Mine // Carl Gallagher

By dun-with-life

365K 6.4K 935

Sophia Carter is a 16 year old girl who just moved to the South Side of Chicago. She's a teenager who really... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors Note
Chapter 25!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
copycat pt2
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
* side note!
new book?
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
100K READS!!!
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 14

9.3K 168 29
By dun-with-life

Carl just stood there in the living room and held Sophia for a solid three minutes, rubbing her back and whispering, "You'll be okay. Trust me, I've got you now." She didn't want him to ever let her go. They finally pulled away, making Sophia cold, when Lip and Ian came storming through the front door. The two of them headed straight to the kitchen, not even acknowledging Carl and Sophia, and grabbed a bunch of junk food. Carl asked, "Um, are you guys okay? That's a shit ton of food..." Lip glared at Carl as he sat down at the dining table and shoved Cheetos down his throat, "Shut up. We're depressed. Tell him what happened, Ian." Ian also gave Carl a dirty look as he swallowed a cookie, "So you'll never believe what happened to us today, Carl! We're walking home from school, minding our own business, and this little freshman comes up to us WITH A FUCKING GLOCK 17 AND MUGS US! He took both of our wallets. He threatened and mugged us with a gun that YOU sold him! Thanks a lot you dipshit!"
Sophia and Carl couldn't help but laugh a little, they didn't even know what to say to that. Lip spoke up angrily, "Oh I'm glad that you guys think this is sooo fucking hilarious! I hate you all." He then stood up from the dining table, taking the bag of Cheetos with him, stormed upstairs to his bedroom, and made sure to slam the door shut. Carl and Sophia both awkwardly stood there facing Ian, who was giving them both death stares. Ian then stood up, "You know what, you now owe me 50 bucks. That's the amount that was in my wallet that was stolen by a kid that you sold a fucking gun to!" Carl smirked and reached into his pocket, pulling out a random wad of cash. He put the money in Ian's hand and said, "Happy now?" Ian smiled, "Very", and went up to his room.
Sophia then asked Carl, "Well... that was interesting. Where do you get all those guns anyway?" He replied with sarcasm, "A gun store... just like everyone else." Sophia was lowkey hoping for a more exciting answer than that. He threw himself down on the couch and turned on the TV to watch a football game. Sophia sat down next to him, not paying attention to the TV, and said, "Today at lunch I sat with some girls. They were talking about guys they thought were cute. Apparently every single girl in the school, and even a few boys, are totally head over heels for you. Did you know that?"
Carl just smirked with confidence, "Pfft, of course I know that. It's pretty obvious when I have at least ten different chicks asking me for my number and drooling over me every damn day. I love it cause the ladies are literally willing to do anything to get with me, but it gets kind of annoying after a while. I'm cool with it though. I got every girl lined up, waiting to get in my bed." Sophia felt a little jealousy when she heard that, he definitely was a player.
She responded, "Well, you're quite the ladies man. But I guess not every girl has a crush on you, cause I don't." She didn't know why she even said that, it was a total lie! She honestly just wanted to see what his reaction was to hear that a girl wasn't completely in love with him for once. He turn his head to look at her and gave her a seductive look, teasing her, "Mm... are you sure about that babe?" Sophia bit her lip, and nodded, "Absolutely." Carl turned his head to look back at the TV and smirked, "One day you'll fall in love with me. They always do."
Sophia was so turned on. She turned her head and pretended to watch the football game, but she was really staring at Carl from the corner of her eye. One of her favorite things lately was to just admire everything about him. She wondered what his hair looked like without his cornrows. She wondered what he looked like when he wasn't wearing his gangster clothes, and wore normal classy clothes. She wondered what he would be like if he didn't deal drugs, sell guns, rob stores, and run gangs. Even though she knew practically everything about him, she still found him so mysterious. The more she discovered about him, the more curious she grew.
Sophia was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when Debbie came through the door. Carl asked, "Why you home so late? It's already 8 o'clock." They noticed that her hair was a huge tangled mess, her red lipstick was smeared, and her shirt was missing a few buttons. She smiled and said weakly, "I just lost my virginity." Sophia gasped and Carl's eyes went wide. His inner protective older brother came out, "Are you serious right now? You're only 15!" Debbie shot Carl a glare, "Who are you to judge? You lost your virginity when you were 13! Besides, it was with someone I truly love and will spend the rest of my life with. I love Derek with all my heart!"
Sophia wasn't surprised that Carl lost his virginity so young. But now she was slightly embarrassed that she was a year older than Debbie and she was still a virgin. Carl scoffed, "You're delusional! I've told you a thousand times that Derek is an asshole. He was just using you for sex, and now you finally gave him what he wanted. Now you're probably gonna to get pregnant and he's going to leave you all alone to carry his baby." Debbie began to cry and ran upstairs, yelling, "Screw you Carl!" Carl face palmed and sat back on the couch. Sophia felt a little bad for Debbie, "Carl... don't you think you were a little harsh on her?"
