Buddyfight Triple D: Journey...

By SkylaRocket

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✨Book 3✨ Takes place after my Going Beyond the Limits story! Oka returns in this new book! And she has more a... More

Chapter 1 Together Again
Chapter 2 Jack an Impact Monster!!
Chapter 3 Kyoya VS Gaito
Chapter 4 The Lovely Blazer Frill
Chapter 5 Love is eternal
Chapter 6 A day together
Chapter 7 Family Surprise
Chapter 8 Gaito VS Gao and Oka VS Kyoya
Chapter 9 Tasuku VS Dai and Oka VS Inari
Chapter 10 A new addition to the family
Chapter 11 Dreams and Memories
Chapter 12 Emiko Hayashi
Chapter 13 Happy Birthday
Chapter 15 Fear and Weakness
Chapter 16 Ageha VS Tasuku and Oka VS Tasuku
Chapter 17 The end of the Japan Tournament
Chapter 18 The World Championship
Chapter 19 Jack Arrested?!
Chapter 20 Having Fun in America
Chapter 21 Gaito VS J Genesis and Oka VS Kohri Shimo
Chapter 22 J Genesis VS Tasuku
Chapter 23 Gao VS J Genesis Part 1
Chapter 24 Gao VS J Genesis Part 2
Chapter 25 Gao VS Kyoya Part 1
Chapter 26 Gao VS Kyoya Part 2
Chapter 27 Back to Japan
Chapter 28 Tasuku VS Gaito
Chapter 29 Tasuku VS Gara
Chapter 30 Tasuku, Oka, and Gaito VS Kyoya
Chapter 31 Gao VS Kyoya Round 2 Part 1
Chapter 32 Gao VS Kyoya Round 2 Part 2
Chapter 33 Journeying Beyond the Stars Together

Chapter 14 The Japan Tournament Begins!!

385 13 16
By SkylaRocket

/On Cho-Taiyo Island/:

It was finally here!! The Japan Tournament..! "So this is Cho-Taiyo..!" I said excitedly... Tasuku pointed to the building in the distance... "And that must be the Cho-Taiyo Hotel.. that they built as a sort of Olympic Village for this tournament.." he said Paruko soon came saying that the tournament was going to start..! I felt slightly tense... "Are you nervous...." Tasuku said I nodded he smiled "You'll be fine." he said I smiled...

/Somewhere on the Island/:
Once I landed the tournament began.. I looked at my phone and I saw how the island looked... 'Huh.. the island looks like a star... cool.' I looked to see a bunch of UFO Stages were around.. which meant buddyfights were commencing... I began walking around the island my soon phone vibrated I looked to see a Paru-call.... I looked to see my opponent... I smiled as a UFO Stage opened up.....

"Celestial King's Starry Judgement!!"Kaiser said driving my opponent to 0..! I smiled...

I smiled seeing Oka win her fight.... 'I hope we get to fight each other...'


I sighed hearing that the buddyfights for today have ended.. I walked over to the Cho-Taiyo hotel... I went inside... "I'm sorry but you can't have a room." the receptionist lady said "What..! What do you mean.." I said "You need 10 fights to have room.." she said 'So all I need was two more fights..!!' I sighed "But their are tents outside where you could stay.." I nodded heading outside.. "Hey Oka..!" I looked to see Gao I smiled "I guess you don't have 10 fights either.." I said he nodded I soon ate with Gao.... as the rest fell asleep I on the other hand didn't really want to sleep.... I looked to see something behind Bal... "So you have been stalking them...." I looked to see Tasuku... "Come out, Doctor Gara..!" he said 'Doctor Gara...' he soon came out from hiding... I didn't know who he was but I began to back away slowly.... "So you see all and know all eh?" Doctor Gara said soon looking at Bal... "So you've been guarding that Sun Dragon all this time." he said "What does a wanted criminal like you plan to do with Bal?" Tasuku asked 'Wanted criminal....' Gara smiled "I'll tell you everything if you beat me with an Impact Monster..." he said I looked at Tasuku... "I guess we have no choice.." he said


/On the beach/:
I watched as Tasuku faced off against Gara... Gara said he created his buddy monster 'Created.... his buddy monster...' I felt nervous... Gara was strong... I looked to see Tasuku had summoned his Imapact Monster... Gara then used Zodiac's ability..! "Gravity Rest..!" Gara said the gravity forced Jack to the ground..!! "Now end your turn or your buddy will be crushed to death.." he said Tasuku ended his turn.. Bal and Gao soon came interrupting the fight.... Gara tried to take Bal but failed soon fleeing... I don't know why but I knew Gara was bad news.... Gao and Bal went back to the camp grounds... I was about to follow when Tasuku grabbed my wrist... "Where are you going..." he said "Oh... well I can't have a room unless I have 10 fights..." I said Tasuku dragged me to the receptionist lady.... "You shouldn't have to sleep outside.." he said I tried pulling away but he wouldn't let go of my wrist and kept dragging me...

