Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #W...

By NatalyCanez

440K 13.9K 4.6K

They were like Romeo and Juliet; fated to fall in love or maybe...just fated to fall. Cover made by: @JonasKr... More

Introduction/ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
*The Fanfiction Awards 2016*
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Important Questions!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Playlist and Song Suggestions
Thoughts and Important Info
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
I Need To Say This
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69.
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
The End
The Fanfiction Awards 2018

Chapter 38

3.9K 142 44
By NatalyCanez

Ryder's POV

"Awe come on guys." The grey suited man complains, once more. "Why do you love making things hard for yourselves? Didn't I just say we only wanted one thing then we would be out of here?"

"But...I guess you just love us being the bad guys don't you?" He asks as I hear a gun click into place. "Fine." He says before a bang rang out, the crowd screams and I peek over where the shot went off to, seeing a man fall onto his side a couple of tables away. My eyes widen.

"Mitchell! Styles!" The man calls out. "There is another body, is that what you wanted?"

He knows they are here!

Instinctively, I look over at Harry who clenched his jaw and I could see him trying to weigh out on what to do next. My heart stops completely when Harry looks over at my dad before he stands up, leaving his gun on the floor.

What the hell is he doing? I think I just died on the spot.

Shawn holds me back as I try to peek up higher over the top of the table. The masked man turns his head at the sight of Harry and laughs.

"Why is it that they always send the rats in before the actual important people?"

Harry is important!

"But that's fine." The man shrugs. "Mitchell, you know why I'm here for, if I don't get it by the time I count to three...he is dead."


I turn to look at my dad and he is already looking at me, guilt and worry clouding his eyes.

What does that man want?

"One..." The man counts. I look back over at him and see him raising his gun up at Harry. My lips part.


Dad do something!

My heart spikes up in panic as I remove Shawn's hand off my arm.

"No, Ryder-"


"No, don't!" I yell in panic as I stood up, moving around the table. Harry's head snaps towards me at the sound of my voice, his eyes practically popping out of their sockets.

"Ohh...well look who it is." The man says smiling at me, still keeping his gun pointing towards Harry.

"It's the little princess." He teases. "I don't-"

Using that the man is now distracted, Harry immediately steps forward, grabbing the barrel of the gun with one hand while stepping slightly to the side out of bullet range, at the same time his other hand slams into the inside of the man's elbow making him cry out in pain. The man loosens his grip on the gun and Harry immediately takes it away from him swiftly pointing the gun at him.

"Ryder!" Shawn calls out.

"Ah!" I scream suddenly feeling an arm wrap around me, across my chest as the hand roughly grabbed onto my jaw, while the cool barrel of a gun was pressed to my temple.

"Don't even think about it." My dad says in a hard low voice.

I flicker my eyes over to him, his gun locked on the guy that was holding me. I look over at Harry who kept his stare at the man in front of him, who held his hands up in surrender.

"Let her go or I will shot him." Harry says, his finger trailing over the trigger of his gun.

"Go ahead, and I will have a bullet through her head right after." The man behind me says in a cool voice. Faintly, I see Harry's shoulders sag a little in defeat, still standing in defense.

"Put down you're guns or I will shoot her." The man says right by my ear, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Do it!" He orders making me jump, my hands reaching up to tug against his grip, but it was no use as he presses my back into his chest.

Harry lips tug into a hard line before reluctantly easing out of his stance then moving to set the gun down on the floor. I divert my eyes to my dad seeing him doing the same.

"Good." The other man says, leaning down picking his gun up from the floor.

Well this didn't work out the way I thought it would.

"Mitchell, you really disappoint me." The man says shaking his head.

Who the hell is this guy?

"Well, I guess your daughter will have to do." He adds, with a shrug, making my throat dry.

Harry eyes flicker over to me as his lips part. I jerk back, feeling the man's mouth practically tracing along my bare shoulder.

"Hmm, she sure is beautiful." He purrs.

I swallow, briefly closing my eyes, when I open them I see Harry fist his hands at his sides before taking a step towards us, charging at the man. My eyes widen when the same man that held me, raised his gun sending a bullet flying towards him.

"Ahh!" Harry cries out, coming to unexpected stop before falling onto the floor.

"Harry!" I scream stepping forward to go to him but the man's grip tightened around me. I groan and wiggle against his grip as tears pooled in my eyes.

James' POV

My heart stops completely as Harry falls onto the floor. Ignoring the fact the I could get shot as well, I run over to him. I may be hesitate about him dating my daughter but that does not mean I want him dead. He is a good kid, it's just the people he knows that worries me.

