
By Tophat

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Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Three

207 19 6
By Tophat

'See! I told you it you would look marvellous my dear.' Cassandra gushed as she sipped at her wine, causing her golden bracelets to jangle lightly. 'The red certainly looks best.'

Esme twirled in the red dress, admiring its seams, patterns and shape. The length went well with her long pale legs, the shade brought out the distinct milky colour of her skin and made her short midnight hair shine. The lightness of the material didn't make her feel too much like a board either. It flowed into her curves when she moved, revealing her femininity with ease. For once she didn't feel gangly or looked sickly. She actually felt attractive.

'With velvet gloves and heeled shoes, this will work wonderfully for the ball. Dark make-up will bring out your eyes as well; those beautiful honey eyes of your mother.' Cassandra praised. 'You have a shawl that will work with it as well. Your black one. That will keep you warm during the evening.'

Esme glowed. She loved the dress and felt good in it for once. Confident.

'Thank you Cassandra.'

Cassandra waved her hand, tossing aside Esme's gratitude as a young blond woman came to stand by the door. Esme recognised her instantly. Ms Penelope had a pretty face and never once had Esme seen her wearing anything else but her uniform. She was a hard worker, efficient and always stepped in to take care of Esme whenever Cassandra couldn't. She was like an older sister to her in a way and filled the void left behind by Esme's childhood governess but, just like Jameson, Esme couldn't consider her a true friend. The barrier of class and employment kept that from happening.

'Grand Wizard, your bath is ready.'

Cassandra grinned. 'It is? Wonderful Ms Penelope.'

'The dining room is cleared and your study is organised. Is there anything else? Samuel will be waiting for dinner now.'

'That's all for today.'


Esme smiled softly and shook her head. 'I'm fine.'

'Then I'll see you both tomorrow morning for breakfast.' Ms Penelope bowed lightly then paused before she left. 'The dress suits you, Ms Esme. Will you be wearing it to the Ashworth's summer ball?'

The proud blush on Esme's face grew stronger while she tried to fight the smile trying to come to her face. 'Yes.'

'It's a good choice.' Ms Penelope said brightly. 'I'll see you tomorrow Ms Esme. Grand Wizard.' She bowed lightly then parted from them in a rustle of skirts. Cassandra waited for the door to close, signalling Ms Penelope's departure, before she rose elegantly.

'I shall bathe then. I may be a while but do disturb me if that blasted phone rings.' Esme promised she would and set to work stripping as carefully as possible but Cassandra didn't leave quite yet. 'Oh, and I was thinking of taking some time off during the summer. We could go somewhere far. Maybe the Jagged Isles or the Greendales. I've been itching for some freedom and travelling. How does that sound?'

Esme was glowing instantly and now losing the battle against the massive grin constantly trying to take over her mouth. Excitement was bubbling in her chest, the type that made her want to jump up and down or dance with joy; a very unsophisticated manner to show happiness so she coughed lightly to try shake the urge.

The last time she'd travelled was when she was seven, just before Cassandra was elevated to the position of Grand Wizard. It had been a thrilling adventure on steam trains and zepplins, travelling all the way up to the Hornfels, one of the Conjoined Kingdoms of the north. It had been an amazing adventure. She recalled watching the world go by, the stink of steam and coal, the adventures she had beside Cassandra, Ms Penelope and Cassandra's old lover Logan Lothgow. That journey had settled Esme, helped her move on from her parents sudden deaths. It had been wonderful. She had dreamed of doing something like that again, often nagging Cassandra when she was younger, but her duties meant she couldn't be gone for long. She had to stay about to attend meetings, balls, events and watch over her Tower and Wizards and keep everything functioning.

'You can take the time off?' Esme asked calmly while her whole being sang.

'Yes. My Adjutants need practice and a chance to prove themselves to the Heads. I will be retiring in the next few years so the Council will need to see for themselves who they feel will be best to take over. You know well I can recommend one of them but its up to the Council themselves to choose who it will be exactly.' Cassandra smiled and sipped her almost empty glass of blood-red wine. 'So we shall go away. Four weeks I think will be good.'

'Yes! Yes I'd love to!' Esme exclaimed excitedly.

