Adopted By Sleeping With Sire...

By music_is_life129

93.2K 2.6K 970

Riot is a selectively mute, 13 year old girl. She has lived in an orphanage since she was 8. Going through ad... More

Riots description
what the hell!?!?!
Ain't no friend of mine!
Old battle wounds
Hey kiddo!
Maybe I'm famous?
Let's Party Hard!
Party Time!
She's Back? Hell No!
Telling Andy My Problems!
Daddy Ronnie and Mommy Andy?
My Talk With Mr. Quinn
Movies and Couch Piles?
Andy Threatens Me!
The Story of My Life Gives Me Hope
Jacobs Back?
I Love All Of You!!!!
Maybe I Should Go Back!
Late night cuddles!
My nightmares
Fake or Break
Read!!!!! This!!!! Please!!!!
Birthday Party Fuck Ups
When it Rains it Fucking Pours
Don't fall asleep before I do
Don't Be Afraid Of the Dark
This is Fucking Important People!

Not my family!

5.1K 142 33
By music_is_life129

We walked into the bus and we all sat in the front of the bus. I sat down beside Justin and he pulled me onto his lap. I laughed lightly.

"Alright, I think you and Katelyn should have some bonding time together." Kellin stated. I looked at Katelyn and she scrunched up her nose in disgust. I just shrugged. I leaned back on Justin and closed my eyes. He sighed and squished me closer to him.

"Well, if you really want to have us bond then we will stay here and you guys can go out for a bit." Katelyn said. The guys all nodded and I got up off of Justin so he could leave. The guys all walked out of the bus and went to the car. I sat down on the couch and watch them pull away from the bus. Katelyn sat next to me on the couch and grabbed my arm roughly. I winced at the grip she had on me.

"Listen here you little brat, don't come between me and Kellin or I will personally kick you out of the house or off of the bus. Your just a little attention whore anyways, no one really wants you. And what's with the whole not talking thing? Is it some kind of attention seeking bull shit?" She said in a bitchy tone. I looked at her bewildered. She glared at me and slapped me in the face. I held my hand to my cheek as tears pooled into my eyes. She smirked and punched me in the face, I gasped and clunched my now bleeding face. She smacked me again and this time her nails scratched my face. The scratches were fairly deep and started to bleed. I gasped again as a few tears ran down my face. I wiped some of the blood off of my face. Katelyn stood up and pulled me up with her, she kicked me in the stomach repeatedly. I coughed to get the air in my lungs and gasped in pain. Quickly I stood up and ran to the bathroom. Katelyn only laughed as I ran to the bathroom with my phone. I closed the door and locked it. I leaned against the door and felt the bruises forming already. I looked in the mirror and cringed at the reflection I saw. I had blood pouring from my nose and the scratches bled and bled. I wiped up all the blood and sat on the floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in them. My whole body hurt. The tears kept pouring out of my eyes. I sat in the bathroom and soon I fell asleep.

I woke up to someone banging on the door. I slowly looked up and checked my phone. 7:52pm.

"If you don't open this door in 5 seconds Riot, I will break this fucking door down!" I heard Kellin shout. I quickly scrambled up and opened the door. Kellin looked pissed as he roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the bathroom. He pulled me to the front of the bus and pushed me onto the couch.

"What the hell did you do!?!?!" He shouted at me. I looked at him with fear jn my eyes. I looked at Katelyn and saw she had make up running down her face. She gave me a small smirk and I looked back to Kellin. "We walked in and Katelyn said you fucking hit her!" He screamed at me. I backed as far away as I could and he came closer. He raised his hand and smacked me right over the already sore cuts. I felt the blood leak down my face as the cuts reopened. Fresh tears ran down my face. I really didn't want to talk to him but I guess I have to now. I wiped the blood off of my cheek and rubbed it on my pants. I wiped my eyes as I stared up at him. "You're grounded, go to your bunk now!" He yelled at me. I slowly stood up and walked out of the room. "Faster!" He screamed at me. Quietly I made my way to my bunk. I'm so done with everything in life. I sat on the bunk and pulled my knees to my chest and cried. I heard the guys talking to Katelyn.