"Ah." Harry groans rolling into his back, clutching onto the upper left of his chest and shoulder area, blood quickly staining his fingers. I reach down, removing his hand, pressing both of mine down on the wound.

"Don't you dare follow us or we will shoot her on the spot." The man in front of us ordered me and my eyes flicker over to Ryder.

"No! Get off me!" She screams, fighting against the man's grip, and her screams stabs knives into my heart. I so desperately want to fight for her but if I do I will lose whatever chance I have to get her back. I won't be able to save her if she's dead.

"Let me go!" She cries, as they began to walk out the door. "Harry! Harry!"

Harry coughs, I look down seeing him wince as he turns his head.

"I'll get you back!" Harry screams, while clenching his teeth in pain. "I promise!"

"No! Get off me! Harry!" She sobs as they pull her out of sight down the hall. I sniff, as tears fell down my cheek.

"Move." Shawn harshly orders me shoving me to the side, kneeling down beside me before ripping Harry's shirt open going into doctor mode.

"Call a damn ambulance. Let's see if you're good for that." He snaps and ignoring the anger in his words, I do as told taking out my cellphone.

Ryder's POV

I let out a small whimper as I was harshly shoved into the back of a van. One of the two men reaches in taking hold of my hands, trying to tie them with a rope while the other places a sack over my head. I cry and try to pull against him, trying to fight my way out but not for my sake; I need to know what happened to Harry.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's go." One of them orders and I feel the van shake beneath me before the door loudly slides shut.

After a moment, I hear them climb into the front before the van turns on and as the car starts to move my mind creeps into the worse possible scenario of what could have happened to Harry. Leaning back in defeat against the cool side of the car, I sob letting my head sag forward, feeling my heart break into millions of pieces.

I was just with Harry and now he is out of reach again, but now possibly... forever.

Harry's POV

When I surface out of my darkness, I am blinded by a trail of light above me. I blink, my vision still slightly blurry as I slowly process what just happened. I feel myself moving fast but I'm not doing anything at all.

"He has lost a lot of blood," I hear a voice say, possibly right beside me but it sounded so far away. Everything around me sounded so distant, like I was underwater.

"Keep holding pressure onto his wound." Another interjects.

"Hey, Harry?" Another voice speaks as I just managed to close my eyes.

I try to reply, a very quiet hum sounding from my throat as I lazily try to open my heavy eyes. Turning my head a little to the side, I barely manage to see Shawn hovering above me and just his face alone brings my mind back to the most important person that I lost.


I frown, drowning out everything around me as I playback Ryder's panicked voice in my head, her words practically begging for mercy for them to let her go, for me to save her but I couldn't. I couldn't save her just like I couldn't save...

My eyes droop closed and I feel a hand gently grasp the side of my face.

"Harry? Harry, can you hear me?" I hear Shawn ask a very quiet voice.

I try to answer but my mouth just won't do as told. I feel one of my eyelids gently being opened before I am blinded by a light as my vision blurs, before doing the same to the other. I blink my eyes, half open as I look up, everything suddenly becoming cloudy and distorted as I begin to hear faint ringing in my ears making the already impossible to hear voices more impossible to hear.

Ryder, oh my beautiful princess. What could they be doing to her? Where could they have taken her? I have to find her, I promised... I can't break my promise. I...can't...

"He's vitals are dropping. He is going into shock."

"Get him to the O.R. stat!" I hear a last voice say before all of my surroundings die down into silence and darkness.

Ryder's POV

I wince as I am roughly shoved into a metal chair, my arms tied with a thick rope to the sides of my body. My hands were tied together with something hard like plastic that pinches into my skin every time I move them, as they rest on my lap, my ankles tied together making it impossible to separate my legs.

I blink, momentarily blinded by the bright light above me as the sack was suddenly yanked off my head. As my vision focuses I am met with a wicked triumphant smile but one that I knew so well, one that used to make me weak at the knees.


"Hey, sweetie." He smiles, dressed in a pressed down suit. "It's nice to see you again."

I shake my head. "W-what are you doing Evan?"

"Nathan." He mutters.

"What?" I blink.

"Nathan, that's my name." He says rolling his eyes.


"But you-"

"I know." He interrupts. "People are not always who they say they are."

"W-what do you want? Why a-are you doing this?" I stutter, looking up into his chilled blue eyes.

"A lot of reasons." He answers. "Your dad still owes me the money he promised and as a bonus I'm making my brother pissed."

"B-brother?" I murmur.

