not just talking about the book Itachi's reading.

First, the mention of Kamina's name makes my Father bother lowering his newspaper.

Second, Itachi's answer seemed a little... evasive.

Third, Itachi suddenly turned cold at my question...

.... Alright, where is Kamina?

I send a suspicious look over to Itachi who ignores me before standing up from my seat and heading for the door.

"I'm going out for a while" I say, slipping my shoes on.

"Lunch is going to be ready soon" Father says.

"Just save some for me" is all I say before I close the door behind me.

If they won't tell me what's up, then maybe the others know. I jump onto a random roof, overlooking the village below me and trying to find someone I know. When my eyes recognize no one, I jump to another roof until I see Choji and Kiba walking down the street.

I land just right in front of them, making them freeze and stare at me in shock.

"Hey" I greet casually, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

The visible sweat that forms around Choji's face is evident as he takes me in. "S-sasuke" he stammers, increasing my suspicion.

I narrow my eyes down when I see that Kiba was sweating too. Tapping my foot on the ground, I raise a brow at the both of them.

"You guys have any idea where Kamina is?" I ask.

Kiba's animal-like eyes widen for a moment before he corrects himself. "K-Kamina? Nope, haven't seen her sorry!" he says hurriedly before sprinting away with Choji.

"Hey! Wait!" I call out but they've already turned the corner.

I sigh, slumping my shoulders as I walk down the street. A familiar shop suddenly pops out on my left making me smirk. Surely she knows where Kamina is.

I enter the fragrant shop, willing myself not to sneeze from the excess flowers displayed at the entrance. The bell rings as I close the door which makes Ino wake up from her post at the counter.

"Welcome to the Yamanaka Flower Shop" she greets sleepily, obviously still not noticing it was me.

"Hey, Ino" I greet and her eyes snap wide open.

"Sasuke?!" she gasps.

I nod. "Yeah... I was wondering...... Do you know where Kamina is? I haven't seen her for a month" I say.

The surprise in her eyes is suddenly replaced with... sadness? What's going on?

"Ino, do you know where she is?" I ask urgently.

Surely her reaction to my question meant something!

A tear suddenly rolls down her cheek making me take a step back from surprise. She shakes her head before running farther into the flower shop, tears falling to her sides as she ran.

My head was spinning. Every time I mention Kamina, they react weirdly...... I'm starting to get worried.

Are they hiding something from me?

I run out of the flower shop, hoping to find someone who can tell me what's going on. My heart was constricting for some unknown reason and my head was starting to go weird.

I see Ichiraku Ramen a few feet away. Maybe Naruto is in there! Sprinting towards the ramen shop, I slide the curtain open to see if anyone I know is there. Surprisingly, all of Team Seven is there.

"Finally!" I exclaim making all of them jump.

Slowly, they all turn around and they all let out a gasp when they see that it's me. We stare at each other for a while before I see Sakura trying to escape from the corner of my eye. I block her path and scowl.

"No you don't. No one is leaving until someone tells me where Kamina is. First Kiba and Choji and then Ino and now you guys are acting weird at the mere mention of her name! Where is she?!" I asked, breathing heavily and just about ready to force some answers out.

Obviously, they liked to play hard to get. Naruto and Sakura both duck under me to sprint away. Kakashi-sensei and Yamato disappear in a puff of smoke while this Sai guy runs the opposite way from where Sakura and Naruto ran.

I groaned, deciding on chasing Naruto and Sakura since they seemed the easiest. I sprint after them, growling when I see how far their pink and blonde heads are. Increasing my speed, I manage to think of intercepting them on the other street.

I jump onto a roof, back flipping onto the other street just as they come up in front of me. When they see that I've managed to catch them, they freeze and I take that opportunity to keep them in place using my Chidori.

"Don't move" I say, trapping the three of us in a cage made of Chidori.

Naruto looks around and sighs. "We're screwed" he mutters and oddly, Sakura nods in agreement.

I furrow my brows. "What's going on?" I ask but they keep their eyes glued to the floor.

My anger flares from their ignorance and so does the flow of Chidori in the cage bars.

"Where is she?!" I asked the blonde and the pinkette in front of me who seemed to look nervous and sad at the same time.

"Aren't you going to answer me?! I know that you know where she is so tell me!" I said with impatience.

I just want my Mina-chan... They just need to tell me where I can find her.

Suddenly, Naruto looked up at me with sadness filling his eyes and tears starting to form. I was taken aback by his reaction as he replied to my earlier questions.

I just knew something was wrong... My heart was feeling it.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke"

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