"It was so awful Kellin, she just snapped on me!" Katelyn sobbed. I rolled my eyes and looked out my window. I can't do this anymore. This is my 8th abusive home I have been in, I thought he really cared but I guess I was wrong. I grabbed a razor blade from my suitcase and took off my jacket. I layed down and cut up my arms. I let the blood pour out of my arm as I layed there. I started to get slightly dizzy so I pressed my arm to my shirt. Slowly the bleeding stopped so I got changed my shirt and put my jacket back on. I checked my phone again and saw the time was 9:36pm. I sighed and stood up from my bunk. I got really light headed and noticed that we were stopped at a bus stop.

"Riot come here now!" Kellin yelled to me. I sighed and walked to the front. I kept all emotion from my face and stood by the door. No one noticed me as I stood in the back.

"Take me back." I said. Everyone turned around quickly when they heard my voice.

"What?" Kellin asked. I looked at him in the eyes and spoke again.

"Take me back, I can't do this again." I said a little louder. Kellin stood up and walked over to me. I backed up until I was up against a wall. Kellin brought his hands up and I moved out of the way. "Don't touch me." I hissed at him. He backed away slightly. Justin came and ran over to me.

"Come on Riot your going to stay with me for a bit." Justin said while glaring at Kellin. Justin looked at my fave and his eyes widened. "What the hell happened to your cheek!?!" Justin asked. I just shook my head at him.

"It doesn't matter because I want to leave." I said to him. He shook his head.

"No it matters right now. What the hell happened?" He asked me. I took a deep breathe and looked at Kellin.

"Katelyn gave me a nice welcome home present, and so did Kellin clearly." I said with a small chuckle. Kellin looked at me wide eyed again.

"I-I am so sorry, what do you mean? Katelyn what's she talking about?" Kellin asked Katelyn. She glared at me and then smiled at him.

"She must being going crazy Kellin." Katelyn said. I sighed and lifted up my shirt to show the big red, purple, blue and green bruises that lined up my stomach. Everyone gasped when they saw my stomach.

"Take me back, or take me to the diner. I don't want to be here, I want to be with Taylor." I said, I looked both Kellin and Justin both in the eyes. Kellin looked really upset for a moment so I moved closer to Justin.

"Katelyn, what was the story that you told me? Because it doesn't match up to the bruises on her stomach, or the cuts on her cheek." Kellin said with anger dripping from his voice. Katelyn looked surprised.

"Kellin, she is ruining everything we have worked for. We need to get rid of her." Katelyn exclaimed.

"Get out now! We are done!" Kellin yelled at her. She flinched but stood up and stormed off of the bus. Kellin turned to me and hugged me. I tensed and started to hyperventilate. He pulled back and I clung to Justin's arm as my vision started to blure. I blinked and slid down the wall with Justin still holding onto me.

"Breathe Riot. It's gonna be ok. If you don't want Kellin around right now we can make him leave for a bit." Justin's calming voice helped a little but I think I lost a little to much blood. I put my head in my hands as the tears fell down my cheeks. Kellin tried to wipe them away but I moved back.

"Don't touch me! Your just like all the others, you say you like me and that I am so important, but then you go and hit me. You are just like everyone else, I can't do this again." I said to Kellin. He looked slightly hurt, he stood straight up and walked over to a chair near by.

"Justin, can you leave for a moment please, everyone else too." Kellin said, I clung onto Justin like he was my life line. In a way I guess he was. Justin gently pulled me off of him and smiled.

"If he even hurts so much as a hair on your head, I will punch him in the face." Justin said as he stood up. I nodded and he left with the other guys. Once the doors closed, Kellin pulled me into the biggest hug of my life.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry for leaving you with Katelyn. I'm so sorry for hitting you and listening to Katelyn. I am so sorry for taking my anger out on you. I love you so much, please stay for a bit longer. Give me one more chance and if I mess up again, you can leave if you want too." Kellin said as he rubbed my back. I just nodded and leaned into him.

"You still don't have my full trust back yet. You lost it when you hit Taylor because he stood up for me. Although you know have a lot less from hitting me, yelling at me and everything else, we can try again." I said quietly. The tears still ran down my face.

"That's all I want is for us to try." Kellin said as he squished me tighter. I wouldn't and couldn't hug him back. He was the first male I have trusted in years and he threw my trust away like it was some kind of garbage. Things will get better I hope.

Alright, so I don't think that Katelyn is like this in real life and I think she is a real amazing person, but I needed my story to have a way to continue. Anyways, please comment, vote, give me ideas, tell me what you like and don't like about the story! Enjoy life and remeber to keep living to the fullest.

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