[SasuXSaku] Tightrope

By SnowRabbit

935K 23.4K 18.5K

Two years after the 4th Nin war, all of them struggle to get their lives back to normal. Sakura is now a Jou... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 00
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - Finale~
Side Story 01 - The Scar
Side Story 02 - Valentine
Side Story 03 - Aphrodisiac part1
Side Story 04 - Aphrodisiac part 2

Chapter 21

20.5K 496 522
By SnowRabbit

Chapter 21


Because she couldn't afford them to be heard by Sasuke, she almost sent Naruto back to Suna with his big mouth. She heard the blond almost spilled out something to Sasuke. Good thing he's a loudmouth and noisy, she immediately heard him.

Sakura pulled Naruto inside the room, where she and Ryuna had slept...in Sasuke's room. Ryuna was still sleeping in the bed. In hushed tone, she signaled Naruto to hush as well.

"You were about to say something to Sasuke," glaring at the Hokage-to-be, she whispered, folding her arms under her chest, squinting her eyes on the blond Jinjuuriki. She noticed that he was still covered in dirt and was still carrying his travelling bag. He really did fly straight here from the mission.

Naruto scratched his head, "N-No, I didn't! I am telling Sasuke that Ryu-chan is cute and-"

Sakura squinted her eyes more, "I'm telling you Naruto. Stand on your words. You wouldn't tell anyone, especially him of anything! You hear me? Or I'll make sure that a certain appendages of yours will be cut and you wouldn't see an heir in the future!"

Naruto's eyes went wide. "Oh no, I promise! J-just...don't do something like that!" He knew Sakura can do whatever she says.

Both of them stopped talking when Ryuna turned on her side. But then, she falls asleep again.

"We can't stay here, you'll wake my daughter up because of your big mouth!" she whispered, "Let's go to the balcony,"

The med-nin opened the door, followed by Naruto and both exited the door. She closed the door gently to avoid any noise. Both went past the living room and into the balcony. Naruto opened the glass sliding door and both went outside. Naruto was facing inside the apartment while Sakura was standing facing him, behind her was the sliding glass doors.

"So, when are you going to tell him?" Naruto excitedly asked her.

"Never," Sakura said, folding her arms under her chest again, refusing to look at Naruto. Her eyes focused on a couple of little tree sparrows chirping happily in the neighbor's roof.

"But Sakura-chan, this is your chance!" Naruto whispered fiercely, trying his best to toned down his voice, frustration evident on his feature, "Look at where you are now. Ryuna's dad is just at the same roof as she is! I'm sure that Teme will be so thrilled---"

"Naruto, stop! We're done with this talk eons ago!. Just...Just leave it okay?" Sakura said.

Naruto sighed. How can he help his friends. Everything was just so simple yet why did they make things complicated? He only wanted them to be happy. To let Ryuna know that her Daddy was one of the most powerful shinobi in the world...that he's just right beside her. It would be awesome that Ryuna can be proud where she came from...an Uchiha. And to let Sasuke know, that he's not alone in this world.

And to give the Uchiha survivor another chance to know and feel what was a family again.

But he respected their decisions...because he loved Sakura and Sasuke, and little Ryuna. Sometimes, it gets on his nerves looking at both of them suffering because of their foolishness. Both have the same pride as big as the whole Fire Country! Someday...he wished that there will come a day when both of them will be happy. And he will be happy for them as well. But right now, all he could do was to be the spectator...the observant, and in his ways, he will help his two hard-headed, prideful and foolish friends and teammates...and that's his silent oath, a promise of a lifetime for this time!

While thinking of something to say to convince Sakura more, he saw Sasuke came out from the bathroom, a small towel on his wet hair. The bastard just came from the bath. He saw the raven-haired Uchiha looked at them for a mere second, gave him a very slight smirked then went straight to the kitchen. Naruto narrowed his eyes, frowned and almost gave him a dirty finger, but choose to pout instead. Sasuke still has that aura where when he looked at you, he seemed to scoff at you.

Then he saw Ryuna, just came out from the room, still rubbing her eyes. The little girl didn't see them, but he was sure that the girl saw Sasuke who went to the kitchen. Sakura's daughter followed the Uchiha.

