Hell Of A Marriage {18+}

By Geekyqueeen

185K 7.8K 709

The room is awfully quiet except for Keenan's laboured breath and my heavily pounding heart. His hands are pl... More

Chapter one - Are you racist?
Chapter two - You are not racist
Chapter three - You know better
Chapter four - So much for lunch break
Chapter five - Entertain me
Chapter seven - Early morning madness
Chapter eight - Helpfully lesson
Chapter nine - Divorce Court
Chapter ten - Now that we are married
Chapter eleven: Don't make me pay
Chapter twelve - All hail the newly wed
Chapter thirteen - Devil's workshop
Chapters fourteen - Screw you
Chapter fifteen - My wife
Chapter sixteen - Terrible
Chapter seventeen - Like a woman
Chapter eighteen - first time
Chapter nineteen - The same thing
Chapter twenty - Bad habit
Chapter twenty one - Fight this
Chapter twenty two - Colors
Chapter twenty three - Reality is...
Chapter twenty four - Anything except this
Chapter twenty five - Bad guy
Chapter twenty six - Being the bad guy
Chapter twenty seven - When it comes to race
Chapter twenty eight - The truth is
Chapter twenty nine - Your decision
Chapter thirty - The bad and the terrible
Chapter thirty one - Broken
Chapter thirty two - The lover, the sinner and sex
Chapter thirty three - different stroke
Chapter thirty four - Early Chrisrmas present
Chapter thirty five - Birthday girl
Chapter thirty six - Family crises
Chapter thirty seven - Something in common
Chapter thirty eight - Lost years
Chapter thirty nine - Surrender
Chapter forty - Forever

Chapter six - The unthinkable

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By Geekyqueeen

KEENAN decided to choose a restaurant with less crowd so he could have some food without anyone sneaking up on him and taking pictures of him.

One of the curses of being a Hilton was the fact that he couldn't have a normal social life without being tailed and followed by cameras and though he's less wild now compared to when he was a teenager, he still does not appreciate the unnecessary attention he gets sometimes.

If there was a way he could change and live a normal life, he'll gladly do it so that he could have a little bit of privacy. But he's not going to be a hypocrite because being born as a Hilton has given him many privileges and the ability to change and help a lot of people who needed it, but there are things many people don't know though.

One of them is the fact that money doesn't bring peace, if anything, it brings chaos because everyone thinks you're supposed to be okay. After all, you're rich, and it brings uncertainty because you don't know who is around you only because of what you have.

That's why growing up he kept around a small group of friends and when he met Rory, they clicked because they were alike and though he doesn't know what has happened to their friendship because of what's going on with Taylor, he knew he could once count on him and now he has no idea what he knows anymore.

He needs his friend though, he missed him, he's glad that he's got Vary still around at least that one honest person in his corner and he thinks that that's enough.

If there was anything Vary hated most in her life it was being around people who weren't her class because she always felt out of place with them and as they walk into the restaurant, she feels the same way.

She isn't one to be easily intimidated but that's she feels, standing beside Keenan who is not only much taller but way better in every way. They seemed like two different pairs not only are they different, but their differences are incomparable.

He is the open display of glamour and she is just Vary another ordinary girl, even Taylor is a better match. No, Taylor is a perfect match compared to her. She's his league, class, his status. Vary is black, Keenan is Italian, she's struggling to get everything she had and he probably got everything handed to him since he was a baby.

That is why she and Levi are perfect for each other because while they are different in many ways, Levi always does his best to fill that gap up and make her feel equal to him with the little things he does.

When they finally get in, the waiter takes their orders and after a while, their meal is brought and they quietly eat.

Keenan picked the napkin and wipes his mouth before speaking, “So how's our love life going four years ago you were dating Drew, how are things now? Will you be getting wedding bells soon?” he begins to speak as he finishes his food.

How did he know about Drew, she can't remember telling him that four years ago or maybe she did and just can't remember.

She laughs hard in a hard manner and picks a clean white napkin from the tabletop and wipes her mouth as well.

From the look that just appeared on her face, he can see that her personal life is one she'd like to keep personal, but before he can say anything, she does. “Drew and I broke up two years ago, he cheated on me.”

