40 Million

524 11 0

Taylor's POV:
I looked at the check and started to slowly sign my name but I got it on the check and gave it to her "he's still my son" she said taking the check "that u left" I said and backed away from her, she walked away from me and went to Cris "u got what u wanted" he said looking at her, she went to hug him but he moved "what am I not aloud to get a hug, u used to love hugging me and doing other things" she said moving her fingers down his chest, he moved her hand away. I just stood there watching, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to seem jealous or something "that was a one time thing" he did "ur son is a one time thing" she said "u know that not what I meant" he said "I'm going to get him back Cris don't u worry" she said and walked out of the room, Cris looked at me and looked down and shook his head.

I was lying next to Cris in bed "did u give her all ur money" he asked "u got to keep Cristiano that's all that matters" I said and turned the other way. When Cris went to sleep, I got up and went over to the chair in the corner and went on my phone, I opened up the app with my bank account balance on, it was clean and by clean I mean empty.

I went out into the hall and called Leo "hello" he said "hi" I said "what's wrong, how did it go" he asked "I'm broke" I said "ur joking"he said "no I gave her all of my money Leo, I couldn't let her take him" I said "ugh Taylor, how much do u want me to put in ur account for u until u get some money" he asked "u would do that for me" I asked "I'm ur brother of course and even tho Cristiano has the bank, I'm still gonna give u money" he said "thank u so much" I said, I felt like crying "don't worry about it ok and I would have done the same thing if I were u" he said "she said she was gonna find some way to get him back and I can't let that happen, I know Cris has more power in that kind of stuff but I want to do everything I can" I said "let me know if u need anything ok, I will be there" he said "thank u, I must get to bed we have a early flight home" I said "ok love u" he said "love u too" I said and hung up the phone. When I went back in the room, I woke Cris up when I closed the door "I'm sorry" I said getting back in bed "where did u go" he asked pulling me over to him "Leo called" I said and kissed him "is everything ok" he asked "everything is good" I said and closed my eyes.

"Let's go to Vegas" Cris said waking up "we are already married" I said half asleep "come on we can go for fun" he said "alright let's go to Vegas" I said and got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. We landed in Las Vegas. "What do u want to do here" I asked "whatever seems like a good idea" Cris said, sitting  on the hotel room bed "Vegas is basically gambling, drinking, and sex" I said looking at him "hey u wanted to come here to" he said "ya I know" I said walking towards him and put my hands on his shoulders, he pulled me closer,I kissed him and he leaned back pulling me down with him.
I'm so so sooooooo sorry I haven't updated any of my books lately, I'm not gonna lie but I just haven't wanted to write or couldn't write a part and I just want to say sorry.   :)

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