"No way. If you knew Derek, then you'd know that I'm absolutely right. He's such a douchebag. I swear he knocks up a different girl every week."
"Well... so do you..."
"Yeah, but that's different. I don't manipulate and pressure all those girls into hooking up. Derek, however, does! Big difference. That's what makes him an ass. He's so stupid, knocking up my sister."
      She nodded in agreement, deciding not to say anything else so he could relax a bit, and sat back to watch the boring football game on the TV. Fiona then finally came through the door and yelled, "Guys, I'm home! Come downstairs, I have news!" She had a huge smile on her face as she sat down in a chair across from the couch where Carl and Sophia were sitting. This must've been about the meeting she had to have with her boss early in the morning. Ian, Lip, and Debbie came running down the stairs, eager to know what it was all about. They sat down on the couch and Lip said, "What is it? It better be good news." Fiona couldn't stop smiling, "Trust me, it is. So apparently my boss had the meeting with me this morning to tell me that he was retiring and he wanted me to take his place as the manager! Isn't that great?!" Everyone smiled and congratulated her. Carl said, "You know what this means... we gotta throw a party tonight! In honor of Fiona becoming manager." All of them agreed that it was a good idea... except for Sophia. She smiled and agreed with everyone else to blend in, but deep down she was extremely anxious. She's never been to, or thrown, a party before.
         It was 8:30PM and all of the Gallaghers texted their friends, inviting them to the last minute late night celebration party. Carl invited a ton of girls, jocks, and his fellow gang members, while Fiona invited a few of her adult coworkers. It was going to be a huge party, about 40 people would be arriving within the hour.
       Fiona and Debbie set up all of the food and alcohol, Carl brought the drugs and set up the music, then Ian and Lip put up decorations. Sophia was awkwardly standing off to the side because she didn't know what to do, so she asked Carl, "Hey uh, is there anything I can do to help?" He turned down the hardcore rap music a bit and winked, "You can help by going upstairs and putting on something nice for the party, boo thang." Sophia couldn't help but laugh at the new nickname, and then she went up to their shared bedroom.
        Sophia took deep breaths as she desperately rummaged through her duffle bag, hoping that she brought some clothes that were fit for a party. She decided to just put on some black skinny jeans and a white crop top to stay casual. She wanted to look nice but didn't want to try too hard, fearing that people would think she was desperate for attention if she wore something too revealing. Sophia then applied an extremely small amount of makeup so that she didn't look so tired. After a while of getting fixed up and convincing herself that everything would be fine, she finally felt ready.
       Sophia walked downstairs to the living room/kitchen, everyone was already all fixed up and everyone had already showed up to the party already. Hardcore gangster rap pounded throughout the entire house, literally shaking the floor, and people were doing shots, smoking joints, and dancing. She was a bit worried to see all of the drugs and alcohol when the exact reason she left her parents was to escape her alcoholic mother and drug-addict father. Sophia desperately searched for Carl, but she couldn't find him anywhere. Luckily she spotted Lip sitting on the couch talking to a couple of his friends. She tapped him on the shoulder and raised her voice so he could hear her over the loud music, "Hey! Sorry to interrupt but have you seen Carl?" He shook his head no. Sophia sighed as she hopelessly wandered around the house like a lost puppy. All she wanted was to just find him.
        She made her way upstairs and spotted Fiona talking to her boyfriend in the hallway. Fiona smiled when she saw Sophia walking towards her, "Hey girly! What's up? Are you having fun? I know this is all pretty crazy." Sophia gave her a small smile and lied, "I'm doing okay, and yeah this is pretty insane. I've actually never been to a party so this is all really new to me. Um, anyway, I was wondering if you have seen Carl? I've been looking everywhere for him." Fiona looked around, "No, I'm afraid not. Sorry, kid." Sophia smiled, "It's okay," and went to their bedroom.
        She closed the door and sat on the bed that she and Carl shared, sighing as she tried to calm down and get away from all of the madness going on in the house. Suddenly, she decided to check on the roof and see if he was up there. She opened the window, climbed up the latter, and completely regretted seeing what she saw before her eyes. Sophia was overwhelmed with sadness when she saw Carl on top of a random blonde girl, totally making out. Luckily they were so caught up that they didn't see her, so Sophia hurried back inside.
        Sophia shut the window and sat back down on the bed, just wanting to scream, cry, and laugh all at once. It hurt her to see her best friend, her savior, her protector, the one she truly loved, kiss a girl that wasn't her. She kicked off her shoes and crawled into bed. It was difficult to fall asleep due to all of the talking voices and loud thumping music ring throughout the house, but eventually she cried so hard to herself that she became exhausted and drifted off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Ayeee this was a pretty crazy chapter if you ask me. Hope you enjoyed, tell me what you think!

Do you think Sophia had the right to be so sad & upset that Carl was kissing another girl, or do you think she's just being dramatic & emotional?

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