'Excellent. We shall dine and wine on foreign foods, explore history and spiritualism and dance in these dance clubs you young people love doing so much these days.' Cassandra said brightly. 'I won't be able to do this again until I retire in a decade so choose where to go wisely, my dear.'

Esme promised instantly, flushed with excitement, as Cassandra left the room to find her bath of warmth and bubbles. Esme dressed herself and wandered into the lounge, unaware of the goofy smile on her face. Her stomach bubbled with joy and her heart fluttered with apprehension. Everything was going wonderfully. She was going to find her own home and finally go on another trip with Cassandra after twelve years. All that was missing were a few friends she could have meaningfully conversations with and a man to go dancing with and be held by who actually liked her, not her money, and was proud of her despite her terrible magical abilities.

'I wonder how I am going to go about it.' Esme thought aloud as she trundled up to the clicking turn-table and pulled the needle back to the beginning of the jazz vinyl.

She made her way through the wide open doors to the balcony, pushing through the thin curtains. It was warm outside and thankfully no longer hot, although still retain the humidity. The sky was splashed pink and orange, stained by the sun slowly lowering itself over the mountains in the distance. Absolon was outside, twirling about on the balcony's edge, resonating like a chorus of tiny bells. He was happy in the evening sun.

Esme collapsed on the cushioned chair beside her book and Grimoire. She pulled at the Grimoire half-heartedly, fingering the bland cover as a frown came to her face as she remember how empty it was. Pushing aside the small stab of sadness she always felt when touching her practically useless Grimoire, Esme focused on her the novel instead, listening to the saxophone that melded with ethereal Absolon's singing.

She found it difficult to focus though. The words would blur before her eyes as her mind wondered into a daydream state. She'd think about what her house would be like and her future neighbours. She'd dream of the journey with Cassandra, recalling the exhilaration at travelling through different cities and towns. She'd wonder over what kind of man she'd marry, who he'd be and how she'd meet him. Would she meet him when she moved or at the summer ball? Maybe she'd find a foreign man on her journey. She kept trying to shake the thoughts from her mind but they kept seeping back in, as if they were stuck to her head and with their claws buried deep.


Esme jumped at Cassandra's voice. She stood behind Esme's chair, smiling widely, her faintly aged face fresh from her bath and oddly naked without her usual meticulously applied make-up.

'Y-yes.' Esme retorted defensively, embarrassed. How long had she staring, foggy eyed and smiling stupidly, at her book? She'd only read twenty pages and barely remembered what had happened.

Cassandra laughed, causing Esme's pink face to turn sharply into a vicious shade of red, and sat heavily in her own cushioned chair. 'You have a lot to think about, my dear. You have wanted to travel with me for a long time and finally realised you want to flourish as an independent adult.' She readjusted the bathrobe she was swathed in, making sure it was firmly sealed. 'Have any of your thoughts told you where you wish to go?'

'I was thinking the Jagged Isles. The beaches and woods there are meant to be wonderful and it would be very different to our Goldales.' Esme gushed.

Cassandra hummed in agreement as she lifted up her own Grimoire sat beside her chair. 'It would be a change. The journey would be long, my dear. A week or so train journey down to the edges of The Hinterlands then either a ship or zepplin a little way our at sea.'

'That would be perfect!' Esme exclaimed before she could correct herself. 'I loved the journey itself last time.'

'Then the Jagged Isles it is! I shall ask Ms Penelope to help me plan the route. She will not be able to attend this time, not with her little boy and husband.'

Esme was sad to hear she wouldn't attend, even if she wasn't surprised. Ms Penelope's presence had helped Esme settle with Cassandra and the Tower and she was always holding Esme's hand on the trains to The Greendales, keeping her close to her aunt and feeding her sweets. But Ms Penelope was no longer the twenty-year old young woman purposely picked out to be Esme's companion and to replace Cassandra's elderly keeper. She was a thirty-four year old married woman with a young child in need of her care.

'Will you pay her for the time we're away?'

'Of course I will. She could do with a long holiday herself.'

'Logan wouldn't be able to come this time either.'

