Nature ⇝ Luke Hemmings [2] ✓

By asdflkjhg5sos

52.5K 4.8K 3.4K


warnings and description
nature : chapter one
nature : chapter two
nature : chapter four
nature : chapter five
nature : chapter six (+)
nature : chapter seven
nature : chapter eight
nature : chapter nine
nature : chapter ten
nature : chapter eleven
nature : chapter twelve
nature : chapter thirteen
nature : chapter fourteen
nature : chapter fifteen
nature : chapter sixteen
nature : chapter seventeen
nature : chapter eighteen
nature : chapter nineteen
nature : chapter twenty
nature : chapter twenty-one
nature : chapter twenty-two
nature : chapter twenty-three
nature : chapter twenty-four
nature : chapter twenty-five (+)
nature : chapter twenty-six
nature : chapter twenty-seven
nature : chapter twenty-eight (+)
nature : chapter twenty-nine
nature : chapter thirty
nature : chapter thirty-one
nature : chapter thirty-two
nature : chapter thirty-three
nature : chapter thirty-four
nature : chapter thirty-five
nature : chapter thirty-six (+)
nature : chapter thirty-seven
ruke books

nature : chapter three

1.4K 138 146
By asdflkjhg5sos

lil smutty but not??

30+ comments pls and 50+ votes

above Cole Sprouse will play Matt in this


Luke opened the back door of the car, seeing Cory pouting himself. "Come on, Cor."


Luke sighed and leaned in, taking off the seatbelt before he picked Cory up, throwing his son over his shoulder. "Cory I'm not arguing with you tonight, I have to go out."

Cory slumped against his dad, giving in easily, he loved his dad too much to have Luke be mad at him. He let Luke walk him to his grandma and granddads front door, knocking. "I'll get your bag," he said putting Cory down, "stay here."

Luke walked back to the car as the front door opened and Cory looked up to see granddad Andy and smiled, "granddad!"

Andrew grinned, leaning down to pick Cory up. "Hey kid."

Luke came back with Cory's back and his toy, "be good please?" Luke asked his son.

Cory nodded, "I'll be good, are you getting me tomorrow?"

"Grandma is taking you to school but I'll pick you up, alright?" Luke said and Cory nodded before he leaned towards Luke and luke quickly kissed his cheek. "Love you baby."

"Love you too daddy."

Luke smiled and handed his dad the bag before he walked back to the car and got in the drivers seat, waving to his dad and son as he drove away to Ashton and Michael's house.

Ashton hadn't moved house since he'd divorced Reece, so it still had all the kids rooms and the only difference was someone else was sharing a bed with Ashton.

Luke arrived at the large house, before getting out and going to the front door. He knocked and straightened out his black button up as Ashton answered. "Hey Luke."

"Hey." Luke followed Ashton inside and shut the door behind him. "Who's here?"

"Work colleagues, I'll introduce them to you, Mike, Cal and now you." Ashton said, heading in to the living room, handing Luke a beer. "We're going to the strip club in a bit."

"Strip club?" Luke questioned, he'd never been to one before, he'd never been old enough and then he had Cory so he couldn't do that stuff.

Ashton smirked, "you've never been have you?"

Luke shook his head, sipping the beer, which felt so refreshing.

"Well you'll be fine, there's men and woman there so you can take your pick Luke."

Luke gulped, he didn't know what tonight would concur of.

He said hi to Calum and Michael and made acquaintances with Ashton's work friends and Michael introduced him to someone who was kinda attractive but Luke didn't want anyone like that, someone his age was better.

It reminded him too much of Reece.

They went to the strip club in three different taxi's, Luke being shoved in with Calum and two random guys called Charlie and Steve from Ashton's work.

When they arrived the guys all got drinks at the bar, seeing men and woman walking around in barely any clothes and Calum was staring with his mouth open at a girl who was in some white lacy lingerie. "Cal," Luke flicked him.

"Hm?" He asked not looking away.

"You have a girlfriend."

Calum waved Luke off, "I'm allowed to stare."

Luke scoffed before Michael came over, "we're gonna go sit across there." He said, pointing across the room near the main stage. "Ash booked some dancers for us."

"Oh." Luke said, slightly anxious. "Do we have to?"

"Yes." Michael and Calum said in sync making Luke sigh. "You've had no sex since Reece, you need to get laid." Michael said, "this is the perfect opportunity Luke."

Luke sighed, "I don't know."