Keenan's mouth slowly forms a surprised 'o' “I'm sorry, I thought he was the one you were referring to when you said you had a boyfriend.”

Her eyes move around in thought as she tries to recall when she said that as well and when she does, a wide grin spreads across her face and Keenan wonders why she is grinning “I was referring to Levi, he and I are dating now.”

Keenan takes the glass of wine on the table and nods it towards her for a toast before bringing it to his lips. “See you grinning because of him.”

She looks down in embarrassment as her cheeks heat up and she nods. Thinking about him always makes her feel so much better.

His eyes dim as a bright smile arrests his broad face, “He's a lucky man, hope one day a girl can feel this happy when she thinks about me.

“I'm sure that day will come, very soon.” she smiles and picks up her glass of wine. “Cheers. To finding true love.”


A few days later

The last few days Keenan has spent away from Taylor made him realise that he couldn't live without her and so he made up his mind to meet her and ask her to marry him. He knew it was a huge speech, a bold step and it is probably the best he's ever taken in his life. But if Taylor loved him and is ready to move on as she claimed then it wouldn't be such a hard decision. So he took her out to lunch in a private and quiet restaurant where they could eat and talk.

After they had eaten a little Keenan's hand on the table goes over to hers on her side of the table where she'd just returned it to and slowly and intimately caress it and she locks her gaze in his, silently questioning the reason for this intimate gesture.

His eyes are adoring and so are his words, “I love you Taylor and to tell you the truth, there's nothing I want more than to be able to be with you.

“Keenan–” she wants to say, a part of her already knowing where this is heading but he shakes my head.

“No listen, love, I realized in the day I spent away from you that I cannot live or survive without you.” he takes her left hand up and leans forward to place a soft kiss on it and she stares at him silently. He pulls out a paper from the inside pocket of his suit and sets it on the table before her.

“What is this, Keenan?” Taylor asks in a whisper, as she glances at the contract before her and from the reddening of her cheek in embarrassment he knows she knows what he's talking about, but he plays along. “Something I've always wanted to do. Taylor Snowfall, that before you is a marriage contract and if you sign your name, you will automatically become my wife,” he pulls out a black box in his pocket and flips it open to display the diamond ring on it, he moves it to the side of the table where the contract is and she watches him. “so my question is will you marry me?”

She stares at him like he's crazy or insane. Maybe he was crazy but he was crazy for her. “Keenan, you're not serious are you?”

“I've never been more serious in my life,” he replies, not understanding why she'd think he would be joking about this.

“Keenan, I love you,” she begins to say and he seems to know her answer won't be the one he's dreading, “I'm not really what you want as a life partner.” Her hand goes to the box in his hand and closes it, “I'm sorry Keenan, I can't marry you, I can't sign this.”

His heart clenches tightly in his chest and his heartbeat zeroes down slowly and painful in his chest at her answer. Everything that happens in the next few moments, he sees in slow motion and the rest words Taylor utters, I do not hear.

“Keenan say something.”

He stares at her not knowing what he's supposed to say anymore. “There's nothing to say, Taylor.”

“Keenan doesn't do that, we both know that what I'm saying is true.” even though they both know it's the truth, hearing it from her felt like she's piercing a bullet into his already wounded heart even when she does not intend them to hurt so much.

His control is about to get lose the control he's had over his emotions for so long and he holds them back along with his tears and he does this with the whole of his might.

He closes his eyes hoping that he will wake up from this terrible nightmare, but when he opens them again, he realizes it's reality. “We could work–”

“No, I'm not that wicked to put you through another year of pain or work Keenan, you deserve better than that.”

“You don't have a clue as to what it is I deserve,” he says through gritted teeth, my hand balling into a tight fist

“Well I know what I don't deserve and that's you,” she says and a tear finally rolled down her face.

The date was the opposite of what he planned for and they say to expect good from every decision but prepare for the worse and that was his downfall because he didn't prepare for this and so didn't know how to continue from here.

They said the more you loved the more you get hurt, well they were fucking right because Taylor's words felt like death and the very destruction of his soul and he isn't sure he is going to be that vulnerable to anyone ever again.


