Gravity Falls Season 3

By CartoonFuel

95.3K 2.7K 19.9K

This is simply a continuation from where the end of Gravity Falls left nine months or so. It is be... More

Season 3 Episode 1: Welcome Back
Season 3 Episode 2: Dragon Heartbroken
Season 3 Episode 3: There on the Window Sil
Season 3 Episode 4: Big Trouble in Little Oregon
Season 3 Episode 5: Careful What You Wish For
Season 3 Episode 6: Mayor Night
Season 3 Episode 7: That Sinking Feeling
Season 3 Episode 8: The Invisible Menace
Season 3 Episode 9: The Shadow and the Cipher
Sil Houette - Wattpad AMA
Season 3 Episode 10: Scampfire Stories
One last thing...or treat, if you will. (UNFINISHED Season 3 Episode 12: Shifty)
Season 3's FATE...
Season 3 Episode 19: THE Apocalypse Part 2
Season 3 Episode 20: The Grand Finale

Season 3 Episode 11: Game Over

3.1K 108 488
By CartoonFuel

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Dipper declared as he dashed towards the Gravity Falls Arcade. Mabel was behind him, sprinting as fast as she possibly could.

"Oh yeah? Well, first one in is a baked potato!" Mabel countered, easily gaining on her brother. He slowed at the thought of her statement.

"Baked potato? What does that have to do with anything?"

She raced past him. "Nothing! What I said did its job, didn't it?"

Dipper sped up. "And what job was that?"

"Distracting you!" The girl flew through the arcade doors, twirling her way inside.

Dipper caught up, coming to a sudden stop and crossing his arms. He dramatically sniffed the air around him. "Yep, this place still reeks of nerds and geeks."

Mabel poked her twin in the nose. "Which means you fit in perfectly. And hey, that would make a good slogan for this place! For any arcade, really."

Dipper rolled his eyes, humorously sniffing about some more. He paused, suddenly appearing quite confused. Not only did he feel a pair of pixelated eyes on him and his sister, but he also identified a freakishly familiar scent. "Though it also reeks hairspray."

Mabel grabbed Dipper's chin and yanked it into an unnatural, uncomfortable position, one he briefly tried escaping from. However, she roughly held him there, trying to get him to notice who it was they were sensing. Dipper blinked awkwardly the moment he saw Robbie Valentino wandering around the arcade, still rocking his skinny jeans and dark hoodie.

"Mabel!" a familiar voice exclaimed from behind the twins. "Wow, what a surprise! Oh, and look at that, Dipper's here too. What. A. Treat."

Dipper purposefully let out an awkward cough. He then loudly cleared his throat, simply saying, "Sup, Gideon?"

Mabel finally got around to releasing her brother, hesitantly turning to face exactly the kid she'd expected: Gideon Gleeful. "Gideon! How's it goin', pal?"

She playfully punched him in the arm, him responding with a grunt and, "Why must you do that?"

"WELP. While you two flirt, I'm going to go and play some games," Dipper chuckled, turning around and accidentally walking into Robbie. Dipper then fell over, snarling, "I'm alright, I'm alright. I can help myself up, it's all good, thanks." Robbie just rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow, Mabel and Gideon exchanging glances.



Robbie helped Dipper get to his feet just before he ran his fingers through his black hair, obviously (and narcissistically) admiring it. "Hey dorks," he said. "And Gideon."

"Hello," Gideon replied.

"Like the hair? I just got it done. And whoa, I haven't seen you kids--oh, sorry--teens in a while. Minus Gideon. How's Gravity Falls doin' for ya so far this summer?"

Mabel smiled. "Robbie! How nice to see you! And yeah, the hair's lookin' super chill, super where's Tambry?"

"Ha," Dipper curtly interrupted, "did you misplace her like you probably do all your girlfriends, orrr...?"

"Hey!" Robbie snapped at Dipper. "I thought we promised to drop this act after what went on last summer!"

