Jet legged

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Taylor's POV:
We are getting on another plane to fly home, it's been a long day and I just wanted to be home, in my bed with my husband who was half asleep walking on the the plane. "U still awake" I said as we walked to our seats "no" he said sitting down in his seat and closing his eyes. I went to sleep once we got in the air. We landed in Madrid and I almost came out of my skin, it scared me when we landed, Cris was already awake, I looked at him of course he was laughing.

I dropped all of my stuff and went upstairs to our room, stripped off and go into bed. Cris's alarm went off "no no no" I said looking at it. Cris turned it off "go to sleep" he said kissing my cheek "are u" I asked "I'm just going to get a drink and I will be right where u are" he said and walked out of the room. Now that he left, I couldn't sleep without him there. He came in and got into bed with me, I moved over and he put his arm around me, I was facing him.

When I woke up Cris was already awake, he was on his phone. I kissed his neck "what are u up too" he asked "nothin" I said and got up, I was wearing underwear and a bar, I bent over to pick something up, I heard the sound of a camera when I turned around Cris was taking pictures of me. "Delete them" I said "nah I think I will keep them maybe send them to the team" he said "we aren't playing this game are we" I asked "idk are we" he said smiling.

Cris was getting a shower, I was doing my makeup, I took a picture of him in the shower, he looked at me "Taylor" he said "ur turn" I said walking out of the bathroom "delete it" he said "maybe I will post it to Twitter" I said "don't u dare" he said. When Cris got out of the shower I was ready to go. "I just need to get dressed and I will be ready" he said looking at me "we are posting those photos are we" I asked "no are u crazy" he said "ok" I said sitting on the bed.

I was walking with Cris and a few team mates to the bus. Cris was behind me while I was talking to James Rodrigues,  we got on the plane and I sat next to Cris "how long is the flight" I asked "an hour or too" he said "ok, I'm not really in the mood to be flying today" I said "u can still get off" he said "no I will still go, I'm just tired" I said looking out the window "are u ok" he asked "ya I'm ok" I said closing my eyes.

"Hey beautiful wake up, we are landing" Cris said as I was waking up "ok" I said opening my eyes and closing them again. I walked with Cris as we were getting off the plane, we got into the airport and there was paparazzi everywhere, he put his arm around me, I had my sunglasses on so I didn't care if they got my face but I kept looking down. "I'm so hungry" I said looking at Cris "we can order room service, while I get ready" he said "ok" I said getting on the bus. I didn't really know the team that well so I sat with Carlo Ancelotti. "Are u and Cristiano doing anything for Christmas" he asked "I'm not sure maybe we will go to my brothers, my mom is here and my sister he flew them home" I said looking at him "oh that's nice" he said "what are u doing" I asked "I'm going to spend the night with my wife" he said "that's so sweet" I said "ya we have for a few years now" he said "that's so nice that u two do that, it was always me and Lio when we moved" I said "u and ur brother have a good relationship considering who u are married to and who he is" he said "ya I know" I said

We got to our hotel room and ordered room service. Cris was getting ready so I got the door "oh it's here" he said coming out of the bathroom wearing his training pants with no shirt "ya" I said holding the door so the man could bring in the tray thing " thank u so much" I said he was leaving "no problem" he said and left "I have to eat quick" he said getting his plate "u will make urself sick like that "I know but I gotta go" he said eating. After eating Cris left and I was in the room alone.

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