"Harry." He smiles. "He is my little brother." My eyes widen.

No, no this can't be true. Harry did mention a brother but he hasn't seen him in years.

"So? Do you like the place?" He asks and I take in this moment to quickly scan my eyes around the dark abandoned warehouse.

The space was large but mostly vacant, only a few boxes piled on the far wall and a couple of tools hung and spread out on the walls and floor here and there. There was an old broken down car not to far from us and when I turn my head my eyes widen seeing a German Shepard tied to a metal post, a metal bowl filled with water at it's side.

"Oh, that's Mack." Nathan says, noticing that I was starting at the huge broad creature on four legs. "He's here to keep you company for when I'm gone."

I swallow as chills runs down my spine, causing goosebumps to rise all over my skin and I have no idea if it's because of my fear or the gust of wind blowing through an opening somewhere.

"Now, normally this would be the time I usually call one of your loved ones to let you know your alright." He trails, as he slowly moves around me, eyeing me like a hungry panther. "But things are different with you."

My chest rose and fell heavily with scary, torture anticipation as I hear the faint click of his shoes echo off the creaky floor beneath us, while he moves behind me.

"Ah! N-" I start to scream as he suddenly shoves a cloth into my mouth, muffling out my scream.

My teeth bite into the cloth as I lean my body forward trying to keep Nathan from tying it around my mouth but he gives my hair a hard tug, pulling my head back. I wince as he fights against me and ties a knot at the back of my head.

"Don't fight against me or you'll only make things worse." He says pressing his hand on the back of my head, giving it a harsh shove. I whimper.

"So, baby, have you missed me?" He asks, sarcastically, placing his cool hands on my shoulders. I shake my head, swallowing the saliva that was building with the cloth in my mouth.

"Really? Cause I sure have missed you." He says, his lips grazing my ear and I jerk away closing my eyes.

"Especially with your beautiful breasts trust up by this dress." He says, practically growling at me.

His large rough hands roam down my shoulders to my upper arm before one of his hand reach down and allow his index finger to slowly trace the swollen parts of my chest that was peeking through the top of the corset; his finger going over around one before dipping slightly into the middle valley before trailing back up to the other.

Tears run silently down my cheeks as I close my eyes, hearing Nathan hum appreciatively into my ear, the breath of his nose tickling the base of my jaw making me squirm. Vaguely, I am reminded of the other guy that was with him but feeling highly thankful that he wasn't here cause if this is going where I think it is, I couldn't bare it.

"Did you get my text earlier?" He ask, his voice soft and husky. My eyes spring open.

That was him!

"You gave me a mighty fine show, baby. I actually forgot how great you look in your underwear." He says and I curse at myself for not paying too much attention on the message earlier.

And to think there was a point where I actually loved this man. Oh my gosh... I'm dating his brother now, can't I look anymore like a hoe?

"You know it does get me very angry that you are now dating my brother." Nathan says and I feel him press a kiss on my shoulder.

I whimper when he suddenly grasps me, lifting me off the chair and if it wasn't for him holding me I would have fallen straight on my face. I jump at the sudden metal crash of the chair being pushed down onto the floor behind me, making the dog let out a loud bark at the noise.

"But you have had me so turned on since this morning that I forgive you...sort of." He says placing a kiss on my neck. "And since you were so upset about me leaving you before, why won't I make it up to you and have a bit of fun before we call your boy?"

Bile quickly rises in my throat as his words.

"You were such a good fuck before," He says seductively as he brushes his lips along my neck, wrapping his arms around me. My body shakes as I cry when he pulls me back against him feeling his erection on my back side. "Let's see if you still are."

I let out a muffled scream as he suddenly shoves me onto the floor making me land on my side, I wince at the hard blow as I feel him reach down and grab my feet. After a second, I feel my ankles break out of their tight hold.

"I can't take you with your legs closed." He states as his hand rests on my hip turning me into my back.

Please, please no.

I shake my head, letting out muffled protests as his hands swiftly move to undo the front of his pants before he kneels and hovers over me. I close my eyes as he leans down, grasping the side of my jaw turning my head to get better asses to my neck. I begin to cry loudly, my body wiggling beneath him and I pray that this is just a nightmare, that Harry will soon wake me and I will be safe and sound next to him on his soft large bed. But, as I feel his other hand grasp the material of my dress hiking it up my lower body I realize that it isn't.

Despite of my crying and will to fight, as Nathan's greedy rough hands and lips begin to mark and grope at my body, all I could think about was Harry and if he was alive or not and if he was, then who was taking care of him.