"Okay, okay, sheesh. It's all cool, man, calm down." Dipper shrugged while grinning. "Well, what brings both of you to the arcade?" Dipper asked Gideon and Robbie.

"Games, duh," Gideon responded.

"Nerds to mess with...and games, yep. Games are a big reason. And nerds. Did I mention nerds?"

Mabel then interrupted, a goofy, "this-is-super-awkward-for-some-unknown-reason" smile plastered onto her face. "This is really great and all, chatting and whatnot, but Dipper, don't cha wanna get around to actually playing some arcade games?"

Gideon didn't hesitate to answer for Dipper. "Of course he does! As a matter of fact, they just installed a brand new game! And it's four players, so...why don't we all go give it a shot?"

"Well, what kind of game is it, Gideon?" Mabel asked kindly.

"Honestly, I don't care what game it is," Robbie interjected. "As long as it has nothing to do with Fight Fighters."

"Right this way, friends!" Gideon led the way, Mabel at his side. Dipper and Robbie followed more reluctantly. They were brought to four racing simulators, the machines all lined up in a row. "Here we are!" Gideon smiled. Mabel leapt onto the farthest machine, quickly grabbing ahold of the steering wheel it provided. Gideon sat in the device next to hers while Dipper sat on Gideon's left. Robbie groaned and took the machine next to Dipper's.

"Comfy seats," Mabel commented. Just as she and Gideon were about to insert their money, a light-haired, scraggly arcade employee distracted them.

"Hello there, kids," the man said, emotionless. The guy didn't seem all that much older than Soos. Maybe in his late twenties.

"Yeah, I'm seventeen," Robbie corrected him, also cutting him off. "Wouldn't exactly call myself a--"

"Whatever. Anywho, this here game, The Fast and the Freaking Ferocious: 667 MPH, or TFATFF667MPH for short, is brand new. No one has even played it yet. Yay, you're the game testers. Woo. Please, do me and the rest of this town a favor and remember to treat the game with respect and enjoy yourselves while doing so." There was a long, awkward pause before the man took a deep breath and continued. "Okay, that's it. Bye." Or finished what he was saying, really. He then scurried off.

"Would you look at that!" Gideon grinned. "We're the first people to test this game out. How excitin'!" He and Mabel put their money into the machines, eager to play.

"Hold on, don't you think that dude was a little bit on the creepy side of things?" Dipper asked, scratching his chin.

"He wasn't as creepy as Sil Houette," Mabel backfired. "Come on, there's no reason to worry, Dipper. Everything's fine, let's get this show on the racetrack already!"

Gideon blinked. "Sil who?"

"--ette," Mabel replied.


Robbie was getting frustrated. "No, Sil WHO?" he queried her with a huff.

Mabel just rolled her eyes. "--ette!"

"Sil Hou-ETTE, guys, Sil Houette! It's three syllables, she was...gah, never mind," Dipper finally growled, repeatedly smashing his forehead on the steering wheel in front of him. "It doesn't matter, can we please stop talking about this now?"

"Fine, fine, I'm pressing Start now," Mabel announced, doing so.

"CHOOSE YOUR VEHICLE, RACER," the game said to her. She shuffled through the cars while Robbie, Dipper, and Gideon all caught up with her. Just as Dipper was about to choose his race car, he noticed an odd chart between his and Robbie's machines. There were four vertical rectangles in a row, the two on the left each crossed out with a blood red X.

"Um, Robbie?" Dipper tapped the teen on the shoulder, getting an irritated look from him.

"What, man? You're wasting the twenty-three seconds I have left to choose a car!" Robbie snapped.

"Take a look at this." The young Pines directed Robbie down to the chart, both boys glancing at it with confused expressions displayed on their faces.

"Why are our machines crossed out?"

Dipper and Robbie peered over at Mabel and Gideon just as the two chose their cars. They were immediately brought to the next screen while the lights on Dipper and Robbie's machines began flashing red. The teens gasped as their seats flipped forward, sending them hurtling into the machines at breakneck speed. Meanwhile, Mabel and Gideon hadn't seemed to notice.

