Not So Ordinary~ Dunbar [2]

By multi_fandom2015

240K 5.3K 384

"With everything that went down last year and the guy that attacked you? I have a really bad feeling in my st... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1: Chained to a Tree
Chapter 2: We Did Not Have Sex!
Chapter 3: Theo Raeken
Chapter 4: First Day of Sophomore Year
Chapter 5: You're a Werewolf
Chapter 6: Wanna Go, Wolf Boy?
Chapter 7: I Told You So
Chapter 8: Chimera
Chapter 9: The Book
Chapter 10: Gabriel Valack
Chapter 11: Book Club
Chapter 12: The Talk
Chapter 13: Problems
Chapter 15: Bring Them Home
Chapter 16: Anna's Memory
Bonus Chapter: Tonight Show Featuring Danielle Campbell and Dylan Sprayberry
Chapter 17: They're Coming
Chapter 18: Not Yet
Chapter 19: You Can't See Me, But I'm Here
Chapter 20: Back To Life
BONUS Chapter: Comic Con Panel
Chapter 21: Never Ever Disobey The Alpha
Chapter 21: Scott's Pack
Chapter 22: Feeling the Pain
Chapter 23: I Saw Her
Chapter 24: Reunited At Last
Chapter 25: It's All Of Us
Chapter 26: Stop Looking
Chapter 27: I Need You Too
Chapter 28: Running Out Of Time
Chapter 29: So Many
Chapter 30: Frequencies
Chapter 31: Charity Game
Chapter 32: My Host
Chapter 33: Incredibly Desperate
Chapter 34: The Search for Mason
Chapter 35: Valet Attacks
Chapter 36: La BĂȘte Versus The Maid of Gevaudan
Never Ordinary

Chapter 14: Hiding at the School

5.5K 130 11
By multi_fandom2015

Anna walks into the locker room with Scott, a bag of chains with each sibling. They both drop the bags in the corner and Scott glances at Liam and Hayden out of the corner of his eye.

Liam hasn't notices them yet as he moves a few lockers in front of an exit. Hayden moves another as Liam looks up and spots the McCalls.

Anna doesn't look in his direction, feeling his eyes on her. Instead she goes over to Lydia and Parrish to mindlessly try and forget about her ex.

Parrish leaves quickly, leaving Lydia to talk to Anna. "Hannah told me what happened." Lydia whispers.

"Yeah, well, I'm fine." Anna grumbles.

"I don't need to hear your heart beat to know you're lying." She laughs. "It'll get better. Don't worry."

Lydia goes over to Scott as a chill hits Anna. She shivers, shaking her head and looking at the vent.

"You cold?" Hayden asks, eyeing her.

"Take my jacket." Liam offers, grabbing a lacrosse hoodie.

"You know," She takes a step back. "My locker's not that far. I'll run and get something."

"Be careful." Scott calls after her as she jogs out of the room. She exhales deeply as she walks to her locker. She grabs Scott's sweatshirt that she keeps in her locker before starting to walk back.

"Anna..." Anna freezes, heart beat going up. "Anna." She hesitantly looks to her right, seeing a dark corridor. She walks forward and finds that she is in an alleyway.

Anna watches as a little girl, probably only six years old, runs into that very same alley. "Daddy!" She screams in fear before hiding behind a dumpster.

Three men walk into the alley. Anna instantly recognizes them as the Dread Doctors. The little girl covers her mouth as they search the alley.

The man with the cane spots the young Anna and they surround her. She screams at the top of her lungs. "Daddy! Scotty!! Help me!" She tries to run away but two of the doctors grab her. She screams as the doctor with the vane pulls out a large syringe.

"No! NO!" Young Anna cries as the syringe nears her neck. She yelps as the syringe is pushed into her neck and a strange liquid starts to pour into her veins. Her screams stop and the doctors let her fall to the ground unconscious.

"Phase one complete." The man with the cane states. "Phase two commencing."

"Anna!" Someone yells her name. "Anna, wake up!"

Anna blinks and she is suddenly back at the school. Malia is staring at her weirdly. "What happened?" Malia demands.

"I-I think I just got my memory back." Anna gulps.

"What happened?"

"Something." Anna mutters. "Something happened."

"If you don't want to tell me, fine. Just get back to your brother." Malia orders, helping her up. 

Anna nods, running back to the locker room. She closes the door and leans against it. Scott's and Lydia's head snap up at the sound as Liam and Hayden just keep talking to each other. "Where were you?" Scott asks, walking over to her.

"Stuck." She tells him. "Stuck in a memory."


