Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu...

By truth000

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A Delinquent and a Bookworm. A Teacher and a Student. A Boy with an Unforgettable Past and Girl with no Past... More

Let the Rain Fall (A Gale, Nalu, and Jerza fan fiction)
A Fresh Start
A New Job
An Encounter
Hatred and Determination
Our Similar Miserable Lives
The Second Encounter
The Pain of the Stage
The Banished Prince
The Strange and the Meaningful
Meetings and Forgiveness
Studying With a Slice of Pizza
A Brother's Intuiton
A Little Too Friendly
Cinderella Story
Hospitals and Noodles
Our Casual Affair
A New Acquaintence
Rainy Weather
Tied with a Ribbon
A Heart for A Heart
Just For A Talk
The Challenges of Us
Birthday Presents
Addicted to Scandal
Hiding in the Dark
Emotional Roller Coaster
First Date
A Love Connection Like No Other
Trouble in Paradise
Family Reunions
The Loss of A Great One
The Trip (Part 1)
All Things Must Come to an End
Author's Note
Time Is Of The Essence
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Hi im not dead. Please read srsly
Sweet Beginnings (NSFW)

Redemption and Damnation

24.1K 725 1K
By truth000


Hey Readers! Well, today has been a wild day. Hung out with some people, finished a chapter, got my dress for HOMECOMING! And just in case you're wondering, no, I don't have a date! I don't roll that way ;). Anyways, here's Chapter 15, ENJOOOOOY!


Gajeel P.O.V

Ever since that day six years ago, I've been going to church. I know, I don't look like the "holy" sort of person, but I remember someone in my cell who was a big believer in the big man upstairs. He read the  Bible every day and would tell me different parables and stories straight from the Bible. Every night, before I went to bed, I would do a little prayer of forgiveness. Sometimes, I didn't know what I was asking to be forgiven for. I didn't shoot my mom. Was I asking Him to forgive me for letting them take me away and let my dad walk a free man? I didn't know, but praying was probably the only thing from keeping me from going all Hulk on everybody.

I stopped by at the St. Andrews church and did what I did every day before riding to school: putting a donation for the church and orphanage. My mom used to do that before dropping me off to elementary school, and I didn't want the tradition to end. I sighed and looked up at the sky. It was pure white with clouds, and little flakes of snow were lightly falling from them. I rubbed my hands together to bring back the feeling and walked back to my motorcycle. "Brother, wait!" I turned around to see a monk running my direction, wearing a long brown robe and letting his bald head into the cold. He grabbed my hands and suddenly began to kiss them. "God bless you, brother! Thank you for donating!"

I chuckled awkwardly. "It's no problem."

"You donate one thousand jewels every day at this exact time. God will thank you and you shall receive something in return!" He kissed my hands one more time and walked away back into the church. I had never seen that monk in the church at all, so  his appearance was sure surprising. I checked my cell phone to see that I had ten more minutes before the first bell. I better head off to school. I don't want to ride while ice is starting to form on the road. 

I got to school with less than a minute to spare. I was grabbed my Physics and my Algebra II books and closed my locker.  Just as I was about to make my way to class, I caught a glimpse of Levy reading by the fountain. I walked over to her and lightly knocked my fist on her head. She jolted up, dropping her book. "Oh, um..sorry," she mustered.

"Nah, it's my fault," I apologized. I got down on my knees and grabbed the book and noticed something off. The book cover read Rome's Greatest War, but the book itself read House of Hades by Rick Riordan. I looked up at her and presented it to her with a confused look. She looked away and grabbed the book. "I'm not allowed to read these kind of books..."

I looked at her with a flabbergasted book. "What? But these are just...books!"

"My parents...," she sighed. "I hide them so that my parents don't smite me. You should've seen he last time my parents caught me with this kind of book." 

"No offense to your parents and all, but don't you think they're going a little overboard?"

"They're my parents. They want me to succeed."

"But isn't this going a little overboard! I mean, you don't have to trapped in their cages all the time...Sometimes, you just have to be free." I was letting my emotions get the best of me. I blushed a little and apologized once more for my outburst. Suddenly, I felt something on my hand.

Something small and tiny. I looked down and found Levy's hand on mine. I looked up and found her blushing brightly. "Y-You don't have to apologize. You're just being nice, that'sall." She looked at me, and suddenly, I saw Levy in a whole new light. I never noticed how long her silky her blue hair was, or how shiny her skin was. Her eyes sometimes rebelled and sparkled off command. She was very petite for her age, which made her look a lot slimmer.