"NOW CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER, RACER," the game shouted, Mabel and Gideon's eyes glued to the screens. Several game characters appeared on the screen, their icons colorful and interesting. There were the cute, sweet characters and there were the dark, vicious characters...and then there were Dipper and Robbie.

"Hey look," Mabel beckoned Gideon, "it's Dipper and Rob--DIPPER AND ROBBIE?!" She and Gideon looked to the left, finally realizing her brother and the punk teenager had gone missing. "HOLY DUCK! Ack, where the heck did they go?!"

"Well where do you think they went, Mabel?!" Gideon asked rhetorically, gazing at the screen in front of him.

"They're...inside the game?"

The two then exchanged quick glances. "I'll be Dipper!" they shouted simultaneously.

"Hey, my brother, my character!" Mabel fumed.

"But I don't wanna be Robbie!" Gideon snarled.

"Well neither do I!" Mabel quickly grabbed her wheel and slammed her foot on the gas pedal, selecting her brother before Gideon could even react.

He sighed. "Fine, guess I've got Robbie." Mabel then victoriously closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Gideon.


Dipper woke up, finding himself in the driver's seat of a car. He looked to his left to see Robbie still unconscious. Rubbing his eyes, the kid glanced around, observing his surroundings. In front of him was a racetrack, so he expected a racetrack to be behind him as well, and it was; but there was also a large, glowing screen inside of his vehicle. It didn't take him long to notice his sister through the thing. Oh, first person racing, of course.

Robbie finally shot awake, seeing the same things Dipper could see; except he ended up looking at Gideon rather than Mabel. "Dipper!" Robbie yelled, rolling down his window.

Dipper did the same. "Y-yeah?" he responded.

"What's going on?!"

"I don't--" Before Dipper could finish, ten other racers soon surrounded him and Robbie. Some looked friendly and others looked...not so friendly. One rolled down his own window and spat on the ground beside Dipper's race car, earning a scowl from the kid.

"You two seem terrified," the buff video game character snickered. "You should be." The guy appeared as if he had no eyes at all and was dressed in something Ghost-Eyes would wear during an apocalypse. His hair was short and he had the tattoo of a chain around his neck. He revved the engine of his car in an attempt to scare Dipper and Robbie further. "Pedal to the medal, freaks, it's about to get rough and we don't want you two newbies winning this thing."

Robbie tried to open his car door but it stayed shut. "We're trapped!" he panicked.

Dipper looked back at the image of Mabel behind him, pure panic in her big, round eyes. She slammed her fist on the glass of the machine and shouted at her twin, trying to see if Dipper could hear her. Unfortunately, it was no use, and all he could do was see her freaking out. Some backwards text appeared on the screen behind Dipper, though he had a hard time deciphering it.

"Press Start to begin race," Mabel read aloud. "Do we want to press Start with them stuck in there like that?!" Gideon and Mabel sat back in the arcade, concerned about their current situation. The kids didn't know what to do but they did know they couldn't pause the game. She and Gideon could see Robbie and Dipper within the game itself, but they had no way of reaching them. "How do we get them out?!" Mabel gasped, palms anxiously pressed against her cheeks.

"I don't know, maybe ask that strange employee guy from earlier?" Gideon suggested fearfully. Mabel scampered towards the back room where she'd seen that employee go, but she couldn't seem to find him.

Soon, Mabel's heart wasn't going to be the only thing uncontrollably racing.

"Mabel, you might wanna see this," Gideon called her over. She darted back to the game, seeing Gideon looking at the same chart Dipper had seen from before. In very, very fine print, he read, "WARNING: THIS GAME IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. WINNER WINS BACK LOVED ONES, LOSER WASTES PRECIOUS TIME AND MONEY. GOOD LUCK, RACERS."

Mabel furrowed her brow. "So...we need to win the game to get Dipper and Robbie back? Or at least win a race?"