A mixed expression of fondness and longing came over Cassandra's face. 'No. He's as busy as I but he should be come down to say hello in the winter.'

Esme hoped he would. She missed him and had barely seen him since he had to leave to become the Grand Wizard of the Granite Tower years ago but she knew she didn't miss him nearly as much as Cassandra did. Esme knew that, if their duties didn't take up nearly the entirety of their lives, Logan and Cassandra would've married long ago.

'It shall just be the two of us on this trip. I'm sure we shall have fun without them.' Cassandra said as she opened her Grimoire one hand and the other toyed with a cigarette.

Her book wasn't bland like Esme's simple brown one and was embroidered in silver and gold. She opened it to a specific page, momentarily showing the hundreds of full spells as she flicked through, and placed her fingers against the ward. It glowed blue and she pulled her fingers away elegantly, pulling out a stream of water.

Esme watched with a tiny stab of jealousy as Cassandra sent a slither of water to the flowerpots littering the balcony, feeding the plants and flowers they held. Esme glanced at her own Grimoire. Despite it being unused, Esme usually had it close. It was something she was taught to do throughout her school life and she hadn't entirely shaken the habit.

'Why can't I create anymore spells?' Esme said as she watched the flow of water. It glistened in the dusk light, mesmerising her slightly.

Cassandra smiled lightly, wrinkling her eyes. 'Not everyone can do magic, my dear. It takes a particular skill and ability. You have about as much ability as any other person, which is common. To write out the net, to make the ink properly, takes patience. Then, to bond with a sprite takes even more. You have to find one that feels a connection with you, that wants to help you and offers its services. Once you have, you can then catch it in the ward and bind it to yourself. Like most people you struggle with the catching. The bonding of sprites is fine. You have Absolon as proof.' She gestured to the white sprite that was aimlessly floating over the edge of the balcony. He waved merrily, wiggling his arm like a worm. 'You just don't have the strength to bind any more than you already have. Three is a good number.'

'They're not very strong though.'

'Strength doesn't matter, my dear.' Cassandra said. 'You have more than most average folk can ever achieve. Your soul has as a lot of stress put onto it through bindings. It can only hold so many formal connections at once.'

Esme hummed with disappointment. She'd been excited at the idea of magic as a child and it still made her a little bitter to think she didn't have the skills, despite her aunt being powerful enough to fill a book of five hundred and two spells. Five were godhood level, the most powerful and ancient of spirit beings, ninety-seven of them were spirit spells, matured sprites, and over half had multiple numbers of sprites in one net.

'Be proud of yourself Esme. I know your parents would be thrilled with what you've achieved. Your mother couldn't even bind one feeble sprite! She loved the idea of magic too as a child. If she could do it, Vanessa would've aimed to be Grand Wizard herself, not go and marry an old Soliel businessman when she was so young and move to a different country.' Cassandra blushed at the venomous comment, quickly remembering who Esme was. 'Not that I mind now. She was happy and she had you.'

Esme laughed. She was aware of Cassandra's dislike of her father, Absolon. She knew there was a huge age gap and her mother, Vanessa, married him barely into her twenties. It left Cassandra, the younger sibling, feeling abandoned and have a strong dislike for Absolon but she never spoke badly of him to Esme.

Cassandra looked relieved that her comment hadn't upset Esme. She changed the subject, moving onto their trip. They planned for a while, trying to come up with the best and most scenic routes and deciding on cities they wished to visit along the way to the Jagged Isles. It excited her. She'd wanted another holiday with her aunt for years and finally it was happening.

Their talk was interrupted when the doorbell tinkled lightly through the music. Cassandra looked up and excused herself, hurrying away to throw on something other than her dressing gown.

'What do you think Absolon? Do you want to come with us?.' Esme asked as Cassandra hurried about.

Absolon whistled and stared at her with his glowing eyes. He would as always.

Esme nibbled on a grape, settling back to her book, determined that this time she will read, when she heard voices.

'Do you want wine Suellen? I have some expensive ones. Vintages from Emprise du Soliel and Il Reame.' Cassandra gushed happily. 'You're going to have to tell me how your mission went with Nathan. Did you deal with the storms? That spirit was causing a lot of damage.'

