The Secret Life // A Shawn Hu...

By ThatGrungeWriter

214K 3.8K 373

A new girl named Jasmine Clayton attends John Adams High School and Shawn falls instantly in love with her th... More

One ➵ J. C
Two ➵ J. C
Three ➵ S. H
Four ➵ J. C
Five ➵ S. H
Six ➵ J. C
Seven ➵ J. C
eight ➵ Both
Ten ➵ Both
Eleven ➵ J. C
Twelve ➵ S. H
Thirteen ➵ both
Fourteen ➵ J. C
Fifteen ➵ S. H
Sixteen ➵ J. C
Seventeen ➵ both
Eighteen ➵ T. L
Nineteen ➵ C. M
Twenty ➵ both
Twenty-one ➵ Both
Twenty-Two ➵ both
Twenty - Three ➵ S. H
Twenty-four ➵ multipov
Twenty-Five ➵ both
Twenty-six ➵ S. H
Twenty-seven ➵ Both
Twenty - eight ➵ S. H
Twenty-Nine ➵ J. C
Thirty ➵ Multipov
Thirty-one ➵ The Hunters P.O.V
Thirty-two ➵ J. C
Thirty-Three ➵ S. H
Thirty-four ➵ multipov
Thirty-Five ➵ J. C
Thirty-six ➵ multipov
Thirty-seven ➵ both
Thirty-eight ➵ Multipov
Thirty-nine ➵ J. C
Forty ➵ J. C
Forty-one ➵ S. H
Forty-two ➵ multipov
Forty-three ➵ S. H
Forty-four ➵ both
↠ᴘᴀʀᴛ ϟ ᴛᴡᴏ↞
Forty-seven ➵ J. C
Forty-eight ➵ J. C
Forty-nine ➵ S. H
Fifty ➵ both
Fifty-one ➵ both
Fifty-two ➵ J. C.
Fifty-three ➵ both
Fifty-Four ➵ Both
Fifty-five ➵ both
Fifty-six ➵ both
Fifty-seven ➵ both
Fifty-eight ➵ both
Fifty-nine ➵ Both
Sixty ➵ J. C.
Sixty-one ➵ S. H
Sixty-Two ➵ Both
Sixty-three ➵ multipov
Sixty-four ➳ both
author's note