Gideon hesitantly nodded. "I have a hunch, and that there would be it, Mabel."

In the meantime, Dipper had managed to crawl out of his car's window. Many of the video game characters got angry at him for doing so, but he didn't feel safe in the car and he most definitely didn't feel safe next to the burly racers. He scampered over to Robbie and stuck his head in the car window. "Climb out," he told the teen.

"But what if racing is our only way out of this, Pines?" Robbie argued confidently. "Can't we ask the bloodsucking game characters for help?"

Dipper pointed at Gideon in the screen behind Robbie. "Right now, our way out of this is through them. We're relying on Gideon and Mabel to get us out of this. Until then, you and I need to focus on helping each other. The race will start soon but what if we crash? Have you seen these types of racing games? The steering wheels are all...loopy! Messed up, screwed with, you understand what I'm getting at here? Plus, those dudes over there look untrustworthy for sure."

Robbie nodded, sighing and climbing out of the car. He fell to the pavement and followed Dipper off of the track.

"Boss," one of the game racers sneered from a distance, "are they cheatin' or...? Because if they are, I'm ready to knock off some teenage heads--"

"Not yet," the large, frightening man from earlier replied. "Let's stick to our own job and race. That'll help us see where they're going with this. Besides, we have time. We can wait."

Gideon and Mabel stared at the screen, confused as to why their cars were now empty. "Did Dipper and Robbie really just leave their vehicles?" Gideon blinked, wide-eyed.

"Yes, yes they did." Mabel rolled her eyes. She then started shaking the machine while staring at the screen. "Great, they can't hear us and we can't win any races without them! So what now, the game just stalls until we can play, huh Dipper?! Is that it?!"

"Hello there, Mabel!" a robotic voice said from within the game, unintentionally jumpscaring both Gideon and Mabel. As a result, Mabel fell flat on her back. She laid there a little while, recovering from the wind getting knocked out of her.

"Hi...Giffany," Mabel replied, gasping for air. Gideon helped her to her feet. "Wh-what are you doing here? Where's your BF?"

"Meh, Rumble was getting on my nerves again," the cheery schoolgirl smiled. After being such a nuisance in the past, Giffany found herself in Fight Fighters after her game was destroyed. There, she met Rumble McSkirmish, the two quickly falling for each other. Sounds like something straight out of a stupid fairytale, but hey, it worked. Since then, Giffany hasn't been a problem and has acted as more of a friendly acquaintance if anything. She holds no grudges against anyone...except Melody. "I couldn't help but notice you were in such a panic. Since I'm the bizarre artificial intelligence I am, I thought I would come check on you and the newly installed TFATFF667MPH. What is the trouble?"

"How are you talking with us...what--"

"I am doing what you might call some fourth wall breaking, do you like it?"

"Uh, sure. Look, my brother and our friend got trapped inside this game and we can't talk with them about what to do."

"Need me to deliver a message to them?" Giffany smiled, the anime highlights in her eyes sparkling bright.

"Could you?" Mabel practically hugged the screen. Giffany just grinned and blinked, Mabel taking that as a yes. "Just get in there and tell them they have to win the race. They also need to be in their cars so Gideon and I can control and drive the things and somehow...wait," Mabel turned to Gideon. "How do we both win a race?"

"Just put Robbie and Dipper in the same car," Gideon said in response.

"Oh, good idea. That should work."

"Okay, sounds fabulous!" Giffany smirked, throwing her arms in the air. "I'll go...deliver your message for you." Giffany seemingly blinked out of existence, transporting herself into the physical game.

Meanwhile, Dipper and Robbie had been tromping around in that same game they were trapped inside.

"This is stupid," Robbie complained, chucking a stone to the ground. The game was fairly realistic, it being new and HD rather than old and pixelated.

"Oh, quit whining, we'll get out of this somehow," Dipper retorted, kicking that exact rock. The kid kept walking, accidentally bumping into something sharp and prickly. He stepped back, blinded by bright, vivid colors.