I had never noticed how beautiful Levy was. 

I tried to say something, but  I couldn't muster the words to say anything. The bell rang suddenly, cuing us to head to our third period class. We stared at each other for a while, our fingers still touching. "Hey Levy, hurry! We'll be late for class!" That same red head from before called out.

"Coming Jet!" Levy replied, her voice a little shaky. She slowly got up, but refused to let remove her hand from mine. "Just go," I simply said. "I'll meet you after school for tutoring." Levy gave me a soft smile and slowly walked away. I quickly grabbed a pile of snow and rubbed on my face, trying to get my senses back together. Gajeel, get yourself together! But it was no use. Whenever Levy came into my mind, my heart skipped a beat. I could feel my face burning up from blushing. I grabbed my backpack and headed off to class, trying not to think about it.

By the time lunch came around, I decided to just eat out by the fountain. The water was almost frozen through, which mean no one would even bother coming to the spot. I bit into my meatball sub with a cluster of emotions: confusion, anger, joy, and so many others that I can't recall. I combed my fingers through my snow-covered hair. I noticed a few guys giving me the stink eye, but I simply ignored them. "Yo, Gajeel! Come here for a second!" One of Levy's friends-Jet I think- called out, grinning like a complete idiot.  It was really hard to ignore him, so I just obeyed his wishes. "What do you want?"

"Levy wanted to talk to you, but she sent me to come get you."

"Wait, why didn't she come to me herself?" I asked, having a little suspicion.

"You know Levy, so passive and tiny and stuff," he laughed, wrapping his arm around me. I laughed back, not as enthusiastic as his. He walked me over to a narrow hall; a hall that I've never seen before. I began to hear footsteps what weren't ours from behind, and from there I knew I was in trouble. They took my to the back courtyard, which had an audience of students. They began to roar in anger, yelling at me, cursing at me. Jet suddenly kicked me into the center of the area, like some kind of animal for display. "Ladies and gentlemen! The moment you've all been waiting for! The murderer, the animal, the savage! Gajeel Redfox!" Another roar came out of the audience, throwing soda cups into this new arena. Jet walked into the arena with me, smirking his face off. "Levy isn't here, is she?" I growled.

Jet bit his bottom lip in amusement. "Nope. Just you, me, and the audience."

I looked around and just continued to glare at him. "What's the purpose of all this?"

"You've been getting too comfortable here. You have to remember where your place is."

"And what if I don't agree with...all this," I hissed.

"You don't think I read. I know according to your parole you can't assault anyone, otherwise your ass is heading straight back to prison." I cursed in my mind. This guy did know how to read. One of Jet's friends handed him a metal bar, which was probably not meant for plumbing. "Are you ready to feel  a world of pain, Murderer?" He snickered. I sighed. I knew this was coming sooner or later. 

I was the Banished Prince.

No one ever accepted the Banished Prince.

Jet raised his weapon, getting ready to strike.

Getting ready to feel the pain.

Bam! A blow to the face. Bam! A blow to the gut. Bam! A blow to the back. This guy wasn't going to stop. He repeatedly began to beat me to the point where I wanted to beat him. Blood was dripping from my face, and I was beginning to feel dizzy. People were cheering on this guy like he won a gold medal or something. I wanted to do something. Something to make these people pay. But I couldn't.

"STOP!" A familiar voice screamed. Jet froze, and everyone else quieted down. I looked past Jet, and my eyes widened. 

Standing behind Jet, eyes wide and filled with anger and fear, was Levy.

Levy P.O.V

"What on earth is going on here!" I cried. I found Gajeel sitting on the floor, blood dripping from his body. I gasped and practically screamed. I pushed Jet out of the way and practically fell upon Gajeel. "Oh my God....Oh my God..." Tears began to fall down my face, and I was so scared I covered my mouth to keep me from screaming. "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry."

"Hey...It ain't your fault...I knew you weren't up to this," he sighed, taking quick, short breathes. The tears wouldn't stop flowing out of my eyes. The man that I liked...No, the man that I loved, was bleeding in front of my eyes. Anger filled my body as I turned to Jet, who's eyes were blank. "WHY!" I screamed, making him jump. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!"

"Levy, just calm down. We were just showing this guy his place. He killed someone, Levs."

"SO THAT GIVES YOU PERMISSION TO HURT HIM AS WELL!" I cried. I looked around at the crowd, and my anger continued to flourish. "You're all no better...YOU GUYS ARE MONSTERS! ALL OF YOU! MONSTERS!"