That made Naruto smile.

"What was with the face Naruto, you freaked me out y'know," Sakura said, "are you seeing something?" she asked then turned around, but failed to see the people behind her. They already went to the kitchen which was hidden where they stood.

"Oh it's nothing," Naruto whistled, "maybe there is a miracle after all. And I don't have to do anything about it," his smiled was genuine. And he hopes something good will happen.

Sakura looked at him suspiciously. Naruto gave her a boyish smile and a giggle. He seemed really happy, so she didn't push further. "How was the mission?"


After Sasuke took a very cold bath (he used the bathroom located near the kitchen which was for guest's use), he saw Naruto and Sakura talked at the balcony. Naruto saw him and gave him a squinted look. He almost rolled his eyes for the blond's childishness. It's like when they were Genins. Naruto's overly protective attitude towards Sakura was still there. And it was like those times came back suddenly. Team Seven is whole again.

After giving Naruto a smirk, he went straight to the kitchen. He needs his tea. While he was preparing, he heard the little footsteps, soft and silent like a cat's.


Sasuke turned around upon hearing the small voice. He saw the little girl standing at the kitchen's entry, the same little girl he helped yesterday at the Hokage tower.

Sakura's daughter.

She's wearing her PJ's and clutching a frog doll. Her hair was a bit mess with strands sticking out everywhere on her head. Her eyes were wide upon seeing him standing there...and her eyes...

As beautiful as a polished peridot.

Something or some part of him was hurting. He didn't know where, and he couldn't point it out but looking at the little girl, thinking she's Sakura's daughter, and that the father was some bastard where Sakura could have possible love...

....everything makes him irritated. Annoying. When in the world did he started being curious with kids? Was it probably because the little girl in front of him was Sakura's daughter?

So he gave that sharp glare to the little girl. What was her name again? Ryuna. Naruto called her Ryu-chan.

Somehow, the little girl had the same eyes as Sakura's. Not in the same shade as hers but both have the same intensity and vibrant. And he can't help but to think, they're mysterious and mesmerizing.

Which annoyed him more. Good thing, the kid got her mother's eyes. He grunted and glower at the little girl. Somehow, she really reminds him of something. But what?

"Hn," he snorted, almost flaring his nose all over the place. Just wondering who the girl's father makes him want to punch someone. Somehow, he can't get-over on the fact that Sakura had a daughter, some bastard's daughter!

He wondered where the girl's bastard of a father was now. Sakura only came back to Konoha with her daughter...now where was the father? Did something happen? Was he dead? Did he left Sakura and their daughter?

Wait, why was he bothering about that?

"It's you!" the little girl exclaimed, which snapped Sasuke back to reality. Then she came running and stopped right in front of the raven-haired Uchiha. With uplifted face, bright and suddenly excited. "It was you Mister, who saved me yesterday, right?"

He didn't answer. Looking at her right now, Sasuke found out something...the kid had surely inherited Sakura's incessant nature. Like a curious cat. Happy disposition, full of innocence. Annoying, he thought again. It struck him. He hadn't used that word for so long. That word was always associated with Sakura. Sakura was annoying, now her daughter was annoying as well? He continued to prepare his tea. But Ryuna, who had already paid her full attention towards him, encircled him with intense curiosity.

"Are you friends with Uncle Naruto and my Mommy?" she asked, "Do you know Kashi-sensei? How about the Hotage? Are you a ninja too? Is this your house? Then, you must know my Mommy right? Because you let us stay here," Ryuna threw him these questions as she made her full circle around Sasuke. "Ne Mister, what is your name?"

"Isn't it a right manner to introduce yourself first before asking someone's name?" Sasuke said, trying to intimidate the little girl by bending towards her, amused by the barrage of questions even though some of the words were twisted. He looked at her more closely. She got big beautiful eyes indeed. Vivid and clear. Trying to scare her had no effect. Instead the little rosy-cheeked girl gave him a melodious giggle.

"Oh, right! My name is Ryuna Haruno! Nice to meet you. What is your name?" Ryuna said giving her most courteous bow.

It was at this moment that Sakura came in the kitchen, behind him was Naruto. She paused at the scene...Sasuke was talking to her daughter! Oh my God!

