Hood Redemption

By dream_outlouddd

280K 14.9K 3.5K

Hood Redemption More

Can We Be Real?
To My Young Ladies on the DreamTeam
Social Media
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Hood Redeemed
DreamTeam, Babies
Hood Redeemed
Love Bugs

Twenty Three

7.4K 422 102
By dream_outlouddd

Hey Guys! Sorry for the late update! 50 comments for the next update.

Brandon's POV

"Brandon!" I heard Imani yell behind me.

"Yeah babe?" I asked her.

"Your breakfast. You forgot it." She blushed.

I smirked and grabbed the wrapped up plate, I kissed her.

"Thank you."

"You're Welcome." She said and bit her lip. "Oh here." She said giving me napkin with a fork and spoon wrapped in it. She kissed me again. "Have a good day." She said.

"You too baby. You too." I said and walked away.

I got to my car and shook my head. She really likes me, likes me enough to make sure I eat and once a black woman makes sure you eat, you must be pretty special.

"Hello." I said getting in my car.

"Hey bro." Curtis said.

"Hey. What's good?"

"Where you coming from?" He asked me.

"My lady place. What's happening?"

"Nothing, pops was saying lets do a little family dinner." He told me.

"Mm, why?" I asked him.

"Nigga the fuck you mean why? Because I want to have dinner with my God damn kids." My father shouted.

"Alright, when?"

"Tomorrow. We want your girlfriend to come too." Curtis said.

"She busy." I said.

"Quit playing with me King." My father said and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, I'll see if she available. She usually spends Sunday's with her parents."

"Just see. She should want to spend time with her inlaws." Curtis said and I sighed.

"Yeah, okay. Let me go I got shit I got to do." I said and hung up.

Curtis is always starting shit. Between him and Anthony I don't know who worse.

I pulled up to a house and checked myself to make sure I was straight. I decided to go ahead and eat some of my breakfast wifey made me.

I shook my head at the pork bacon, two biscuits and grits she had made. Damn this gon be good. I grabbed the flowers from the back of my car and went up to the steps of the brick house after I finished.

I knocked on the door making sure I looked put together.

"Hello." The woman in the door frame smiled.

"Hello." I said. "These are for you."

"Thank you. How'd you know?"

"I listen to Imani." I shrugged.

"My baby girl really likes you."

"And I really like her too." I explained.

She nodded. "Did she feed you this morning?" Imani's mother asked letting me into her home.

"Yes she did." I nodded.

"Good. Jaylen is upstairs getting ready. He was excited when you said you wanted to hang out with him." She explained.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah." She nodded. "It seems like you got Jay and Imani wrapped around your finger." She said.

"Mrs. Walker, I really like your daughter, and I plan to be apart of her life."

She looked at me in my eyes and put her hands on her hips. "So you gon get in my face, and lie?" She asked.

"I'm not lying I-"

"You love Imani. I could see it in your face." She said as a matter of factory.

I nodded my head being already caught. "Yeah." I rubbed my neck. "I just, I'm trying not to scare her off."

"Tell her the truth, if you don't it'll hurt you both and that's what we don't want." She explained and I nodded my head.

"Mr. Brandon!" Jaylen jumped off the steps and ran towards me.

"Hey man! What you running for?" I asked him.

"Excited to see you." He said and I pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm excited to see you too but you gonna get us both in trouble rumbling down the steps like that."

"Okay, I won't do it again. What we doing today?" He asked.

"Going to a few places. You ready ?" I asked him.

He nodded and Mrs. Walker came to the door.

"Alright boys." She said and kissed his forehead. "Y'all be safe, remember to buckle up and FaceTime me when you can."

"Mrs. Walker thanks, we will FaceTime you as soon as we get off the road"

She nodded. "Alright now." She said and we left out of the door.

I didn't know how to respond when Naomi actually allowed me to hang out with Jaylen. She said she trusted me and that meant a lot being as though I'm trying to start a future with her sister and I actually really like hanging out with Jay.

"You in bud?" I asked him pulling on his seat belt.