"Hi!" It was Giffany, and thank goodness. She may have been one of the most dangerous game characters known to the Pines, but at least she was someone who could connect Dipper to his sister. "Mabel told me to tell you that she knows how to get you and this screamo emo freak of a teenager out of this pathetic game."

"Really?!" Dipper gasped. "How?"

"It's simple, easy...a piece of cake! All you two have to do is sit in a car until you win a race."

Robbie cocked his head. "What do you mean?"

"Gideon and Mabel have to play the game for you. Unfortunately, you two are unable to steer cars while in this game. It's part of the bizarre game mechanics. Truth be told, you can't even move the pedals. Your friends control your car, and with both of you in one vehicle, they can win the two of you back. It's how the dangerous mechanics in this game work. Hm, I wonder who produced it?"

"What?! Two toddlers are gonna be driving us around in a car?!" Robbie panicked. "I'm the teenager here, I actually have a driver's license!"

"Not quite. Chances are they'll just be crashing you into some walls. I mean they'll have to pull out a victory eventually, though it'll cost them several quarters. Of course vehicles can wreck and explode in this game...but lucky for you, I don't believe you can actually die! Although that doesn't mean this won't be painful. Or, heh, there's the easy route."

"And what would that be?" Dipper queried.

"Cheating, duh! Help from a nearby AI, there's really no difference between the two."

"I don't know if cheating's a good idea."

"Oh, it's not!" Giffany giggled. "But it's worth a shot."

"Fine, that'll be our last option," Dipper growled.

"If you say so." Giffany started fading away, pixel by pixel. "Good luck. Your friends are waiting." And with that, the girl had vanished.


Dipper and Robbie nodded to one another, quickly making their way back to the race track. The two eagerly climbed into the same car, ready to exit the game as soon as possible.

"Hey, the scrubs are back!" One of the racers announced, catching Dipper and Robbie's attention. The teens blinked nervously, glancing back at Gideon and Mabel. They blinked one more time, each giving their outer world comrades a thumbs up. That was a good enough signal for Mabel and Gideon to catch on.

It was time to race.

Mabel was behind the wheel while Gideon acted as the girl's crew chief. Dipper and Robbie sat tight, preparing for the ride of their lives. "Okay, all you have to do is be the first car to cross that finish line," Gideon explained to Mabel.

"I know how racing works, doy!" the girl barked. She readied the game, a three second countdown suddenly displayed in front of her.

The same scary racer from before glared at Dipper and Robbie, playing with the toothpick in his mouth. He spat the thing out and stuck his hand out of his car widow. "Name's Backbone," he grunted. "And I run this course, this shindig, this very game. Three laps, twelve racers: one winner, eleven losers."

"Well, technically eleven racers and ten losers, since my friend and I are sharing a car. But you shouldn't have to worry about the numbers since Robbie and I will win this stupid race anyway," Dipper replied calmly. Backbone didn't move a muscle in response to the boy, chills crawling their way up and down Dipper's spine. Robbie, in the driver's seat, folded his arms and refused to pay anymore attention to this Backbone freak. After loudly clearing his throat, Dipper stuck his hand out in hopes of shaking Backbone's. Except Backbone didn't shake Dipper's hand...he pulled on it.

Dipper nearly flew out the window, Robbie grabbing ahold of the kid's pants just in time to keep him from falling out.

"GO!" the game suddenly roared, Mabel slamming her foot on the gas pedal. While Dipper hung out of the car, Mabel drove like a deranged maniac. Backbone and his crew darkly laughed as they sped ahead, passing them and other competitors. The racecourse was windy, the set path twisting and curving ahead of Robbie and Dipper.

Gideon cheered Mabel on as she played the game, though she was getting irritated with herself for being in ninth place (out of twelve). "Ugh, come on! These controls stink!" Mabel growled, zooming down the road. She spun the wheel in an attempt to make a sharp turn, though her actions sent Robbie and Dipper's race car flying off the track.