With horrified look, blood almost drained out of her head, making her spin. This isn't happening! She thought. She made sure last night that even though they're spending time in Sasuke's place, she will make sure that the father-daughter will never have the chance to meet, or even talk! She was so sure of that because she knew that when she's around, Sasuke will probably avoid her like a plague. That he will get up early, train himself somewhere and never come back in the house until both she and her daughter are in the confines of their room! She also made sure that the plan will be smooth because they will never spend another day in this place!

While in the balcony, she heard murmurs inside the house so she thought that Ryuna was probably awake looking for her so she immediately went inside though she was stopped by Naruto. This made her more suspicious so she went towards their room but had heard muffled sounds towards the kitchen, and that's when she saw Ryuna together with Sasuke.

Ryuna was introducing herself to Sasuke! And Sasuke spending time with her daughter?? And by the looks of it, her daughter seems to be fond of her own father! Oh God.

Duh, blood is thicker than water! Her Innerself said.

What should I do? Her mind was spinning madly, thinking of a way to interrupt. Ryuna didn't notice them yet. But before she could make another sound, or another step, Naruto stopped her and signaled her to hush. And he gave that warmest smile, asking that at least for this time, let Sasuke handle the situation...for this moment. So Sakura stopped, though a bit hesitant. She's afraid...of something. Sasuke might notice something on Ryuna. Naruto shook his head and gestured her to keep silent. She nodded and this time, this time only, she'll trust Naruto. But deep inside, her heart was beating like a mad drum. She's afraid....and excited...and her heart swelled...all at the same time.

Naruto held her hand and squeezed it tight giving her assurance...that everything will be okay.

Before Sasuke could answer, he already saw Sakura and Naruto coming from the kitchen's doorway. He was facing the kitchen door so he saw them right away and managed to observe Sakura's reaction. She seemed terrified or something. What was she afraid of? He admitted he's never good with children. He didn't experience the joys of being a kid. He had lost his childhood...the thing that he could never have again, together with his family.

Annoyed, he gritted his teeth. Even Sakura didn't trust him around her daughter? So he stood straight, looking intently towards Sakura. Even more annoyed, he remembered his dream. The touches, the kisses, the voice, her expressions...everything. Seeing Sakura now, he felt...turned on.

And he hates it.


Sakura definitely did not turn him on.

Double liar

When did she have that effect on him? It was like the first time he saw her after five years yesterday in the Hokage office. Even though he projected that 'im-dead-to-the-world' act, he noticed her...he was annoyed at her for no apparent reason. Was he attracted to his pink-haired team mate?


It was just sexual attraction. Period.

Determined, and trying to hide his turned on state he focused his mind on what's happening. Uchihas have the most amazing self-control in the world. They were disciplined.

"Call me, Uchiha...Sasuke," he said, intense eyes as cold as ice towards Sakura. So what? He's annoyed. And it's Sakura's fault, his mind insisted.

"Oh, can I call you Uncle-"

"Ryuna, call him Mr. Uchiha," Sakura interrupted, giving emphasis on the word, she returned that stern look towards Sasuke. There was that silent conflict between them this so early in the morning and she didn't know why. Knowing Uchiha Sasuke all her life, this was nothing new. He didn't like her and she knew that fact already. That's the reason why she had give up on him five years ago, right?

Yeah, right...you are so telling the TRUTH. her Innerself rolled her eyes in mockery.

Sasuke had still had that intimidating aura around him that makes you cower in fear. But she was not the same Sakura as before, and she will show him.

Ryuna turned around, "Mommy! Uncle Naruto!" and she run towards Sakura, raising her arms so her mom could pick her up.

The med-nin cut her staring contest with Sasuke and smiled at her daughter, relief visible on her face. She could not afford Ryuna noticing that there was 'something' happening between them. She picked her daughter up and carried her. Ryuna waved to Naruto and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

They looked like a happy family, Sasuke observed. And he's aggravated. Annoying.

"Mommy, why can't I call him Uncle Sasuke? He's also your friend right? Right, Uncle Naruto?" Ryuna asked.