/Inside the hotel/:
Tasuku somehow got me a room... I didn't get the chance to thank him yet... I sighed putting my sleep wear on...

I left my room... heading to Tasuku's.... I reached the door opening it slowly... I poked my head through.... my face turned red from what I saw.... Tasuku... was-... shirtless..! I also noticed his hair was slightly downward.. 'He looks even cuter now-... No I need a better word... hotter..?' 'Stop.. it..! Stop staring..!' I kept telling myself but I couldn't help it... my eyes just happened to trail down to his lower regions.... luckily he was half way dressed so I couldn't see anything the weird part is I don't know if I'm happy or sad about that.... 'Why am I staring!!! If stare to much he'll notice..!!!' I felt my heart beating faster the more I stared... "Oka.. what are you doing..?" Tasuku asked walking up to the door while still drying his hair I snapped out of my stare... I looked down trying to hide my red face using my hair.... "I-.. I just wanted to thank you for being a-able to get m-me a room..." I said he hugged me..!! "It's no problem..." he said my face was red and I was trying my hardest not to faint.. I pulled away from him... "A-anyway... I'm heading to bed.." I said quickly leaving the room heading back to mine.... as I walked back to my room I felt weird... but I didn't know why.... I lied down on my bed... I sighed.... I couldn't sleep... I sat up... leaving my room again... I went to Tasuku's room knocking on the door which he opened.... "Oka why are you still up..." he said I held my right arm with my left hand.... "S-sorry for bothering you... I just-... wanted to ask you if I could-..... sleep with you-......" I said he looked at me...

"Sleep with me..?" I said she panicked slightly "N-not like that....!!" she said I smiled.. "Sure.." I said

Tasuku lied down sighing... I crawled into the bed resting against his chest.... "Why'd you com here anyway..." he said I blushed... "Cause I couldn't sleep..." I said "Okay..." he said soon smiling... "So..... care to tell me why you were staring at me.." he said my face turned red remembering what happened.... "N-no reason...." I said he looked at me... he smiled... "Let's just get some rest..." he said I pouted... "But I'm not tired..!" I said he sighed.... "Just get some rest.." he said falling asleep... I sighed... I rested my head on his chest... I didn't know why but the feeling in my heart grew more... 'Seriously..! Why am I feeling this way... I'll just ignore it.' I looked to see it was only 10:20pm... I sighed... I gently poked Tasuku... he opened his eyes... "What is it..." he said sleepily.. "Sorry for waking you..-... I just wanted to talk to you..." I said "It's fine..." he said I hugged him tightly... "What's wrong..." he said "It's about that guy you were buddyfighting..." I said quietly "Doctor Gara...?" he said "Yeah... his Gravity Rest... it scared me a little..." I said he held me close... "Just-... try not to worry about him..." he said "But-.... what if he comes back since he wants Bal... and-..." he cut me off "If he does come back I'll fight him..." he said I sat up... looking at him... "But-... you can't-.." he cut me off again "I'll fight him again and I'll win I'll be fine...-" *Slap* I slapped him... he looked at me.... I clenched my fist tearing up.... "I-... don't want you to fight alone..." I said he didn't say anything....

I sat up from the bed looking at her... "I-... just don't want you to fight alone.. I don't want to lose you-..." she said I hugged her.... "I'm sorry-... I shouldn't have said that-... and-... if Gara does come back... we'll fight him together." I said she let go of me smiling "Okay..." she said she soon collapsed on the bed... falling asleep.... I smiled... I lied down next to her... I held her close... I kissed her forehead smiling.... I whispered in her ear quietly.... "Goodnight Oka... I love you..." I soon fell asleep holding her in my arms...
And that's the 14th chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!! Yay!! It feels good to publish a new chapter..!!

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