Honeymoon part: 2

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Taylor's POV:
"You are in very cortical condition but if this is what you really want to do then all the power to you" Julian said "if I get injured again what will happen" I asked "if I told you, it would probably scare you out of playing again" he said, I looked at Cris "I'll leave u guys to talk, Cris let me know if we are going ahead and if so meet me here at 5:00am sharp" he said leaving the room.

"Are you ready for this" Cris asked "ready as I will ever be" I said getting down off the doctors table. On the drive home all I could think about was him telling me if I do injure myself again and if he told me it would have sacred me out of playing again. "Where am I going with this, what teams am I going to be on, my brother is going to kill me, if I get on a team I'm going to be leaving you" I said looking at Cris "there is the Spain national women's team, ur brother won't kill you and we can work it out" he said, I just looked out the window.

We walked into the house, it was quite, like there hasn't been anybody here for days. "What did you want for dinner" Cris asked "I don't know something good" I said taking off my jacket "how about you go relax and I'll make you something" he said kissing me "ok" I said and walked to our room, I turned the lamp on that was on my desk and looked around the room. I walked over to the tall dresser Cris has and took off my shirt and pants and took out one of his shirts and put it on, then I walked into my closest and put on some black nike pros and went over to my computer. "How many emails did I get today" I said to myself while hitting the mail icon. After a half hour of reading and responding to emails Cris came in the room "dinner is ready" he said "ok" I said still looking at the screen. I had one leg up my chest, the other folded and with my hair in a bun. "You will go blind one day from looking at that" he said walking over behind me, I looked up at him "come eat the wonderful dinner I made u" he said kissing me "ok" I said getting up and walking out, I sat down to the table and Cris brought over my food.

"Wow this looks good" I said looking at him "I try" he said smiling, I started to eat. "Are u excited for tomorrow" he asked "ya I am actually, I thought I would be more nervous then anything but I'm excited" I said. We finished dinner and went upstairs and got ready for bed. I was dancing while brushing my teeth "what are you doing" Cris said laughing a little "dancing" I said with my mouth full "ok" he said smiling. I finished brushing my teeth and I looked at Cris, he started dancing "no just no" I said and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked over to the bed and pulled down the sheets and got in. Cris turned off the lights "I'm gonna turn off the lights and lock the door downstairs" he said walking out of the room "ok " I said falling asleep.

Before I knew it my alarm was going off , 4:00am. We got out of bed and got dressed "I'm to tired for this" I said as me and Cris walked out of our room "it's ok you will get used to it" he said. We got to the place where I would be doing my training, I got out of the car and closed my door. Cris took my hand and we walked to the door, he opened the door for me and we walked in. "Good morning" Julian said "Morning" I said, him and Cris shook hands "let's get started" Julian said as we followed him to a gym, "we are going to start with the easy stuff and work our way up so 20 minutes on the tread mill" Julian said, I stood on it and started running.

Cristiano's POV:
I watched Taylor run as Julian was talking to me "there almost isn't much I can really do for her Cris you know that" he said "ya I know, she wants to try and get somewhere with this and I'm gonna help her if that's what I have to do" I said "let's just hope we get her on the field by next month" he said. Next month is a while from now, idk if she is going to be able to hold up that long.

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