The last thing Keenan expects after the horrible day, he is having is the news of Taylor rejecting his marriage proposal being plastered on the news, but when he reaches his office, he saw a few workers gossip and although he knows they have to be talking about him, he didn't know what it was about, but he knows someone who might.

Keenan glances up from the document he's working on as he hears the crack of the door. “May I come in Sir?” Varisha asks, already poking–pushing her head–body through the door.

You can, although you're already in from the way I see it. Keenan almost answers back, but instead, “Yes you can,” he says calmly.

She closes the door and walks towards the seat with her eyes looking everywhere, but at him. “You called for me.”

He drops the pen and folds his hands. “I saw some staff talking about me when I was coming in and yes I know employees are supposed to talk about their boss, but I can't help to wonder what it is about, and before you say 'there's no way they could have been talking about me,' I know because I heard Taylor's name while they were talking.”

“I have no idea about what going on sir,” she replies, shaking her head so furiously Keenan realises she knows something.

“Spill Vary, we both know how this is gonna end if you're just going to lie.” he reminds her, pressing his lips together in a thin line.

With that Vary realises there's no escaping this and her palms grow sweaty. She doesn't want to get into trouble, and neither does she want to get anyone into trouble just because they merely gossiped about o him.

“You were all over the news about an hour ago, Sir, I think you still are.”

He groans, “I haven't done anything crazy like usual, why would I be there?”

“It's about your proposal to Ms Snowfall,” she says so quietly that Keenan barely hears her.

He does though and he cannot believe someone had recorded them, but then he isn't surprised, seeing as many paparazzi live on the news they take about him every day, but it still sucks. Not only is he brokenhearted now, the whole world knows about it too.

“Are you okay Sir?” Vary asks in concern as she sees sorrow and grief wash over him.

He nods although she can see the exact opposite of fine. “I'll be fine Vary, just go back to your work.”

She nods wanting him to have his privacy not wanting to argue with him and walks out. When she closes his door he turns on the TV in his office and tunes to E!, he's been slammed by the still breaking news that interrupts the show.

And she headlines read Proposal Goes Wrong.

The newscaster whose name is Abby Greg the story “After four years of leaving the country, Keenan returns a few days ago with Taylor Snowfall, shocking a lot of people. According to our sources, Keenan Hilton, however, decided to propose to Taylor, but most shockingly Taylor, his on and off girlfriend turned down his proposal.” the video clips of Taylor, shaking her head and slamming the ring box in his hand close is put on the big screen. “the reason behind her actions are yet to be revealed could it be something Keenan had done in the past? Or maybe karma is finally getting to the player for all the hearts he's broken?”

“Go fuck yourself, Abby,” Keenan yells and turns off the TV.

After using an extra two hours to work, she closes her eyes as they were becoming a little strained from staring at the computer screen for too long. Tomorrow she hopes to present her new managing strategy for the new hotel which should be set in Jamaica

Over the past years under the supervision of Bethany Hilton, she has been impressed with Varisha's work that she had always put her first in every new project on strategy for new hotels being set up in different countries over the world. And like Varisha promised four years ago, she's always going to give it her best.

She picks up her bag and walks out of her office and brings her phone out of her bag to see if there are any messages or missed calls on it and she put it back into my bag when she sees there are none.

Everyone on the top floor had already gone home and the hallway is awfully quiet as she walks through it. She walks to the elevator and almost presses the button when she hears loud noises coming out from the door with the CEO tag on it and she knows that it's Keenan's office.

Why will he still be around? And why is there loud noises coming from his office? She wonders.

She tries to convince herself to walk away and go home because Keenan is old enough to handle himself, but she knows from earlier that he is also heartbroken and might be wallowing in grief and unimaginable pain.

Slowly she makes her way over to his door and the noise grows louder. When she gets to the door, it's open. She pokes her head in and she does not see any sign of Keenan in the room, but now she hears his voice. She steps further into his office and even though all other senses warn her to flee, she ignores them and makes her way to where the noise is coming from, walking past the bookshelf to her right where another door is open.

“Do nothing good, tell me what you can do?” he shouts in annoyance and she hears a smashing noise the next moment.

She jumps and stumbles backwards and pushes the mug on the bookshelf and it falls and breaks into pieces.

The room goes quiet and she walks back towards the door when she sees Keenan walking out of the opened door.

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