Nine ➵ J. C

6.3K 137 10
By ThatGrungeWriter

The next day Topanga wouldn't stop bothering me with a thousand questions. Examples were:
"So? Did you and Shawn enjoy your date?"
"How was it?"
"Did you kiss?"
"Yes, wonderful, and yes. Three times. One at the booth, one outside the restaurant, and one before I went home." I said, gossiping to her.
"Really? That's great. May I ask another question?" Topanga asked me.
"Sure, what?" I wondered, as I was trying to my locker.
"Are you guys, you know.... Official?" She said, as she was trying to find the words to describe our current relationship.
"You know what.. I actually don't know." I admitted. He didn't ask to be my boyfriend either. Just a date.
That thought pranced around in my mind. I also thought back to when the stuck ups were informed me how many girls he went out with every single day.
But it couldn't be, could it?
I doubted it.
Speaking of Shawn, he went to the lockers to meet us along with Cory.
"Hey Jasmine." Shawn greeted me right away, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
"Hey. Shawn, I have a question." I asked him, pulling him aside so we could talk in private.
"What is it?" He whispered.
"Are we officially... A thing?" I wondered.
"Do you want to?" He asked me. I bit my upper lip, thinking. He would be my first boyfriend. Not to mention yesterday Shawn was my "first" kiss.
"Sure." I said to him.
"Well, alright then. In that case..." He wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me, until the principal- I guess Mr. Feeny was his name- interrupted us.
"No PTA on school grounds, Mr. Hunter." Mr. Feeny disproved, and Shawn pulled away, sighing.
"That's not fair." He groaned, but Mr. Feeny just flashed him an oh-well-that's-the-rules look. He eventually walked away, which left Shawn and I gaining back our moment alone.
He got a hold of both my hands, grinning.
"So, I was wondering, if you maybe wanted to come over to my trailer at the trailer park today?" He asked me.
"I'd like to." I answered simply. He appeared to be astonished at my response, and happy at the same time.
"Really? That's great. I'll meet you after school at the lockers. Sound okay?"
I nodded my head yes, and before the bell rang, he kissed me on the cheek again.
Then when the bell rang, we headed to our class.
After school was done, I went out of my 7th hour class to find Shawn staring at the lockers. Once he saw me, he smiled right away.
"Ready to go? Do you need anything before we go?" He wondered.
I shook my head no, and he just nodded.
He led me the entire way there, and once we arrived, I noticed how the trailer parks looked so alike. They had the same size, and shape even. It reminded me of a neighborhood, but not in a rural community.
Shawn got a key from out of his pocket, and slipped it into the keyhole of the door knob. He opened the door, which was unlocked. I glanced around the trailer, seeing a small dining room and kitchen, as well as the living room.
"My dad's at work, and I don't know where my mom is. Probably chatting with some of the neighbors. But anyway, this is my trashy trailer. I know." Shawn says, seeming disappointed. I got a hold of his hand again, holding it tightly.
He glanced at me, his eyes lighting up.
"I don't think it's trashy. I think your trailer park looks amazing." I whispered to him. He formed a smile, and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Thank you." He murmured, as he lifted my chin. He studied me for a little while, until he pecked me on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, securing our kiss. He pulled away eventually, and he just smiled.
"So, are you hungry?" He asked me.
"Yeah, a little." I admitted, realizing I was starving. He went to the fridge, and pulled out a carton of orange juice. He got a couple glasses from the cupboard, pouring the orange juice into the glasses.
"Here you go." He says, handing me one  of the glasses orange juice.
He opened the fridge again, browsing through the shelves. He opens the freezer shortly after, he pulled out a box of pizza rolls.
"You can go ahead and sit down Jas. I got it here." Shawn insisted, and I nodded. I headed to one of the chairs, and I decided to turn on the tv. It turns out, reruns of the Simpsons were on.
Shawn eventually came back with the pizza rolls, and had a bag of chips along with it. I was shocked he didn't put them in a bowl, but hey, it was still chips. He caught a sign of me looking shocked, and he just grinned nervously.
"You know, my dad always says, the dishes? Who are you trying to impress?"
"It's okay Shawn. You don't need to impress me." I insisted, and he looked at me, stumped.
"What do you mean?"
"It's just you, you impress me with the way you are. You're different than any other guy I met, and that's a good thing." I responded, and he smiled.
"I never really gotten that compliment before." He admitted, biting his bottom lip. He seemed upset about something.
He leaned in closer to me, and kissed me on the lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. This deepened our kiss. I could tell as we kissed for the past five minutes, he didn't want to let go.
And I didn't want to either.
We spent a couple hours at his trailer. Since it was getting late, Shawn offered to walk me home. I decided to accept.
I allowed him to walk me home, and we were only at my front doorstep.
"Are you going to let me inside?" Shawn wondered.
"My dad is home." I excused.
"So? We could just sneak through your window-"
"Shawn, maybe some other time." I insisted to him. His face fell, and sighed.
"One day I'm going to sneak through that window of yours." Shawn promised me, smirking. I nodded, looking down at my feet.
"How about a goodbye kiss?" He asked me, puckering his lips out for me to kiss him; which I did.
We kissed for a couple minutes, til I came inside. I looked back at Shawn again, who wouldn't lay his eyes off of me.
When I walked in, a sense of fear came to abrupt me. It was deepening as I took small, baby steps inside the house. Right away, I saw that my dad was home. Luckily, his rambunctious friends weren't here.
I guess I shouldn't say lucky though.
"Where the hell were you?" My dad bellowed, before I could sneak up the stairs. I was shaking even more now, and my stomach flipped upside down. I felt as if I was about to throw up.
I really hoped Shawn wasn't nearby still.
Before I could try to escape him, he yanked a hold of my arm.
"I asked you a question dammit!" He let me go, throwing a beer bottle over at me. I tried to rush up the stairs but he got a hold of me again.
"Since you won't fess up, I'm doing this." He pulled me by the hair over to the chair, making me sit down.
Suddenly, I knew what was coming.
I got the belt. I got whipped hard by it, right at my back. I couldn't yelp, however.
I didn't want the whole neighborhood to hear. Especially, least of all, Shawn.
Authors note:
Sorry for the last scene here. :(
Trust me, it won't happen for long. It all fits with the storyline perfectly.

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