Chapter 41 (I have been gone to long)

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Cris has been doing a lot of traveling the past 2 months and I mean a lot, I only see him maybe every 4 or 5 days for 3 days then he has to leave again, it's starting to get really hard on us and the kids. He is finally home with us for a few days but I don't know when he will have to leave again, we were lying in bed almost asleep. Cris only got home a few hours ago and was really tired so we went to bed.

I felt something move in my stomach then again after a second or two "stop moving" Cris mumbled "I'm not moving" I said. Cris was lying on his back and I was on my side cuddled next to him, I took his hand and put it on my belly "do u feel that" I asked as my stomach moved again, he moved "what is that" he asked and turned on the lamp and sitting up "it's our baby" I said smiling "baby" he said and putting his hands over his face, when he took them he looked like he was crying and he kissed me.

"How far along are u" he asked moving his fingers over my stomach "exactly 5 months" I said, he looked sad very quickly "I have been gone way to long, I can't be leaving like this anymore, I'm missing everything" he said looking at me "I know but it's ok u can make up for it" I said kissing him "have u heard the heart beat yet" he asked "no I waited for u" I said "can we go tomorrow" he asked moving so he was lying on his side facing me "we sure can" I said smiling.

My doctor put that gel stuff onto my belly then started to move the thing over my stomach. Cris took my hand, I looked at the screen "why does there look like there is something else there" Cris asked then the heart beat came on "I guess dad doesn't know" my doctor said "no" I said looking at Cris, he was still watching the screen "that something else is another baby" I said "we are heaving twins" he asked "ya" I said smiling "wow" he said and started to tear up "I can't believe that there is two little people in there" he said looking at me "since you are 5 months the baby's are starting to be able to hear now and they both look like they are growing very well" she said "they can hear me talk" Cris asked "voices it's very mumbled" she said "I gotta pee" I said trying to sit up "hang on" my doctor said as she took off the gel on my stomach. I went to the bathroom while Cris was talking with the Doctor. "I can't believe I didn't know this" he said looking at her "u didn't know she was pregnant" she asked "not until last night" he said.

When I was walking out of her office she stopped me "why didn't Cris know" she asked, he was already gone out to get the car "I wanted to wait until he was gonna be home for a while and now he is and I waited for him so we could both hear the heart beat" I said "they are his baby's right" she asked "yes of course there isn't anybody else I have been with" I said "ok let me know if anything changes" she said as I was walking out.

"I think we should play a little trick on everybody" I said as I got into the car, Cris looked at me "like what" he asked "I think we shouldn't tell anybody that I'm having twins and just say we are having a baby" I said, he started to smile "I think that would be a good prank" he said and started to drive "how do u want to tell everybody what we are having" I asked, we found out the gender, plus the twins are identical "I have an idea" he said smiling "if it has anything to do with food I can't do cuz I can't bake" I said laughing.

Cris's idea was a pretty fun one and I was excited to do it. We called a few close friends and family to come over for dinner tomorrow but no one knows that I am 5 months pregnant besides Cris and Cristiano. When Cris finished his last call he came in our room "they have been moving all afternoon and I can feel it" I said putting my hands on my belly "maybe they are excited for everybody to know about them" he said when he talked they stopped moving "they stopped when u started talking" I said smiling, he took of his shirt and lied next to me "hello in there" Cris said moving his fingers over my belly, I started to fall asleep but Cris was still talking away to the babies.

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