"At least try." Calum said, "you never know, some of the people here might want to fuck the daddy of the group."

Luke slapped Calum's arm, "don't call me daddy, Cory calls me that."

The group headed across the strip club, Luke sitting in one of the arm chairs, seeing some dancers coming over and Luke slumped in his seat, wanting to hide from them.

But clearly, Luke wasn't going to get away with it when Calum caught the attention of one of the boys who was wearing some small briefs, pointing over to Luke.

Luke gulped as the stripper walked over to Luke before sitting in his lap. "Hey cutie." He smiled easily. He was a brunette, a fringe, with green eyes, dimples and he was covered in glitter.

Luke blushed, "hi."

The guy ran his hand across Luke's chest, up to his neck where he unbuttoned Luke's shirt so it was down to his collarbones, showing off the necklace he wore and some of the hair on his chest.

"I'm Matt." The stripper said and Luke bit his lip.

"Luke." He nodded before Matt grabbed Luke's hand and placed it on his bum, and then the other on Matt's thigh.

"Well Luke, you're very attractive." He said making Luke smile a little, "and your friend over there--" he jabbed his thumb over to Calum. "--said I should come and talk to you." He said before leaning down to Luke's ear. "He said I should try and make you happy hm? You need help with that?" He questioned Luke, nipping at his neck as his hand wondered down Luke's chest to his jeans.

"Maybe." Luke said, taking Matt's hand. "Can I have a dance? And maybe we can do something later." Luke replied, more confidently now.

Matt laughed softly, "sure thing." He stood up and he did what he did best, he danced.


Later in the night Calum and Luke were at the bar, taking shots before Calum said. "What did the stripper say before?"

"His names Matt!" Luke yelled over the music that was playing from the show on stage. "And he basically said he wanted to fuck, I guess."

"You should!" Calum exclaimed, grabbing Luke's arm and shaking it excitedly.

"I haven't done anything with a boy since Reece, excluding you."

"Not at all?" Calum asked.

"Nope. I've been too afraid to have sex with anyone, because the last time I had a one night stand, I ended up with a kid in return." Luke said, before drinking more of his alcohol.

Calum shrugged, "if you had another kid and it's anything like Cory, you'd be fine."

"I'm fine with just Cory." Luke said.

"You were also fine when Reece's kids lived with you."

"That was different."

Calum sighed before he went to say something but he shut up before he looked behind Luke, "cute stripper three o'clock, have fun." Calum said and left Luke alone.

Luke furrowed his brows before he felt someone tap his shoulder and he turned in his seat to see Matt. "Hey cutie." He said and Luke smiled.


Matt sat on the stool beside Luke, taking Luke's drink and sipping it. "Are you enjoying tonight?"

Luke nodded, "your dance was the highlight." He flirted cooly, if cal wanted him to loosen up and go home with this guy, then he would.

"Thank you." Matt smiled, before he put his hand on Luke's thigh, "are you still up for my offer?"

"Which offer?" Luke questioned, he wanted Matt to be clear in what he wanted.

"That we have some fun." Matt said with a smile. "Hm Luke?" His hand slid higher to Luke's crotch and he nodded.

"We can go to my place?" Luke offered and Matt grinned.

"Let me get changed and we can go."

Ten minutes later, Luke was leaving the strip club with Matt, getting a taxi to Luke's house as he had drank more than he should so he couldn't get his car yet.

In the car, Matt had his head on Luke's shoulder, their hands entwined and Luke decided he liked it, a lot.

They got to Luke's house and Matt followed Luke out of the taxi, the blond paying for them.

The taxi drove off and Luke led Matt up to the front door of the house, "you're young, I expected an apartment." Matt said, the two walking in.

"I have a kid and a job, a house was a good idea." Luke said, turning to Matt once the door was locked. "Surprise?"

Matt nodded, "you having a kid, kinda."

Luke hummed before he took a step closer to Matt, "I've not been with anyone sexually for a long time." Luke told him, "I've only had sex twice, might be rusty."

Matt grinned, "give it your best shot."

Luke smirked before he took Matt's jacket off before he grabbed his hips, Matt's arms around his neck before their lips met and it was so nice to just kiss someone, Luke decided.

Luke's hands trailed down to Matt's bum and he squeezed, realising his bum was so thick and nice. Luke walked them backwards towards the stairs, "upstairs?"

Matt hummed before he kissed Luke again, "carry me?"

