EXO imagines

By dancingxdreaming

1.2M 20.6K 1.3K

They might not be the best but I hope you still like them! and if you request, please write a basic storyline... More

1. Luhan-My Last Wish
2. Suho- Why Me?
3. Chanyeol-Dinner Proposal
4. Baekhyun-Best Boyfriend
5. Sehun-Someone I Rely On
6. Kris-Basketball Practice
7. Kai-Dance Lesson
8.1 Lay-The Accident
8.2 Lay-The Accident (cont.)
9. Chen-Surprise Party
10. D.O-Only My Cooking
11. Tao-Walks on a Beach
12. Xiumin- Flour Fight
13. Chanyeol-Secret Admirer
14. Luhan- Carnival Date
15. Suho - Puppy Love
16. Lay- Birthday Date
17. Chen- Rain Church
18. Kai - I'm Sick
19. Tao - A Sad Movie
20. Baekhyun - Ballet
21. Kris - Christmas Anniversary
22. Xiumin - .
23. D.O - "Drunk"
24. Sehun - Shopping Date
25. Lay - Piano Duet
26. Kris - "Siblings"
27. Tao - Friends to the End
28. Suho - Tickle War
29. Kai - A Bad Dream
30. Chanyeol - Blind Date
31. D.O - Regret Fight (1/2)
31. D.O - Regret Fight (2/2)
32. Luhan - My Song For You
33. Sehun - Christmas Party
35. Chen - Frosting Birthday
36. Baekhyun - Goodbye?
New years pt. 2
37. Kai - Tea Date
38. Kai - Cheater
39. Kris - My Babies
40. Luhan - My Love?
41. Chanyeol - Because I Love You
42. Sehun - Did My Love Reach You?
43. Xiumin - Luna Cafe
44. My Crazy Life
45. Tao - My Savior
46. Chanyeol - Sweet Sunday
47. Chanyeol - You're Mine
48. Chen - Be My Peter Pan?
49. Sehun/Luhan - Who Will it Be
50. D.O -You're My Star
51. Sehun - Where Did It Begin?
52. Baekhyun - Parent's Consent
53. Chanyeol - My Savior
54. D.O - Someone Loves Me
55. Lay - A Brother You Never Had
56. Tao - Remember Me
56. Baekhyun - I'm Always Here
57. Suho - My Hit List
58. Kai - Unpredictable

34. Xiumin - 'Lil Sis

18.2K 304 9
By dancingxdreaming

*gets a little gory*

You're 9. And your brother is 24. Although you two aren't blood related, he sill treats you like a sister. You still have nightmares of your family dying in a car crash. After all, that is how your mother passed away.

In your dream

Everything was so peaceful. Your family was going on a road trip. Your mom was in the passenger's seat and you were sitting behind your father who was driving. Your mom laughs at your dad's stupid joke. Life was...good. Life was fun. Your mom's shirt is stained red.

"Hey mom? Why is your shirt stained?"

"Oh sweetie. It's nothing." She smiles at you.

"...Can I see?"

She lifts up her shirt so you could see the side. The red side. With a big gash. Blood. Dripping down....just like 5 years ago. In the crash. The blood was staining the seat. Your eyes widen.

"It's okay ____" she smiles. "This is nothing." she takes her hand and puts it in the wound to widen it. "Look!" Your stomach turns inside out. Your scream so loud. It was ear piercing.

You're shaken. Everything becomes blurry. Now everything's too bright.

"___!!" Xiumins face was in your line of vision. "ARE YOU OKAY." You rush up and put your head on xiumin's chest. The only thing in your mind was your mother bleeding to death in the car. You shudder and start crying. "Aw _____" he pats your back and rocks you in his arms. "Want to talk about it?" you shake your head."Aww okay..." Xiumin continues to rock you.

"...Baby don't cry, tonight" you calm down a bit. "Cuz it's my turn to cry" you start to notice what your step brother was doing and smile.

"Are you trying to mash up songs of y favorite band?" He just smiles ad continues.

"Your my star, and you're my lady, my baby baby baby" you smile. The mash up wasn't the best but it made the bad thoughts go away. "Now" he tucks you in. "Time to sleep." Xiumin gives you one last smile before getting off the bad. You catch his wrist and stop him.

"Wait. I can't sleep alone." Xiumin turns around and smiles. He walks towards the other side of the Bed and gets in. You use your step brother's arm as a pillow and snuggle in his chest.

"All better?" Xiumin smiles and continues to sing softly.

"Thank you." You whisper. "I love you Xiumin." You smile and drift to sleep listening to his lullaby.

A pair of soft lips touch your ear an a sweet voice echoes what you whispered. "I love you too, ______"

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