"Yes sir." He grinned and I smiled back at him before getting into the drivers seat and honking the horn before I pulled off.

"Um Mr. Brandon?" Jaylen said.

"Yeah?" I asked him looking into my backseat.

"You don't have on a seatbelt."he said. "And auntie doesn't like when we don't ride without them."

I looked into my backseat and nodded before pulling over. She did hate that and she always made sure I had one on when she was in the car talking about I won't be dying on her watch.

I pulled the seat belt over me with one hand and buckled it.

"We good now buddy?"

He smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah we are good."

I nodded and turned the car back on turning the music off so that we could have some dialogue.

"How was grandma and grandpas?" I asked him.

"It was cool." He nodded. "I stay sometimes and sometimes I like it more than Auntie Mani house and sometimes I don't."

"Why?" I asked him interested in his perspectives.

"Well, sometimes auntie gets upset when I make a mess. She doesn't yell but she gets really quiet and tells me to go watch tv and then I always have to make my bed. But I always have fun with auntie and grandma and grandpa sometimes just like staying in the house and playing music." He shrugged. "Plus granny cooks whatever I want."

"Oh." I nodded. "I get it, Auntie Mani house is fun but you always have to clean up. Granny house is a little boring but you eat whatever you want."

"Yeah." He nodded with a smile. "How about you?" He asked putting his arm on the door resting his knuckles against his face. "Auntie house better or your house?"

I chuckled at his question. "Your aunties house. Auntie Mani has never been to my house before." I explained and he nodded.

"I'm gonna stay by aunties house tonight. You should stay with us." He said excitedly.

"Maybe." I shrugged and we pulled to a stop.

"I don't see why not. We could have so much fun." He said.

"If your auntie says it's cool I'll stay."

"I hope she says yes!" He said.

I laughed. "Alright man Lego!" I yelled and we went into our first stop of the day.

Imani's POV

I pulled up to my sisters house after I went to make sure everything was set up for work tonight.

"Lil Bih." I yelled.

"You always yelling" Dre sucked his teeth. "I thought we took that key away from you." He said

"My sister gave it back." I said and mushed him.

"Baby!" He yelled and Naomi came downstairs.

"Hey sis. What's up baby?" She asked.

"Why is she over here and why she got a key?" He asked.

"To discuss wedding stuff and I wanted her to have it back." She explained.

He sighed. "I thought we agreed on sexy time. Jaylen's coming home tonight." He whined like a three year old.

I sucked my teeth. "Jays coming home with his auntie so y'all have plenty of time to be grown." I said. "Now let's discuss the stuff we have to discuss." I said.

"In a rush?" Dre asked.

"Yeah, got to get home and cook for my favorite nephew." I said.

"Only nephew. This one is a girl." My sister said.

"You don't understand us. Anyways to the wedding stuff." I said.

"I don't want to wear white I think." She said and I laughed.

"You shouldn't."

"Bitch." She mumbled and shook her head.

"Whatever. What colors are we going with? Or should it be a theme? This is gonna be a late summer early fall wedding so we need to figure it out asap." I said.

She sighed. "I like that nude color and maybe orange?"

"I'ont like orange and you know how niggas are. If they see tan they gon come in with damn cargos on." Dre explained.

I laughed. "Very true."

"Well what you suggest?" Naomi asked me.

"Maybe Lilac Pink and Ivory?"

"Oh hell no. Lamar Odom married a Kardashian in those colors. Ruined his entire life we ain't even finna do it." Dre shook his head and I slapped my forehead.

"Navy Blue and Yellow?"

"That sounds Mexican."

"So what then?"

"Let's do an all white affair." He suggested

"Nope." Naomi shook her head. "Jay is messy." She said.

"Omi pick a color." I told her.

"Gold." She shrugged.

"How about rose gold and white?" I asked.

"Oh that's so cute!" Naomi said.

"Oh yeah that's straight. Fits in with end of summer." Dre nodded.

"Perfect. Inside or Outside?" I asked and we continued on and on.

After a while my head was spinning and I began to think I put myself under a ton of pressure.