"You sound like my son," Luke chuckled before he lifted Matt by his thighs, walking him up the stairs. They made it in to Luke's room, the blond dropping the smaller boy on the bed. "How old are you?" Luke asked.

"Twenty." Matt answered, "you?"

"Twenty five." Luke replied, kneeling on the bed with one knee. "Foreplay or?"

Matt shook his head and the two kissed again, and they kissed and kissed and kissed till they couldn't anymore.

An hour or so later, Luke was a sweaty mess as Matt leaned his head on the blonds chest. "That was nice," Luke said, kissing Matt's forehead. "Very nice after six years."

Matt laughed, moving so his chin was on Luke's chest. "That long?"

Luke nodded, "the day I lost my virginity I conceived my kid."

"Where the mum?" Matt asked.

"She left a week after he was born," Luke said, "good riddance too."

Matt snorted, before he sat up, "can I stay over?"

Luke nodded, "I have work tomorrow though."

"What's your job?"

"I work at a private day care." Luke said, letting Matt straddle his lap, their hands entwining. "You might've gotten yourself a not-really-that-rich sugar daddy," Luke joked.

Matt laughed, leaning down and kissing Luke before Luke's phone began to ring loudly.

Luke huffed and sat up, Matt's chest to his before he leaned over to the bedside table and picked up his phone, seeing his mums name.

He answered it, Matt's lips on his neck, "hey mum."

"Oh Luke, I need you to come to the hospital, Cory hurt himself." She said, sounding distressed.

"Wait what?" Luke questioned, nudging Matt off his lap, the brunette understanding and lying down instead. "How'd he hurt himself? Is he okay?" Luke asked, his phone between his cheek and shoulder as he stood up to grab his boxers and jeans.

"He was going downstairs for some milk and he tripped on the last step and landed weirdly." Liz explained.

"Shit, I'll be there soon." Luke said, before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked, sitting up again.

"My son broke his arm, I need to go see if he's okay." Luke explained, "I'm get a taxi to my car and I'll drive you home, is that okay?"

Matt nodded, getting out of Luke's bed, pulling on his clothes.

Luke called a taxi as he got dressed before he and Matt went downstairs and waited. "Thanks for tonight." Luke told him.

"You're welcome." Matt smiled, "it was really great, for a guy who's not had sex in six years, you were one of the best I've had."

Luke laughed, finding it easy to talk and to just laugh with Matt, he was sweet and cute and funny. Through out their sex together, he'd said stupid puns that had made Luke stop mid thrust and just laugh, because it was just so stupidly funny.

He needed that in his life.

The taxi came and Luke told the driver Ashton's address, paying the short fee when they arrived before Luke showed Matt to his own car, which was a black Range Rover. "Even your fucking car is nice." Matt snorted, making Luke smile before putting the car in to drive. "Oh right you need my address."

Once Luke had it, he drove him home, giving Matt a kiss goodbye and his number in promise of them meeting up again.

Then Luke drove to the hospital, worry setting in over his son. He arrived there quickly, going in to the Accident and Emergency department, just in time to see his parents and Cory walk somewhere with a doctor.

"Cory!" Luke yelled, making his son turn around and Luke frowned at the sight of him holding his arm. Luke got to his son and kneeled down, "are you alright baby?"

Cory nodded, but Luke could see the tear stains on his cheeks, "I fell down the stairs." Cory mumbled, "are you mad?"

"Not at all,"

"Luke you go in with him." Liz said, hand holding Andy's. "We'll wait for you."

"It's fine, you can go home, I'll have him." Luke smiled before turning to the nurse. "Should we go?"

"Follow me." She smiled.

Luke followed her, holding Cory's okay hand, hurt one to his chest. They got to a room where the nurse checked over Cory's arm, confirming it was in fact broken with an x-ray. "Okay, we'll get you a cast; what colour?" The nurse asked Cory.

Cory hummed, pointing the the bright green, "that one."

"Nice choice."

Cory sat patiently as he got his cast done, and once the colour was on Luke smiled, "you look bad ass." He told his son, running his hand through Cory's messy blond locks.

"Do I?"

"Would I lie to you?" Luke asked.

"Nope." Cory smiled, "can you be the first to sign it?"

"Of course I can."


Ok I like Matt already wow #make?? #latt omg latt


Malum wanting luke to get laid?

Matt? Do y'all like him?

Lil Cory? And his bad ass broken arm?


Can you please vote? It's like a click and it shows you're liking the story so far

Also ty for 1k already 

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