Esme peered over her chair and looked into the apartment through the thin curtains that fluttered in the soft breeze. She recognised the visitor. Suellen Denver, one of Cassandra's four Grand Adjutants. They acted in her stead whenever Cassandra went away on business and, when Cassandra would retire, one of the four would take over the position. Suellen was a nice woman and just as fashionable as Cassandra. Her brunette hair was cut short and curled and her make-up was as bold as ever. Her grimoire, a black and deep purple embroidered book, was tucked under her arm.

'The red will do.' Suellen said warmly.

She waved at Esme and Esme returned it but something felt a little off. Suellen looked a little sullen; put off. Her eyes weren't smiling when her mouth was. Maybe something happened in the mission Cassandra sent her on with Grand Adjutant Nathan.

'Come. Sit. We have a lot to talk about.' Cassandra said brightly.

Esme reached out to close the doors. The mission wasn't part of Esme's business so she shut out all sound from inside and returned to her book.

The sun dipped down as time slipped by. The humid air remained, despite the sun's grip on the sky vanishing, and the world was alive in birdsong. Esme read happily, munching on grapes and only now and then needing to remind herself to focus. The book was a romance novel, of adventure and intrigue, and it made her wonder if she'd ever find love like the brave heroine in the story. Maybe Esme needed to be more confident though, certain and firm. Maybe that was why her attempts at finding dates always fell through. The nice ones were lured away by more interesting women who were certain where their life was going and the bad ones remained for themselves.

Esme sighed and paused when she reached to get another grape. Absolon was hovering at the window, bumping into it like a soft balloon. Something was off.

'Absolon?' Esme called, reaching out to grip his foot and pull him down.

But it was then she noticed how quiet it was. The distant roar of cars, the whirring of zepplins, the cries of songbirds all filled the air but something was missing. Even with the doors closed, Esme could hear the jazz music and the voices of Cassandra and Grand Adjutant Suellen speaking like a deep thrum from within. But it was silent inside now.

Esme let Absolon go and he floated back to the glass door, whistling in a low drone. He was upset. Esme placed the book aside, suddenly nervous. She touched the handle and turned it lightly, pushing it open enough to peer inside.

Her heart stopped beating. Inside was Suellen. Her Grimoire was open, glowing an eerie green as she worked a spell. Her perfect face was twisted with pain and misery as she stared unblinking at Cassandra who was on the sofa, barely moving.

The sight terrified Esme. Something was wrong. Really wrong. She barrelled inside, hurrying to her aunt's side.

'Cassandra? Aunt Cassandra, what's wrong?'

Esme touched Cassandra's face. Her eyes were slightly open and she was gazing at Esme but there was a lost look, like she wasn't quite focused. Her body was hot and sweating and, when Esme took her hand, Cassandra's grip was weak.

'Suellen! Call an ambulance! We must get my aunt to the hospital!' Esme stammered, trying her best to make her aunt comfortable while swallowing her fear.

'No.' Suellen said firmly.

Esme turned to her sharply, only realising then what was happening. Suellen's face was firm and determined beneath the sadness and the spell she was summoning oozed danger, not protection and help like she assumed. Esme felt herself instinctively curling away from the spell that was gathering at Suellen's fingertips.

'Suellen. What are you doing?'

'Come away, Esme.'

'What are you doing?' Esme hissed as her protectiveness bristled.

Suellen was hesitant. 'Cassandra refused. She laughed.'

'Refused what?'

Her puffy red mouth curled into a faint smile. 'To nullify the Towers.'

Esme paled. Suellen wanted what? The Towers were the only safe way to learn magic, to investigate paranormal and unexplained anomalies and to keep dangerous spirits from reaching godhood. Suellen was the Grand Adjutant Wizard, one of the four heirs to the Grand Wizard title as well, a Wizard through and through. This made no sense.

'Why? I don't understand.' Esme stammered.

'You don't need to. You just need to move out of the way for me.'

Esme huddled closer to her aunt, shielding her. 'What are you doing to do?'

'What needs to be done. Cassandra refused so I must do this alone.'