"Uhm, you shouldn't Ryuna. It's not a proper way to call him like that," she looked at Sasuke who's now having a dark look. His black eyes staring at them. "You see, Uchiha Sasuke came from one of the noble clans here in Konoha," Sakura tried to explain it as subtle as possible, not even shaken by that dark look. He really hated her, didn't he? Well, sounds good. That way, he will not know about her daughter. Not a chance. "He's just like HInata,"

"So he's an important person? Like the kings and queens in the books? Like the Hotage?" the little girl asked.

"Nope," Naruto said waving his fingers, "Hokage's are higher in rank and stronger than him. Like Uncle Naruto who'll become a Hokage someday, Ryuna-chan! Anyway, you can call that guy over there Da-oof!"

Sakura had given Naruto an elbow in the stomach. She giving him I'm really going to kill you look "Errr...yeah, you can call him Mr. Uchiha instead....ouch," Naruto winced as he rubbed his stomach. Sakura had put a bit of chakra on that elbow.

Sasuke couldn't take what he's seeing. He's irritated. Many things had already happened....waking up gearing a hard-on so early in the morning, talking to a mini version of the 12-year old Sakura, had a staring war contest with Sakura for a mere 10 seconds and now seeing them like one big happy family. It just irked him.

"I'm going to train," he said to no one in particular, passed the people in the kitchen.

"Hey, Teme! Come spar with me! I'm coming with you!" Naruto said following him.

"Uh, Sasuke, we're going out too," Sakura said.

Sasuke stopped and tilted his head but didn't turn around, "Do what you want," he said then continued his stride towards the door. Naruto following him closely.

"Bye-bye Uncle Naruto, Mr. Uchiha!" Ryuna shouted as she waved her hands.

Sasuke had already exited while Naruto waved his hands when he was at the door and gave his most cheerful smile to Ryuna, "Bye Ryu-chan, see you later ok? Uncle Naruto will teach you how to become the most powerful ninja! But first I will pulverize someone's ass and beat him to pulp! Ok?" Naruto shouted then close the door. Sakura had heard Sasuke saying 'Dobe' which was obviously retaliated by Naruto and the bickering never stops.

"Naruto, watch your words!" Sakura shouted. She wasn't sure if Naruto had heard her because she could hear him shouting profanities towards the receding Uchiha.

Sakura sighed. "I guess we have to prepare to go out too, honey,"

"Where are we going mommy?"

"Looking for our own house,"


Sakura went to the Hokage Tower, towing Ryuna with her, and spoke to the Hokage about finding a new house she could buy that fits her budget. They also talked about taking her post in the Konoha hospital as soon she settled herself.

"I'm sorry about this Sakura-chan," Shizune said. "I know you just came back but we are lacking people in the hospital and we need your skills as soon as possible,"

"It's ok Shizune-sempai. I can't wait to resume my work here," Sakura said.

"But how about your daughter?" Shizune looked at Ryuna who was busy playing with Ton-ton on the far corner of the Hokage room, "who's going to take care of her?"

"Why don't you enroll her in the dorm-stay program in the academy, Sakura?" Tsunade said. "It was founded by Kurenai for mothers who are shinobi and couldn't take care of their kids. The program's main goal is to let shinobi mothers take missions or jobs without worrying of having to leave their little brats alone. This way, you can take your post in the hospital or take missions whenever you want. Trained women will take care of your daughter there. You have a lot of options on how you want this to setup,"

"Really? Kurenai-sensei had thought of that?"

"Yeah, it was based on experience with her son, Ren. The dorm was built just inside the academy's premises and Kurenai was the one who manages it now," Shizune said.

"Go and check it out today. I've already informed Kurenai yesterday that you might enroll your daughter there, so I made this endorsement," Tsunade said giving the pinkette a small scroll.

"Thank you, I'll check it out," The med-nin said tucking the scroll inside her bag.

"And Sakura-chan, about the house you're looking for, I have a lot of proposals that came in. Here," Shizune handled her a bunch of flyers and papers, "everything indicated as what you want it. All you have to do is to choose,"

"Thank you Shizune-sempai. Tsunade-sama, arigatou!" Sakura said bowing her head.

