Ghost • Klaus Mikaleson

By Floyd__

257K 8.7K 1.7K

"You're my only reason to be here. Without you I'm nothing." She knew him. He didn't know her. Klaus Mikaelso... More

00. Prologue
01. The Meeting
02. True Nature
03. Brotherhood
04. Bar Room Fights
05. Under Pressure
06. Particular
07. Plot Twist
08. House of Pain
09. Between
10. What's My Name?
11. Powers
12. The Pulling
14. Piss Off
15. Hope You Guess My Name
16. Bringing on the Heartache
17. Really You and Me
18. Blood Eagle
19. The Trial
20. Player
21. No Mercy
22. Eric
23. Revelations
24. Black Magic Woman

13. Black

8.1K 316 65
By Floyd__

"Must say, I'm impressed with what your hybrids could do in such a short period of time," Ragna commented as she walked around Klaus' new home. "You got yourself a cool pad."

Klaus scoffed, "Did you just say pad?"

"Isn't it what people are saying nowadays?" Ragna shrugged him off.

"I don't bother to try to keep up with the lingo of the present," Klaus muttered, "I evolve enough to fit in."

Ragna grinned, "So you don't take selfies?"

Klaus rolled his eyes. "Stop your teasing. We have more pressing matters to attend to."

"Like what to do with your sisters body?" Ragna asked all to knowingly.

"Exactly," Klaus said forcefully, "What should I do with my baby-sister?"

"That's up to you mate," Ragna told him. "Do you want to rip the band-aid off quickly or just do the same thing  in a few decades?"

Klaus groaned, "I can't deal with her constant whining and murderous rampage that I have to clean up."

"Then it's settled," Ragna said, "Leave her daggered. But can I please close the coffin?" she begged.

"Some type of metaphor?" Klaus scoffed at her.

"Not at all," Ragna told him. "I just like to use my new found powers."

"Speaking of which, how the bloody hell did you learn to do that?" Klaus asked with amazement in his eyes.

"Gullvig told me if I focused hard enough, I could do it. She told me I was powerful. More powerful than you," Ragna smirked.

"Doubtful," Klaus grinned at her.

"Really?" Ragna asked, cocking an eyebrow. Suddenly Klaus was pushed up against the wall, feet dangling a few feet above the newly finished floor. "Are you really sure?"

"Jesus, Ragna put me down," Klaus said with a small chuckle. Ragna let him drop to the ground, he landed with a hard thud. Klaus jumped up from the ground, reaching out for Ragna's dainty wrist, but his fingers grabbed air

She smirked at him, "And the best part is, I'm invincible."


"What happened in here?" Ragna wrinkled her nose up at the puddle of blood sitting on the floor.

"Stefan Salvatore," Klaus answered briskly.

"What a shame, it was new tiling," Ragna shook her head.

"What do you want me to do with her head?" a hybrid asked Klaus, holding a cloth bag, with leaking blood coming form the bottom."Just get rid of it. Burn it.I honestly don't care, Daniel," Klaus groaned.

"Damn Daniel, use your brain," Ragna chuckled, leaping down the stairs to meet Klaus.

"You called? I'm here," Tyler said as he entered the room. His eyes widened in curiosity as he saw the puddle of blood, "What happened?"

"What happened is Stefan had two paths in front of him and he chose the one that made me angry," Klaus said, "I need you to help me do something about that."

"Can't you just leave me out of it?" Tyler pleaded.

"What would be the point in that?" Klaus raised his eyebrow.

"Seriously man, can't you just get one of your other hybrids to do your bidding?" Tyler asked, "I lost my friends, my girlfriend."

Klaus smirked, "Right, your, uh, your girlfriend. Um, about her...I need you to bite her."

"What?" Tyler asked, his voice strained.

"Don't make me repeat myself."

"A hybrid bite will kill a vampire," Tyler said.

"Yeah?" Klaus asked, "Yeah, I know exactly what it will do. Uh, Stefan pushed me too far, so I'm pushing back."

Tyler shook his head, "I'm not biting Caroline."

"Tyler, I've been supernaturally blessed with the good fortune of a sire bond to you. So, one could consider this me putting your undying loyalty to the test," Klaus smirked.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Tyler scoffed, "I'm not hurting Caroline."

"All right. All right. I'm disappointed, but you know, it's your choice, free will and all that," Klaus smirked, "I'll find another way to strike at Stefan. You can go now."

Ragna stood in the background for a time, absorbing everything that just happened. Klaus, really just did that all by himself. He had no counseling with Ragna before hand, it was all him, every evil, devious part of the plan. 

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" a light sweet voice asked Ragna. Although not being able to recognize the voice, she already knew it was Gullvig.

"What do you mean?" Ragna questioned.