Esme didn't need clarification. The spell in her hand was seeping out of the book in a lime green mist and the stink of poison filled the room. A plague spirit. Suellen was intending to murder her aunt.

Esme gripped Cassandra's long fingers, pleased when they curled around her own hand. She was there still.

'I'm not moving!' Esme said with courage she didn't quite feel herself. All she knew was that she wanted to protect Cassandra.

Suellen wasn't going to wait much longer however. She strode forward, her shoes clicking painfully sharp across the wooden floor, and grasped Esme's by her black hair. Esme screamed in pain as Suellen pulled her back with enormous strength, hauling her away from her aunt.

'Let me go!' Esme screeched as she tried to fight and crawl back to her aunt. Cassandra was reaching out to her, her focus now coming back to her eyes. They were scared. It tore at Esme's heart. She managed to briefly free herself only find Suellen's arm firmly around Esme's throat, keeping Esme still.

'Suellen... stop this! This... is insane! Cassandra taught you... everything you know!' She gasped, trying her best to breathe as Suellen's arm crushed her windpipe.

'I know, it's why I regret this so much Esme but it needs to be done. The Towers have to go. If Cassandra agreed, this wouldn't be happening.' Suellen grunted as they scuffled. 'Now close your eyes.'

Esme didn't close her eyes. They remained fixated on her limp and feeble aunt as Cassandra reached out for her, murmuring to herself.

Suellen's Grimoir fluttered close, sticking to Suellen's fingertips like glue, never once breaking the summoning during their fight. Esme watched, sick to the stomach with terror, as Suellen pulled her hand away and was followed by the thin smoky stream. It billowed out of the book, following her hand closely, then shot to Cassandra when Suellen pointed her commanding hand at her.

'No! Cassandra!' Esme screamed and began to wriggle harder, trying to stamp on Suellen's feet, as she watched her aunt become swathed in green mist.

The plague spirit was quick to work. Cassandra's body began to convulse in no time. Her skin became almost translucent, her veins bulged as blood began to seep down from her eyes and nose. Her body abruptly began to fight as she gasped for air and clawed at her swelling neck, leaving welting red marks behind from her perfect nails. Rattled gasps left her mouth and she tried to bring in air to her lungs. Bloody foam was bubbling from Cassandra's mouth now and her chest was heaving for air.

Esme was sobbing as she watch her aunt die and desperately tried to break free from Suellen's grasp but the Grand Adjutant was too strong. Esme was aware that there was nothing to be done anyway. Not even Cassandra's Grimoire, filled with its complicated spells and god spirits, could save her now.

Suellen only let Esme go when Cassandra stilled with the last of her life and fight gone from her body. Esme collapsed onto the floor, her face a mess of make-up and tears.

'No.' She bemoaned as she began to pull herself closer to Cassandra.

Suellen didn't say a word, only dispersed the plague spirit and wordlessly turned the pages of her Grimoire.

Esme stared at the corpse of Cassandra. All the beauty, wisdom and life had gone. Her face was contorted in pain with blood smeared everywhere. Her eyes were damaged and now entirely black and her skin sweaty and hot to the touch. Esme desperately tried to find a pulse, some kind of sign her aunt was not dead, but she didn't. Cassandra didn't breathe, her neck was too swollen to allow nearly enough oxygen to her lungs, and her heart was still.

Esme was beside herself and felt like she was in the midst of some nightmare. What was happening? Why did Suellen Denver just murder Cassandra? They were friends. Suellen had been one of the most trusted Adjutants, the one Cassandra recommended the Council to choose when she retired. Did Suellen want the position? But there was no guarantee that she'd get it and she kept saying she wanted the Towers destroyed. Nothing made sense and Esme's mind was too scattered to try make sense anything. She didn't understand what had happened or why and she was desperately trying to wake herself up. Cassandra wasn't a pale corpse on the sofa, she was alive and well, like she had been a few minutes ago. She wasn't dead.

'This isn't happening.' She murmured in terror as she gripped Cassandra's clammy stiff hand and rocked lightly.

