Hood Redemption

By dream_outlouddd

280K 14.9K 3.5K

Hood Redemption More

Can We Be Real?
To My Young Ladies on the DreamTeam
Social Media
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Hood Redeemed
DreamTeam, Babies
Hood Redeemed
Love Bugs


7.3K 483 187
By dream_outlouddd

DreamTeammmm I know y'all probably was like "I know she lyin" cause I got y'all waiting long for the update. My weekends get hectic, so I try to update ALOT on the week days.

Let me say this, y'all are so pretty! I see y'all snapchats and y'all are funny as heck! I send some of y'all messages and if I haven't, don't worry I will soon.

Everybody drop your snaps and so y'all can follow each other and what not. Anyways, enjoy the update! 80 comments for the next update

Brandon's POV

"So let me get this straight." Curtis said taking the cognac I had to the head. "You poked holes in your own condom!" He yelled.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Oh my brother you lost it." He shook his head.

"That's gonna be my baby mama regardless." I shrugged. "It don't really matter when it happens."

"You fucking crazy. How much shit you got going on right now man?"

Anthony nodded his head. "That's what I've been saying this entire time."

"You've got so much stuff that you need to deal with. Ain't got time for no fucking baby." He shook his head.

"Don't waste your breath Curtis the nigga ain't listening." Anthony said.

"I heard you." I said. "Did you pay the bills for the 42nd street house?" I asked.

"42nd?" Curtis said.

"Imani's people's house." Anthony said. "And yeah, everything paid for."

"Perfect." He nodded.

"You wanna pay my rent?" Curtis asked.

"Nigga it's my house and you live here free." I said.

He smirked. "Oh yeah that's right."

"Stupid ass, anyways I'm out. I'll see y'all later. Ant don't you got work or something?" I asked him and he nodded.

"He ain't got to do shit. What he gon do watch over them people shoulder?" Curtis asked.

"Paperwork. Let's go lil nig." Anthony said and we all left out.

I shook my head and got into my truck. Maybe Imani still at home sleep.

I went to her crib, and did the little ritual shit she had at the door before taking my key out and going inside.

"You know I liked crazy guys when I was younger." I heard someone say

"Ma, stop please." Imani huffed and I laughed.

So she likes me.

I heard footsteps and she came to the door shaking her head and taking my key.

"So you not gonna give me a kiss ma?" I asked her.

"I am not your ma and no." She turned around going back towards her kitchen.

She must got an attitude from what I did earlier.

I walked behind her and grabbed at her ass a little bit before she swatted my hand away.

"Ma." She said going into her kitchen standing next to her mother.

"Yeah baby?" She asked looking up over her glasses at us.

"This is Brandon. Brandon my mother." Imani introduced us and I smiled, shaking her hand. "I'm going into my bedroom. I be right back."

She took up my hand and shook it before engaging in conversation with me and finishing up her stirring.

"So, you are Brandon." She said.

"That is me ma'am. What you making?" I asked.

"A cake. My baby's favorite cake. Now I got a question for you, why are you popping up at her house?" She asked

"I wanted to take her out to dinner and she wasn't answering her cell so I came over" I explained leaving out the part where I had just called when I came.

"Mm." She said nodding. "You know her favorite cake?"

"Um, no ma'am." I shook my head.

"Didn't think so." She continued pouring the cake batter into a cake pan.

I scratched my head, not sure what to say.

"Ma'am?" I asked.

"Hmm? What can you do to help? You can go on and wash that bowl out and then start on that cream cheese frosting."

I turned on the water, about to wash out the bowl when Imani came in and snatched the bowl out of my hand.

"what you doing?" She asked.

"Your mom asked me to wash the bowl out." I said looking at her crazy.

I noticed she changed out of her little shorts and into sweats. She also put on a bra. She ain't slick.

"I like to lick the bowl." She rolled her eyes."

"Well excuse me." I smirked.

"You're excused." She mumbled and sat on top of the counter top taking her finger and swiping it around the bowl a few times.

"The frosting." Her mother said noticing my face and I nodded.

"How do I make it?" I asked her.

"Take the butter I have sat out and the cream cheese I have sat out. Use that hand mixer. Let me know when you think you mixed it enough." Her mother said.

I nodded and put the stuff in the bowl. I grabbed the wooden spoon and dished the butter and cream cheese into it.

"Done." I said once I was done wisking it.

Imani got off of the counter top and washed the bowl and her hands before coming by me.

She grabbed a bowl. "This is powdered sugar." She said and turned the hand mixer on low. "I'll pour you mix." She said and we began. She slowly put the sugar in and then after vanilla extract.

I never did this type of stuff before. And usually, I wouldn't try so hard but for some reason I find myself not minding.

"You made it." Imani smiled and rinsed off the wooden spoon grabbing two metal spoons from the drain. She dipped both into the frosting giving me one, and her mom one.

I tasted the frosting and nodded.

"Really good Brandon. Y'all go ahead and bag it and put it in the fridge." Her mother directed and I did just that.

Imani's POV

"This was fun. You two enjoy your night hear?" My mother said.

"Alright mommy. I love you." I said and my mother left out of my apartment building.

Brandon stood behind me, watching as my mom drove off with me and we went back up stairs.

