The Wedding Part 2

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Taylor's POV:
I was looking at Cris as I walked down the isle, everybody was looking at me and Lio. It was time for Lio to give me away to Cris, I was think of my dad as it was happening. I walked to the alter with Cris and stood there holding his hands, the priest started talking.

As Cris was readying his vows, everybody was crying well almost everybody "there are two very special men that aren't here today that should have been, my father and Taylor's." He said looking at me, his eyes started to fill up "I will always take care of his little girl"... He started to cry "no matter what, even tho he's not here, I made that promise to him".

"I do" I said smiling at Cris "I do" he said smiling "Cristiano you may kiss ur bride" the priest said, Cris lifted up my vail and kissed me, this kiss felt better then anyone we have had it felt right. He took my hand and we started to walk out of the church. We got in Cris's car that was parked in front "that was really nice of you to say something about my dad like u did" I said looking at him "I felt like it had to be done" he said.

We got to our reception and we were waiting for our names to be announced "u look so amazing" Cris said kissing my shoulder "you have told me that about 10 times already" I said looking at him "I know and I'm gonna keep telling u" he said kissing me. "Put ur hands together for Mrs.  & Mr. Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro" the announcer says and we walked out, all the grooms men were standing on the dance floor in the middle, Cristiano brought me to my set and went out with the rest of them.

Lio, Cris, Marcelo, bale, Neymar, and Hugo, were standing there waiting for something then music started. They were signing until on part of the song came on then they started to do the Barcelona dance. Cris came over and got me and brought me out to dance and well I did the dance too. It was mine and Cris's turn to dance, Cris did the thing where a guy would bend over and hold out his hand to ask a girl to dance and I curtsied and took his hand, we started to do the waltz's but put a little twisted on it. (I will put all the songs and videos at the end of the chapter for anybody to want to know)

We went back over to our table for dinner, we ordered and everything. "That was a very nice dance u guys did, how did u get Lio to do it" I said looking at Cris "we asked him to" he said laughing a little "where are u taking me tonight" I asked "it's a secret" he said, I really wanted to know am I'm surprised he kept it a secret this long.

I was sitting in a chair, Cris was standing in front of me, when I heard the song start to play I covered my face and started to laugh. He leaned over and whispered something in Portuguese in my ear then bit my ear, someone whistled, I smiled and looked down. He got down on one knee and moved closer to me and lifted my chin up, I looked at Lio he looked ok then back at Cris, he went under my dress and started to take my garter off, when he got it off every one clapped and whistled, Cris flicked it out over everybody.

Me and Cris went over to get some candy from the table of candy. As we were walking back to our seats someone stopped us "would u like this back" he said as me and Cris turned around "Lucas" I said "the guy next to me gave it to me, he said I needed it more then him" Lucas said "I'm going to find Marcelo" Cris said walking away "why didn't u come to the church" I asked "I was busy" he said "doing what" I asked "I have better things to do then watch u marry the guy that should have been me Taylor and don't act like u didn't know, that's why u invited me just so I could watch u get married" he said looking at me "I asked u because i was being nice and thought we could be friends" I said "well next time don't be nice" he said walking away from me, I stopped him "don't go, I miss u" I said looking at his eyes "I can't believe u just said that to me" he took my hand off his arm and walked out.
Till I Met You by Laura Story, the song I used to write the church part.

Bailando by Enrique Iglesias, used to write the entrance for Cris and Taylor.

The Nights - Avicii, used to write the dance

Barcelona dance - (the second dance is the one that was done at the wedding)

Love story by Taylor swift was for the waltz's

Worth it by fifth harmony was for when Cris was taking off the garter

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