"I suggest you go and take the one in Maple district. It's the nearest to the hospital," Tsunade said, picking the reddish parchment among the stacks in Sakura's hand then pointing its location on the new Konoha map. It is near the hospital, just a few blocks away behind it and the surrounding area were owned by the Uzumaki on the west and the Uchiha on the south, as she remember it. Well, it's farther away from those two, she thought, "single-storey, two-bedrooms, everything as you described. I've told the broker to reserve this for you. But you can also check the others,"

"Okay, I'm interested because it's near in the hospital," Sakura said.

"Ok, that's it then. Settled everything today, I'm going to include you in our convoy to Suna for the upcoming Chuunin exam," Tsunade said.



The pinkette went to the Maple district first and fell in love with the new house at first sight. Ryuna likes it too. It was located in one of the most pleasant district in Konoha, most likely considering that the surrounding land area was owned by the most elite clans in Konoha. The house was made of cypress woods, steady and sturdy with a porch. Everything was already furnished inside, cabinets, chairs and beds. There was a small living room, a kitchen and two bedrooms. It was just a perfect home for her and Ryuna. Just a little touch up and it'll be a cozy home for them.

Sakura immediately paid-off the broker. She was surprised because the broker had only asked her an equivalent of twenty-five percent of the full amount. He said that it was already paid in advance by the Hokage herself. Sakura was astonished to know and just heaved a sigh and smile. The Hokage always laid her plans ahead and never ceases to surprise her. Ok then, one problem down.

It was already around noon and before that, they went to eat at Ichiraku, courtesy of Ryuna's puppy-eyed request, which of course she can't resist. Oh, I have my reason now to turn you into a pulp Naruto! Ryuna ate her ramen heartily and she discovered her daughter like the one based in shoyu*. Naruto always prefers his ramen's soup based in miso*. While eating, she told Ryuna about the stay-in program for children who'll study in the academy.

"I don't want us to separate honey but Mommy has to work for the both us. But don't worry, I'll be able to get you after shift in the hospital. The only time you'll stay in the dorm is when I have missions. Do you understand?"

"It's okay mommy, I will study hard for you! I'm okay with it, just as long as we're together. We're still in the same village, and I'm a big girl now," Ryuna said, slurping her noodles afterwards.

"I hate it when you say that," Sakura said trying to gesture like she was about to cry, pouting her mouth.

"W-Why?" Ryuna said in panic. After slurping the noodles (which she probably mimicked from Naruto and how he ate his bowl of ramen), bits and pieces of noodles stuck on the side of her mouth.

"Because I don't want my baby to grow up!" she said then picked the food bits on her face.

Ryuna didn't understand it so she just looked at her Mommy. The little girl heard the old man, Teuchi, who owns the Ichiraku ramen house laughed.

"Ah, little girls grew up so fast Sakura-chan," Teuchi said, "Just like you,"

"Sou, da yo ne*," she said, smiling.

After they ate, they went straight to the academy. This time, Ryuna was full of energy and excitement. She keeps on bouncing and so eager. This time of year, the school year had already started and Ryuna had already missed a month of the semester. They went to the Preparatory Division of the academy and saw Iruka-sensei on their way there.


"Iruka-sensei! How are you?" she excitedly said.

"I'm good, I'm good!" Iruka sheepishly answered, "When did you returned? What are you doing here?"

"Yesterday. Oh, I'm going to enroll her here," Sakura said.

"Her?" Iruka asked, wondering who she's talking about.

" Oh, my daughter," Sakura smiled. "Ryuna, introduce yourself to Iruka-sensei,"

The little girl appeared behind Sakura, take a peep at the man with a scar on his face. Iruka was surprised. He noticed that she had the same green eyes as Sakura, but her hair was black and straight.

In awe, he looked at the little girl as she stepped in front of her mother. Iruka crouched down to level himself with the girl.

"Hello, Iruka-sensei!" Ryuna smiled, "My name is Ryuna Haruno, nice to meet you!" then she bowed curtly.

It took Iruka a while to answer the little girl. He was looking intently at her, trying to register something on his mind, then he smiled back. "O-ooh, how are you Ryuna-chan?"

"I'm okay! Ne, Iruka-sensei, do you know Kashi-sensei? Does he also teach here? I like the school Iruka-sensei! Are you going to be my sensei when I study here? Or is it going to be Kashi-sensei?"

