Chapter 17

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Leo's POV:
"You got her pregnant" I yelled "dude stop yelling I have a very bad headache" Neymar said "and she is 25 Leo she is old enough to take care of herself and for her brother to not act like her father anymore she's a big girl" Antonella said putting her hand on my shoulder while standing next to me, I looked at Cristiano and walked away "get ur hand check" I said.

Cristiano's POV:
I looked at her when Messi walked away and smiled and kissed her. We got back to Madrid, I brought her to practice so she could get her hand checked by our team doctor. While I was in the dressing room, Lucas walked in his eye was black, I was trying not to laugh "what happened to you" Sergio asked "miss understanding" he said opening his locker, I walked out with James and Sergio when we got on the pitch we died laughing.

Taylor came out later with her hand bandaged up, when practice was over Lucas walked passed her "how ur hand" he asked "how's ur eye" she asked. "so it's broken" I asked "just my middle and ring finger" she said holding out her right hand.

We got back to my place and sat on the couch "where is Cristiano" she asked "he is with my mom" I said looking at her "I see" she she said looking out the window. "I have to go out and get some groceries are u coming" I asked "ya sure lets go" she said getting up.

Taylor's POV:
We took my car and I drove,i found a parking spot, there was the same car parked next to us. I got out the same time the girl was "nice car" she said smiling "ya it was a gift" I said as we walked to the ends of the cars, I noticed her keys "can I see ur keys" I asked "sure" she said giving me them, I looked at her and held them up, we have the same keychain "Lucas", his name went threw me as we said it the same time.

We talked tell we go into the store, she then went on her own way. "I can't believe after 2 years with him he was with someone else" I said looking at Cris "are u ok" he asked "ya, I'm just gonna have to go buy a new car".

A Week Later:
Me and Chloe are standing outside of Lucas's, I called him.
T-"I'm outside and I have a surprise"
L-"I'll be a minute"
I hang up for just that moment I felt like I was with him still "I can't do this" I said looking at Chloe "you have to tell him what he did wrong and that we know he cheated" she said as he came out, he stopped when he seen us, Chloe flicked her keys at him, Gareth was at the end of the drive way in the car waiting for us. I walked up and gave him my keys but as I was walking away I turned around and seen that he looked really sad "Lucas" I said, he looked up, I ran over and hugged him "no, ur with Cris come on u got to go" he said pulling us apart "I'm so sorry for everything" I said walking away "it's ok" he said.

I sat in the car not talking, we got to the car dealer, I seen the same car as what Lucas gave me, I got out and walked over to it, my hand some how opened the door and I got in.

Flash Back:
"What do you think" Lucas asked smiling "I love it thanks babe" I said leaning over and kissing him "take it for a drive" he said handing me the keys.

Flash Back Over:
A tear dropped from my cheek onto my hand "what do you think of the car" a man asked "its nice" I said wiping my cheek and smiling at him. I got a Auto R8 in all white, I drove home/Cris's, when I went inside I dropped all my stuff on the floor, Cris looked at me "I gave him back his car and I felt bad" I said as he pulled me into a hug.

We were lying in bed and I turned off the lamp on my side table, I lied on my side facing that way and closed my eyes.

"Taylor wake up" I woke up and turned over to look up at Lucas "what" I said as he looked down at me, he kissed me "hey" a man said with a gun pointed at Lucas "no please" I said but I was to late...... He was gone.
That's the end of this chapter, I hope u liked it and if u did give it a vote and if u have any comments put them in the comments :)

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