Esme was in too much shock and grief to pay attention to Suellen. The tall woman remained where she had dropped Esme, manicured fingers pressed against the page of her Grimoire with a golden white light shimmering about the floating book. It was Absolon who warned her to the danger. He popped beside Esme as she grieved, whistling shrilly in alarm. The tone grabbed Esme's attention and she turned sharply to Suellen. The woman gazed at Esme with strong intent, what kind Esme wasn't certain on. The spell didn't have the pressing danger like the last but Suellen's dark expression told Esme it was something ill.

Esme stood firmly with her wet, red eyes narrowed. 'What have you done, Suellen?'

'What needs to be.' Suellen responded. 'Now keep still please. I am afraid I have some use for you. You'll better the world, Esme.'

Absolon whistled again, keeping himself close to Esme as she shook. She had to get out. The spell, while not threatening, was powerful and taking some time to summon. Suellen intended to use Esme for something and she wasn't going to stick around to find out. Escaping was going to be difficult. Suellen blocked the only exit and was free to grab Esme while she charged the spell at the same time. It didn't help that the lift would take a long time to reach the top floor and could even be stopped by Suellen herself if she wished. There was no way she could leave through the front door which left only one other way.

Esme glanced one last time at Cassandra. She didn't want to abandon her but Esme had little choice now. Her aunt, as much as she didn't believe it, was cold and lifeless. Esme had to take care of herself and find help.

She grasped Absolon and barrelled back onto the balcony, slamming the doors behind her. She couldn't lock it but that wouldn't do much anyway. Glass wasn't much of an obstacle for a high level Wizard like Suellen. Esme just needed a few seconds.

She tossed Absolon into the air and grabbed her Grimoire instinctively. With her heart in her mouth and her eyes sore from crying, Esme clambered onto the thick wall keeping her safe from the fatal drop. She stared down and could barely see the river Oak in the encroaching night. She didn't want to jump but she had little choice. She wasn't going to die and let Cassandra's murderer and betrayer go unpunished.

Esme stared at Absolon as he whistled in worry. This sprite was the only thing that could ensure she'd survive.

'Absolon. Keep me safe.'

He responded with a firm song. He would.

Esme flinched when the door slammed open. Suellen was there, her spell now nearly complete and buffeting her hair and clothes.

'Esme, stay where you are. I don't want you dead.' Suellen said firmly.

Esme wasn't going to trust the woman who murdered her beloved aunt so cruelly. She leaned forward and clutched her Grimoire.

'Esme!' Suellen bellowed.

But Esme wasn't waiting any longer.

'Don't let me die Absolon!' She shouted, pouring all her trust into the protection Sprite.

In one smooth motion and before Suellen could step forward to grab her, Esme jumped.

The air blocked the shocked cry of Suellen and Esme's own terrified shriek from reaching her ears. The wind roared around her head, making her head hurt from the sound and pressure, as she plummeted like a bullet towards the river below. Esme kept her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to breathe, tried to keep herself from panicking. She could die in a few moments for all she knew, become a mangled mess on a rock, and it terrified her.

When she opened her eyes slightly, growing dizzy from the speed at which she fell and how the walls of the Tower blurred, she saw Absolon following her, whistling madly. She had to trust Absolon. He was a Watchful Sprite, a sprite protection and guidance. He would keep her alive. He'd done so since she came here.

Esme's eyes opened wider when she saw a bright flash flicker on the balcony far above and something zip towards her. A yellow ball of light. Suellen's spell. It was chasing after her.

'Absolon!' Esme cried out in panic, painfully aware of the sound of rushing water growing increasingly louder in the darkening night.

Absolon flashed in front of her and raised a shimmering white shield, preparing to catch the spell, but it pushed through, shaving off some of its bulk and light, and drove into Esme's chest.

She cried out in pain as fire took over her and her body crackled with power. She didn't have time to compose herself and suck in air, to prepare herself for the plunge. It happened all too fast. One moment she was in pain and falling, the next she was being held by Absolon and surrounded by icy cold water.

She fought for air, fought to swim against the forceful current and break the water's surface but it was all too much. Her body ached and screamed, her soul grieved and her mind was exhausted. The powerful current of the Oak river won and kept her far below as it eagerly dragged Esme away from her home and the corpse of the Grand Wizard Cassandra.

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