"This was fun." He said grabbing my hand

I nodded. "It was, although you weren't supposed to be here." I said.

"I wanted to take you out. I still want to take you out." He said.

"Maybe another night. I'm tired." I said.

My mother and Naomi had me out for forever.

"Okay, what do you wanna order?"

I looked at him strangely. "why?" I asked walking towards the elevator.

I walked onto the elevator Brandon steps behind. "Because, I want to spend the night with you again."

"Not gonna happen."

"You telling me no?"

"That's exactly what just happened." I nodded.

"Imani all I wanna do is spend time with you. Why you acting?" He asked holding my waist.

"I'm not acting." I shrugged pulling away from him and getting off of the elevator. I wiped my feet and went into my house.

"Why you do that?" He asked

"Because I like for my wooden floors to stay clean. I'm always working or at school so I only wash my floors once every two weeks." I explained. "Plus it's something that I've done my entire life."

"Not that damn feet thing, I'm talking about you pushing me away." 

I looked at him like he had grown three heads.

"You're joking right now right?" I asked him.

"No, I'm serious. One moment you're relaxed around me and we seem like we getting closer and then you just distance yourself even more."

"Because I honestly don't know your motives. I don't understand you and what you're trying to do and why." I explained.

"I like you and I go after what I like at whatever costs."

"You're aggressive and controlling. You want me to hop, skip and jump when you say so on your terms and it doesn't work that way." I explained.

"You're right, I like being in control and I'm aggressive. So why do you doubt that I won't take every ounce of that and pour it into me getting what I want?"

"You're not ready for me." I said as honestly as I knew best.

"You're too scared for me." He said and I smirked.

"Farthest from scared." I said and he nodded.

"Italian or Chinese?" He asked.

"Italian." I said and he nodded making a phone call.

After a while of placing his order, he got up to go get the food telling me he'd be back in twenty five minutes or less. With him going to the place, I decided it be best if I got a shower so I quickly got into the bathroom taking a shower.

Once I got out of the bathroom and into my bedroom I took my towel from around me putting it on the bed and moisturizing my skin I looked back on today.

I studied my own actions and Brandon. I wanted to smack myself for being so comfortable around him even though he gives no inkling of him wanting to harm me.

From the views of the camera he really adored me like in that moment. I went back as far as this morning, when he woke up. He turned, studying me and he even kissed my shoulder before getting out of bed. He went downstairs and came back up with a duffle bag. He came back by me, because I had shifted and kissed my lips softly and then got into the shower.

I bit my lip seeing how hung he was once he got out. I fast forwarded to after he got dressed not trusting my perverted ass to look at him the same ways as I had before especially because I don't plan on sleeping with him for a while.

He went into the kitchen, grabbed a few things and made me breakfast. He didn't nosily rummage through my things, he just made breakfast and once I was in the room he put on his fake mad face and left right after.

I thought about the adidas duffle bag and went towards my closet to see the bag full of clothes. I shook my head.

"I'm back bae!" He said coming into the house and I shook my head. He really think he's my man.

I came from out of my room with my hands crossed over my chest

"What's wrong girl?" He asked kissing my lips and smacking my ass.

"You, I never said you could stay yet it's a whole duffle bag of clothes in my room." I said.

He smirked. "You caught me. If you don't want me to stay I won't." He shrugged

"I don't want you to stay." I said and he nodded.

"Fine." He shrugged. "Now can you please come eat your food before it goes cold." He said pulling calamari out of the bag.

"You lucky it's my favorite." I rolled my eyes.

"Mmhm. Here." He said and I sat on the couch after he had fixed my plate.

"You eating in here?" He asked.

"Yeah, I wanna eat here." I said grabbing my laptop and typing away.

I have a research paper due and I need it to be perfect.

I sighed sucking my teeth and putting down the plate.

"What's wrong?" He asked smacking on his food.

"I can't finish this paper." I tugged on my hair. "And stop smacking."

He nodded. "Let me see." He said.

"So you can fuck my paper up? Nah." I said and he smirked.

"Fine then, let your ass be stuck."

I groaned and handed it over seeing him look at me intently as I tried to figure out what I was doing.

"You probably won't get it. It's new material and the book is-"

"I had this book too. You're missing the point."

"How you know?" I asked.

"You missed the point and that's why you can't write it, that and there is a deeper meaning." He explained. "In this particular text imagery and foreshadowing is used. But why? What's the deeper meaning?" He asked.

I sighed. "Well I thought it was because of the trials."

"Did you do background research on the author?" He asked me

"Yeah I-"

"Then you would know that the author was divorced twice. The first because he didn't have money to provide for his wife, he wanted better so much so that he went crazy, and tried to make his second wife more like his first. This book ends with him in a psych ward. Not because he was love struck it was because he had left levels unknown in his journey he talked about i.e. The mountain. He had climbed the mountain and he dropped something valuable and tried to find something just as valuable and couldn't. Over all don't forget the shit most important even if it kills you to go back physically or because of your pride." He explained.

"I didn't think about that." I said.

"I know, now finish." He told and I smiled at him watching as he walked away I shook my head.

He was smart, and handsome and knowledgeable but he is also a hood boy.

Update 08/12/16
what y'all think? 👀👀👀

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