Adrianna's Dragon

By JerrySkell

35.4K 2.1K 190

Adrianna was the most notorious pickpocket and thief in the Imperial City. Her career ended when she was caug... More

Chapter 1 The River Gate
Chapter 2 Den of Thieves
Chapter 3 Between a rock and a hard place
Chapter 4 Aunt Kaitlyn
Chapter 5 Uncle Mortimer
Chapter 6 Midsummer's Ball
Chapter 7 Across the Wide Ocean
Chapter 8 Egg
Chapter 10 Witch
Chapter 11 Camping Out
Chapter 12 Dragon Riders
Chapter 13 Sedition
Chapter 14 Making a Home
Chapter 15 The Plan
Chapter 16 The Lock Up
Chapter 17 The Extraction
Chapter 18 Rescue
Chapter 19 Left Behind
Chapter 20 A Few Adjustments
Chapter 21 The Pond on Pettibone Creek
Chapter 22 Ruby Silver
Chapter 23 Steam
Chapter 24 Casting Spells
Chapter 25 Land of Fire and Ice
Chapter 26 Harvest Festival
Chapter 27 First Snow
Chapter 28 Loki
Chapter 29 First Strike
Chapter 30 Imperial City
Chapter 31 The Feast of Drunkenness
Chapter 32 Flying Cap
Chapter 33 Summer of Hope

Chapter 9 The Peninsula

1.1K 77 5
By JerrySkell

"Just how much trouble could that little woman get into?" James mused to himself has he followed his friend Brian on horseback as they headed to a meeting of the Order. He had used the Imperial Coach to get to a village on the peninsula's border. Brian had met him in Dexter and had arranged the coach ride and the horses. He had been traveling for four days and Brian, always less than loquacious, had said little. James was saddle sore and tired when he reached the old farm house

"James, you're a sight for sore eyes. It's good to see you."

"Mike, is that Brenda's excellent cooking I smell?"

"Knew you'd arrive hungry," Brenda said. They hugged and James kissed her cheek affectionately. "Here sit and I'll serve. You to Brian."

"JIMMY!" James turned to see his old friend Edward enter the room. James laughed.

"Eddy! Only you and Helen ever call me Jimmy."

Peter and Thomas joined them at the table. "Been a few years since we've all been together," Peter said.

"I saw Helen with you," Brian said, "Why didn't you bring her along."

"That wasn't Helen passed," James said his voice almost breaking.

"Damn Jimmy! How?"

"She's always been frail. She started complaining of back and leg pain and losing weight. I took to every surgeon I could find. They found nothing telling me it was just emotional. She died in my arms, she had just turned seventeen." Brenda stood behind James and hugged him.

"We all loved her James," she whispered.

"Then who was that little lady with you and Kaitlyn?" Brian persisted, "she's could easily pass for Helen."

"Officially she is my cousin Addie, but in reality she is the woman I plan to marry."

"You're marrying your cousin?' Thomas asked. James then related the story of how he and Adrianna met and the circumstances of their relationship.

"And before I forget, Addie wants to be a member of the Order"

"We've never allowed females," Mike said.

"Hell and damnation Mike it's about time you did!" his wife Brenda added.

"I move that we allow women to be part of the Order, my dear Brenda the first, and Addie the second."

"I'll second that," James said.

"OK all in favor raise their hand," Mike said, "and it unanimous. Welcome to the Order I get a kiss?" Brenda laughed and bent for her kiss. They finished their meal and sat for tea, Edward preferring brandy and his pipe. The talk touched and the status of members not present and their numerous projects.

"This rebellion in the mines, is the Order involved?" James asked.

"Not at all," Peter said. "It's related to the miserable conditions in the Imperial Mines. It's going to end in a blood bath."

"Has our Phantom Scribe retired?" Brian asked.

"No, but I've not written since my mom and dad died and Helen took ill."

"Your last two pamphlets, 'The Natural Rights of Man' and 'The Principles of Good Governance' are in high demand on the Imperial Content. Even here in the backwaters. They are quoted and referenced in the coffee house discussions in every town and village."

"You have a real gift for words Jim," Brenda said.

"We need to change the way people think, and raise expectations or nothing will change," James said softly, "thanks Brenda."

"Do you think that will happen in our lifetimes?" Thomas asked.

"It has, look at the Republic and all they have achieved."

"Is that were you plan to settle?" Brenda asked.

"I have some property in Novi."

"A mine isn't it?" Edward asked.

"Three actually. Two have been shut down because of water intrusion."

"No pumps?"

"They have the latest low pressure steam pumps. But the cost of firing them is prohibitive and they are really inadequate."

"Is that related to this project you have been throwing money at?" Edward asked.

"Yes, been working on a high pressure boiler. Been having the work done here and in the Republic. Every project or innovation needs a magistrate to approve and sign a writ for. There is no way it will get approved, so I out sourced.

"How will your high pressure steam help?"

"Better safer pumps, less chance of miners drowning. Also I can see it pulling cable cars. Currently they use children to push the cars in the mines because they are small and small shafts cost less. The benefits are endless. I'll publish plans and offer my new engine to everyone freely."

The meeting continued and reports were made on a dozen other projects of the Order with James funding most or a least a portion of them. James spent a few days with his friends then returned to Dexter. He arrived late in the evening.

"Kaitlyn how has it gone?"

"It's been fun. Shopping, and reading, and visiting the sights. Addie and I even went skinny dipping in the fountain."

"You skinny dipping! I thought you were going to keep the half pint out of trouble," James laughed. "Where is she?"

"I'm not sure. I'm a little worried, she has been out wandering after I fall asleep. I have no idea where she goes."

"Skinny dipping?"

"I wouldn't put that past her. I think she has been casing the library too. I don't want her to get hurt James."

"I'll find the little vixen, and spank her cute little bottom too."

"James, she is not a child."

"I know, just blowing steam. I'll find her."

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