My LA Life (O2L FanFiction)

By BriHemm144

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Brianna and Sarah are best friends since kindergarten. They are now 19 and ready to move out of the house and... More

Chapter One- Persuading The Mothers
Chapter Two- Packing And Plane Trips
Chapter 3- Perfect Pranks and Relationships
Chapter 4- Plan In Action And What Are We?
Chapter 5- Lost and New
Chapter 6- Moving In
Chapter 7- Happy Birthday! and Disney Trips!
Chapter 8- Almost Dieing and Fun Rides
Chapter 9- Break Ups and Make Ups
Chapter 10-Abandoned and Doin The Deed *WARNING DIRTY!!!!*
Chapter 11-Confessions and Couples
Chapter 12- Tests and New Best Friends
Chapter 13- Pregnant? and Summer Water Park Prep
Chapter 14- Water Parks and OMG PREGNANT?!?!? or nah!
Chapter 15- Reunited and Parties!
Chapter 16- He Found Out and Apologies
Chapter 17- Party Invitations and The Viner's *SEXUAL CONTENT!*
Chapter 18- Cruise! and Staying Home?
Chapter 19- Born and Ship Wreck
Chapter 20-Plan Failed and Explanation
Chapter 21- Land and Struggling To Survive
Chapter 22-Funny Times and Something Discovered
Chapter 23- New Couple, More Confessions
Chapter 24 - Home and Moving Out
really important :(

Chapter 25- Saying Goodbye and Wait, What?

11 1 0
By BriHemm144

Jc's POV
*the next morning*
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, i walk downstairs to see Connor and Brianna making a bunch of food. "Smells really good in here" i say. Bri turns around and hands me a plate with bacon, eggs and some toast. "Thanks" i mumble, Bri just nods in return. As i eat, all u can think about is Bri and Connor, shes going to be so heart broken, they have been together so long like almost a year now. But i have to tell her, better now than later right?

After everyone got up and ate breakfast, we all chilled in the living room watching Jack Ass. I texted Bri asking if i could talk to her alone real quick. She excused herself to the washroom and i got up to get a drink.

"So whats up?" I hear behind me, i turn around to see Bri, "i wanted to talk about you and Connor" she gives me a confused look "um okay?" I sigh. "I can tell that Connor is losing feelings for you-" she cuts me off "Jc dont get in between Connor and i's relationship please alright?" She says sassily. "Bri im trying to protect you!" "I dont need your help." She says and goes back to the living room. I shake my head and get my glass of water.

-Brianna's POV-

Who does Jc think he is saying that to me?! Trying to break Connor and i up by lying to me?! Thats just plane fucking rude if you ask me.

It still got me skeptical tho about Connor, he hasn't been acting the same lately, he has been kinda distant and is out of the house most of the time without telling me where he is going, could he be cheating on me?

*the next day*

-Sarah's POV-
Kian and i leave to our new house in about a week or so, we have everything packed up and have ordered furniture online for baby Alex. Leaving here is going to be so sad, starting my new life without having Brianna there, well most of the time at least.

I was in Kian's room editing a video for my youtube announcing Kian and i moving out, when Bri walked in making me jump a little. "Hey whats up?" I asked. "Jc told me yesterday that Connor is losing feelings for me, he has been distant to and is never telling me where hes going he just says "dont worry about it" do you think hes cheating on me or something?" "Damn i dont know Bri, i say just talk to Connor about yeah?" Bri just nods in response, "thanks Sarah!" She says and leaves the room.

-Brianna's POV-
I walk into Connors room to see him editing a video for tomorrow. "Hey babe?" I say. Connor turns to face me. "Hey" he says and stands up to kiss me but pulls away confused when i dont kiss back, "whats up with you?" He says, my eyes go wide. "Me? I was going to ask the same thing to you" his eyes squint "what are you talking about?" I chuckle "hm where do i start? What about always leaving without giving me a clue of where your going and im left here worried to death and you being so distant from me and the boys like whats up with that?"
Connor sighs and motions me to sit on our bed, "ok let me explain myself" i nod in response. "Im gay" i stay silent for a bit "wait, what?" "Im gay, lately ive been going to Tyler's and we have gotten very close, up to the point where i dont want to leave his side, ive learned so much about him and he trusts me with everything now, look i didnt mean to hurt you-" "didnt mean to hurt me are you serious?! We have been together for a year and these past few months have been a lie? I wasted all of my time trying to make you happy, all if my time loving you when i have just been living in a lie" im crying by now, Connor tries to hug me but i slap him away "im glad you found who you are, but its over" i say and run out the door to the back yard.

"Hey" i look up to see Jc, "hey" i sniffle. "C'mere" he opens his arms, i run into them crying, Jc and i just stand there as he attempts to calm me down, "shhh its going to be alright, i heard everything" i look up at him "you did?" He nods. I hug him again. "Im sorry i snapped at you, i should have listened" "its okay, i kinda expected that reaction from you anyways" he chuckles. I giggle and put my head into his chest. I look at him seriously, "i miss you" i say. "I was such a dick last year and im very sorry, I've changed a lot" i smiled. "I miss you to Brianna" he says. I hug him once more "i really want to kiss you but i know its a bad time and-" i cut him off by kissing him. He grabs my waist pulling me closer as i smile into the kiss. "All my worries and problems just disappeared" i smile.

*one week later*

-Sarahs POV-
"Its moving day" i say to Kian as i wake up from my slumber, "5 more minuets please babe?" I sigh "no baby we need to get up and pack the last of our things, the moving van will be here in 3 hours" Kian finally gets up and takes Alex downstairs for some breakfast as i take a shower, no one else is up yet since its like 8 am. I get out and see my wonderful family downstairs, Alex is eating cheerios and Kian made us some pancakes. "Wow you cooked without burning or hurting anyone" i laughed and kissed him "dont under estimate me babe" he winks at me. "Yeah yeah"
3 hrs later

"Okay baby its time to go" i say sadly. "We're gonna miss you guys" Ricky says. We all laugh "we are legit down the street, its not like we are moving to another state" I say. We start to hug everybody goodbye until i end up hugging Bri and thats when i break. "Hey dont cry hun, you have a family now a new life ahead of you, you should be smiling and like you said we are only a few feet away" she smiles, one thing about Brianna is that she can make anyone smile in the most worst moments, thats why j stuck around so much! Just kidding, i grew to love her, now i just need time without her. Kian and i hugged the rest of the guys and we were on our way,

On our way to a new life, a new start.


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