Wake Me Up Inside{5SOS}

By tashatonks

953 61 13

Ella loves her music, her books, her stars, her everything. Her classmates think she's antisocial and a lose... More

Welcome to my Life
Keep your head down
Lost and Insecure
Catch My Breath
Curtain Call
Moments in Time
Waiting for Superman
Wherever You Are
Don't You Cry No More
She Looks So Perfect
I Write Tragedies Not Sins

Teenage Dirtbags

68 4 1
By tashatonks

A/N: Well guess what! Louis is getting a voice in this one! Just because it will add to everything...


~Louis' POV~
The Aussie's opening went really well, it got the crowd going. That's all a guy can ask for. Am I right? Well, they had a big surprise in there and I was shocked. I'd only talked to Ella a few times but my oh my. She was... Wow. What? A guy can't like a girl? Everyone likes someone, even if it's not who they think it would normally be but hey, what're you gonna do about it?

I applauded for Ashton's solo, he did a pretty good job for a drummer.

Ella came off stage, she was as red as a rose. It is a very pretty colour might I add. Anyway, she came and looked at the five of us standing there.

"Does anyone else feel like they're going to faint?" she held a hand to her forehead.

"Woah, no fainting now! You've still got another couple hours of hot guys to watch!" I laughed.

She laughed and Liam sat her down on his chair.

"It's not good for people to feel like that, especially when they've just come off stage. Do you have stage fright?" he asked.

"Uh huh. I've never been able to even speak in front of my classes with out messing something up." she looked at the ground.

"Maybe we could find something to help you with that." Niall grinned, "And who knows, maybe our bus will break down and we'll have to stay in town a little longer."

"But what about the other concerts?" Zayn pointed out.

"We can move them back," Harry shrugged, "I don't think people would mind too much as long as we did a meet 'n greet after the concerts."

"Or..." Liam smiled, "She could just come with us."

"I'd have to get my mom's premission... and I want my friend Cassie to come too..." Ella looked disheveled.

"Now don't scare her Liam." I smiled and hugged her, "She's a very fragile girl."

The other boys just laughed and next the Aussies came off the stage, sweaty and exasperated.

"That was awesome!!" they high-fived each other.

"Nice job boys!" Niall applauded them.

"Niall you can't join them." Zayn smirked at the ground.

"Well, then you're not going to be in Little Mix." he retaliated jokingly.

"Come on guys, we've got spring loaded floor panels to go stand on." Liam said dragging them away.

Harry turned to me and Ella, "Come on Lou. You can't hold someone forever."

"Yes I can, she's coming on stage with me." I smiled and laughed in my special way.

I kissed Ella's cheek and laughed. She looked redder than before now. But it was show time. This tour was going to start with staying Up All Night.

~Ella's POV~
Louis kissed my cheek. I think my heart just exploded. Michael waved a hand in front of my face and I jumped.

"What? What's going on?"

"We're just trying to talk to you is all." he laughed.

"Now come on. You're going to do something with us for when they sing Teenage Dirtbag." Luke smirked in his little half smile way. I'm beginning to think that side of his face doesn't work correctly.

I followed them back to their dressing room where it seemed they'd already planned this out. They had face masks made with pictures of each One Direction member on it. I started laughing, they actually were going to dress as the boys and go out there and pretend to be them!

"What?" Calum and Ashton said.

I just kept laughing. I fell on the couch and started kicking my feet.

"Should we call a paramedic?" Ashton asked.

"Don't all fans go through their hysteric stage at some point?" Calum said to the room.

"That's usually after they've picked a favourite... or met the band..." Michael puffed his cheeks out.

Ashton began to laugh, it was a teenage girl giggle type laugh but it was so cute!! And it made me laugh even more. I grabbed a bottle of water and started to drink it.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Well, we are going to go out on stage with the Brits." Ashton was already beginning to head back to their dressing room.

"I'm not sure how to respond to that one..." I licked my lips.

"Come on, we'll show you." Luke and Calum picked me up by my arms and guided me toward their dressing room.

~Ashton's POV~
As we guided Ella to our dressing room, the boys and I started talking about video games.

"We should play Fifa." Michael nodded.

"Guess Ash is out." Luke laughed.

"Oi, careful where you're treading Mini-Man." I pointed.

"Ashton doesn't like Fifa?" Ella blinked.

"He almost wasn't in the band for it." Calum smirked.

"Not to mention that horrible purple shirt..." Michael added.

"And his shorts!" Luke laughed.

"Must we really discuss my fashion choices from two years ago?" I stared straight ahead as we approached the door.

"Yes." they all nodded.

I didn't respond and they all began to continue talking about Fifa again. Even Ella was talking about it! I opened the door to find that Harry had been in our room. Our clothes were on the floor, furniture was turned over...I really wish this door had a lock on it.

Ella looked surprised by the room. I turned around to assure her it didn't really look like this.


"Woah! you guys have the biggest set up I have ever seen in here!!" she headed straight for the TV, "Biggest question, is there Wifi?"

"Well, now we know how to keep fans interested in what we're doing." Luke nodded.

"By giving them our wifi password?" Michael raised an eyebrow.


I looked over at the laptop in the corner, "Twitcam anyone?"

"Yeah!" The boys all shouted.

Ella shied back a bit and crossed her arms.

"What's wrong Ella? Never done one before?" I asked.

"Well.. No but.. It's the middle of the concert... And I want.. To.. Hear Louis sing.."

Dang it. I wanted to introduce her to all our fans and have them love her and all kinds of stuff... But I guess it's okay that she can't see that I like her. 

"It'll be real quick! Come on, just to say hi!" Michael was trying to talk her into it.

"But... they could sing Moments.... at any moment!" 

"The fact that you found a way to make a pun out of that makes you even cooler. So get in the twitcam." Calum pulled her by her elbow into the screen.

"No, she's my bestie, she sits on my lap." Michael smiled as the twitcam began.

"Hii!" we all shouted.

"So, as you can see, we have another person with us today. This is Ella." Luke smiled.

"She's not Michael's girlfriend." I was quick to make that clear.

"I didn't want to be a part of this." she shook her head.

She got up close to the camera and said, "I'm being held against my will, send help!"

"Anyway!" Calum got up next to her, "We're here in Santa Barbra, and it's really humid."

"And," Luke butted in, "Ashton actually got to sing today."

"I did! I sang to miss Ella!" I grinned, forcing my head in.

Michael pushed his head below all of ours, "We don't all fit in this screen..."

Ella quickly dropped out, "I said hi! So now I'm off to go listen to One Direction. Don't let these idiots win your heart, they're crazy."

After she left, we looked at the camera, "We're not crazy."


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