Tyshley - Meant to be

De amaliagreyyyyy

9.9K 304 106

Ashley Benson and Tyler Blackburn are on screen lovers as Hanna Marin and Caleb River but will it work out fo... Mais

Will she figure it out
Whats not going to happen?
He didnt deserve her
Just Comforting
PLL Proposal
Saddest Day
Last Haleb Scene
Offscreen Lovers??
Other Books
After Party
Ryan Evil
Does She Love Me?
Happy Anniversary
Back at Set
Together Again
Moving In
Set Visits
Ashley's Birthday

Best Friends?

504 17 2
De amaliagreyyyyy

Ashley's P.O.V
It had been a week since Tyler and I filmed our last Haleb scene. I think the feelings have gone back to normal and he is just my best friend, nothing else. On set we are now all filming at different times and I barely ever get to see him. I miss him so much, we haven't really talked properly for the last week. I am sitting in my dressing room as I don't have to film for another few hours when I hear a knock on my door before someone barges in. OMG it's Tyler. "Hey, I thought I was never going to see you again" I scream with excitement and run up and give him the biggest hug. He wraps he arms around me and I feel safe and comforted. "I missed you" he whispers in my ear. "Me to" I whisper back to him, still engulfed in a hug that I don't ever want to break out of. After a few minutes of standing there Lucy walk in and asks for Tyler and she winks at him as he gets up. I can see it in her eyes, she likes him. A surge of jealousy runs through me as he walks out the door with her. Does he like her. Lucy and I have never got on very well we always argued about something and this time she is trying to take Tyler away from me. Well I shouldn't be jealous I guess I don't like Tyler anymore but he just means so much to me, Lucy cannot have him. Tyler walks back in the room after talking to Lucy with a huge smile on his face. "What was that about?" I ask him. "Nothing" he immediately replies I can tell he is lying and probably won't tell me. "What" I demand crossing my arm and tapping my foot angrily. "Nothing" he replies again. "You like Lucy don't you" I question still angry. "No, but it isn't any of your business who I like anyway" he yells back at me a twinge of sadness after he says it. "I'm your best friend, it kinda is my business, we tell each other everything" I scream back at him. "Not anymore" he yells obviously mad about something, hopefully not something I did though and he is only taking it out on me. "Well we aren't best friends anymore" I yell back mimicking the way he said anymore and I run out of my dressing room door tears streaming down my face. He try's running after me and calling my name but I just keep running. I pass Lucy who has a wicked grin on her face. Then I run into Shay. Oh god no I'm not in the mood to talk about it. "What happened" she asks. "Tyler" I reply more tears streaming down my face. "What, what did he do? He would never hurt you" shay replies smiling obviously think about something else when she says never hurt you. "Well he did" I reply back angrily. "I only just come from talking with him, I mean it he would never hurt you" shay replies in a calming way. My tears start to stop and I explain everything that he had just said to me in the dressing room. "Trust me, he just might be in a bad mood but he would never hurt you" Shay replies after patiently listening to the whole story. "Why do you keep saying he would never hurt me" I ask her. "Just trust me, I was talking to him earlier today" Shay states. "Well he has changed because he did hurt me" I yell at her getting angry again and more tears start flowing. Shay quickly pulls me into a hug and I look up to see Tyler and Keegan walking past Tyler looks upset and has tears stained checks. At least he isn't with Lucy. Maybe what Shay said was true maybe he would never hurt me, and didn't realise he did until it was over. "Maybe your right" I pull away from the hug and whisper to Shay. "Or maybe I'm not, be careful" she whispers back. "I will, thank you and I'll see you later I have to go film" I tell shay as I walk away waving goodbye. I pull my folded up schedule out of my pocket and skim through it trying to find where I need to be for filming. I start waking to the set when I catch his eyes, great Tyler to is there. I think back to the last table read, even better I am filming with him. It's the scene where Caleb just appears at Hanna's. This is going to be hard.

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