"Uhm, haha, wow, what a lot of questions, hmm first, yes, I know Kakashi, but he's not a teacher like me...and I don't think I'll be your sensei now," Iruka said, scratching his head, "I handled Genins, but you're going to be in the Prep first. When its time for you to become a Genin, I'll probably be your sensei,"

"Really?!" Ryuna excitedly answered, "Uhm, why is Kashi-sensei a Sensei when he don't teach?"

Iruka gave her smile, messed Ryuna's hair and stood up and looked at Sakura, "You have a very intelligent daughter, Sakura-chan. Just like you,"

Sakura blushed. "Thank you Iruka-sensei. Anyway, I'll go on ahead and look for Kurenai-sensei,"

"Are you going to enroll her in the stay-in program?"

"Yeah, I mean I don't want to leave her alone in the house when I'm in work or in missions. At least when she stays in the premises of the school, many will look after her. Besides, I trust my senseis here, it's also near the Hokage tower and whatever happens my trusted friends will be around to protect her and the other children," she said.

"Oh, where's your husband?"

"Err...he's, uhm...he's not around," Sakura smiled...her famous fake smile.

He noticed Sakura getting uncomfortable with the subject. She was looking around and he gets that she doesn't want to talk about the child's father. Iruka smiled. His suspicions were just answered.

He knows the father and knows him very well.

He noticed Ryuna looks very much like the Uchiha matriarch, Uchiha Mikoto. Beautiful features with soft expressions except that the little girl had peridot eyes. He remembered when he was just a kid, Mikoto was the envy of every woman in the village. She's stunning and intelligent. She was the idol of the class, a prefect. There was another one, much opposite to the prim and proper Mikoto. He only remembered two women who had made impression in the village, one is Mikoto and the other one is the red-haired habanero, Uzumaki Kushina. The two were always the talk of the village, how they were so opposite of each other yet, men were mesmerize by their loveliness. As for Mikoto, many had sought her hand for marriage but she was already betrothed to the head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku. When they married, it was the biggest wedding in Konoha. He saw Mikoto dressed in the Japanese traditional wedding dress, the ceremony held in the Uchiha temple, the Naka* shrine. She was just like a goddess then. A year after that, she gave birth to Uchiha Itachi...

His mind brought him back from the past and wondered if Uchiha Sasuke already saw the little girl and noticed the resemblance.

"Well, forget what I asked. Kurenai-sensei is in that building," Iruka said pointing at the building on his right side. "bye now, I still need to attend my class, bye Ryuna-chan!"

"Thank you Iruka-sensei," Sakura said, giving Iruka a 'thank you for not probing further' kind of smile. She had a hint that Iruka sensei sensed something towards her daughter and might know about her real identity. She now wonders if Sasuke have some sort of sense like that towards his own daughter. Probably not, he hadn't noticed anything yet, which she thought was a good thing. They must move on to their new house today!

She reached the building and found Kurenai on her office. She had talked to Kurenai sensei and provided her the endorsement scroll the Godaime had given her. Kurenai, too had that awe in her face when she saw Ryuna, and smiled. Sakura had understood that her little girl is indeed a walking ghost of the past...her obvious feature...being an Uchiha.

She now wonders if Sasuke was just an idiot for not noticing anything, or he just simply denied the facts.

If it's the latter, it sure hurts a lot now.

Kurenai-sensei and Sakura were still talking when someone, a boy at around age eight, knocked on the door and came in.

"Ah, Ren. Just the right timing. Sakura, I want you to meet my son, Ren. Ren this is Sakura and the pretty little girl sitting there is Ryuna," Kurenai said.

Ren, Asuma and Kurenai's fruit of love, blushed and bowed, "H-Hello, I'm Ren Sarutobi,"

"Oh my, he's so big now!" Sakura said.

Kurenai smiled, "Deshou? He's in a Genin class now and he takes care of me. He's very reliable y'know,"


"And shy. He'll never get a girlfriend because of that attitude," Kurenai sighed, as if she just encountered the biggest problem in her life. Ren blushed more profusely now.

"Haha-ue..." Ren said who looks like he was about to cry. Sakura giggled.

Sakura stopped giggling. Wait, you're son's just a kid and you're having problems with him not getting a girlfriend???