Dipper, still screaming and hanging out the window, would've been smashed between the car and the upcoming rock wall if it weren't for Robbie. Luckily, the teen yanked Dipper back into the car at the last second. With a loud bang, the boys' vehicle slammed into the wall. Dipper and Robbie recovered from the crash, rubbing their heads. "Whoa, how the heck did your hat stay on after that?" Robbie asked Dipper, though the kid just shrugged, tipping his cap.

"Maybe Wendy tampered with it," Dipper joked. Thankfully, their car somehow wasn't too beat up.

More cars passed them while they recollected themselves. It was at that moment Gideon Gleeful knew it was his time to shine. He glowered at Mabel and almost shoved her out of the machine's driver's seat. "I have driven several of my dad's used cars, been to this arcade thousands of times, and controlled a giant robotic version of myself! So I think it's time I take the wheel!" Gideon exclaimed.

Mabel blinked hesitantly. "But your Gideon-bot exploded--"

"Doesn't matter! My turn!" Practically pushing her out of the way, he hopped into the driver's seat. "It's go time."

Mabel agreed to his sudden decision. Moving around to stand on the back of his seat, she declared, "DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE!"

Dipper and Robbie clung to whatever they could as the car accelerated; "whatever they could" being each other. Though the clinging didn't last long, the two of them getting grossed out and shooting away from one another.

Not long after that, Backbone and his racers began to panic the second they saw Dipper and Robbie approaching from behind them. "Uh-oh," he gasped. He directed a fellow racer of his to fall back and drive parallel to Dipper and Robbie's car. Gideon noticed this too. The game character then aggressively rammed his car into theirs, slightly messing with Gideon's steering wheel.

"Aw, seriously?!" Dipper snapped. "That's cheating, back off, dude!" The cars bashed into each other a couple more times before Gideon and Mabel decided to make some adjustments.

"Slam on the breaks just before he tries to hit you!" Mabel suggested with a screech. After flinching in response to her yelling, Gideon nodded, successfully doing just that.

The racer crashed into a tree, humorously cursing to himself. Relieved, Dipper and Robbie slumped down in their seats...just in time to start screaming again. Backbone and his gang were throwing rocks at them. A rock broke the windshield, almost hitting Dipper in the head. "Where are the rocks coming from?!" Robbie asked fearfully.

"We're in a video game, it's probably just another stupid mechanic," Dipper retorted with a shrug.

"Well maybe it has to do with the fact that we're on the final lap."

Dipper sighed, staring back at Mabel and Gideon sitting inside the screen behind him. "Come on, guys, you got this. We need you," he said to them.

Robbie flailed his arms around. "First, you bring a video game to life, and now we're trapped inside of one! How come this stuff always happens when specifically you're around?!"

Before Dipper could sarcastically answer Robbie like he'd hoped to, a rock snapped off one of their car's mirrors. They squealed in response, begging for Gideon and Mabel to do something, anything.

"They're cheating," a familiar, electronic voice said from beside Dipper. "So why don't you cheat?" Oh, it was Giffany again.

Robbie screamed at the sight of her, however Dipper remained unperturbed. She sat next to the kid, a lucid smile on her face. "Giffany," Dipper grimaced at her, "I thought I told you: NO cheating."

"Oh, stop being stupid for once!" Giffany sneered, zapping her way onto the dashboard and casually sprawling across it. Laying on her back, she let out a heavy sigh. "I could just teleport you and your car to the finish line. You'd be out of here in no time..."

"She's pretty persuasive," Robbie said. "I'm convinced. There's no harm in it. We'd get out of here and never touch this game ever again. Especially after slicing each and every one of the game's machines in half!"

"Give up yet, kids?!" Backbone taunted from up ahead, his men laughing with him.

Dipper furrowed his brow. "Fine," he snorted angrily, his eyes locked on Giffany's. "Do what you need to do." A smirk slithered its way onto the girl's face.

