What? Where am I? (Toshiro x...

By jbsunshinee

175K 4.8K 1.6K

You are just a normal Girl in your own basic world and you absolutely love the anime Bleach and while watchin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 23

2.4K 72 7
By jbsunshinee

I ran and ran until I got to Urahara's. I ran inside and smiled at what I saw. I saw Toshiro look up at me and smiled.
"Toshiro!" I ran towards him and wrapped my body around him. He laughed at my reaction.
"Hey." He laughed.
"Happy to see me then?" He asked as I got off of him.
"Happy? Of course I'm happy haven't seen you for months!"
"Sorry, I would've come earlier but I had so much paperwork to do and as a Captain I can't let anything get in the way of wo-"
"I dont care Toshiro, I'm just glad to see you again!" I kissed him passionately and he kissed back roughly but passionately. I pulled away and smiled.
"I missed you so much! I'm glad you came back to see me."
"Why wouldn't I? You are my girlfriend after all." I noticed his hair grew within the couple of months he's been in the soul society.
"Your hair grew longer" he looked at his hair and brushed it away.
"Only a bit, it looks a lot less child-like to me"
"I think you look good-looking anyways, I don't care what you look like."
"On my way here, there was an espada, and his spiritual pressure disappeared, what happened?" I asked getting worried.
"Yes, there was hr escaped through the garganta, I couldn't stop him!" I sighed in relief.
"Which espada was it?"
"I don't know his name, all he said was where's (Y/N)! And kept in repeating it. I got angry, so I tried to fight him! But I failed!"
"Hey! Shut up! Your both alive aren't you! That's a good thing!"
"How is it good that the espada is alive!" He began raising his voice.
"Because I can't bear to see his death again! Grimmjow was one if the only people who truly cared for me while I was in Las Noches! You weren't there for me! All you cared about was the mission! I tried to get you to listen! I knew it was safe! You knew that I knew the future! But you didn't trust me!" I was screaming at him. Why was this happening? I was having a go at him. My vision was going blurry. But then it came back...

~Toshiro P.O.V~
"-but you didn't trust me!" She screamed at me.
"What are you talking about?! I've always cared about you! I've always trusted you!" She looked down holding her head but I had to continue.
"I was trying to keep you safe! Why won't you understa-" She looked up at me with a smirk on her face. One of her eyes were black with a yellow iris.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" I tried to get closer.
"Your stupid you know that. You got me angry. I'm too nice though aint I? I wouldn't even punch someone before I had my power. I had no choice but to hurt people. But you didn't know anything. It's bad, because when I get angry-" She looked me dead in the eyes. With both eyes now blackened.
"My hollow will take over!" At that moment I froze but her right eye turned to her normal (E/C) eye.
"NO! I will not let you take over! Not here! Not now! Ahhhhh!" She screamed in pain. I woke up from my trance and shook my head. I looked at her again and only half of her left eye was hollowfied.
"No! I will not let you take over! I have control! Go away! I don't need you! Im not afraid if you!" Her eyes turned completely normal. She stood there then fell. I caught her and then noticed someone in the shadows.
"How much did you witness?"
"Everything! So how do you think she'll handle it? She'll have to control it soon. She might be powerful but imagine her hollow self."
"She's way too powerful! We have to do something! I can't have this happen Urahara!"
"I understand where your coming from captain. But we must call upon the visoreds once more but this time it will be more of a challenge for them but for now she must sleep."
~le time skip (Your P.O.V)~
I woke up in Urahara's again. The last thing I remember is being in immense pain, and...hollow?
"Oh my god!" I ran outside and looked for Toshiro. He's gone! I can't do this. It's to dangerous! 'I wish for entry!' The garganta opened and I walked through. As I got to Las Noches it was empty it already had cobwebs in corners. I walked around the halls looking for the training area Grimmjow and Ulquiorra trained me in while I was here. Once I was there I saw some stuff on the ground. Some green fabric and a campfire burned out. I saw footprints walking away from the twigs in the ground. I followed them into the outside of Las Noches. Then I saw it, her.
"Nel?" I questioned quietly hoping it was her. She turned to face me with anger in her eyes then they changed to happiness and joy.
"Hey Nel, what are you doing?"
"Las Noches isn't a good place to be without a leader."
"Why don't you bring it up again? You have the power to, and Grimmjow could help also, considering he's alive again..."
"What? Grimmjow's...alive?"
"Yeah he came to see me before he started some drama between me and Toshiro"
"What did he do?"
"Well first he picked me up over his shoulder from the soul society and took me to the world of the living and Toshiro obviously got worried and came looking for me but when Grimmjow found out that in dating Toshiro he kissed me as soon as Toshiro arrived. And Toshiro ran off and he refused to see me and the Kurosaki family refused to hear my side of the story so I went to find him, but stuff are sorted out now!"
"Grimmjow is so stupid."
"Yeah I also told him to leave me alone till he finds some sense!"
"Well your lucky I've come to my senses" I heard a low toned voice from behind me.
"You sure? Coz you kinda ruined my relationship for a while and my friendship with the Kurosaki's!"
"Look I don't know what came over me!"
"You don't know? You seemed like you did!"
"I didn't ok!"
"Well I still don't trust you! But I came because I need your guys help."
"What is it (Y/N)?"
"My inner hollow is awakening and it's as powerful as I am maybe more and I'm terrified of what could happen unless I learn to control it"
"What could we do? You should ask the visoreds"
"But they had trouble with Ichigo! I don't want to hurt them!"
"If you want to control it then you have to!"
"Fine! But ill come back and let you know my progress" I went back to the world of the living and went to see Shinji.
"Shinji!" I yelled into the empty space.
"*sigh* he's usless"
"Well thanks but I think I so quite a god job"
"I'm so glad your here! I need your help!"
"Sound urgent?! What's up?"
"My inner hollow is awakening!" His eyes grew wider. He knew what it meant.
"Urahara warned me of this! I'll get the rest of them!" Their going to need a lot of help to handle my hollow. 'I hope all of you will be ok'

Hope you have enjoyed so far. I thought if I had your inner hollow then it would as some tension during the two year gap in the anime. If you have any suggestions then put them in the comments but they have to go with the story line!

Enjoy the rest of the story.


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