My Dearest mate

By SamanthaBlue2001

150K 4.4K 1.2K

During the raid when hiccup was a baby something horrible happens, no his mother isn't taken but he gets bit... More

the dragon within
hunters and tickles
on the move
the brother and the mate
Meeting the Queen
Witches Magic
i want to fly
a "tiny" disagreement
A Nightly Raid
A plan set in motion
The bumps in the road
Temporary partings (sadly)
to my dear readers
It honestly was all in good fun

Getting out

7.8K 275 33
By SamanthaBlue2001

Toothless picks up on Hiccup's distressed wails. Immediately he jumps into action, using his speed to find his mate. His head nearly bursts from worry and panic. What has happened? What is going on?


The Queen's command bounces off the walls, it doesn't take long before a group of dragons are trying to stop him. "master Toothless please! come with us" "NO!" he snarls at them. how dare they try to keep him from his mate?! he swiftly evades the grabbing claws and continues to follow the soulwrenching sobs of his mate.

white hot fury bubbles underneath his cool scales, what has the Queen said to his Hiccup? whatever it is she won't get off easily, Queen or not she'll feel Toothless' wrath sooner or later. and she will get burned badly in the process that he knows for certain.

(Toothless the fortuneteler people knows what will happen before it does *winks* *cough*movie references*cough*)

THERE! he sees a familiar purple haze dash around the corner. "HICCUP! HICCUP WAIT PLEASE!" he yells. He bursts into a sprint and rushes around the corner, Toothless nearly collides with Hiccup's shaking form.

he gently pads around to face her. "Hey," he nudges his head under her's tilting it so she can look him in the eyes. "Hiccup, what's the matter?" he asks softly, Hiccup finally looks him in the eye. Toothless heart clenches painfully at the pure sorrow displayed in those forest green orbs.

"Toothless" she whispers, her voice oh so fragile. She then jumps on him nuzzling into his warm body, "Toothless!" she exclaims the sobs catching in her throat "i hate her! i hate her! i hate her! i hate her!" Toothless wraps his strong wings around her. "i know sweety, i know" suddenly she jumps back "we have to leave now!" she urges.

"w-what?" "now Toothless!" "no! i can't!" she'll kill them "why not?! WHY NOT?!" Hiccup falls silent, her body slumps as an air of depression forms around her. "do you want to be HER mate? do you want her to KILL me?" she whispers softly. Toothless is stunned "what?" "what are you hiding from me Toothless? we might not know eachother well and that's probably my fault, but i need to know what are you hiding from me?"

"what do you mean?" too much Hiccup, i'm hiding too much "I DON'T KNOW! but i know your hiding something and i have a feeling it has to do with that big tyranical murdermachine back there!" "Hiccup please... please don't do this"

"don't do what? don't do what Toothless? because all i'm doing is asking you to come with me and trying to leave with my family while i'm still alive" "I don't get you!" "get me?! your lovely gigantic killer girlfriend tried to kill me claiming that you are HERS! so all i'm doing is trusting in the faith i have in the bond and keeping myself and my family safe! what is there not to get?!"

Toothless can't form the words, the Queen broke their deal. Hiccup now doubts his love for her all because of that stupid arragement. Much to his surprise the horde dragons is behind Hiccup readying their talons for the seemingly kill. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" he roars furiously.

"M-master Toothless, y-you see the-these are orders from the Queen" they stutter, Toothless glares at them "you know what? forget it. let's go Hiccup" "huh?" he smiles gently at his mate, "you wanted to get out of this hellhole did you not?" a small smile tugs on her lips "yes" she whispers.

Toothless flies ahead, full speed with Hiccup close on his tail. The outraged roars fall behind in mere seconds fading into the background, "HICCUP! TOOTHLESS!" the duo stops as they're called by their family.

Vanicas looks franticly for any injuries on the young dragons as the rest try to figure out what the hell is going on "why are they looking for you?" "what happened with the Queen?" "are you guys ok?" "what now?"

Hiccup nods at Toothless who returns the gesture. "now... we're getting out" the three Shadow-blenders start leading the way followed by the Spinetails

Unbeknownst to them that they're being watched by a pair of changewings "are you sure this is ok my dear?" "Yes... i have contacted her already" both the dragons smirk as they look at the retreating family

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