Life after Marriage

By Simply_Kailee

10.5K 384 134

**Sequel to Falling Back in Love** **A Haleb Story** About three years ago, Caleb and Hanna got married. Afte... More

Three Years Later...
Silent Treatment
Fruit Farm.
Birthday Party
Hangovers and Regrets
More Problems.
Temporary Happiness.
Step By Step.
Surprises and An Envelope.
The Letter.
Another Letter.
Meetings and Cravings.
Court Day.
Court Day Continuation
And Then There Were Six...

News and Arguments.

463 18 5
By Simply_Kailee

Caleb's POV.

"He what?" I ask my secretary even though I already know what she said.

"Mr. Kalo wants to speak with you in his office." Kim, my secretary tells me again.

"O-okay." I reply to her, suddenly very nervous.

Mr. Kalo is basically the owner of the hacking company I work for. He never speaks to anyone unless he has good news or bad news. In this case, I feel like it's bad news. It has to be.

I slowly walk to the elevator, trying to prepare myself for whatever is about to happen. Once I get there, I push the button to the elevator. The elevator doors quickly open, as of no one was riding it. I enter the elevator and push the button that leads to the 25th floor, the highest floor in the building. The doors close and, sooner than I wanted, the doors opened. I walked out of the elevator and was greeted by Tanya, Mr. Kalo's secretary.

"Hello, can I help you?" Tanya asks me upon my arrival.

"Yeah, I'm here to see Mr. Kalo." I reply to her.

"Okay, name?" She asks me, sitting down at her desk in front of her computer.

"Caleb Rivers." I reply to her.

"Alright, follow me. I'll take you to his office." She tells me, standing up again and motioning me to follow her.

I nod and follow her to his office.

When we reach it, she knocks on the door and opens it. There sat a man with a bald head and a luxury suit on.

He looks up at the sound of the door opening and locks eye contact with me.

"Mr. Rivers, come in, come in." He says, motioning me inside.

I walk in and stand by the chairs that is placed in front of his desk. Tanya closes the door and leaves us alone.

"Please, sit." Mr. Kalo's says, motioning me to sit down.

I sit down and wait for him to tell me why I'm here.

"So, I've done my research on you Mr. Rivers. And it seems that you have hacked many companies within a month while we've been trying to hack those companies for years. You made our company number one on the charts for hacking companies. You, my friend, is very talented." Mr. Kalo tells me, looking at the piece of paper in his hands.

"Thank you, it means a lot hearing that come from you." I tell him, meaning it.

"But, it seems that you have cut down your hours." Mr. Kalo says, looking at me.

"Yes, I wanted to spend some time with my family." I reply to him.

"Ah, family time. Family is always comes first. Unless you are in a hacking business." He tells me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, confused.

"When you are in the hacking business, work always comes first. So, seeing that you have a family, I am very sorry to tell you this but we're letting you go." He tells me.

"What? No, you can't do this! You told me that I made this company number one, so why the hell are you letting me go?!" I ask him, very angry upon hearing this news.

"Listen, I'm sorry but we need someone who will be here 12 hours a day, minimum. And, you, are not it. We are losing money because you're not here which means you aren't solving cases. People pay us to hack into things and you aren't here to help solve the case in the given time. We are losing money and business. You told us that you were going to work at home but you only worked for three hours total at home. So, we're going to have to let you go. Unless, you work 14 hours hours a day for seven day." He tells me.

"14 hours a day? Seven days? That doesn't give me any time to sleep, eat, and have time for my kids and wife. How the hell am I supposed to do that?" I ask him.

"Well, work comes first." He tells me, shrugging his shoulders.

I can't believe this guy.

"You know what? Fuck you!" I tell him, standing up, making the chair screech against the tile floor. I stomp to the door and open it, making it slam against the wall. I stomp to the elevator and wait for it to open. The elevator doors opened and I stomped inside, continuously pressing the button that leads to the fifteen floor. The doors finally close and I impatiently wait for the elevator to get to my floor so that I can collect my stuff and get the hell out of here.


Hanna's POV.

No, no, no, no. This cannot be happening!

I practically run to my car, unlocking it and opening the door. I enter the car and close the door, locking the doors and grabbing my phone. I quickly scroll through my contacts and press on the name I was looking for.


"Emily, I-I need to talk to you." I tell her.

"Okay, why don't you come over and we'll talk about it." Emily suggests.

"No, Em. I need to talk to you right now. Plus, I don't want the kids to hear." I tell her, closing my eyes to try to relax and calm myself down.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Emily asks me, suddenly very serious.

"I went to the doctors...." I tell her, taking a deep breath to try to even out my breathing.

"Okay, and?" Emily asks me, sounding very concerned.

"And, I'm pregnant Em." I tell her, a tear escaping my eye.

