Supernatural Love//L.S

By bluemetgreen14

62.6K 3.5K 453

Harry styles is a 22 year old student at a witches university, he also has a pet kitten just like everybody e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Quick Question
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Character ask?
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 16

1.7K 106 30
By bluemetgreen14

It had already been 2 months since Harry had joined the university of witchcraft and he already had a fair few friends; Calum, Niall, Louis and a man called Liam who was actually a teacher in the university but he was around Harry's age so it wasn't that much of a big deal to him.

He really enjoyed being a student, he found that everybody was very friendly and kind, they made him feel at home.

However, he wasn't at home and that fact alone was enough to make harry miss his family dearly. He missed having the teasing laughs with his sister Gemma, he missed Gemma braiding his hair for the fun of it. He missed his mother being sappy towards Harry, he missed her homemade food that she cooked that was utterly luscious. He missed home.

So, the day he returned back to his natural and human self he ran back to the dormitory (after using a towel to cover his you know what) and contemplated whether or not to call his mum.

He didn't really have enough time to think about that though since as soon as Louis saw the boy he practically pounced on him, hugging him regardless of the fact that he was naked and was ranting about how much he had missed him. It had only been two days that Harry was a dog but for Louis it felt like an eternity.

It was later that evening that Harry was sat at the kitchen table with Niall, his mobile phone was placed loosely in his large hands, he was caressing the screen slightly whilst thinking if it was too soon to call or not.

"What's up with you? You're doing a... face. A weird face." Niall asked, his voice faltering towards the end of his sentence when seeing how miserable harry actually looked.

He was staring off into space with his eyebrows knitted together in thought and he would occasionally lick his chapped and dry lips.

"Haz." Niall said louder to catch the younger boys attention. Harry snapped out of his trance and looked up.

"Huh? Sorry Niall, what did you say?" He asked as he shook his head as if he was coming back to reality.

"I said, what's up?" The blonde repeated.

"Oh, nothing. Well, actually..." Harry hesitated and looked away. He seemed to be lost in thought again and he soon furrowed his eyebrows further.

"Wait, where's Lou?" He asked Niall with a very confused look on his face, his eyes were darting around the room in concern.

"He's in bed, said he had a headache so he was napping it off, now you. Tell me what's wrong." Niall was not letting the subject slide and would get whatever was on the lattets mind from him.

Harry sighed deeply, "I just-- I just miss home. I miss my mum and Gemma and E- and home." The curly headed boy hoped Niall didn't notice his slight slip up which thankfully he didn't and he looked at harry with sympathy writted in his ocean blue eyes.

"Just call her?" Niall said with a 'duh' tone in his irish voice.

"I would but don't you think it's too soon? It's only been a couple of months." Harry said sadly.

"Woah, Haz. It's never too soon to speak to your mum. Seriously, ring her." Niall advised the boy, he was confused as to why harry would even think that.

With a little bit of hesitation harry nodded in agreement and unlocked his phone, scrolling through his contacts before finally stopping at 'Mum ♡' and clicked the call button, he brought the phone up to his ear and listened to the ringing.

Soon a familiar female voice cried out with glee, "Harry! My baby how are you?"

Harry chuckled at his mother's enthusiasm and grinned before replying,  "I'm really good mum. Every thing is so nice here." He told her.

He heard his mum coo and ask, "That's wonderful, is your room mate nice? Have you found anyone who you like?" She joked.

Niall stifled a laugh and harry glared at him, his cheeks a crimson red. "Yeah he's alright-" Niall cut him off by yelling "Hey! I'm amazing."

"Oh! He's irish." Harry's mum commented.

"Yep. An irish idiot that's for sure." Harry laughed, Niall pouted but ignored the comment. "So then, Harry's mum, got any funny stories?" He asked her smirking at harry who was mouthing 'no.'

"It's Anne deary and oh my, I have tons to tell you." She giggled quietly to herself as if she was remembering them.

"No! Let's not go there mum, maybe when you visit." Harry butted in.

"Oh baby, okay. I must get going soon as Gem Gems has got herself a date and she needs some expert fashion advice." She joked, Harry suddenly realised how much he actually did miss her. 

"Is Gemma there?" He asked, excited.

"Yes I shall go and get her for you-- Gems!" She yelled off into the background. Soon enough Gemmas voice was heard, 'What?'

"Harry's on the phone, darling." She told her.

Almost immediately the phone was snatched and Gemmas voice was excited, "Haz! Hey. How's uni?" She babbled.

"Hey gems, uni's really cool. I miss you guys though... so much." His voice broke at the end of the sentence, a thick lump was stuck in his throat.

"Hey now, don't cry you baby. We all miss you too, Eddie actually came to visit since he and his girlfriend split up. A load of drama, really." She said casually,  Harry avoided Nialls eyes when he spoke up,

"Who the fuck is Eddie?"

"Woah, Niall don't swear." Harry scolded the irish boy.

"Sorry sorry," he rolled his eyes, "Who is Eddie?"

Before harry could answer Gemmas voice spoke again, "Harry didn't tell you? Guess I should leave you guys then, bye Hazza. We love you to pieces. Hang on i'll get mum."  An awkward silence hung over the two boys whilst Gemma was getting Anne. 

"Hi baby, I'll leave you alone now. Just to let you know we're all visiting next week. Me, des, Gemma and Eddie. Goodbye sweetie I love you." She bid her farewell and harry replied with a short 'I love you too mum.' And soon the two boys were left in a lingering silence before Niall spoke up, once again asking,

"So who the fuck is Eddie?"






Much love, bluemetgreen14 xxx

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