"With pleasure, kid!" she snickered, disappearing. She reappeared inside Backbone's car, jumpscaring him. He jerked the steering wheel, driving off the course and into some water. "Bye! Have a nice swim!" Giffany grinned, standing on top of his sinking vehicle. She soon hacked her way into the game's motherboard, teleporting Dipper and Robbie straight to the finish line just as she'd promised. Their car skidded to a stop, "1ST PLACE!" imprinted on the screen behind Dipper and Robbie but in front of Gideon and Mabel.

"Woo! We did it!" Mabel celebrated, naturally hugging Gideon. They soon separated, realizing what they were doing. Gideon awkwardly coughed.

"Well, actually," he said, "that Giffany girl did it, I'm pretty sure."

Suddenly, Robbie and Dipper were flipped back into the Gravity Falls Arcade, both coming from the same machine and sitting in the same seat. Robbie then fell to the ground with a thump. Gideon and Mabel hoorayed, the girl skipping over to her brother, hugging him tightly and saying, "That was insane!"

"Insanely weird, that's what that was," Dipper responded, wrapping his arms around his sibling. "Giffany though, she was...strange today. A big help, ultimately."

"Yeah, no kidding."

"Remind me to never play a game at this stupid arcade ever, ever again," Robbie snapped, clearing his throat and getting up. He shoved his hands in his pockets and slouched down, relieved to be in the real world again.

All of a sudden, Giffany appeared on one of the game screens, in which all four of the machines' screens now read, "INSERT COINS TO PLAY". She stood in front of the bold text, her chin resting in one of her hands. They could see her from the waist up.

"Well that was exhilarating, wasn't it?" she bluntly said.

"Lady, I barely know you, but you freak the flapjacks out of me!" Robbie snarled, pointing at her. She simply laughed, thanking Robbie and taking what he said as a compliment.

"Punching and kicking is fun to watch over at Fight Fighters," Robbie cringed at the sound of Giffany's last two words, "but a race makes for a good break. Get it? Break? BRAKE? Aha, I'm so funny, charming, clever. I could go on, but we'd be here forever."

"Okay look, thanks for whatever that was back there," Dipper said to Giffany, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, don't mention it." There was a moment of awkward silence. "Well, I guess I'll be going now. I've got a boyfriend to obsess over! This was fun." Giffany disappeared from the screen, revving engines and text seen on it instead of her.

"This game needs to go," Gideon announced. Robbie, Dipper, and Mabel all agreed, simultaneously responding.

Robbie then stated, "That was the longest twenty minutes of my life."


"Who even was that chick? And why was a pixelated mess like her in my game?" Backbone said to himself, referring to Giffany. He was peacefully sitting along the waterfront, observing his dirty nails. Before he knew it, he watched small pixels begin to fade away around him. "What?! No, no!" he panicked. "Pixels?! What?! This isn't right! I'm too HD for pixels, what is this?!" His entire hand was now gone as well.

Before he knew it, everything had instantly gone black.

Of course, this was only because his game had been unplugged by Mabel.

"Goodbye, The Fast and the Freaking Ferocious: 667 MPH. You will most definitely not be missed," Mabel smirked, flinging the game machine's cord around. Robbie and Gideon had already both gone home, leaving the twins at the arcade. After unplugging the game completely, Mabel reported it to the employee from earlier.

"Yeah, that game over there is junk. Did some weird biz today. Point is, you gotta get rid of it," she told him.

Sweat slid down his forehead. "Uhhh..."

"Are you okay?" Mabel asked, confused.

He then darted off and out of the building, screaming, "YOU SAW NOTHING!" He didn't even use the door...he just crashed through and shattered a window. Dipper came walking out of the restroom just in time to see it happen, more confused than ever.

He pulled out his cellphone. "Do I call Ford or the cops?"

Mabel blinked. "The cops, definitely the cops."

"Pft, like Blubs and Durland will know what to do," Dipper acerbically chuckled, making the phone call anyway.

Jliidqb zdv eruhg, rndb?

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