December 1

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Taylor's POV:
It's been five months now and I'm finally ready to get out onto the pitch, I have already signed with the Spain national team, I start training with them January 20th. Me and Cris just walked out of the gym "how are you feeling today" Cris asked "I'm feeling pretty good right now" I said looking at him "that good" he said getting in the car, so did I "are we going out shopping later" I asked "ya we can go do it now so we can get it done, I have a few things left to get for Cristiano" he said "have u done ur shopping for me yet" I asked "it's a secret, did u" he asked "it's a secret" I said smiling.

We walked into the mall and looked around "it's so pretty walking in here and seeing all the Christmas decorations" I said looking at him "ya it does" he said smiling "what do u think we should do for New Years" I asked "some fireworks maybe have a few friends over" he said "ya that sounds like a good idea, Cris I haven't seen my brother in 4 months" I said as we walked into a store "why don't u invite him over for dinner" he said "I didn't even talk to him at el Classico last month, I feel like such a bad sister, I see pictures of him with mom on his Instagram and Twitter I really hate that I don't talk to him anymore I used to talk to him everyday" I said looking at something "that was because u lived wit him and now u live 6 or more hours away, I would remember I used to make the drive every weekend or almost every day" he said "ya I know and I love u for that" I said kissing him.

After getting home from shopping I called Lieo. "Hello" he said answering the phone "hi, I'm so so so so sorry I haven't called lately I really miss u" I said hoping he wouldn't be mad "it's ok I know u have been busy" he said "I was wondering if u wanted to come to dinner tonight, Cris can get u a plane here" I said looking at Cris "sure I would love to I will see u soon"  he said "ok bye" I said "bye" we both hung up. "Ya he's coming" I said putting my phone down "ok well I send the plane and um what are we cooking" he asked.

"So Tay how is ur training going" Lieo asked "how did u know about that" I asked "well I know things" he said looking at me "it's um going good, I'm going to be playing for Spain next month" I said looking at him "Spain I thought u would have played for Argentina" he said sitting back in his chair "that's a long way to go 3 times a week" I said "there was a girl who was from the states and she played for Canada, she got hated on for a long time are u ready for that" he said looking at me then Cris "I'm ready for whatever it takes for me to be able to play again" I said "u do know what will happen if u get hurt again, Cris knows why don't u ask him" he said looking at Cris "she doesn't need to know she is doing great" Cris said looking at my brother "training is nothing compared to playing u should know that and u don't know what the other players are thinking" he said.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence, eating. "Did u come over here to talk to me about this" I asked "no, I came to see u" he said "every time I see u we fight about this and I hate it" I said moving my food with my fork "I know" he said.

Lieo was leaving when I stopped him "come over for Christmas please we are cooking dinner and everything it would be so nice if u could come, I think we are gonna fly mom and sis down to" I said looking at him "actually I already asked them over but u should come over, bring Cristiano" he said and kissed me on the cheek "ok ya we will be there" I said and he left. "I thought that would have been nicer then that, where he didn't bring up my training" I said "ya I know but it's only the first of December yet so he could come around by the time you are fully ready and on a team" Cris said walking over to me "ya maybe" I said hugging him. He put his arms around me and kissed my forehead.
Hi, I wanted to let everybody know that I will be writing a chapter everyday up till December 25th and I'm supper excited to do this. I'm also doing this with my other two books 1989 and Ronaldo 2.

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