Messi's Younger Sister

By littlebow39

82.9K 1.7K 226

A Messi, Neymar Jr, Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale and Lucas Silva Fanfic. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The Wedding Part 1
The Wedding Part 2
Honeymoon Part 1
Honeymoon part: 2
December 1
New York
Jet legged
Game night
Home is Where The Heart is
40 Million
Las Vegas
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Let It Rain
Chapter 38 (Girl Talk)
Chapter 39 (Light It Up)
Chapter 40 (International Love)
Chapter 41 (I have been gone to long)
Chapter 42 (Boy or Girl)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (You Gotta Beg For It)
Chapter 45 (happy birthday)
Chapter 46 (the truth)
Flying Back Home
Chapter 50
Dont Fail Me
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Rough Waters
Sleepy Paradise
On A Beach Somewhere
Another One
He Came Back
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 64

310 10 5
By littlebow39

Taylor's POV:
Tonight there was rain and thunder just the rain and thunder, the rain was nice it wasn't poring it was just a light drizzle but the thunder was unbearable.

I turned to Cris who was lying on his back with the sheets down to his waist and my comforter half on the floor, he was looking out the window maybe to see if there was any lightning. I cuddled up next to him holding the sheets up to cover me as I moved but it didn't really matter, then put my arm over his stomach. I am on the side closest to the wall now.

"Are we gonna get anyway from it" he asked, looking at me.

"Get away from what" I asked looking up to see him.

"The rain and thunder" as he said this there was a loud boom of thunder.

"Maybe we will one day" I told him moving my finger in a circle on his side.

Cris went up my arm with his hand and turned on his side to face me, he then put his hand on my cheek and moved just his thumb slowly. He propped himself up with his lift arm, even tho I couldn't see his face I knew what he was thinking, he moved his hand to my waist and he kissed my cheek then down my neck to my shoulder, my body was weak so I turned on my back.

He was moving down the sheet that covered me slowly down. "Can't get enough can u" I asked smiling then kissed him.

"I'm sorry I can't help it" he said then fixed the sheet back.

We soon fell asleep, Cris was on his stomach with his right arm under his pillow his left arm over me, I'm lying on my left arm over Cris' and my right arm by my side.

Cris slowly woke me up by trailing his fingers on my arm. I was still in the same position I fell asleep in but Cris was on his said now facing me. I kept my eyes closed and licked my lips.

"Are u sleepy" he asked making me smile at his morning voice then turn onto my stomach not facing him.

There was a knock on the door. Cris rolled on his back as the door open. It was my brother, I could tell he was looking around the room cuz he didn't say anything at first. "Breakfast is ready" he said.

"Ok I'll get Taylor up and we'll be down" Cris said.

"Alright don't be long it'll get cold" Lio said and closed the door again.

Cristiano's POV:
I got up and put pants on, Taylor was still in the same position and looking so peaceful like she meant to be there. I went to the bathroom and shaved, did what I had to do, I stopped before I went into Taylor's room to watch her. She was standing in front of her mirror with her eyes closed, touching her arms slowly then slowly moved her fingers over her lips.

When I walked in she put her hand down and opened her eyes. "Thinking about last night" I asked.

"Ya a little" she said in a soft voice as I put on my shirt.

"So am I" I said as I walked over to her and put my hands on her cheeks and kissed her "are u wearing ur robe downstairs" I asked.

"Ya I might as well and I have to put my braces on first" she said walking over to get them.

"Are u legs hurting" I asked and went over and pick her up and put her on the bed and put them on for her.

"No but I just want to have them on in case they do start to" she said as she watched me.

We went downstairs, Lio was in the other room watching tv. Lana, Antonella and Taylor's mom was in the kitchen sitting at the table, Taylor went over and sat with them, I got a cup of coffee and leaned back on the counter. I soon found myself staring at Taylor, something about her today was different.

The way the light was hitting her, even tho she had no makeup she still looked stunning. I thought I heard someone say something but I didn't pay attention then Taylor looked at me, it looked like she was smiling so I smiled. Lio touched my shoulder making me jump taking me out of my daze.

"U alright" he said smirking at me.

"Ya I'm fine" I said sipping my coffee then putting it down to look at everyone who was looking at me "what" I said.

"Do u want to go to the store with me" Lio asked.

"Ya sure" I said, Taylor walked over and took my coffee.

"Don't strain urself thinking about me" she said, Lana laughed a little.

"I'll see u later" I said and left with Lio.

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