Kidnapped by the gangleader (...

By theorderofthePH

187K 5.1K 1.2K

"Clearly your parents dropped you on your head as a child, actually no,"I pause as he looks at me angrily and... More

Big hulk men
Zayn's my babychild
Somebody change her!
Your a bitch
Patrick Star
Crazy ass
Man in Black
Boo you whore!
Like a whale
None of your business!
Car chase
Teaser chapter
Even longer teaser ;)
A/N please read


10.9K 303 31
By theorderofthePH

"Is she dead?"

"Nah just passed out," I hear a deep voice say in a bored tone. "She'll wake up soon though, she's a feisty one."

"Got that right," I hear a chuckle come from somewhere further away and begin to feel around my surroundings.

I was on a soft surface, probably a bed. I could feel the gazes of 3 men watching me making me extremely uncomfortable. I desperately needed some advil seeing as my head felt like it was on the verge of exploding. The worst part of all though. I WAS STILL HUNGRY!

My stomach growled loudly as I fantasised about food, I fought the urge to blush and slowly opened my eyes. Three pairs of eyes stared at me, and I stared back not knowing what to do.

I chuckle nervously, sitting up slowly not wanting them to see up my nose. I am always self conscious about my nose, well what is up it actually. I hate when people lay on my lap and look up at me, they can look up my nose and be silently judging me for having boogers and nose hair. I mean at least I don't pick my nose. That reminds me I really need to pluck my eyebrows, there getting a little hairier. Why can't people just have perfect thick brows? Curse Cara Delevigne!

I blink realising and look around the room, and see that the three men who were in fact Ethan, Ty and Steve were watching me in amusement.

"What?" I mumble looking at them challengingly , "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You do realise you think out loud right?" Ty says giggling like a little schoolgirl, while Steve cracks a small smile and Ethan grins and passes me a glass of water with some Advil.

"Well then," I say swallowing the Advil and gulping down some water, "This would be embarrassing but I've done worse."

I regret saying those words because the whole gang walks in and sit down all around me, either on the bed or on the floor, in Ty's case on Ethan's lap.

"Go on then!" Ice queen (Cole) says, sitting at my feet.

"What?" I say looking at him in confusion and tilting my head slightly.

"Tell us the embarrassing stories!" Tom shouts out a little too loud, we all stare at him while his ears turn a tinge of pink. He scratches his scar and looks away, his face now blank of any emotion.

You would think I was a teacher telling all the kids to sit down and tell them a story, not a hostage who is now about to unleash all her embarrassing moments in order to entertain a bunch of grown men (excluding Ty who has now just been thrown off his brothers lap and is snuggled up next to me on the bed) who could probably kill me in a heartbeat.

"Erm, one time I got really drunk, like so drunk that I got my friend to take me to the library," I was about to carry on when Cole snorts and says "And? That just proves your a nerd."

I sigh and shake my head,"Oh but that's not it, and plus there's nothing wrong with being a nerd!" I smack the back of his head making him glare at me while everyone else just groans and tells me to carry on.

"Anyways, so we got to the library and at this point it was like what? 2am or something, and I saw this librarian that I really hated. She smelt like cat piss and hated me and my brother for no reason. So I in a drunken haze walked right up to her, grabbed a book of the shelf."

I stop and see everyone looking at me with eager looks on their face and wide eyes, totally engrossed in the story.

"What did you do!" Ty says tugging on my sleeve, reminding me of a 5 year old. I pat his head in a motherly way resisting the urge to let out an 'aww' and turn back to face everyone, lowering my head I mumble," I smacked her in the face with a book and yelled 'you've just been face-booked bitch!', to which my friend burst out laughing and proceeded to later on post a video of it on Facebook, Instagram and every other social media he owned."

I look back up and watch as Cole's icy blue eyes twinkle in amusement, his lips quirked up in a grin. I shyly look around and see that everyone else are trying hard not to laugh, back hunched forward and faces bright red.

"Go on, laugh it up!" I shout rolling my eyes.

Ty starts laughing first, his low pitched giggles coming out happily. He rocked back and forth on the bed while Ethan watched him and laughed along from his brothers crazy antics and my story.

Steve to my surprise was also laughing, along with Tom who shook his head and wiped a tear from his eye.

Dan just looked at me in pure amusement, "Face-booked? Really?" I just grin in response and shrug.

"I was drunk!" I say as an excuse, to be fair it wasn't even my fault. My friend should have known that would have happened. He was the designated driver, and instead of dragging me away he just cheered me on and filmed the whole thing.

Suddenly Cole's phone rings, everyone becomes dead silent as they watch his expression turn from amusement to ice cold and emotionless.

He ends the call after mumbling a few angry curses and gets up abruptly, looking at me with a glare he says, "Your brother knows where you are, the police have been sighted on my property!"


Uh oh! Will Cole let her go, or keep her hostage? Keep reading to find out! I'll be updating regularly and I Just wanna give a big thanks to @Anime_Freak08 for voting and commenting on my book! I really appreciate it and it keeps me wanting to carry on writing knowing at least someone is reading it.

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