"Levy, calm down. You're probably just sick or-."

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS!" I hissed at Jet. He stared at me with those sad eyes I used to fall for when we were kids. "And to think I thought of you as my friend."

Jet eyes widened with shock. I had nothing more to say to him. I paid my attention back at Gajeel, who was hurt really bad. I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and struggled to get him on his feet. "Yo...Pipsqueak...What are...you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm helping you!" 

We reached the infirmary, where I laid Gajeel on one of the beds. I quickly grabbed the first aid kit and began to tend his wounds. My hand wouldn't stop shaking as I tended to his head wound. "Pipsqueak...you can calm down...I've dealt with worse."

"Shut up!" I cried, tears starting to spill once again. "That gives you no excuse to let them hurt you like that!"

"Legally...I can't do anything...otherwise I'll be put in prison again." I finished his head wound and went straight for my back and chest. "L-Lift up your s-shirt," I muttered,  my voice still a little wavery. He groaned as he painfully lifted his shirt, revealing his built, dark tan body. I gulped and continued with the bandages. "Why?" He asked.


"Why did you stand up for me like that? Especially....in front of your boyfriend?"

My eyes flickered. "He's not my boyfriend...He's my childhood friend." I could feel his muscles tense up a little. My face is burning up so much that tears are still coming down my face. Gajeel's hand touch my cheek, gently wiping away my tears. "You look...weird when you...cry," he chuckled. I couldn't help myself but laugh as well. I finished his wounds and attempted to stand. My feet, suddenly too asleep, failed, and I ended up falling on Gajeel. 

I squeaked with shock. I was on top of Gajeel, who's skin was bare. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I tried to get up, but instead, Gajeel wrapped his arms around me. "You're actually...pretty warm," he muttered. I looked up and found him blushing a little. I ended blushing as well and just laid there, obeying his wishes. "You're warm too...," I whispered.

The nurse kindly kicked me out to let Gajeel rest. I left the room as red as a cherry. He...He held me..., I squealed in my head. I wrapped my hands around each other and sighed. He was so hard...yet soft. I sighed heavenly even more, but was interrupted when I found Jet, Droy, and Juvia standing right in front of me. My anger bloomed once again. "I have nothing to say to you," I hissed.

"Levy, what was that out there!" Droy yelled.

"Yeah! Juvia was so shocked!" Juvia yelled as well.

"Sh! He's resting!" I hissed.

"Oh, quit the crap Levs, is he threatening you? Is he forcing you on something in anyway?" Jet asked, walking closer to me in  open arms.  I pushed him away. "I don't believe you!" I screamed. "Do you guys have a heart at all!"

"Levy, we're just worried about you. You're attitude has changed so much and-."

"Wait, wait, wait. It's all starting to come clear," Droy said. He pointed at me and said, "You've got feelings for him, don't you?"

Jet flinched. "W-What? That's crazy! There's no way she'd have feelings for a murderer!"

"Stop calling him that!" I cried. "So what if I have feelings for him! Is that wrong? Is that illegal?"

"Levy, we're just worried as your friends. Juvia doesn't want you to get hurt!" Juvia cried.  

"You guys are not my friends!" I cried. The hallway went silent. Everyone stared at me with shock. I took a deep breath. "My friends would never disrespect someone."

Juvia's eyes showed a mixture of emotion, but there was one I could most definitely notice: betrayal. She took Droy's arm and tugged it, which was always her cue to leave. He did so, not even looking me in the eye. 

Then it was just Jet and me. I crossed my arms and looked the other way. I suddenly felt an arm touch me. I looked up and saw that it was Jet. "Look, I know you're pissed at me and all, but I did this all for a reason."

I looked at him with shock. "And what was this reason of yours?"

He sighed. He touched my chin and tilted it so that my eyes were looking at his. "I actually like you."

I raised my eyebrow. "What?"

"I've liked for a long time now. Since we were little, actually. I was just so...jealous of Gajeel. Don't girls usually like those types?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He had the nerve to confess to me after everything he's done to Gajeel! I just scoffed and turned around, wanting to go away. He grabbed my shoulder and gave me a ridiculous look. "That's it? I just confessed my heart to you; my undying love, and you just turn and walk away?"

"You think just because you just confessed to me that I'll go running straight into your arms! You must be the most conceited fool I've ever met!" 

To make sure he didn't reach me this time, I sprinted down the hall, leaving his sorry-ass behind. 

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