"Alright y'all, I am gone." I said.

"Alright, thank you." Naomi said and I nodded a little drained from our talk.

When I got into my car I picked up my phone and called my mother to tell her for Jay to pack his stuff.

"Ma." I said.

"Baby." She said back causing me to smile.

"Have my little boy ready when I get there." I said.

"Him and Pop-Pop went to get Ice Cream. I figured you'd call for em then so I told your father after they went and do that, to go ahead over to your place."

"Perfect." I sighed.

"When did they leave?" I asked her.

"Maybe ten ago." She told me.

"Cool, alright well I'm at Naomi's so I should be home in less than ten so call daddy and have him bring Jay to me please."

"Alright baby. Night baby."

"Night." I said and hung up before pulling out.

I decided to go straight home and sit in the parking lot. I sat with my head on the head rest tired.

"Yes." I said picking up my phone.

"You don't sound too hot baby." Brandon said and I smiled.

"Sorry, long night. What's up?"

"You eat anything?"

"Of course not." I sighed. "What you gonna cook?" I asked

"I'm gonna pick food up from the Spanish place we like."

"Okay, and Brandon Jays gonna be here tonight." I said.

"Sounds good." He said and I nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you in a few." I said and we hung up. I decided to go into the house knowing my dad had keys to my place.

I traveled up to my apartment and stripped out of my clothes deciding a shower would be amazing right now. Once I moisturized and pulled my hair back I got into my bed, lord knows I'm so tired.

I closed my eyes a little and was woken up when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and went to the door.

"Auntie!" Jaylen yelled.

"Aunties baby!" I said back to him giving him a hug.

"What about me?" Brandon asked and I looked up at him.

"Hey." I said and he pulled me closer to him tapping my lips.

"You look comfy." He noted.

I nodded. "I am. You look comfy too. Both of you do" I said noticing the had on sweats and tee shirts alike.

"We come with gifts so sit down, and have a seat." Brandon said and Jaylen grabbed my hand bringing me to the living room.

"Should I be considered?" I asked.

"No auntie." Jaylen shook his head and Brandon came into the living room carrying a bag.

"A Louis Vuitton?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but it's not what you think it is, look." He said and I looked into the bag to see a cat.

"Aww!" I said seeing the cat inside.

"What you think?" Jaylen asked happily

"It's so cute!" I said. "Thank you." I said pouting.

I looked at the cat and it looked up at me with grey eyes.

"We know you saw that white cat at the pet store when we went and it wasn't for sale so I ordered one from a different store and it came in a few cities away. Luckily, Jaylen here has been hanging out with me all day. We brought a few things for her to have tonight or until we go get her stuff." Brandon said.

"Thank you." I said seeing Jaylen show off the cat food and bowls.

"Thank Jaylen, it was his idea." He shrugged.

"Well thanks to both of you guys, what should we name her?" I asked

"It's up to you." Brandon said.

I shrugged. "Pea!" Jaylen said.

I laughed. "Pea? Pea it is." I nodded.

The rest of the night all we did was laugh, joke and talk to each other.

"Want me to get him in bed?" Brandon asked.

"Please?" I asked him and he nodded.

Once he lifted Jaylen up from my lap, I turned the lights out in the living room and locked the doors and windows.

"Alright baby girl." Brandon said.

"You not staying?" I asked him.

"I wish I could, work." He said and I pouted a little.

"Don't do that." He kissed my lips. "I'll be back tomorrow."

"We hanging out?" I asked him and he nodded.

"My family is hosting a family dinner and I was wondering if you'd be open to coming with me?" He asked.

"Why would I be there?" I asked him.

"Because you're the woman in my life." He said and I sighed.

"That's a huge step Brandon."

"I know that, I just, it was just a question. If you don't want to come you don't have to." He explained and looked down at his phone. "Look, I got to go. I'll call you later."

I nodded and he kissed me again before leaving.

I sighed closing the door after I saw him jog down the steps. 

I feel so bad for not really wanting to meet his parents. Am I wrong?

Next Update: 08/29/16

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