Oh please let him be okay. Please God, please.

Harry's POV

My throat is painfully dry pulling me out of my slumber. Slowly opening my eyes, they sting at the sudden brightness bouncing in the white room and it takes me a few seconds to adjust. The first thing that my body registers is pain, pain slowly coming back to me as the seconds tick on by, making me groan as I try to shift a little in bed.

I'm at the hospital...again.

"Hey, kid." I turn my head and see James sitting in a chair beside my bed.

His black tie hung undone around his neck, his eyes puffy and red from crying. He look exhausted and I'm pretty sure I look a whole hell a lot worse.

"J-James?" I croak. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't leave you alone not after literally taking a bullet for my daughter."


"Don't worry." He says leaning over placing his hand on my lower arm. "We'll find her."

The door clicks open and I glance up seeing Shawn dressed in a white coat, with pens in the chest pocket along with his name tag; a clipboard held in his hand.

How is it bloody possible that I have almost every member of the Mitchell family by my side but not the most important and beautiful one?

"Hey, Harry." Shawn says closing the door behind him. "How are you feeling?"

"Thirsty, sad and my body feels a bit painful." I reply, my voice airy and dry.

"Dad, could you give him some water?" He asks and James immediately stands and pour water from a clear pitcher into a small cup with a straw on the bedside table.

"Just little sips at a time." Shawn instructs as James holds the cup in front of me angling the straw into my mouth and I take a very welcome sip.

"Thanks." I mutter as James places the cup back on the table.

"The morphine should start kicking in now." Shawn says standing by my IV stand.

I nod. "So what happened? How bad am I?"

"Well..." Shawn sighs, taking his clipboard out from underneath his shoulder, filling the metal slate on top open. "You lost a lot of blood, you got shot very close to the heart, it's a miracle you did not die on the spot." He mutters sadly.

"I had a bit of trouble taking out the bullet and managing to stitch you back up but it was possible." He nods, writing something down on the clipboard. "But you still need to take it easy."

I blink at him, scowling." Are you joking?"

Shawn's eyes flicker up to me before he lowers his hands down with his clipboard and pen giving me his undivided attention.

"No, Harry. I am not joking." He replies sternly, shaking his head.

"Your sister has just been kidnapped and your asking me to just sit here and do nothing? Well fuck, that." I grumble, sitting up, wincing at the pain on my left side chest region.

"Hey, hey. No, Harry." Shawn says gently pushing my back down by my shoulders. "You have to stay put or you will open your stitches and bleed to death this time."

"I'd rather die trying in finding your sister then sit back and let them do God knows what to her." I scowl.

I am not letting her die on my hands.

"Harry, please." James interjects. "Take it easy, I don't want your life on the line too."

"Oh now, you care." I snap. "Last time I checked you were taking punches at my jaw."

James sighs, briefly closing his eyes. "I know. I was wrong, but please just take it easy for now. I have Peter and the team patrolling around the area for any sign of her."

I shake my head. "I can't just sit here!" I fight back.

"Yes, you can and you will!" He orders.

"Fuck you. I don't take orders from you anymore." I say narrowing my eyes at him, before pushing the sheets off my body, proceeding to sit up.

"Harry, stay still!" Shawn scowls pushing me down. "Dad, help me."

James quickly stands and holds me down but I lift my arms up, trying to shove him away, ignoring the sting of pain radiating up my shoulder.

"No, get off me!" I scowl as the beeping on my monitor sudden spikes up but I don't care."I have to find her! Stop, get off!"

"Harry, quit it! You're going to open your stitches!" Shawn says grasping my left arm, holding it down.

"I don't' care!" I scowl at him.

Please I have to find her. She needs me.

"Harry, you are no use to my daughter if you are dead." James interjects calmly.

I wince feeling a sudden pinch on my left arm when I turn over to Shawn, he is taking a needle of a thin syringe out of my arm.

"What did you do? Did you just drug me?"I ask, as he releases me placing the cap back on the needle before tossing it into the trash.

"Yes, you need to sleep. You're putting yourself in danger by thrashing around so much." He replies as James finally releases his grip on me.

"But she needs me." I whimper, letting my head fall back in surrender on the pillow. Shawn frowns.

"I know, but you need to rest." He says before turning around. I watch him with hazy eyes as he waves his dad to follow him.

"See you later, kid." He says before following Shawn out and as the door closes, my eyes flutter shut.

Author's Note:

Hello! Double updated just cause I love you all sooooooooo much!!! Hope you liked it!!! Xx 

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