Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fan...

By i-cant-think-help

175K 4.8K 1.2K

Rose Weasley and Albus Potter are starting their fifth year at Hogwarts and this year is going to be slightly... More

Author's Note
Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44- The last chapter
Just a note
Sequel- Two Teams of the Tower
Competition Closed
What's In A Name?

Chapter 41

2.2K 74 16
By i-cant-think-help

The next evening, Rose walked out the common room to find Scorpius waiting for her, as usual, but this time he was fiddling with the green ring Rose recognised immediately

"What, not given that to your girlfriend yet?" Rose teased, or tried to, just saying that was painful for her

"I'm only allowed to give it to one girl" Scorpius sighed, turning it around and around in his hand "The first girl I give it to is the one it belongs to until she passes it down to her children, so it's yours"

"I don't want it" Rose sighed, looking at it longingly, she loved that ring, but she knew it would be bad if she took it back to the common room

"I'll just have to chuck it then" Scorpius smiled, he could see he was annoying Rose

"No! You can't do that!" Rose exclaimed, reaching out to grab the ring "Alright! I'll have it" Scorpius laughed, this is what he wanted to happen

"Later" he grinned

"I thought you wanted to get rid of it!" Rose frowned

"No, I never said that!" Scorpius laughed

"But you were giving it to me!" Rose shouted

"Come on, lets go, maybe I'll give it to you later" Scorpius grinned, leading Rose down to the first floor. Rose snarled at Scorpius, maybe pretending to be friends and messing around would stop Rose from crying. She wished, she knew that would never happen

"Your an idiot, you should know that" Rose frowned

"I've been told that by a lot of your friends recently" Scorpius said, looking down and the cheeky grin wiping off his face "You know I really am sorry right?" 

"I want to believe that you are, I really do Scorpius, but you should know I can't" Rose sighed "I wish I could"

"Why can't you?" Scorpius said, looking up "Why can't you just ignore everything and pretend nothing happened? Please?"

"Because I'm a girl and girls have very strong feelings, whether they are good or bad. Sometimes- usually most of the time- we can't control them. And we can't just simply forget something that created such strong feelings, and if we love someone then we can't just forgive them for CHEATING ON THEM!" Rose ended up shouting at Scorpius "I'M NOT A BOY, GIRLS AND BOYS HAVE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FEELINGS AND THEY ACT IN DIFFERENT WAYS SO IF YOU THINK I CAN JUST FORGET IT ALL BECAUSE YOU CAN THEN THINK AGAIN!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to shout at me, I didn't know that I-" Scorpius started

"Just shut up" Rose said, the tears running down her face "I don't know how much longer I can do this for, I may have to give it up"

"What?" Scorpius asked, confused

"This, patrolling every other night, I don't think I can do it any more, I can't look at you without almost crying, I'm going to Professor Flitwick tomorrow and giving my badge back" Rose sighed, she really didn't want to give up being a prefect but she had to

"No, Rosie, I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that" Scorpius said

"You don't control me Malfoy!" Rose shouted 

"Rose? What? Are you... What?" Scorpius said "Can we not be at least friends? I thought we got over the surname stage ages ago!"

"I'm not in a good mood any more Scorpius, I try to forget everything, put it behind me, forgive you and move on, but I can't. I still love you, and  I just can't deal with it any more"

"Well, I can't have you giving up the position" Scorpius sighed "I'll do it"

"Stop trying to make me still think you love me, I know you love Petunia, you don't care about me really" Rose said. They walked around for the remainder of their patrol time in silence before Rose continued "I probably won't see you again. Goodbye"

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