Emily is silent for at least a minute before she talks.

"Oh my God, Hanna that's amazing! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!" Emily says, excitement clear in her voice.

"No, Em! I-I can't be pregnant! I already have three amazing kids and I love them, I really do. But I don't know how I'm going to raise all four of them at the same time. I already have a hard time raising three, I can't raise another one." I admit to her, more tears falling from my eyes.

"Han, you do an amazing job raising your kids and one more won't hurt you. If anything, it's going to make you stronger and I know that you will love and care for it as much as you love and care for Corey, Drew, and Casey. You'll be okay." Emily reassures me.

"Thank you Em. I really needed to hear that." I tell her, relaxing a little more.

"It's the truth. So, how far along are you?" She asks me, trying to enlighten my mood.

"About 10 weeks." I answer her question, wiping away the left over tears.

"Wow, almost three months! Did you tell Caleb?" She asks me.

"No, not yet. I'm going to tell him when he gets home later tonight." I tell her.

"Okay, let me know how that goes. Do you want the kids to spend the night so that you and Caleb can talk about everything?" Emily offers.

"Would you mind?" I ask her.

"Not at all. I love your kids Han. Plus the twins love to play with them. It's perfectly fine with me." She assures me.

"Thank you Em. I'm going to go home and wait for Caleb to get home. Thank you again, I'll pick them up tomorrow." I tell her.

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Em says before hanging up.

I lock my phone and put it in my purse. I start the car and begin to drive home.

Ten minutes later....

Finally, I'm home.

I unlock the front door and walk inside, closing and locking the door behind me. I walk into the living room and see Caleb sitting on the couch, drinking whiskey while watching TV.

"Caleb, what are you doing home so early? You're not supposed to be home for another three hours." I ask him, looking at the time on my phone.

"Well, I'm home. Where's the kids?" Caleb asks me before he drinks some whiskey from the bottle.

"They are at Emily's house. They are sleeping over. Now, why are you home?" I ask him again, setting down my purse on the couch and taking a seat on the couch.

"I got let go." Caleb replies to me, drinking the whiskey again.

"What? Caleb, why?" I ask him, my body fully facing his.

"They said I needed to work full time and that I need to put work before family. So, I told them to fuck off." He tells me, drinking again.

"Caleb, that's horrible! You need to go back there and apologize!" I shout at him, a little mad at both him and the company.

"What? Why the hell do you want me to go and apologize to them? They want me to work 14 hours a day for the whole week!" Caleb shouts back at me.

"Well, don't work those shifts. Caleb, we need the money." I tell him, grabbing his hand.

"No, we don't. We'll just live off of your paycheck. I mean you get paid good money. It'll be tight on the budget but we'll make it work." Caleb says, shrugging his shoulders as if it's nothing.

"No, Caleb. You need that job! I make good money but it's not enough to live in San Francisco. We have bills to pay and we need to buy food! We have to save money for the kids college funds and we can't do that when we are only living off of one paycheck!" I begin to shout, very stressed about this whole situation.

"We'll be fine. Stop stressing. We have a lot of money that we saved. We can live off of that for awhile." Caleb suggests, still drinking his whiskey from the bottle.

"And then what? Hmm? What are we going to do after we spend all of that money. It may seem like a lot but it's not going to last us very long Caleb!" I yell at him.

"Then we'll move back to Rosewood after and live with your mother!" Caleb shouts, getting frustrated.

"Live with my mother?! So what, the six of us are going to live with my mother and Ted?! In that not so big house of theirs?!" I yell at him, tears of frustration and anger spill from my eyes.

"You know what?! I don't know Hanna! Okay? I don't know! Stop yelling at me! We'll figure something out! Just, stop yelling at me and leave me the hell alone!" Caleb snaps, standing up from the couch and stomping to the front door.

"Where the hell are you going?!" I ask him, standing up and following him.

"Away from you!" He replies, stomping out of the house and onto the driveway.

"You're drunk Caleb! Get back into the house!" I yell at him, my body shaking with rage.

Caleb gets into the car and starts it, reversing out of the driveway as I attempt to run to the car. He speeds down the road, obviously going above speed limit.

"ASSHOLE!" I yell as loud as I can towards him. I run back inside the house, slamming the door shut and locking it.

I need to throw something or hit something.

I look around and see a glass vase by the TV in the living room. I walk to it and pick it up. I throw to the wall, yelling profanities in rage.

Before I know what I'm doing, I begin to throw and smash every thing I can pick up in sight.

I finally look around as I try to catch my breath. Glass is shattered everywhere. '

What the hell did I just do?


Authors Note:

Wow, someone was really angry. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed! There will be a lot of drama in the next couple of chapters. This is only the beginning!

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