Sometimes Kurenai-sensei was weird.

"Hai~ Hai, I'll stop. Ren, I want you to tour Ryuna-chan around the Prep Division and the dorm. She just came here and she just enrolled so I want you to take care of her okay? Make her feel at home because from starting next week, she'll stay in the dorm with us,"

"O-okay," Ren answered, scratching his head. He looked at the little girl, sitting quietly at the chair on the left side of the room. Whoa...she's pretty.

Ryuna looked at Ren with curiosity and when the boy who had just entered the room, teased by his mother then blushing like a tomato, looked at him, she gave him a smile. He blushed even more. Ren approached her.

"H-Hello, I-I'm Ren Sarutobi," he said.

Ryuna get off from the chair and stood. He just reached around Ren's chest. "My name's Ryuna Haruno! I'll be five on my birthday! You?"


"You're a Genin?"

"Y-Yeah, I am...going to be one soon," Ren's eyes focused on the frames hanging on the wall, blushing again. The kid is sure talkative, he thought.

"Where is your h-hitate??"

"You mean hitaite? I still don't have it, I need to graduate first," Ren answered, noticing that the little girl still stammers on her words. Baby, he thought.

"Will I get one too? I wanted to wear one, just like Mommy and Uncle Naruto,"

"You knew the village hero? The legendary Uzumaki Naruto-sama?!" Ren suddenly went excited. He looked up to Naruto that much. The blond Jinchuuriki is a living legend and he's everyone's inspiration in the academy right now. Who doesn't know the history of the 4th Ninja war? The amazing jutsu of Uzumaki Naruto, the awesome combo attack with Uchiha Sasuke? How someone who just came from the village could knew of such an important person? "Wait, Naruto-sama is your Uncle?"

"Yup," Ryuna smiled, "he said he's going to teach how to become an awesome ninja when he finished kicking someone's butt,"

Kurenai tried to suppress a laugh but it went out no matter how much she controlled it. Sakura on the other hand was murdering Naruto on her head. Both of them were listening on the two children but they didn't notice it.

"You're lying. The great Naruto-sama doesn't teach girls," Ren said.

"I don't lie! Mommy and Uncle Naruto said it is bad when you lie!" Ryuna said pouting and drawing her brows together.

"Ok, kids, stop it now," Kurenai got their attention, "Ren, go now and tour Ryuna-chan around," Kurenai said. "And no arguments along the way,"

Ren sighed. "Ok, let's go," he said seriously then walked towards the door. Ryuna followed him but stopped and went to her mom.

"Mom, he thinks I'm lying. What should I do?" she whispered.

"Bring Uncle Naruto in the school," Kurenai whispered back, winking on little Ryuna, "That'll shut his mouth," she said looking at Ren who's waiting at the door.

"Hmn, okay. Mom, can you call Uncle Naruto and ask him to come here?" Ryuna plead to her mom.

Uhg, Naruto I'm really going to murder you! "Sure honey, I'll ask Uncle Naruto," she whispered back to her daughter smiling, but secretly gritted her teeth.

Ryuna smiled again. If one thing Sakura can't handle was making Ryuna sad. Ryuna kissed her cheek and run off towards Ren. The boy closed the door.

"I'm sorry about that Sakura-chan. My little boy really looked up to Naruto and Sasuke. We can't take a hold of Naruto these months because of the upcoming Chuunin exam in Suna. The Hokage relies on him very much, as if she was starting to handle him the roles of Hokage,"

"Oh, it's not much Kurenai-sensei. Naruto just came back from the mission this morning, and he's probably sparring and training with Sasuke now. Probably they're in the Training Ground 3,"

"Really...so...Team 7 is back? A reunion?" she said, smile crossed her face.

"Kind of," the pinkette smiled, "literally, but Team 7 is a past now,"

"Team 7, Team Kakashi...it doesn't matter, what's important is...you're all back. Welcome home, Sakura-chan!"

The med-nin blushed with happiness, "Thank you Kurenai-sensei. I'm home!"


While Ren was touring little Ryuna around the dorm and the Prep Division of the academy, Sakura went to Training Ground 3 where she found Naruto and Sasuke still having their spar. Both were so serious they didn't notice her. Each was sporting with bruises and gash. She sighed. It was like she had returned back time when they were still Genins.