"Klaus standing up to himself like that," Gullvig said, "Soon he won't need you anymore."

Ragna's heart dropped to the floor, "What do you mean?"

"Here's another tidbit of information," Gullvig told her, "You side with me and when he no longer needs you, you become visible to the world."

"And if I don't pick you side?"

"Then when the job is done, so are you,"Gullvig said, "But your mind is already made up, am I right?"

Ranga nodded, "But it all just seems to perfect."

"I was sworn to live in peace with those like Hlín," Gullvig scoffed, "So I do, but I like to piss them off. It's always good to put someones ego in check."

"It's always good to do what's good for you," Ragna muttered.

"And my path is good for you?" Gullvig asked.

"I think so."


"Why do I have to be around these old wankers?" Ragna huffed.

"I have to make nice with the town," Klaus told her.

"And why do I have to come?" Ragna questioned, "You seem to have it planned out yourself without consulting me about it."

"What's got you angry about?" Klaus asked with a scrunched face.

"Maybe I think it's a bad idea," Ragna told him.

"And what do you purpose I do instead?" Klaus asked, "I'm open to suggestions."

"Okay, it's a pretty brilliant idea," Ragna mumbled.

"Exactly, now come on," Klaus smiled at her.

The room was filled with residents of the town. They talked about adult things, like taxes, the wild kids these days, and politics. It all bored Ragna to the maximum.

"You know Carol when I think of a mayor I think of an old fuddy-duddy, but you really have changed my perception!" Klaus exclaimed to Mayor Lockwood, Tyler's mother."Oh, thank you!" Carol smiled brightly at the handsome flirting man in front of her.

Ragna rolled her eyes at the pair. "You are honestly making me sick."

Klaus pushed her comment passed as he continued to talk to Carol, but it only made Ragna more angry.

"Better keep on best poker face Mr. Flirtatious, because here come Damon," Ragna told him with a growl.

Klaus once ignored her warning and kept passing out compliments to Carol. "I mean you are just delightful!" Klaus exclaimed, "What color are your eyes?"

"They are blue," she blushed.

Klaus smiled and nodded, "Oh yes, they are."

"Look what the cat dragged in," Damon said finally reaching the pair and invisible Ragna. "Nice vest."

"Thank you very much, good to see you, Damon," Klaus smiled.

"Now I really am going to be sick!" Ragna exclaimed, "How can you possibly be civil with this tramp!"

"Carol and I were discussing about whether you would be the other big benefactor," Klaus said to him.

"What do you say Damon?" Carol asked him, "Klaus has made a very generous pledge. You know how we're chomping at the bit to begin the renovation."

Damon sighed, "Carol, don't take this the wrong way, but do you realize that you've been kissing the ass of an immortal hybrid who ruined your son's life?"

"Oh, come now," Klaus scoffed, "Some would say that I saved it from all that nasty full moon business. I've never had to go through it myself more than twice, to be honest, but still, I'm very sympathetic."

Carol nodded, "Klaus has promised to protect Tyler, Damon. And our town."

Damon looked between the two in rage. "From who? His hybrids are the one the town needs protection from."

"Well, I'd have no use for them if your brother would kindly return my family," Klaus stated coldly.

Damon clicked his tongue, "Not gonna happen."

"That's what I thought, which is why I've come to an agreement with the Mayor," Klaus resolved, "You and the Council stay out of my hair, I stay out of yours. Your town gets protected, my hybrids get left alone and everybody will be happy. All you have to do is to get Stefan to stop decapitating my friends."

"Please Damon, just get your brother under control, or the Council will be forced to take action against him," Carol pleaded with him.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Damon exclaimed."Oh come on mate. Give peace a chance," Klaus smirked.

Damon shook his head and turned around on his heels and left them behind, still trying to comprehend what logic was going through Carol Lockwood's head. He knew the council wouldn't back him up after Klaus played council-pet with his donation.

"So where were we?" Klaus asked the Carol.

"Right here," Ragna muttered to Klaus forcing his hand onto her breast.

Carol's eyes widened and trailed down to where Klaus' hand was.

"I-I," Klaus stuttered as he though of an excuse for Ragna's action.

"Please, she enjoys it. Most action she had in months," Ragna said venomously, "Have fun with the wrinkly bat."

With that, Ragna followed Damon's steps and left the pair. She had no problem anymore showing her true feelings anymore, something that just recently happened. As Ragna thought back on her regular human days in her Viking village, she could safely say she was quiet and shy not one to speak out. But something changed in her and it only happened when she came in contact with Klaus.


Ragna left the party. She left Klaus for the first time in a thousand years and although she was feeling guilty it was an inter-powering experience for her. She knew she didn't need him, she didn't need anyone and it was becoming evident that he didn't need her much anymore either.

