More than Friends?

By Cheesecake_fangirl

3.3K 46 71

It's been a few months since Hetalia has left. But he is moving in with Supernatural, Sherlock, and Doctor Wh... More

Hetalia's Coming!
Looking Around
Following The Two
Staying Home
Getting Worse
Back to Normal
Normal Week
Night Time
Day Before The Party
Party Time
Great News


134 1 5
By Cheesecake_fangirl

It was a short walk back home. Once we arrived we all went to the living room. It was me, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Hetalia and Homestuck. I really didn't want the demon to be here but I only agreed because Hetalia wanted him to be here. The things I do. So we really didn't talk at all once we arrived.

"Sooo is it always this quiet here?" Homestuck said.

"Not really." I said. "It's probably because your here." After I said that I heard Hetalia laugh a bit.

"Wow rude much." Homestuck said. "And Hetalia I'm disappointed in you."

"I'm sorry but that really was funny." Hetalia said smiling. "But Supernatural rude!"

"Well I'm sorry." I said smiling.

"You guys are something." Sherlock said.

"I'm hungry." Doctor Who said.

Everyone turned their heads towards Doctor Who. Hetalia then smiled.

"Me too!" Hetalia said. "Let's go somewhere!"

"That does sound like a good idea." Sherlock said.

"Yes! I'm really hungry!" Homestuck said. "I haven't ate yet."

"Who said you were going?" I said.

"You're mean." Homestuck said crossing his arms. "Such a bully."

"Come on Supernatural!" Hetalia said grabbing my arm. "PLEASE!"

"A-alright fine." I said. "Let's go then."

So we all started to leave. We decided to go to a buffet. Once we arrived we waited until a person could lead us to a table for the five of us. Once we were lead to a table we then sat down. Hetalia sat next to me so that's a good thing. The waiter asked for our drinks and so we ordered the drinks. Once we did that Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Homestuck went to get food so that only left me and Hetalia alone at the table. We stayed there because we wanted to wait for the drinks to arrive, and so no one steals our stuff so yeah. The both of us were quiet for a moment. The drinks have arrived.

"Hey can you pass me my drink?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh yeah sure, here you go." I said giving Hetalia the drink.

"Thanks!" Hetalia said.

"No problem." I said. "'m just curious...but do you like anyone?"

"Oh uh..." Hetalia said.

"Y-you don't need to tell me!" I said. "I-I'm just curious."

"O-oh I'll answer it. I-It's...uh...I actually...l-like someone." Hetalia said turning red. "But I w-won't say their name."

"Ok I respect that. Thanks for telling me." I said.

"Y-yeah." Hetalia smiled. " about you?"

"Oh...yeah I do actually like someone." I said giving out a nervous laugh. "But I'm not telling their names..."

"I understand." Hetalia said.

Ok so Hetalia likes someone. I'm not sure if I should be happy or not. Who knows it could be me, but it could also be someone else. I shouldn't have asked that question because right now I really don't know what to think. I will just have to hope for the best. The other three came back with their food. Me and Hetalia then got up to get food. After that we all started to eat. Who knew I was really hungry.  Everyone was enjoying the food. I guess they were hungry as well. After I finished my last plate I went to get ice cream. Hetalia soon did the same. Once we went back to the table everyone else was just talking about something involving me and Hetalia.

"What are you guys talking about?" Hetalia asked.

"Oh nothing." Homestuck said giving out a nervous laugh.

"I heard our names being said while you guys were talking." I said. "So what were you talking about?"

" life would be without Hetalia." Doctor Who said. "Supernatural will probably be rude."

"Oh...I see." I said. "That's probably not what you were talking about but ok I'll just leave it like that."

"Well I mean Supernatural is still rude towards me." Homestuck said. "At least you stopped throwing salt at me."

"You threw salt at him before?" Hetalia asked.

"No?" I said.

"Ok then." Hetalia said going back to eating his ice cream.

"Can we just pay already." I said getting out some money.

"FORTUNE COOKIES!" Hetalia said smiling.

So we payed and got fortune cookies which was cool. Then we started to leave. Me and Hetalia were walking next to each other talking to each other.

"Awww you guys are so cute together!" A stranger said.

"W-what? Oh no we're not a couple!" I said burning up.

"Y-yeah we are not a couple!" Hetalia said also turning red. "We're j-just friends!"

"Oh sorry. But you guys would really make a cute couple." The stranger said walking off.

"Well that happened." Sherlock said.

"Aww you guys are blushing." Homestuck said laughing as well as Doctor Who.

"Shut up!" Me and Hetalia yelled at the same time. 

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