"Yo," she heard that familiar baritone voice. She looked up and saw Kakashi perched on the branch of the tree she was leaning on.

"Kakashi-sensei! I thought you were in a mission? When did you come back?"

"Oh just this noon. I heard that you returned today so I immediately returned home to see my favorite female student and her cute little daughter. Also found out that Naruto was back from Suna and it's a routine that you'll find them here, killing each other always," he said crinkling his visible eye.

"Yeah, right," Sakura chuckled.

"This brings so much memory isn't it?" Kakashi said after a long silence, both of them still looking at the two men throwing shurikens and kunais and exchanging blows to each other.

"It is, them always sparring, you always in the tree reading your porn book, and me...always looking at them,"

"Oh, Am I hearing sarcasm in there?"

"Nope, I'm just stating the boring facts from the past. Not in the present. I don't plan to catch with them anymore. I'm happy where I am now, in my own way," she said, her eyes following the movement, then she looked at Kakashi, "I have my daughter to take care of more than anything else in this world,"

Kakashi smiled.

Meanwhile, in the southern main gate, a certain red-haired girl reached the village's premises. She adjusted her red-rimmed glasses and put down her travelling bag..

"I'm just so glad I'm finally back!" the red-haired girl said as she stretched her arms in the air.

"Yo, welcome back, Four-Eyes," greeted Suigetsu.

Karin is back in Konoha.

"Back off shark-face! You're not the one I wanted to see the first thing when I come back here. Where is my Sasuke-kun?"

"Your Sasuke? When did he become yo--?" Suigetsu's head turned to water when Karin smashed it with a baseball bat.

"Shut it---" she paused. "Oh he's here alright,' she said giddily. But paused. What is that chakra?

"Hey shark-face, did someone returned or come in the village?" she said seriously trying to sense the chakra she felt. It's faint but she's so familiar with it. It's the same as Sasuke's but not like him at the same time. Who is it?

"Err, yeah? A lot of people coming in out of the village because of the festival,"

"I'm not asking about a lot of people, you idiot! Anyone you knew?" she shouted.

"Hm, yeah. Aside from Naruto and Kakashi I saw earlier, the pretty girl in Sasuke's team before have already returned. Sakura-chan just returned yesterday,"

Karin went silent. Pinky have already returned? She sensed her chakra alright. But she was curious on the new signature she had sensed. Who was it? She set it aside, right now she wanted to see Sasuke.

"Bring this to the Hokage," she threw the bag towards Suigetsu, "I'll report later. I'm going to see my Sasuke first,"

"As I've said, when did he become-" he couldn't finish his words again because Karin had throw him a large stone in the face and he automatically turns into water. When Suigetsu revert to his old self, he saw Karin walking towards the Training Grounds.

Oh, there's going to be an exciting event happening soon, Suigetsu thought.


TBC: 10.29.2013

Notes*: I missed some notes from Chapter 20.

Inari - I put Inori from the previous chapter. It should be Inari. He's Tazuna's (the one who built the Great Naruto Bridge) grandson from the Land of Waves.

Tsukimi - literally moon-viewing, refers to Japanese festivals honoring the autumn moon.


Notes*: for this chapter

Shoyu - soy sauce based ramen.

Miso - is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting rice, barley, and/or soybeans with salt and the fungus kōjikin (麹菌?), the most typical miso being made with soy.

Naka shrine - The Naka Shrine (Naka no Jinja; Literally meaning "Shinto Shrine of Southern Joy") is a shrine in Konohagakure located in the land owned by the Uchiha. In the main hall, beneath the seventh tatami mat from the far right, is a secret meeting place of the Uchiha clan. In there, is a tablet containing the clan's secrets and can only be read with specific dojutsu. The Rinnegan is able to decipher more of the tablet than the Sharingan and the Mangekyo Sharingan are able to. Recorded there are the secrets of the Mangekyo Sharingan, the story of the Sage of the Six Paths and the Ten-Tails, as well as the secrets of Madara Uchiha's body.

Haha-ue - mother, denotes the highest level of respect.

Sou, da yo ne - literally means "yes, you're right"

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