"There you are." Klaus walked down the pebbled path, the rocks crushing underneath his steps toward her.

Ragna had her elbows on her knees and face in her hands as she looked up at the hybrid. "Here I am."

Klaus chuckled at her bored on her face, "Was it that horrible?"

"The most horrific party I have every experienced," Ragna clarified, "I'd rather watch paint dry."

"Well you seemed to have fun with the little prank you pulled on me tonight," Klaus said, his tone getting serious.

Ragna shrugged, "Loosen up a bit. You're so uptight."

"I was in the middle of something, Ragna," Klaus said softly.

Ragna stood up from the stone bench she was sitting on, "And you were ignoring me like an annoying child! Like I didn't know what I was talking about. Well, I do, and I have saved you ass countless of times, Klaus! And you treated me like I knew nothing in there!"

"What was I suppose to do, Ragna!" Klaus shouted, "I look insane talking to you! I don't even know if you exist! For all I know, you could be a figment of my imagination, all of it. Some kind of conscious that I made up to make myself feel better."

"I'm real! Don't you dare say I'm not Klaus," Ragna said on the verge of tears, "I know I am."

"I don't know what to believe anymore," Klaus muttered, "I don't know anything anymore."

"I'm going to become visible," Ragna told him, holding back the tears in her eyes, "Just at the right moment. And the moment should soon be here."

"Good," Klaus glared at her, "So you can be on your merry way and have better things to do then follow me around all day."

Ragna looked at Klaus with a deep frown. His words struck her like an ax, and guessing by his face he met it, every word of it.

"I have to make a quick stop before I go home," Klaus told her, rage still evident in his voice, "I' not sure when I'll be ready to see you."

Ragna looked up to see his broad frame walk away from her. She watched as he left her behind alone this time. And in this exact moment she knew he no longer needed her. But it wasn't that he no longer acquired her presence that hurt the most, it was her own mind working against her. She thought of all the things she could have of said and done differently. It was her damn heart that was working against her, like the universe has been. But even pushing past all the things running through her mind, one stood out the most, it was the hole that was left in her heart. She couldn't describe it but it was like watching the one thing she cared about walk away, and not knowing how she felt about him. It was that regret that shattered her heart.


Ragna didn't have anywhere to go, but she also didn't want to prove Klaus right that she followed him around. So she thought it was a good idea to follow him but still keep hidden from him.

Klaus ended up going to a small house somewhere in Mystic Falls. She stood across the street, having a perfect view from inside the room where Klaus was. He was sitting down beside the blonde she recognized as Caroline Forbes. She didn't seem well, so Ragna could only guess Tyler did bite her.

Klaus was talking to her with a soft face, making Ragna envious of the girl's position. She wanted that Klaus back for herself. Suddenly she was filled with regret once more for not doing something about it.

"Are you a protector?" Ragna turned around to see a dark skinned girl look directly at her.

Ragna didn't speak, afraid of the warning that Gullvig gave her.

"Just answer the question," she said sternly.

"Yes," Ragna whispered. "Can you see me?"

"No," she said, "I can only sense and hear you."

"Your Bonnie, right?" Ragna asked her.

"Yes," she answered, "I heard about you from Stefan."

"Damn Salvatore," Ragna muttered, "What do you want from me?"

"Well, for starters, you are causing a lot of problems for us," Bonnie told her, "I just want to understand why you are doing it."

"I have an oath to Klaus, whether he likes it or not I'm here to protect him," Ragna answered.

"Well, than that causes trouble for you," Bonnie said, "You see I've been researching ways to kill you."

"Please enlighten me," Ragna scoffed.

"It's actually relatively easy," Bonnie said.

"And it is?" Ragna asked getting annoyed at the witch.

"You have to burn something from their past life," Bonnie said.

Ragna scoffed, "Well I wish you luck. You'll have to trace a 2,000 year old item, that probably doesn't exist somewhere in Scandinavia. Impossible."

"Well, it is possible," Bonnie said, "That's option one. Option two is that you break your protector oath and help us kill Klaus."

Ragna laugh aloud, "Kill Klaus? You must be mad. I don't know what will even happen to me if he dies. And plus, he's all I have. We are best friends."

"I don't think he's thinking much about you right now," Bonnie commented causing Ragna to look back into the window.

He was feeding Caroline his blood. He was saving her life. That was something very un-Klaus like, he only save people who he care about. Then she thought about it once more and maybe it wasn't un-Klaus like, maybe it was just un-Ragna like.


Boom! Two updates in less than 24 hours!

I have big plans with the entire Klaroline fiasco. Two words, plot moment and a very jealous Ragna.

Enjoy, read, vote, comment, you guys are awesome -Floyd

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