Lydia and Anna sit on the bench as Scott paces. Hayden had fallen asleep on Liam's shoulder and Anna can't bear to look at him. She keeps rubbing her neck, feeling the place where the syringe pierced her skin.

"Scott?" She whispers, walking up to him.

"Hmm?" He stops pacing.

"You remember when we were living with Dad, right?" She asks nervously.

"Yeah." Scott nods.

"Was I ever in the hospital?" Anna questions.

Scott furrows his eyebrows, thinking. "Actually, yeah. You were. It was the first time Mom and Dad were in the same room since he left." Scott realizes. "Is that what you remembered?"

"Not the hospital part." Anna gulps.

"All I remember is Dad saying that someone attacked you. Is that what—"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Anna states coldly.

"Anna, if something happened—" Scott stops as chains are rattled. Anna turns to see Liam holding the chains she and Scott brought.

"What are we gonna do with these?" He asks.

"Brought them just in case." Scott says.

"In case of what?" Anger seeps into his voice.

"In case we had a chance to catch on of them." Lydia sighs, turning to him.

"If we can't make the school a fortress, maybe we can make it a trap." Scott tells him.

"They're coming for her," Liam nods to a now awake Hayden. "Doesn't that mean she's the bait?"

Liam drops the chains angrily as Lydia stands. "Liam, we brought her here to protect her."

"And now she's bait." Liam glares at them.

"Am I?" Hayden asks fearfully.

"No. No one's bait." Scott assures. "But we can't be bodyguards to everyone every night."

"Then why aren't we talking to Stiles' dad?" Liam points out. "Why aren't we doing something better than hiding in a school?"

"Because we still don't know anything about them or what they want. Ok? They're winning and we don't even know what the game is."

"What if they come in here and those things don't work?" Liam points to the frequency disrupter Parrish and Lydia brought. "What if you have an asthma attack again? What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know." Scott answers honestly.

"This plan sucks!" Liam exclaims.

"You got a better one?" Anna asks, rage rising inside her. "Kids are dying and she is next." She points to Hayden. "So someone needs to do something. Someone has to stop this and save everyone. So someone has to be the bait! I'm just sorry no one else has the guts to say it." Anna scoffs and lets Lydia pull her back. She walks over to the showers and takes a deep breath, listening to the silence.

"Scott." Liam says quietly. So quietly, that Anna is surprised she can hear him. "Promise me you will do whatever you can to save her. Scott, promise."

"I'll do everything I can." Scott responds. "I promise."

"Guys..." Hayden breathes, panicking. "I think I might need a little help right now. I forgot my pills. I have a bottle in my locker. I can get them, but—"

"I'll get them." Scott offers. Anna closes her eyes, trying to not listen. "What's your combination?"

Anna jumps when someone brushes against her shoulder. She opens her eyes to see Lydia. "Come keep watch with me." She offers.

"Yeah, fine." Anna agrees coldly. Both girls stand at the door as Scott walks out towards Hayden's locker. 

After five minutes, Lydia calls out his name. "Stay here." Lydia walks off, leaving Anna with the other sophomores.

"Anna." She ignores Liam and just keeps looking into the darkness. "Anna, look at me."

"If I do that I'll start to either start to yell or cry. I'd rather not do either again." Anna snaps.

"We have to talk about this." Liam pleads. 

"No." She turns to him, unshed tears in her eyes. "We don't."

"Yes, we do." Liam sighs.

"If you want to talk so much. Lets." Anna relents. "You seemed to have already moved on nicely." She glances over at Hayden.

"What? No, she's just—"

"A friend?" Anna scoffs. "Liam, if you wanted to be with her so much, why didn't you just tell me? It would have been nicer to hear it from you rather than have to be subjected to watching my boyfriend flirt and fawn over another girl. Excuse me, I have to go find the seniors that thought it was a good idea to leave me alone with you."

Liam is speechless as she stomps off. She rounds the corner and calls out, "Scott? Lydia?"

Anna freezes at the sound of clicking. She looks forward to see the Dread Doctors advancing towards her.

"Not again." She breathes, backing up.

"Your condition improves." They say.

"No, no, no..." She turns around to see Liam behind her. "What are you doing here?"

In response, he plunges a piece of wood through her chest. "Lets see how much of your heart I can break." He states as Anna falls to the ground, grasping at the stake.

"Liam." She chokes out. Her breathing becomes irregular as she just drifts off, everything becoming blurry. 

So, she got her memory back.... Comment what you think is going on with her. I want to know if I'm being vague or clear or whatever... Hope you enjoyed!

This is dedicated to Joyce_Mason for their amazing comments! 

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