Game night

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Cristiano's POV:
I came back to the room after training last night and went to bed, Taylor was already asleep. When I woke up this morning, Taylor wasn't there so I sat up and looked around, she was sitting in a chair by the window on her phone "why are u over there" I asked with a morning voice "it's to warm" she said looking at me, I lied back down and looked up at the ceiling "I hope we win today" I said "so do I" Taylor said walking over to me "here we go" I said getting out of bed.

We walked into the stadium, I took Taylor's hand as we walked. I didn't pay any attention to the paparazzi or interviewers, I just walked. Taylor went to her seat up in the VIP box, everyone was in the dressing room, I went over and sat by my uniform and started to get ready.

Taylor's POV:
I was waiting for the game to start, there was a lady sitting next to me "nice ring" she said looking at my hand "thank u" I said looking at her "I'm not married I'm just a girlfriend" she said smiling.

The game ended good 2-3 Real Madrid. I waited by the dressing room for Cris and kissed him when he came out "what if it wasn't me that just came out" he said "well I would be in trouble wouldn't I" I said kissing him again. We were walking across the sky walk to our hotel, I jumped up on his back "ur in a good mood" Cris said putting his arms around my legs "why wouldn't I be" I said. We got into our room, he put my down and started to make out with me, I pulled away.

"What" he said "there is something I gotta tell u" I said looking up at him "what is it" he asked "um we are having a baby" I said "wait what" he said "I'm pregnant" I said smiling "omg" he said smiling then hugging me and kissing me "omg" he said again "I can't believe it" he said "I know I can't ether" I said putting my arms around his neck. I texted my brother and told him, he didn't text me back so I didn't bother with my mother. I put my phone down and turned off the lamp and lied there.

Today is Christmas Eve, we are leaving for the airport in an hour. Cris is in a lot of pain this morning with his knee and I'm just not feeling today ether. "Do u want a wheelchair or crutches" the team doctor asked "no I can't let my fans see me like that I have to walk" he said looking at me "I will walk with u" I said, as I helped him up off the bed "when we get home u need to put some ice then heat on that" I said as he put his arm around me.

We walked out of the hotel with paparazzi asking question about Cristiano and why he was limping. I just kept walking and didn't listen to anybody. Cris stopped when he went to get on the bus "I can't do it" he said looking at the three stairs that must have looked like 500 to him "just take one at a time" I said helping him, we finally got him onto the bus "how am I getting off" he asked "we will do the same thing as before, take ur time and u will do it" I said cuddling into his arm

After getting Cris off the bus we walked into the airport where it was 10 times worse with the paparazzi in here the team was being mobbed, I was holding on to Cris for dear life, I was being pushed around and pulled. It was so nice to just get on the plane and sit for all the trouble we just went threw getting on the plane. I could tell Cris was in a lot of pain, I could see it on his face, I kissed his neck and put my head on his shoulder.

When we got home in was late. Cristiano's mother was staying the night with Cris Jr., he was already asleep when we got back. "Go to bed babe I'm gonna get u some ice" I said putting my hand on his back, he limped away, I looked in the living room to see all the gifts under the tree and smiled "tomorrow is gonna be a good day" I said to myself as I got the ice and went into mine and Cris room. He put the ice on his knee, I got in bed and cuddled into him, he was outside of the sheets. "I love u" I said kissing him "I love u too" he said kissing me back

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